Category: Scifi
Post#3 — Princess (Chrono Tigers series)
Post#3 — Princess (Chrono Tigers series) Princess is a character in a steampunk sci fi series I created. The time of the series is the latter part of the 19th century, located in London, and at the time H.G.Wells wrote his novel ” the Time Machine”. Little did the general public know that there were time machines in operation, and part of Her Royal Majesty’s Secert Service. Teams of adventurers, some from the military, some from the royal houses in England, are sent back and forth through time to correct problems created by both humans and by nature.
Last year I presented a character called “Captain of the Time Agents”. Well, this year, the Time Agents are called the Chrono Tigers and we geta chance to see the rest of the Captain’s team. Princess is a young woman from the royal families. She isn’t always considered capable of performing her duties in time travel, but has shown her superiors that she is more than able to handle whatever missions she is given. Quick witted, personable, and resoureful, she works well with the rest of her team mates.
More characters in this series will pop up in upcoming posts.
#3 Doctor Vincent Hyden
The year is 2067 and the government has a tight grip on everything. Although they put across a positive, happy outlook to the general public, most of the goals the government are working towards are far from fit for public knowledge. Doctor Vincent Hyden is the man they hope will achieve one of them.
The good Dr. Hyden is the leading expert in the newly outlawed study of human animal Hybrids. He was the direct cause of its ban when his serpent men escaped his local lab in Detroit and ate a schools worth of child. However it is exactly this kind of creation, which has seen Vincent recently fully pardoned by the worlds governing council and put to work, in secret, for them.
The middle aged 89-year-old American Doctor now works out of a government funded lab in the wealthy ‘Red Crown’ district of New Tokyo. Currently working on a DNA mutation to allow the growth of soldiers who can breath under water. This, the government hopes will allow them to retake areas of importance that have been lost in the rising sea levels.
His results have been very pleasing to the men in suits Vincent reports to.
Although one thing the government is unaware of, and wouldn’t be too happy to hear about, is the fact that Dr. Hyden is also taking freelance contracts. One of which, if successful would mean that the local Neo Yakuza gangs would be more animalistic than the News currently reports them to be.
Day 3: Surtur, Avatar of the Fire Giant
Story: A Servant to the Cult of Ragnarok, Surtur. This Champion from the Surtur Sect believes that the world will end in a purifying inferno, which consists of using any combination of explosives, napalm strikes, or simple pyrotechnics to cause wildfires and to prompt nuclear/volcanic eruptions. Their Avatar wields a blazing sword named the Muspell, after the realm of Fire. The blade’s flames are however based on an alchemical trigger, as the hilt and most of the blade contains fragments of the Philosopher Stone, and thus is a target of recovery for the Alchemist and the Agents of John Dee. Surtur, himself, is an imposing figure, as he/she is one of the tallest of the Ragnarok Avatars and with fires that are difficult to put out, make him/her a frightening sight.
Abilities: Surtur possesses the fire sword, Muspell, and with it, shards of the Philosopher Stone. By creating friction between the air and blade to ignite fire around it, Surtur is able to manifest flames around the blade. Ignited, Surtur can project flames, cut through nearly any surface, and cast flames that perpetually on the target.
As the sword is a vulnerable target for removal, Muspell’s handle has a chain attached at the end that connects to a metal gauntlet on his left hand. The gauntlet, also contains a shard of the Philosopher’s Stone and allows Surtur to channel flames through the gauntlet, enabling him to deliver a burning touch. Those who have survived a burning touch end with what has been called “The Mark of Surtur”.
Surtur is also a skilled swordsman who works in tandem with heavy sword tactics and working a specialized style of combat using the sword and chain in tandem. He/she is also powerhouse fighter, who delivers mainly brute strikes and hard grapples, indicating a possible talent in Greco Roman wrestling.
Inception: Surtur was a more recent creation that spawned forth after a read of Norse myths and seeing the different beings that either deliver Ragnarok or are spawns of Loki. I modeled Surtur’s helmet after a combination Talpa from Ronin Warriors and Heimdall from the Thor movie. His coat was inspired by firefighters and detailing from Kris Anka’s Thor redesign.
The Sword was based on the Dual Colored swords from Magic:The Gathering and the final touch of the chain connecting to a gauntlet was actually thought up today during my bus trip based on the reasons listed above.
#1 Patrol Agent Mol McGinty
Infinity is a hard concept to wrap your head around. But that is how many realities The Agency polices. To do that, it takes a special kind of person. Like Agent McGinty.
While she might not have any of the flashy superpowers some of her colleagues rely on, she’s crafty. For instance, your standard agent might hop between different dimensions & notice a difference in the way time flows. Only an agent like Mol would exploit that time variance as a means to optimize her training. While she may only appear to be in her mid twenties, she’s spent the equivalent of several lifetimes honing her skills. If, by chance, she somehow finds herself lacking experience in something new, just let her step through a portal. While it may seem like an instant to you, she’ll have come back with forty years of expertise without having aged a second. She’s one of the best agents because she’s willing to put in the time.
That said, some of her fellow agents are beginning to suspect all that time is starting to cause some adverse effects on her mental & emotional well-being. While she’s always been a bit cold & withdrawn, that’s only seemed to intensify lately. And the long quiet, staring spells they find her in sometimes aren’t too reassuring either.
This character is for a story I’m developing at the moment. It’s in the very beginning stages. The main protagonist is actually a different version of Mol (a Molly actually) from another dimension. I dunno. I like the idea of essentially having same person be two completely different characters, & them acting as foils to one another. This Mol is cold & methodical in a Bruce Wayne sort of sense, while the other… isn’t.
The hologram interface on her computer didn’t pan out quite the way I wanted, but I hope it still gets the point across. She’s not the character I was hoping to start off with either, but the first one had a lot of detail & was setting me back That’s why I’m a little behind starting off, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. More soon hopefully, & perhaps more from this story as it develops.
#2 MK – 330
Once a human, little is known of this abomination. His data records indicate that he traveled from the future as a fugitive, injured from several bullet wounds, self administered healing nano-machines hat got corrupted from the time stream causing him to morph into a synthetic life form over time. The accident has changed his character and now he roams the strange land and time he has landed in to redeem what is left of his soul.
330 just began to learn emotions such as compassion and courage.
He definitely has learned to adapt and survive by living on his own
as he had time to rethink about his situation and purpose in
whatever existence he has come to painfully embrace due to his
misfortune, or rebirth.
#2 – Brandon the Cyber Menace
Brandon, having been transformed into a cyborg warrior, is a major threat. Â He is one of the generals of an focused on taking over the world.
#2 Derelict Scavenger
When Earth’s orbit happened to coincide with the wreckage of a massive interstellar battlefield, derelict ships ranging in size from yards to miles rained down across the planet, causing cataclysmic destruction. Â As humanity struggles to rebuild, salvage crews explore the wrecks, driven by curiosity, greed, or a thirst for knowledge. Â Thao is one such scavenger, eagerly diving in and facing all manner of threats to retrieve and study the alien technology he finds.
Probably should’ve spent longer on the background here…well, we’re focusing on the characters, right? Â In the future I’ll try to make the scenery less terrible!
#2 Pyjama Stripe Squid

Inspired by the Pyjama Stripe Squid. Ironically, The PSS is not a squid, it’s a cuttlefish. Ironically, my character is part human part cuttlefish.
Didn’t want to draw a cuttlefish in cartoon form. Maybe part human part fish? Unfortunately, this lady isn’t as cute as these aquatic beings are, but! kinda getting there I think. Wha’chu think? #2 of creature posts for me.
#2 Lonesome-Jones
This is Lonesome-Jones , he doesn’t say much and not much is known about this eerie traveler, his clothing suggests that he must be from a distant past almost “western” including the mask made from a burlap sack he wears on his face. Yet, the strange thing is his left arm is replaced with an almost futuristic canon that shoots out laser beams from his arm.
11/02/2012: Frank Marcello, Agano Private Eye
NAME: Frank Marcello  ORIGIN: Zuras  OCCUPATION: Private Detective
As a young initiate in the order of Ga’uum, Frank, then known by his birth name, Makaro, came to Nexus City on pilgrimige, a ceremony undertaken by all Agano peoples beholden to the “Wanderer God.” During a trip to the Undercity, he and his fellow initiates were assaulted by gangers. Left for dead, Frank climbed out of the Undercity, vowing to take his revenge on the criminal scum that ruled the labyrinthine tunnels below. After changing his name and serving seven years as an officer of  Nexus Security, Frank went into business for himself, opening a small detective firm specializing in gang-related cases. Several gangs have tried to assassinate Frank over the years and, though all attempts have failed, he has sustained numerous injuries and mutilations including a missing finger and a hoarse, raspy voice as a result having his throat cut by a vibro-machete.
Model designed in TinkerCAD and Sculptris (3D print pending…)
Character Background: Rene DeBlanc was an oceanographer and marine biologist. Born in Brittany in France, he had a lifelong passion for the sea and made it his career. DeBlanc won a scholarship to University of Washington in the US. DeBlanc earned a Doctorate in 1956 with a double major in Marine Biology and Oceanography and began a distinguished career in the field heading many scientific expeditions to remote parts of the globe.
It was on one of those expeditions that DeBlanc was abducted by some unknown alien species along with 4 other persons from across the planet. All five members had their DNA tampered with and augmented before being returned to Earth. All abductees were gone less than a night, were apparently unaltered, and aside of vague dream like, fractal memories, unaware of the abduction.
But within 24 hours of their return the five individuals began manifesting strange powers and mutations. DeBlanc began transforming into a humanoid creature with characteristics similar to that of a narwhal. His strength increased 20 fold, could take extended periods underwater without oxygen, and had a tough skin that could resist extreme heat and cold. He also had a psychic connection to the other 4 members of the abduction party.
DeBlanc then sought out those other members and over the course of several months began to develop a bond with those persons. So to the point that they formed a team of adventurers called THE PHANTOM FIVE.
The Phantom Five over the next decade and a half became one of the preminent super hero teams of the 1960’s and 70’s along with THE DIVISION and THE ALLIANCE. Then on a fateful day in 1975 the heroes, villains and people of Earth came up against a world conquering tyrant known as GHOR THE AHNILILATOR. The combined forces and metas of Earth managed to turn back Ghor and his forces, but at a terrible cost. All the Phantom Five but Narwhal were killed in the battle. Afterwards Rene withdrew from public life and returned to his scientific exploration. He currently works for the National Institute of Marine Study in Paris. He occasionally lends aid to other members of today’s super hero community in an advisory capacity. But has not donned his old Phantom Five costume since…
#2 Riza
An alien teenager, escaped to Earth when he parents were killed for speaking out against the Empire that conquered his homeworld. Lost and afraid, living on the streets the same corrupt politician who took in Richard of Kent takes him in.  Given a holographic image inducer to disguise his alien appearance he now uses his inborn ability to manipulate electrical field to aid his supposed benefactor, unaware of his protector’s evil aims…
#2 Clint “Iron Knuckles” Lynch
It’s just another day in the post-apocalyptic wasteland for Clint Lynch. After dispatching a herd of radioactive zombies with a chemical fire, he fended off a small group of cannibals with his trusty Smith & Wesson M29. Now, down to his last bullet, Clint is playing cat-and-mouse with a lobster-clawed mutant.
#01 and #02 – Ceta and Chally
Not a particularly competitive trainer, Ceta’s success at slime hunting comes mostly from the fact that she specializes in an area nobody else reallly wants to try – underwater. She and her partner have found large colonies in the bay where she hunts. Born and raised near the sea, she’s far more interested in swimming than fighting, and hopes to use the scholarship money she’ll get to become a marine biologist.
Ceta built Chally to support her underwater, using its exposed computer core to provide light and improve enemy absorption underwater. Chally’s abilities are highly tailored to fighting in water, which makes it rather vulnerable out of its native element, and contributes to Ceta’s unwillingness to confront other trainers.
The keywords for Chally’s design were Animal, Tall, Plesiosaur Fins, Collar, Plant parts, and Lantern. I decided to throw out the “plant parts†keyword, because I couldn’t find a way to incorporate it without having the design go totally into left field. I’m pretty happy with Ceta and Chally’s names, though. Both of these characters were named for ocean deities; Ceta was named after Ceto, Greek goddess of sea monsters; Chally, though, was named for Chalchiuhtlicue, the Aztec goddess of waterfalls. Pruning it back to a name typical to sea monsters like Nessie or Champ was pretty simple. ^^
#2- Scorpious
*edit* Fixed colors. My monitor wasn’t calibrated correctly.
**edit** Accidentally inverted colors and he looks waaaayyyyy better lol (and this is still day 2 so :P)
Day 1 – Ryan Elizabeth
Ryan Elizabeth is a demon girl who lives in a quaint town in Hell. She’s like any normal teenage girl in that she loves hanging out with her friends and is struggling to like, grow up, or something??? Ryan Elizabeth (please, her friends just call her Ryan) has a part-time summer job at a cemetery in town, where she oversees the arrival of Earth’s newly-dead. Sometimes the job requires subduing aggressive dead people, but usually they arrive very confused and/or depressed, at which point she sees them to the cemetery counselor and returns to her post.
Ryan has had a pretty unremarkable life and has a wonderful family despite growing up poor and having ongoing money problems. She is very bright, intelligent, and kind-hearted but tends to be lazy and completely unmotivated. Ryan does not have any big dreams for her future, choosing instead to live life day-to-day and just “see what happens”. She supports her two best friends with all her energy but often envies them, wishing she could be passionate about something for herself.
#1 Dra’Zun, Guardian Droid
#1 Dra’Zun, Guardian Droid
Character Back Story:
A rouge asteroid hit and destroyed the planet Azari Prime, home of the Dra’Azari Royal Family. The Royal family and the planets inhabitants mounted a vast interstellar survival plan. Financed by the Royal family and all the resources of Azari, 20 ark space ships were created. The survivors would travel to Azari-3, a colony on the outskirts of their solar system. Azari-3 rich with natural resources would be their new home world. The Royal family created their own ship for the voyage, it was to carry their entire Dra’Azari Family. Guardian Droids were built and placed in all ark ships, also named GD-Units. Their primary functions and programming was to care for the needs of the ark passengers. These droids would maintain the ships, cook, clean, police, and educate. On the Royals ship there were 8 GD-Units.
Ezbeet Dra’Book (Ezbeet equaling to a Duke in Earth terms) sees this migration as a great opportunity to rise higher in the family court. He reprograms the Guardian Droids on the Royal’s Ark to turn on the family and kill them all. In the middle of the mayhem Dra’Book sabotages all the escape pods and uses the only functional one to escape. The GD-Units manage to slaughter almost everyone on the ship within hours. A few of the royalty manage to survive the attack in the children’s nursery, including Ezbeet Dra’Hexra. Dra’Hexra uses the ships computer to reset one of the Guardian Droids, GD-Unit 5.
As a result of the reset, GD-Unit 5 malfunctions merging both it’s origin programing with that of Dra’Book. It believes that it must educate and protect the Royal family by eliminating it. It quickly destroys the other Guardian Droids to protect the survivors. GD-Unit 5 then gathers the remaining Royalty including the children. GD-Unit 5 explains that in must protect the Dra’Azari Royal Family. It then attacks them, killing everyone except the 6 youngest. It has calculated that it must educate, train, and manipulate these six children to be the new leader of the Azari people.
In the chaos of the GD-Units attack, the Royalty’s ark ship was sent severely off course. Years pass by and the children become adults, they began calling the Guardian Droid, Dra’Zun. “Dra” for their family name and “Zun” meaning teacher. In the years that have passed Dra’Zun has taught his students to be ruthless, calculating and unforgiving in all matters. It has also manipulated their genetic code to enhance their strength, durability, speed and intelligence. Dra’Zun’s final lesson will be to have the his students fight and kill each other, until the strongest and most intelligent one survives. This “Winner” will be the rightful ruler of the Azari people. He or she will begin by conquering small worlds to build an army, then take back the kingdom. Dra’Zun plans to remain as this true ruler’s faithful servant.
Behavior Traits:
Patient, Calculating, Loyal, ruthless
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Strength, Records of all Azari knowledge
Check out my other 2012 Challenge Characters
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01: Psy-Nav
Character Name:
Brief Bio/Description:
Psy-Nav is a hybrid being designed by the military to serve as a mobile navigation and control unit with combat and stealth parameters. Psy-Nav identifies as female and she has two standard avatar forms: a console-mounting head unit, and a full humanoid body for combat and stealth operations. She is very assertive and has a spunky, abrasive attitude – she blends in well with “the guys” in the units to which she is assigned.
Style Commentary:
I’m approaching this challenge as an exercise-a-day and avoiding themes and solid obligations. As such, I scribbled out Psy-Nav’s body sketch first, primarily in my own style, and got a feel for the character’s personality and decided to do a head-shot. I was inspired by oasiswinds and artchoface from tumblr – the drawing here is, in my opinion, a successful merge of the three styles.
#1 Nexus
In disguise as an earth kid named Billi Watkins, Nexus is an extraterrestrial that lives 40,000 million notches away.
After falling in love with an earth female and watching her being murdered by government agents that wanted him,
Nexus took the form of a sickly kid, seeking revenge for his loved one. Nexus is determined, compassionate, loves passion fruit,
loves to listen to a lot of electronica and has a volatile personality.
Day One: Technopolis Rex
Cursed–! In a mad dash to connect himself with the fruitful god, the cloud gestalt he worshiped, a humble hipster was transformed into a god-like entity you’ve probably never heard of.
#01 Psionic
Not 100% happy with how this one turned out; hand is way too big, proportions are a little off… but I’ll cut myself some slack for having done it in 2.5 hours (including inking and coloring), esp considering I haven’t done any character art in a couple months. It’s also my first time actually using my copics for anything other than playing around with… and even then, it’s been a while since I’ve done that. Can only get better from here!
Gas Soldier
The soldier doomed to roam the gas-filled wastelands. no home, no friends, only the hunt and the kill to look forward to.
Dawn of the First Day (Day 1)
Here’s my first character for the challenge! Going with a horror theme to it, trying to look at the story as if it were a videogame, which will make more sense later. Meet Robert the kitten, only 8 years old and he’s seeing specters.
#30Characters Chatter…