RSSCategory: Scifi

#5 Sepria

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Romana Fabia

Height: 5’6

Welght: 212 lbs.

Race: Soviet/Russian

Location: Parts unknown

This is one of two villains I’m creating for the challenge this year.

Romana was a test subject in a soviet experimental program  in genetics gone wrong. she was supposed to be died but somehow was able to survive and she beings a evil vendetta again society and the world as large.

Powers: Her abilities come from her suit, including flight, dispensing nuclear blasts from her hands, etc.

Personality: Very vindictive, always get her way.


11/04/2012: Rowlun Aimes, Human Guild Merc

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Rowlun Aimes  SPECIES: Human  ORIGIN: Dominion City

Like all privateers in the Blue Knight Mercenary Company, Rowlun was once discharged from service within the Dominion. Exiled to Nexus City after gunning down an unarmed Separatist, Rowlun has since made his way as a hired gun. Although he has gained weight during his time away from the fierce fitness regimens enforced by Dominion protocol, Rowlun remains an exceptional physical specimen. Not the sharpest tool in the box, Rowlun is nevertheless a considerably competent liar, aided in part by his genuinely affable nature. His stubbornness has gained him a reputation throughout the Mercenaries Guild and within the ranks of his own company. Because of this, the Blue Knights prefer to send him on solo missions whenever possible.

Model designed in TinkerCAD (3D print pending…)

#4 Desert planet beast

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Might have done more with this but was very tired. Massive lizard type creature that lives on a desert planet. Adopting a genetic idea from a type of frog that carries it’s young on it’s back in similar type bubbles until they are ready to be on their own this lizard does much the same thing. The sharp alternating temps on the planet make it safer for it to carry them at body temp than to bury the eggs. This lizard travels for long distances in search of water and stores it much like a camel would only in it’s legs rather than on it’s back.

#4- Atyr

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments


#4 XZ-15

| November 4, 2012 | 1 Comment

beep bo bo beep

Model XZ-15 primary purpose is research and development.  Additional information is classified.  Please input your identification number now…

Gnome who NEVER wear stilts to appear taller

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day Three: Nanobot Lad

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is what the singularity will bring, a thousand confused teenagers identifying as animals getting the chance to fulfill their animal desire by use of nanobot injections. Call now and get a bonus vial of zoological avatars and a nifty book-light free!


| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments


| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

#3 Erik Crowe

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

Erik is an arrogant man who thinks himself high above mankind. His pompous character drives him to do good deeds only
for fame and glory, not self sacrifice. Erik knows little about respect, he is very rude to those he comes in contact with.
His attitude towards everything is really selfish. His abundant deeds allowed him to make his costume out of pure gold,
showcasing that he is the most important “god” in the galaxy.

Because of his crude behavior and villainous murder towards evil doer’s, Erik finds him self desperate and lonely in the near
future. Erik Loves material possessions, spatially the shinny kind, mostly Gold and Diamonds. He surrounds himself with
servants in a tower constructed by himself in honor to his might and glory. Erik will stop at nothing to acquire what ever
he pleases.

#4 Tempus Fugitive

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

I don’t have much time tonight so no real origin sketch this time.  He’s bad, he stole some armor, he is from the future.  He works with Black Bow, Riza and The Anomaly…

A man from the future on the run from the law today…

#4 Alien Siblings

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

“what are you poking?”

Day 4 – Abraxas

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

Abraxas, or “Abby” is one of the few Posthumans alive. A good friend of Samael, she was part of a group of scientists that invented the first fully realized artificial intelligence and then decided to take a step further and merge with the machine, so to speak, transferring her brain pattern into a synthetic body. Just like Sam, Abby share her brain with an independent artificial intelligence assistant, ADAM, serving as her animus, her masculine side.

Day 3 – Samael

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

Samael, or “Sam” is one of the world’s first Posthumans. Having transferred his brain patterns in a fully synthetic body, he’s capable of far more than would be possible with an organic body. He shares his new brain with EVA, a fully aware artificial intelligence. In addition to running all the calculations beyond human’s capabilities necessary to operate the synthetic body, EVA also serves as his anima, his feminine side.

Day 4: Zomborg

| November 4, 2012 | 2 Comments

Not much is known about the Zomborg. Is it just an urban myth? Some mad scientist’s idea of a joke to combine a zombie and a cyborg? Who knows. Those that have laid eyes on Zomborg swear that he is real. Lucky for them that since he is powered by cyborgian parts he has lost his hunger for human brains.

#03 & #04 – Morry and STX-04

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

Counter-worker and sales associate for the underground hack shop “Stygia”. Basically, if you see a trainer using illegal modifications (ie, basically everyone), they probably got it here. While in school, Morry was heavily into slime hunting, but never really amounted to much. That isn’t a knock on his skill as a trainer; hunting is intensely competitive. But after he left school, Morry found that hunting was the only real interest he had, and he wasn’t qualified to make a living at it. He became a counter tender at Stygia mainly as a way to stay in the game while still making enough money to live. It’s given Morry a kind of hard-knock attitude towards life, but he’s a kind person at heart, and has found a genuine passion for helping kids make their partners the best they can be.

The monster a person builds says a lot about how they fight, and Morry’s partner, STX-04, is a master of misdirection. Looking at its huge, bulky body, you might be forgiven for not noticing that STX-04’s core and sense organs are actually in its hands. STX-04 started off as a standard assistance core that lended a hand at Stygia, but Morry’s constant tending and tweaking eventually frustrated Stygia’s owner to the point where he gave the robot to Morry just to get it out of the shop.

The keywords I used for designing these two were Modern Art, Bulky, Hovering, Ghostly, Multiple Heads, and, perhaps best of all, Unexpected Hands. I hope to see that last one again. 😀

(You should check out my art blog!)

Day 4: Hel, Avatar of Death

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments


Story: A walking plague on humanity, Hel, The Avatar of Death.

The third of the four Sects from the Cult of Ragnarok, The Hel Sect believe that the world will end by a powerful plague that wipes out all life, giving those that survive a new world to rebuild. With that ideaology, The Hel Sect dedicate themselves to unleashing various diseases amongst populated areas or creating their own biological weapon cocktails. Their Avatar, Hel, is capable of making an individual sick or die with just a touch, called “Hel’s Blessing.” She oversees any biological outbreak operation and was responsible for the viral scare after making a raid at the CDC (The Center for Disease Control) on a day called “Black Tuesday” due to the deaths of over 500 people and 10,00 infected with diseases thought to be long extinct. Her withering touch is due to possessing fragments of the Philosopher’s Stone; which makes her and the Hel Sect a target of the Alchemist and the Dee Agents.

Abilities: Hel’s gloves contain shards of the Philosopher’s Stone. With the stones, Hel can manipulate the biological and genetic compounds within the air to generate and cultivate diseases. Making such a virulant compound allows her to infect and poison people with a touch ,hence the term “Hel’s Blessing.” Her touch is also capable of manipulating the biological composition within an individual’s body to grow tumors, sores, and various other diseases. She is also capable of affecting inorganic materials as she merely withers any object she desires.

The Hel Avatar is wearing an airtight suit that acts as both armor and containment to prevent her from getting infected with her own compounds and many believe that the stones may enable to have her immune to her diseases by synthesizing the antibodies for the various diseases. The lengthy ponytail is actually an accessory and not necessarily her natural hair as it has shown on a few incidents of coming off during pursuit.

As for fighting style, she is fairly limited as her touch alone kills any who comes near her, as well as dispersing any airborne pathogens. When in battle, she usually flees after unleashing a biological attack and most heroes and Agents rely on ranged attacks to defeat her.

Inception: One of my more recent ideas. I went with the half/half design based on Hel being a normal woman on one side, and a withered corpse on the other. With the helmet design, pauldrons and codpiece from Jaguara of Wolf’s Rain. Her ponytail is a last minute addition as I felt it needed something flowing off of her that wasn’t a gown or cape.

Day Two: Trifole

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

Tree-born and ground-bred, he uproots and wanders out, now he walks on concrete streets and avoids dog shite turned white — a far cry from his prior life as a nesting place for birds and pissing place for dogs.

#03 Old Man Clock Killer

| November 4, 2012 | 2 Comments

A murderous animatronic theme park robot meant to mimic Old Town’s beloved founder. Somehow the old man’s vengeful soul has been animating it, instead, intending to solve the mystery of who had him murdered in his sleep 150 years ago.

Rather than continue to perform the founder’s famous speeches as programmed, the robot instead repeats the old man’s dying words over and over again: “Time is after us all. It always catches us. It’s so… scary. Time, time is the predator.”

#02 – Grglftz

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments


I haven’t yet decided if grglftz is an astronaut/explorer of his species, or just an idiot who likes pretending. Perhaps it’s both.

Chaingun Nug

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

#3 Electrode

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 3. Not as fond of this one but today was exhausting. Electrode is a futuristic cyborg type person. She is born into an era of implants. Some of which are for enjoyment and some for prolonging life etc. The wires that run to the one side of the head complete a connection from brain to spine where packs of information have been placed. Sort of like an outer drive. For some people these are used to distribute medications which can be refilled externally into the packs and for some these hold information such as playlists of music….(new meaning to can’t get that song out of your head. )

Day 4 | Burning Arrow

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

2012 – DAY 04

All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.


The Junior Partner is obsessed with bows and arrows.  he saved up pocket change for seven months to buy a cheap plastic bow and and suction cup arrow set with his own money.  he loves Hawkeye and Green Arrow.  We were sitting around one evening getting ready for bedtime and drawing on his bedroom floor.  He started describing a robot with a boy and arrow that was part of him and that he made the arrows out of spikes and trash he found all around.  He could make these arrows combust or shoot lasers…how that would work, I don’t know.

So Burning Arrow is sort of a time warped Native American stereotype sent into an alternative/not-too-distant future where he becomes a cyborg who escapes and has to survive using his hunting and archery skills.


#4 Omon

| November 4, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: None


Weight:3000 Tons


OMON stands for Original Motivated Operations Network. It is a robot with artificial intelligence and an unstoppable force against crime. OMON is the creation of one Dr. Frederick “Fred” Newton, A noted voice in the field of robotics and wanted to see if it is possible to emerge man and machine into one. Due to some unusual circumstances, he suddenly got killed. A group of his fellow scientists has somehow brought his subconsciousness into the hallowed robotic body by using the latest in modern technology and kept him alive inside his new robotic body. Because of  fear and the public’s misunderstanding of what happened, Fred must work in alliance with the scientists and stop all evil wherever it happens.

Powers: Super-strength, speed, able to pick up anything without trouble, etc.

Personality: Optimistic but not naive to his situation.



#3 The Cosmic Horror

| November 3, 2012 | 1 Comment

“I keep hearing noises down here. I’m just going to go a little deeper.”

Last words of Cosmonaut Yuri Ivanov

Day 3: Lunulata

| November 3, 2012 | 2 Comments

LunulataIf anyone finds this legitimately offensive, I can censor it.

#3 Heavy Weapon Team

| November 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

As the amount of ordinance flying through the air at once increases, the situation becomes progressively more hilarious.

Sadly short on time today, so no coloring or the usual post-processing I do to cover up my hideously bad scanner.

11/3/2012: Mother Myshe, Human Priestess of Arac

| November 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Mysh Ki Tarako  ORIGIN: Noctis Secunia  OCCUPATION: Priestess

Followers of Arac, the god of night-flying hunters, are some of the most feared assassins in the known Multiverse. Among their shadowy ranks, Mother Myshe is a legend. A ruthless killer blindly faithful to Arac’s dogma, Myshe’s services go to the highest bidder, provided they’re willing to pay her patron’s dark price. From Nexus City, Myshe curates her master’s hidden temple, sending initiates into the trans-universal webway to fulfill the macabre wishes of her clientele.

Model designed in TinkerCAD and Sculptris (3D print pending…)

#3 The Anomaly

| November 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

Living energy, enslaved by man…

When scientists funded by an anonymous politician (yes the same one who controls Black Bow and Riza) discovered a unique radiation wave approaching our solar system they did not expect their scans to draw the energy towards earth.  Nonetheless they were able to collect and harness they energy in a an abandoned nuclear research center.  Surprisingly the energy proved to be sentient.  They were able to rig up a containment suit to allow the cosmic entity to interact with humans easier.  Unfortunately the process of capture and containment had altered the being’s energy field, if he attempted to return to the stars he would quickly dissipate.  He is now trapped in Earth’s magnetic field, depended on it and his suit for cohesion, and on energy siphoned from the electrical grid for sustenance.  This, unfortunately, makes him easy to control.

#1 Help-Bot ID#108971 “Hep”

| November 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

Help-bot ID#108971, nicknamed “Hep” after the unfortunate peeling of his lettering. Hep was made, like all the other Help-Bots, to help people. Hep loved his job. He did it to the best of his ability. People’s smiling faces were all the pay he needed, as well as the occasional greasing and oiling to keep him functional.

Then one day the humans decided that Help-Bots were no longer needed. They were too clunky, too awkward, too inefficient. They could build better ones. And so all of the Help-Bots were recalled, to be melted down and made into spare parts. When Hep realized where he and his brothers and sisters were going, he was horrified. His whole life helping humans, only to be put down in a horrible death-by-melting. Hep barely escaped this fate, and has been on the run ever since.

No #03

| November 3, 2012 | 1 Comment

Experiment with light and color…:)