RSSCategory: Scifi

11/06/2012: Iolanda Jan Lagunov, Human Blue Mage

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Iolanda Jan Lagunov  SPECIES: Human  ORIGIN: Realm of Illus

Born to powerful wizard ruling over the Godborn Isles, Iolanda was schooled in the ways of magic from an early age. Possessed of an inquisitive mind, Iolanda spent much of her youth delving deeply into forbidden magics found in the ruins scattered throughout the islands of her father’s realm. After finding an ancient and powerful spell capable of tearing a hole in the fabric of space, Iolanda, heedless of the warnings of her peers, entered the mysterious rift. After a harrowing journey through the Multiverse, Iolanda found herself in Nexus City where she was taken in by the Academy of Arcane Studies. Within several years, Iolanda became one of the highest ranking Blue Mages within the institution. Her mastery of summoning and mixing of spells and natural chemistry has earned her high honors with the Arch Magi and, there are rumors that she is being groomed to enter their ranks when a seat becomes vacant.

Model designed in TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

#6 Mr. Brown

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 6-21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: CONSTRUCT

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents:
The 30 Character in 30 day challenge:
Day 6
Hisao Hitoshi was born in June of 1940 in a small fishing village on the northern coast of Japan. Hisao at the age of 4 was diagnosed deaf, and as such became the subject of ridicule and spite among the children and some of the adults of his village. But his mother and father took great care to raise him with every bit of energy and love they could muster. When Hisao grew to adulthood he worked in the same cannery his parents both worked. Though seen by many as an imbecile he was well read and managed even to teach himself to read in four different languages, as well as study many subjects such as engineering and botany.
Be it as it may though things seemed like Hisao would lead an unfulfilled life as a low level worker, until an event in 1960 changed all that. He, along with four other people across the globe were abducted by an unknown alien entity, and were experimented on. When they were returned, all seemed normal, and but the exception of strange fractal dreams, the experience was mostly forgotten.
Not long after their return however. A strange mutation took place in all five abductees. Hisaro’s mutation consisted of him developing advanced powers of telekinesis and energy to matter construct. In short, Hisaro can communicate with his mind and build energy/matter constructs on an advanced level! He also found himself connected psychically with the other abductees. So much so, that events led them to find one another, and form a team of costumed, super powered adventurers known as THE PHANTOM FIVE. Hisaro took on the name CONSTRUCT and became a valuable member of the team through a series of adventures lasting over a decade and a half.
Things ended on a sad note however, as a world conquering space dictator known as GHOR THE AHNILALATOR, invaded Earth in 1975 with a large army in tow. He was turned back in the end, but not without brutal and deadly consequences. All but one, including Construct were killed in the battle to repel the invaders.

#6 – Allie Angel

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

Allie is an alien that has the ability to manifest wings on her back at will.  People mistake her for an angel, which is how she got her name, but she is actually an intergalactic bounty hunter on a mission to recover  a villain that is hiding on earth.

#6 Old robot

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

A robot created with leftovers 🙂

#6- Tai

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

taiOh dear.. No idea how his leg got broken XD

#06 – General Mister Whiskerkins

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

There is a world where the soul’s existence has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, and it turns out that it’s distributed unevenly among species; in other words, some people don’t have souls, but some cats do, most elephants, a few dolphins, and so on. In fact, that’s become the definition of humanity. If you kill a soulless person, nobody cares, in fact most people agree it’s the most humane thing to do; step on a beetle with a soul, that’s execution for your ass. Overall, this society is pretty peaceful. This is largely due to their general, a kitten with a highly advanced soul named Mister Whiskerkins.

“Give the command, General Mister Whiskerkins. Is it to be peace or war?”

The kitten falls on its side, purring and cleaning itself. It is adorable.

“Peace again! We love you Mister Whiskerkins.”


“Sorry, General Mister Whiskerkins, Sir.”

#05 and #06 – Emily and Surveillance Drone 0024

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

A fairly typical agent of the NMSA (Nanopartical Mass Suppression Agency), Emily Granger serves as a Liason Officer in a local high school. Her job is to record the destruction of nanoparticle ooze, and see that scholarship money and other rewards are given out accordingly. She’s also tasked with seeking out particularly talented students who might be interested in joining the NMSA. A basically uncomplicated person, Emily sees her job as protecting the students involved in hunting slime, and membership in the NMSA as the highest thing a hunter can aspire to. She occasionally gets irritated with the decisions of her superiors, which she sees as frustratingly random, but for the most part, she’s a loyal, even dull, agent.

Agents are assigned specific nanoparticle cores depending on their job. As Emily’s job requires her to keep tabs on student, she was assigned a Surveillance Drone. 0024 is an absolutely typical version of this type of core, completely unmodified from default. Generally speaking, the core a person chooses to use says a lot about the person who uses it, and in this case, the dutiful adherance to rules and regulations, regardless of any use that might be had from further modification, speaks volumes about Emily’s attitude.

The keywords I received for this design were Geometric, Humanoid, Four Legs, Choming Jaws, Scrying, and Bulldog Mouth. I was more selective than before when deciding what to use, but I made an effort to incorporate everything that I could. I’m actually rather fond of the Surveillance Drone in this case, but then I love blocky little robots. Heck, my favorite Pokemon is Metagross. ^^b

#6 Akako Yamauchi

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

The passenger starship the Ninsun II was on its return flight back to earth when a miscalculation in its flight route sent it into a meteor shower just outside of Mars orbit. The ship took heavy damage and was pulled down on to the red planet. Somehow the youngest person on the flight of thousands, thirteen-year-old Akako Yamauchi was the sole survivor.

Encasing her body in a space suit and filling her backpack with a solar flashlight and all the supplies she could find Akako left the ship in search of help.

Mars had a number of tiny settlements on it, but no more than five hundred people on the entire planet, she search was almost in vain.

After nearly a day of walking she came across an excavation site, a small but abandoned camp at the base of a massive red mountain. A tunnelling operation had been underway, the tunnel was the only place that still had a functioning air filtration unit so was Akako’s salvation.

She took refuge in the tunnel; finally being able to remove her space suit and breath in some pure air, well as pure as filtration units can produce.

Bedding down for the night in the bed of an old drill team member, Akako was woken from her sleep by a sudden sound coming up the tunnel. It sounded like someone was calling to her in a language she didn’t even know. She was drawn to the call and found herself moving further and further into the tunnel, into the mountain.

Her flashlight, her only source of light guided her down and down until she entered a vast cavern. Crystal clear water poured from outlets in the side off the cavern wall and formed a natural pool, a tiny island of red land sprouted from the serine water at its centre, light filled the cavern from a number of strange glowing crystals in the walls, the light seemed to somehow spotlight the island. Akako was still being called, called to the island.

Placing her flashlight down she swim out to it. Dripping wet she walked across the island, her footprints sinking into the soft sand. At the heart of the cave resting on a pedestal of rock was a mask. It was a deep shade of red with white markings over it. The mask appeared to be the perfect size for Akako, fitting her face flawlessly.

Akako was no longer being called. Akako was home. The old inhabitants of Mars rose from their slumber in the cavern to join their new Queen. To join Queen Akako, ruler of Mars and all that comes with it.

Day Five: Bodey Socksmon

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

Scruffy. Itchy skin under tight tufts of fur. Exasperated, exhausted, extinguished. With a yawn he is all these things and yet as he pulls up a cup, burgeoning on boiling hot, to his mouth and tips in a hot and sweet morning elixir, wipes from his mouth the sticky residue and caffeinated skin, he is for a moment none of these things. He ponders his first conscious thought since he and the sun rose — to shit or shave — and his day is begun.

#2 Sirius Mack

| November 6, 2012 | 9 Comments

#2 Sirius Mack

Scourge of the Spacelanes. Merchant vessels fear him. The Confederation curses him. Ladies love him. You’d have to travel pretty far outside the Core of the Four Galaxies to find someone who hasn’t heard the name Sirius Mack.

Legend has it he was once a highly decorated officer in the Terran Armada. It was the academy where he first learned to fly & fight. Basing his technique on the ancient Samurai of Earth, his skill with a plasma blade is truly unparalleled. Upon graduating, he became a pilot. In fact, one of the best pilots, fighting in brutal orbital dogfights of the Great Saldareme War. He quickly rose up the ranks, & was soon commanding his own destroyer class vessel.

Who betrayed who changes, depending on exactly who’s telling the tale. Whatever transpired, it led to Mack stealing that ship & becoming the boldest criminal the universe has ever known. Who else would have the audacity to steal the crown jewels of the Albus, Critea, & Jojunngan Royal families at one gala, or hijack an entire Dyson Sphere?

While Confederation propaganda paints him as this cruel, sadistic butcher, many know it to be nothing more than a lie. While capable, Mack will only fight when he must. Even his victims will often speak kindly of him. While no one ever wants to get robbed, the people he preys upon often express relief, possibly even get a little starstruck that it’s by him. They call him a consummate gentleman, & say that to be victimized by him is almost a badge of honor. And while he may be just a thief, to many, he’s the People’s Thief, fighting a corrupt system.


Falling behind. But only thing I’ve got to do tomorrow is vote, so hopefully I can get some more done after I get done with that.

This character was the one I was planning on dropping first. When I got bogged down by the detail, I initially thought I’d work on him while I moved on to others. Maybe drop him as the finale. But I hit a wall, so instead I just hunkered down & finished him off. I always wanted to try creating kind of a blaxploitation/space samurai, but never really got anywhere with it. Earlier this year, I started a completely different space pirate thing. It’s on a much smaller scale, not far flung into the future & never leaving the solar system really. But I thought that I could possibly tie that original idea in as fictional character in that world. Like that universe’s Captain Harlock, with a more romanticized view of space piracy. It kind of glorifies the life for the characters in that. The name hit me like a bolt a from the blue one day, but I never got around to actually sketching him up or working on giving him much of a back story. Until now anyway.

The jacket is loosely inspired on a character Otomo had in one of his art books once. I think it gives him a bit of an unintentional Hendrix vibe. Also, I’m not that into Star Wars, but felt weird giving this guy in the far future an actual blade, thus his weird, hard light plasma thing he just kind of projects as his hand mimes holding a sword. That way he’s never unarmed. Other than some tropes in the back story, I think its also kind of meandered from the original blaxploitation vibe I was originally shooting for. I think that was because I decided to play up the space opera elements more.

More soon.

Day 6 | Logan Greenthorn

| November 6, 2012 | 1 Comment

2012 – DAY 06

All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.


Dr. Greenthorn was an explorer looking for mystical plants to help people who were sick when he discovered magic seeds.  When his camp was attacked by jungle poachers the seeds fell from his pocket into the ground causing tendrils of vine and thorny plant to explode from the ground entwining all in the blast radius in cords of plant life.  Dr. Greenthorn learned he could control these plants and eventually used them to attack the leader of the poacher who also ahd enslaved a small village.  Dr. Greenthron tried to go aback to his original life’s work, but became disheartened when the Jungle Spirits told him that the plant he was looking for was only a myth but that he should use the magic seeds to help others.

While not a superhero in the generic term, Logan Greenthorn attacks villains who hurt children, animals or cause ecological disasters.  The magic seeds cause mystical plants to engulf his body and he can use them in any way he sees fit, as offensive or defensive appendages or for means of exaggerated locomotion.  The plants have no real rhyme or reason and are based on the indigenous varieties of pants in the local area.  He can amplify natural effects of plant life or cause them to morph into extreme versions of their natural state.  The plants produce more fo the magic seeds when Greenthorn dismisses his powers.

#6 Phantoma

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Peggeriana “Peggy” Jones


Weight:212 lbs.

Location: Outer space

Phantoma is an intergalactic vigilante operating in all sectors of the galaxy. When she was Peggy, she was once a Galactic Police officer betrayed by her superiors after being accused of a crime she did not commit.  Forced to go into exile and faked her own death, Peggy use her police training and a sense of design to create a one woman force against intergalactic criminal activity as Phantoma.

Powers: Has wristbands that can shoot anything from lazer beams, gravity fields, etc.

Personality:Determined, alert at all coats.

#04: Lucille “Luc” Welsh

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

One of my stories feature an elite group of researchers and innovators.  Years ago I created Dr. Welsh, but never Mrs. Welsh.  To tell you the truth, she has a tragic ending.  There’s really no spoilers in that since that’s when the story starts.  Still, even though she’s not there physically, Mrs. Welsh has a big role.

Day 5: X-O Skeleton

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

The starship was going down. The invading Swarm had taken hangers 1-5 and 7 and all crew quarters. Most of the civilian crew managed to escape in pods, but Executive Officer Maria Marabunta decided to save the ship or die trying. Barely surviving her escape from the CIC, she fought her way to the infantry weapons hold, where she accessed the elite Battle Uniform type Gamma (B.U.G.). Now, single handedly, she may turn the tide against the marauding enemy.

Day 5 Ap

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 4 Olga

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 3 Spivey

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 2 The Face

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

I had to put Manga Studio on hold for now. I was getting too behind, so it’s back to pencil, ink and brush for me.  These are new characters for a comic book I’ve been working on for awhile now.


| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

11/05/2012: BAD-533D, Servitor Convict

| November 5, 2012 | 2 Comments

NAME: BAD-533D  SPECIES: Servitor  ORIGIN: Nexus City

Once an independent guide for prospectors surveying the Salt Cliffs of Naraka, BAD-533D fell in with a bad crowd during his off-hours in the Nexus City services district. After an incompetent breaking-and-entering spree, BAD-533D was apprehended by Circle Securities and, in accordance with Servitor law, was reprogrammed to inhibit his capacity for free will. Now, BAD-533D fulfills his guide duties at the behest of a wealthy outfitter and has yet to relapse into his larcenous ways.

Model designed in TinkerCAD. 3D printed on my Makerbot Replicator and hand painted with water-based acrylics.

Day 5, 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: LIGHT FORCE

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments






Character Biography-William Gibson was born to Biochemical Engineer and GibTech founder and CEO Lawrence Gibson and his Wife and fellow Biologist Alysia.  When William was 4 he was diagnosed with some form of rare brain cancer.  The cancer was ruled inoperable by over a dozen top neurologists.  The Gibsons used all their resources to find a cure.  They succeeded with an experimental form of radiation and chemical treatment.  The cancer went into complete remission and things seemed fine for young Billy.  Then at the age of 12, his parents were murdered by a rival corrupt businessman by a man named Charles Barker. Barker managed to avoid prosecution with slick lawyers, and greasing palms. GibTech was handed over to a trust while Gibson immersed himself in his own world to avoid the grief of his parents demise.  Then at age 14, Gibson discovered he had the power to be a living breathing, self sustaining, electrical battery.  He found a way he could get justice for his parent’s murder.  Gibson dedicated his life to both bringing his parents company back to prominence while also using those recourses to fund his battle against Barker’s criminal empire as Light Force.  He built a suit that would focus and harness his electrical abilities, which he can use in conjunction with the suit for various tasks, such as force fields, electrical bolts, and power blasts.

Recently Gibson has been spotted and funding the activities of the Washington DC based costumed adventurers known as ORION PACT, alongside other members such as Deathfactor and Lady Hades.

#5 – Alexandria “Alex” Blue

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

Alexandria Blue, or Alex to her friends and younger brother (Trevor), is a cyborg vigilante who not only has to deal with criminals on a daily basis, but also her obnoxiously lazy brother.

#2 Fire bat unit

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

wanted to create a different spacesuit with a combo of a flame thrower and preditor weapons.  inspiration Starcarft.

No #05

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

#5 Alien Girl

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Alien girl was hired to steal an experimental device from another alien race.  She was successful but wasn’t quick enough to get away without being detected.  Her ship was damaged and she was forced to crash land on earth.  Fleeing for her life, she has tried to hide in human society using a disguise.  She meets a human woman and gives the device to her for safe keeping before she is captured.

#5 Cookie

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

#4 Mike

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

#05 – Hoshimaru

| November 5, 2012 | 2 Comments

Herewith follow the fragmented facts we know for sure surrounding the Sicario class “humane afterlife delivery emissary system (H.A.D.E.S.)” known as Hoshimaru:

•His name means “round star” in Japanese.

•He was created, licensed, and bonded by the Smiling Knives Organization, a transplanetary-scale zaibatsu founded in the 22nd century that uses genetic engineering and organic cybernetics to create Next-Nature Operatives™: soldiers, explorers, assassins,  caretakers, and in this case, a Bespoke Shamanic hit man.

•Genetic material was legally obtained from existing Commons-Registered DNA arks and seed banks. Like regular barn owls, he is capable of silent flight, can turn his head 270 degrees.and possesses the greatest ability to listen for prey of any animal.

•He smells like maple syrup, but not as sweet… more like butterscotch.

•Barn owls have been thought, by various cultures, to be harbingers of imminent death; the souls of the wicked; or witches. They are also thought to have the gift of prophecy.

•In Hoshimaru’s case, the latter is true, though his creators seem unaware of this fact, and he has not chosen to enlighten them.

•His method of dispatching a victim is as follows: He literally draws death into his ancient Greek coin bearing the blessing of Athena and aims it at the victim. Death then devours them, on swift and silent wings.

•He seems incapable of speech. A partial catalogue of the sounds he makes are: hissing, screeching, shrill twittering, froglike croaking, snapping sounds, tongue clicking.

#4 Dr. Peel

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

No one will ever know how much Dr. Marian Peel contributed to xenomorphology. There’s only so much recognition one can gain while working in a bunker a mile below the Arizona desert.

| November 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

An ear-piercing gone wrong left her with a dimensional porthole warping her already infected ear lobe. Kids, make sure those metal implements you’re sticking into yourselves aren’t of non-terrestrial origin.