RSSCategory: Scifi

#7 Gravlax

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

#07-The Unlikely Neighbour

| November 8, 2012 | 8 Comments

Certainly, Fish can get tired of their scenery too.


| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments


Jerry Khaba brother of the pharaoh, was buried alive with the fallen king’s body. He was a man of looks, fashion and self preservation. He loved tanning, and he wasn’t finished his tan when he was locked in Khaba’s tomb. So he used sorcery to keep himself alive so that when his brother’s tomb was raided – hopefully not long after the ceremony – he could bask in the sun one more time before passing. Only 4660 years passed when the tomb was unsealed, Jerry was so excited! After all the scientist were scared away,  taking one step into the sun, he was overwhelmed by its brightness. He went to block what eyes he had left from the sun, he burst into dust. The above picture is a depiction of what his last moment was like… total and utter euphoria.

#8 Magnus

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

He’s not a doctor… Just so happens to be a kid Scientist… with a very large syringe..

#8 Dex

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here’s Dex, a fighter turned bodyguard turned astronaut.  The astronaut he was working for decided to bring him along on an expedition, which he obviously feels so great about.

#8- the lost cadre

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments


| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments


CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY-Jimmy Aioki was born in a Japanese internment camp in 1943.  His mother died in childbirth, and his father died in the pacific during the war.  Jimmy was raised with his grandparents in Southern California.  Jimmy excelled in school and graduated early from high school at the age of 16.  Jim then went on to cal tech where he was recruited by a military project there to try and re-create the Project Olympus project that created the super-heroes Miracle, Mister Amazing and Kat Carson.  Jimmy was contacted because he possessed the rare genetic sequence that scientists postulated was responsible for the Olympus formula taking effect on a life form.  Jimmy along with 5 other members were given what was actually an estimated approximation of The Olympus Formula.  This resulted in strange manifestation of latent powers in the participants.  Jimmy found that he could control and manipulate water and was code named Mister Tsunami by the army.

The group was introduced as THE DIVISION to the public in 1963 and were used in various military operations across the globe.

In 1975 the group was among other costumed adventurers that joined in the battle against the cosmic dictator known as GHOR THE AHNILALATOR.  They were successful in turning him back, but at the cost of the loss of lives among the heroes, a small town in Kansas, and more specifically all but one member of the Division, including Jimmy Aioki.

#8 Yellow Galactic Seed

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Yellow Galactic Seed. It’s the beginning of time. We all had to come from somewhere. Vomatha, our home planet, was seeded 200 million years ago by the Rulers of the Dragon in the sky. All Vomathans, that is, every animal, every living creature that inhabits this planet, no matter how exotic or unique from one another, has one common ancestor, Yellow Galactic Seed. How the seed changed from a capsulized hemoglobin like pod into a multitude of beings remains a mystery that only the Goddess can unveil to us. This is the first time I’ve seen my own…our own pre-birth existence. Welcome to Vomathan History 101.


#8 Lurve Machine

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Half man, half robot – All lover!

#8 Dinkolas Broone

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

No far out space adventure would be complete without the outright silly, but heroic alien character.  Lovable Dinkolas Broone is the first space traveler from his native planet Jutgo 12.  Little does this carefree adventurer know that one day he will help save the universe!  Perhaps more than once.

#7 & #8: Barry and Gentleshrimp

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

A rather free-range young lady, Barry is a track star that revels in the absurd. Her name is actually short for Beryl, a name she hates, from parents she’d just as soon ignore. Barry’s pretty popular at school, and no slouch in academics, though she’d do a great deal better if she slowed down instead of trying to rush through everything.

As with its mistress, the Gentleshrimp is built for speed. By keeping its mass low and size small, Barry can search for slime in areas larger monsters can’t, giving her a solid advantage in a city full of small places to hide. The top hat actually serves no purpose whatsoever; Barry just likes it.

The Gentleshrimp’s keywords were Animal, Thin, Six Legs, Gears, Tail, and Hat. The Gears actually turned into the lobster plates on shrimpy’s back, so I don’t feel too terrible about leaving them out. And overall, I’m rather fond of Barry and her crustacean, which is actually annoying me a bit. See, thanks to the election, I spent less time on them than any of the previous designs, but I like them more. Which makes no sense to me.

You should take a look at my art blog!

#8 Anya Volkov

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Doctor Ivan Volkov, the renowned Russian scientist, was one of the few people left studying the theory of parallel universes. He was hoping to be the first to prove their existence. Pushing his experiments past any legally safe protocols he was forced to work in secret, in his basement laboratory at his home.

The lab was a mess, half fished experiments and inventions lying across his worktables and floor never to be completed, as he feverishly worked away on a device to produce a portal capable of opening an inter-dimensional wormhole.

Ivan was putting the final touches to the experimental device when it misfired. A bright crimson doorway was being projected mere feet from the Doctor. He was over come with joy. After all of his hard work, it had actually worked.

A shadow appeared in the doorway. A parallel version of Ivan Volkov stepped through; he was flanked either side by humanoid robots.

“Do not mind my guards Doctor, they are simply here to ensure you come with me.” Exclaimed the doppelganger of Ivan. This version of him had a cruel face, twisted by some kind of burn and half covered in metal to replace the parts lost by fire.

The robotic guards grabbed Ivan, knocking him. They dragged him towards the crimson doorway. As the doppelganger turned to follow them he noticed the small fragile frame of Ivan’s daughter, Anya at the base of the stairs leading out of the lab.

Drawing what can only be described as a ray gun from a holster the doppelganger took aim at Anya. She was brave and did not flinch or look away. Time seemed to slow as he pulled the trigger; green energy erupted from the gun. A backpack sat on the table began to unpack itself. Before the energy blast could strike Anya the backpack and twisted and shifted into a robot very similar to that of the Doppelgangers guards.

The blast bounced off of the robots chest, ricocheting into the portal device.

“Damn.” Screamed the doppelganger as the portal began to close, he leapt back through it.

Anya looked up to the robot that had protected her with wonder in her eyes.

“We need to rescue my father.” Anya said with a great deal of confidence for one so one.

“I am to protect you, young miss Anya. That is all.”

Anya smiled.

“Well protected me then.” She exclaimed as she dove through the nearly closed portal.

Her new guardian followed her loyally as the doorway closed behind them.

Day 8 – Foolbot

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name – F001-BT

In the future less and less job is done by the humans, most professions are taken by the machines. There are robot cooks, robot drivers, robot doctors and even robot beggars. So why don’t have fun with robot fool?

#7 Sandy

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments
Mother Nature's North Easter

Due to a recent visit from Hurricane Sandy, her daughter, a North Easter, also decided to pay a visit to my city. Thanks for the 7 inches of snow!

#7 Alice

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here’s Alice, a miner in an area where most of their time for around 4-9 months would be spent underground so they have to have pretty vibrant suits.

#7 Cranio

| November 7, 2012 | 2 Comments


A genius mutant fish who wishes to see the world and solve all of its problems.

11/07/2012: Prance Vichard, Human Syndicate Enforcer

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Prance Vichard  SPECIES: Human  ORIGIN: Zyntradi Commonwealth

Once an all-star Entropy Player on a proudly all-human team, Prance stubbornly refused to take a fall during an important match. In retaliation, Zero Syndicate goons ambushed him while he was celebrating and cut off his leg with mono-filament wire. Refusing to get back into the game and offer his opponents handicap points due to his cybernetics, Prance retired. After several years wallowing in anger, Prance found his pension running thin. Out of options, he hired himself as muscle to a local bookie. After his employer was murdered by Zero Syndicate goons, Prance was given the choice of either working for the syndicate or to join his employer in the Undercity maintenance chasms. Choosing the former, Prance now works for the very agency that took his dreams of being a legendary athlete. Biding his time, Prance does their bidding while he plots for revenge.

Model designed in TinkerCAD and sculptris, 3d printed on a Makerbot Replicator and hand painted in water-based acrylics.

No #07 Female warrior

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

Female warrior

#7- The Crow

| November 7, 2012 | 2 Comments



#7 Loonar

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

#7 Zombie

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

DAY 7-21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: MISS NOCTURNAL

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments






Maya Alvarez was born in Havana Cuba in September of 1940.  When she was four, her father was killed by the local organized crime ring for not paying his protection fee for his small business.  Her mother did her best to try and raise her, but at the age of 10 her mother died of breast cancer.  From the age of 10 on, Maya lived on the streets, fending for herself as a petty thief, and sometime street performer.  Over time she came to the notice of a group of revolutionaries, who slowly indoctrinated her into their group.  When the Cuban revolution broke out, Maya acted as a spy and saboteur.  When Castro came to power in 1959, Maya joined the Cuban Army and earned a commission.  In 1960 her life was changed forever when she, along with four others across the globe were abducted by a unknown alien entity, and had experiments performed upon her, before being returned along with the others.

At first, things seemed normal; all she could recall was in a fractal dream state.  But within 48 hours, she began to mutate, her skin turning purple, growing bat like wings, and developing a form of echolocation that could be used as a weapon like a sonic scream.  She also developed a strange connection to try and find the other abductees.  Through a set of unusual circumstances the group all met up and over time formed a team of costumed adventurers called THE PHANTOM FIVE.  Maya was dubbed Miss Nocturnal by the media.  At first she was considered a loose cannon due to her aversion to her western world team mates, and general temperament to her other members.  But over time she became a trusted and fiercely protective member of the group, going so far as to develop a strange romance with fellow team member Construct.

Then in 1975, the team joined other super heroes, villains, and world armies, to do battle with a space conqueror known as GHOR THE AHNILALATOR.  Ghor was defeated but at a high price.  Many soldiers and supers were killed including Miss Nocturnal and all but one of The Phantom Five.



#7 The Sickness

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

Never EVER stick your face into anything on distant alien planets.  No good will come if it.  Just ask this unlucky space traveler.  He got the Sickness.

4 Moon King

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments


The king of the moon is a moon himself

#6 The Mascot

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

Robots, androids, cyborgs.  Are they ever anything other than lovable robo-mascot’s for a team of space adventurers?

Day 7 | Dragontooth

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

2012 – DAY 07

All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.


In mystical times, Dragontooth was a villain intent on capturing lands and castles.  He enslaved villages using people to mine gold and gems out of the mountains.  he used mystical weapons to intimidate and conquer his foes.  he discovered a magic trident with which he harnessed mystical flame energies   After using the powers for some time he realized that he had  in actuality, been slowly allowing mystic dragons to enter the world via use of the trident.  The dragons emerged and Dragontooth found himself fighting with the people he conquered against the dragons.  By using the trident’s full energies he banished the dragons from his time but as a result he, himself, became lost in time.  He emerges constantly in new eras and alternate realities in order to prevent the dragons from conquering those specific realms as well.  Sometimes he must act the villain, other times, the hero.

#6 Kai-Sar

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 7 – Lena, Cyberthief

| November 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

I am a huge fan of cyberpunk so I had to at least make one character cyberpunkish.

#4 X Plor

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments


A tiny robot dropped off on a desolate world with no idea what his goal or purpose is.

Day 6. Bobby 5.0

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments
Bobby 5.0

Kid Robot, Bobby 5.0

This guy i guess is inspired by Johnny 5, from the movie “Short Circuit”.

I figured he could be compared to a kid version of Johnny. Same personality, same character, different robot! lol

#05 – Captain Cosmo

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

If you’ve seen my last couple of entries, you’ve read about a storyboard contest I entered in the early 90’s. This guy, Captain Cosmo, actually pre-dates Sir Eggplant (#03) and Druckon (#04) by about 4 years.

Captain Cosmo began as an idea for a t-shirt design project in my 8th grade shop class (it was a fictional band – Captain Cosmo and the Intergalactic Airheads), but when time came for a second storyboard contest idea, I decided to give him a makeover and base him partly on Captain Kirk from Star Trek, and partly on generic Sci-Fi B-movie captain-types. His original conception was around 1984-85; his makeover/storyboard was around 1993-94.

Then, Toy Story came out, and later, Futurama, and Buzz Lightyear and Zapp Brannigan were essentially the same character, so it kind of took the wind out of my sails as far as wanting to introduce Captain Cosmo to the masses. Still, he has a crew, and they’re looking for a home, so I’m going to try to make them part of whatever I end up doing.