RSSCategory: Scifi

#10 – Matthew Colvin

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

An award-winning war photographer and correspondent, Matthew has covered conflicts on eight different planets in his career so far, and is anticipating heading to Tau Ceti I to cover the civil war that has broken out there. A diligent professional, Matthew is committed to his craft.

Originally born in Regio City on Venus (which has been terraformed by humans), Colvin immediately got a job with the Interstellar Press after college. Originally working in politics, Matthew was on the scene when Ishtar Separatists attacked a trade conference. Matthew’s photographs and reporting from the aftermath were commended, and since, he has been sent to planets far and wide to cover conflicts there.

Colvin describes the most important part of his job as bearing witness to conflicts across the galaxy, battles and fights that would otherwise go unknown. He is immensely ambitious, but also committed to the power of photographs to tell a story that words simply cannot.

Colvin finds himself compelled to cover warfare because of his growing abhorrence of it. He respects soldiers, but views their work less as a function of pride and protection and more as a unfortunate necessity of a species that seems that it will never grow past war. But if his photographs can allow people on planets light-years away from the conflict to understand what is going on on the ground, all the better. He has been embedded with the armies of invading empires, with rebels and insurgents, interviewed generals and despots, and has been shot once.

Matthew’s greatest trouble now, one that his editor tries to remind him of constantly, is that he finds himself increasingly unable to simply document some of the atrocities going on around him, when his job is not to get involved. He has never picked up a weapon to fight for one side or the other, but he has stepped in on behalf of civilians caught in the crossfire several times.

Matthew is currently living with a addiction to painkillers, a result of the time he was shot and the incredibly painful rehab he went through after the injury. He hides it very well however, and only his editor, Penelope, knows of his problem.

Even with the wonders of digital photography available to him, to create 3D images for viewers, Matthew always has a simple, 35mm camera on his person, should something go wrong with his digital camera.

DAY TEN – The Sioux Chef

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Sioux Chef
OCCUPATION: I’m pretty sure I don’t have to tell you.

Damn misspellings

I had a lot to do after working today, so the was only enough time to rough out a sketch and scan it. Lord, I’m woefully out of practice, but I’m starting to re-enjoy this process.

x-posted at

#10 Lord Wretch

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

Lord Wretch. Intergalactic demigod.

Ocean#10-Miss little space reporter

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

miss little space reporter

“Report~ report~ REPORT!”

No #08

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

SkullMan has an eyepain

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments


| November 10, 2012 | 1 Comment

Abdara the brilliant psychopath

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

Insanity is but a fine line away from the state of being a genius.

One can also say that Insanity is the catalyst that fuels the brilliance of a genius. Afterall,  most brilliant inventions  come of as abstract and crazy ideas to begin with.

Like an unstable and powerful compound of boundless potential, the mind of Abdara conquers all with the power of science.

Abdara’s powerful intellect comes from a thirst, no- a lust for knowledge. Astral physics, Necromancy, Alchemy, Geomancy, Sorcery -you name it, Abdara has dabbled in them all, for he believes that “Magic” (or Magick) are but sciences that are yet to be comprehended.

With his vast understanding of the physical and arcane sciences, Abdara weaves and creates inventions like an artist painting a masterpiece.  Weapons of unimaginable, terrifying power, War-machines capable of mass destruction, Interdimensional gateways, and Elixirs that allow one to survive without nourishment for months with just a sip, were some of the many ideas that Abdara conjured.

Under the leadership of the Emperor, Abdara was promised resources, and his own laboratory (lair) to serve the Empire. The Mirage Raiders were one of the many inventions that Abdara created to proof his loyalty to the Empire.


“His insane ideas has brought us to an age of advancement centuries, no, millennia ahead of our time.”- The Emperor




#09 and #10 – Coriander and Le Pup

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

Many of the hackers who are interested in slime hunting are actually far more interested in the things they can DO with ooze than the simple act of acquiring it. Coriander — real name Alice Monterey — is one of the most enthusiastic proponents of ooze as a fashion statement. Not one to directly compete with others for nanopartical material, the bounties Coriander offers for slime is actually a major source of income for other hackers, and even some less-scrupulous NMSA agents.

Le Pup is actually just one of many, many cores owned by Coriander. As part of her philosophy towards nanoparticle ooze, she uses the multiform ooze to accessorize her retro-futuristic sense of style. As a result, most of her cores are actually fairly weak, and are of little use in a fight.

The keywords that my RNG threw up for Coriander and her disturbing floating pug were Modern Art, Therian, One Pair of Wings, Collar, Tail, Bulldog Mouth. I actually went through a couple designs for this pair, some more menacing than others. Coriander ended up winning out just because I love spacesuits.

#10 Mothminister

| November 10, 2012 | 2 Comments

A supervillain character for an upcoming project. A little Red Skull, a little Abomination…and a whooole lotta moth.

Day 10 – Robert the Robot

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name – Rb-7Db

Robert is a maintenance robot that achieved sentience. Now he tries to learn magic.

#10- Jhet

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments


Karina Mulroney

| November 10, 2012 | 1 Comment

Subject (or possibly victim) of an experimental cost-cutting initiative by the National Astronomical Voyage/Exploration League. Selected for having few living family members and a minimum of other personal connections, Karina was told she would be testing an experimental new type of ship’s computer but was misled somewhat regarding the exact details. The short version is that now, her disembodied head has been installed in a starship as its main CPU and its crew is a horde of ambulant units cloned from her DNA and physically re-engineered depending on their purpose. Since there’s only one actual crew member they only have to pay one salary, and Karina can be fed an inexpensive nutrient sludge as the ambulant units can’t actually taste. Though she tries to make the best of her situation since there’s no way to reverse it, she’s most certainly not actually happy about it, and NAVEL’s main concern right now is keeping her from noticing she is now, for all intents and purposes, literally an armed starship and can leave with their investment anytime she likes (which she is more or less always on the verge of; even when she was just a simple engineering major she had issues with their politics and being on the inside has only exacerbated them).

Pictured here are Karina with the exterior of the spaceship and the three core unit variants; the default, unmodified clone or “clerical” unit, the miniaturized “maintenance” unit, and the “supply” unit, given increased size and muscle mass for heavy lifting. She has a database of other, rather more exotic and specialized models that can be engineered as required. The color of the right shoulder on the uniforms the ambulant units wear is a rank indicator; since Karina was a civilian volunteer, green was introduced especially for her.

Wallace Gibbons

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

An engineer experimenting with radical and somewhat dangerous new techniques in prosthetics. Although he’s accomplished everything from perfect control to simulating nerves to allow the limbs to feel, they’re prone to catastrophic malfunction at times still. Don’t be fooled by his rotund, genial appearance; he is quite mercenary and almost entirely amoral. He furnished both Leuciscus sisters with their various prostheses.

Lillian Leuciscus

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

None too happy about the loss of her legs, which she rather enjoyed using, Lillian also turned to modular prosthesis; although unlike her sister, she opted for entirely robotic ones. Given the choice between getting her legs back or stopping her sister’s insane plans for world domination, Lillian would take the legs and go back to her simple life selling specialty pet food and the world could just deal with its new dictator (in fact she’s sort of annoyed that she even has to go to the trouble of getting them back herself in the first place; she was never particularly motivated before), but as the one goes hand-in-hand with the other, she won’t complain if the world ends up getting saved when she gets those legs back.

Anne-Marie Leuciscus

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

For the first twenty-odd years of her life Anne-Marie was a law-abiding if antagonistic member of society. Then one day she lost her legs and eye in a car crash. Not interested in spending the rest of her life in a nice, cheap, functional wheelchair, she decided the obvious solution was to steal her sister’s legs, which she did, in a caper law enforcement still doesn’t fully comprehend. Afterwards she read Mike Mignola’s The Amazing Screw-On Head and decided modularity was the way to go, and thus began a spree of anatomical larceny to ensure Anne-Marie was prepared for any situation, ever. She’s now convinced that with the right combination of parts she can take over the world single-handed.

11/09/2012: Mohk-Sha, Xitalcit Burgler

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Mohk-Sha  SPECIES: Xitalcit  ORIGIN: The Black Hellscapes of Yorn

Once a simple refugee from the Hellscapes, Mohk-Sha learned to survive in the shadowy tunnels of the Undercity. Learning to modify and train the Calipshee, bio-tech leftover from the Xygonian invasion, Mohk-Sha used this new found skill to burgle homes of those lucky enough to dwell beneath the star-sphere above.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

#9 – Alien Captain

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

The alien Captain maintains a tight control of her ship.  She is on a mission to retrieve a device that was stolen from a secret research station.  She is smart enough to know that she needs to be careful to not draw undue attention to her mission or to draw unwanted attention to the device.  The plan is to go in stealth mode and try to grab key suspects without being seen.

#09 – Ekthuul The Raiser

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Ekthuul is a female Achodut — her cool green skin and beautiful dorsal spines are a dead giveaway, very distinct from the giant sailfins and blue skin of the males. The name ‘Ekthuul’ most closely corresponds with a symbol set humans would call alchemical, complemented with a set of the heavier elements from our Periodic Table. She holds the most honored title of ‘Raiser’ because she is the best at raising energy levels – not only of individuals, but increasing the capacity of devices, and vehicles. She is ‘The’ Raiser, the one who discovered the gateway to the Transit System, including the line which, by all indications, leads to a source of unlimited energy, enough to raise all the Achodut to what we would call godhood, but what they refer to as the ‘Steady State’. Ekthuul is currently exploring the Transit System armed with the finest Harmonic Detractor, a weapon which draws upon the bearer’s willpower to siphon off underlying energy patterns from other creatures.

A point of etiquette: don’t call her cold-blooded. In fact, she believes human notions of ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ blood to be metaphor at best, and backwards ignorance leading to lowered energy levels at worst. It is, as they say, “un-raised”.

DAY 11: 21st Century Sandshark Studios presents: SHADOW MAGE

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments





Character Biography-Gindrell Thorne is the 112th Necromancer, tracing her family back to the 6th Century BC.  Her family have been the keepers of The Thorne Grimmuar, a mystical encyclopedia of sorts.  As such she is considered one of the most powerful magic folk in the known universe.  She was born in 2572 to Marcale and Judial Thorne, was trained in the magical arts, before taking the mantle from her mother in 2597.  (Her parents are from Brelle IV and are New Reformed Pagans, in her religion the man takes the female name upon marriage.)  In 2602 she received a vision to meet up with a group of various persons to deal with the forces of Kraul on Golundan IV.  She defeated Kraul and eventually became a member of the pre-eminent costumed adventurers of the early 27th century known as THE GOLUNDAN CORP.

DAY 9: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: THE SHADELING

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments





Character Biography- Randall Kiplard was born in Leavenworth Kansas in February 1924.  His parents were simple farmers who survived the dustbowl and Great Depression.  Of their 6 children 2 died during the depression of dust lung.  Three more died in Europe or The Pacific in World War II.  By the time Randall returned from his tour of duty in the Atlantic Theatre, his parents were both ill from various ailments. By 1947 Randall had become the sole survivor of his family.  He was forced to sell most of his family farm, but kept the house and a small plot for himself.  Randall enrolled himself at college and got a job to help make ends meet, but in time he put himself through medical school and became a general practitioner.  For the next several years he became the town doctor, and had a prosperous practice.  Then in 1962 Randall was approached by the Army to be part of their experiment.  He was determined by undisclosed clandestine obtaining of DNA sample that he had the genetic markers to undergo a process that would attempt to re-create PROJECT OLYMPUS that gave the world Mister Amazing, Miracle, and Kat Carson a generation earlier.

Kiplard after some persuading agreed to submit himself along with several others of similar genetic marker, to the process.  The end result was a group of government controlled supers known as THE DIVISION.  The group was introduced to the public in 1963 and over the next dozen years were used to combat several US threats across the globe.  Kiplard was dubbed THE SHADELING due to his power to manipulate shadows into a semi-solid state and even use it as a form of teleportation.  However, his teammates and others noticed that Kiplard exhibited certain behavioral changes when exposed to prolonged exposure to THE SHADOW DIMENSION.

Things came to an end sadly to The Division in 1975, as they along with dozens of other heroes and villains came to fight a cosmic invader known as GHOR THE AHNILALATOR.  They were able to overcome him and his army.  But at a loss of over 20,000 civilians, 7000 Allied soldiers and most of the meta and super hero community.  All but two of the Division lost their lives.  Strangely though Kiplard’s body was never recovered.

Day 9: Dr.Plastelinious

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Yup. Let me introduce you to the mad scientist slash doctor (pun intended) of Lego City. Doctor Plastelinious has a thing for…plasteline. And after devoting his entire life to it, he has managed to bring it to life! Thus the symbiotic and freewiller Knightmare that escaped from Plastelinious’ army in order to be on his own. But he needed a host, so he found Pat Raponick.

The army of Doctor Plastelinious hunts him down ever since…

#9 The Keeper

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Keeper rules his prison planet with an iron fist.  No one has ever escaped his maximum security unit.  Many have tried, all have failed.  No one outsmarts the Keeper.

# 9 Dr. Ainarcimeh

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

He treats chronic headaches.

11/08/2012: Molg, Ginza Hive Soldier

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

The primitive warrior race known as the Ginza are from a lonely star system on the farthest ring of Esrah’s Belt. Uplifted from a stone-age civilization to work as bodyguards and hired killers, many Ginza have found their way to Nexus city as part of a merchant or noble’s retinue. Though compact and relatively clumsy, the Ginza are incredibly strong, their deadly beaks able to cut through flesh, bone, and carapace with ease. Ginza bites have even been purported to bypass power armor on more than one occasion. If there is one downside to the utilizing the Ginza as retainers, it is their willful stubbornness. Matched with a level of intelligence bordering on non-sapience, the Ginza can become easily confused and, once a notion is in their head, there’s no dissuading them from it.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

Day 9 – Cyborg

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real Name – Andy Thornton.

Abilities – cybernetic right arm with enhanced muscle power and built-in weaponry, also he is a master with almost all guns.

Occupation – mercenary, gun-for-hire.

Day 9 | Blue Lightning

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

2012 – DAY 09

All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.



A “spaceman” who lives in the clouds absorbing electricity until he has to swoop down into the city to save people of fight villains.  When pressed to describe what “spaceman” means The Junior Partner could not decide whether that meant “astronaut” or “alien”…so he decided on alien astronaut trapped in the clouds fighting the bad guys who keep trying to capture him and take him back to his home planet and steal his lightning suit.

Blue Lightning has… lightning powers, but also “electric lasers” that he shoot out of his eyes to melt weapons.

#9 Golem

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Harry Gomas


Weight: 3000 lbs. Race: Caucasian/Dominican

Age: 27  Location: New York, NY

Harry was 17 when he was involved in a near death explosion causing a laboratory experiment bonded with his bio-genetic chemistry, causing both to become one. Now in  his 20’s, he’s able to control his ability to transform into being able to think carefully and focus on what he wants.

Powers: As Golem, he has the ability to create anything with his mind while be able to created himself into boats, A wall, etc.

Personality: A Go Getter. Always self assure.



Day 8: Ripped Genes

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

They found the small toddler when they raided the laboratories of the deranged Dr. Meauro. Who was this young boy?  Was he Dr. Meauro’s son? Or was he some unbelievable product of his mad science? The boy seemed normal, albeit traumatized, for his first few weeks in custody of the state. But then he learned to climb as fast as he learned to walk. Then his body began exhibiting many manifestations of very inhuman anatomy. Bony ridges just under his skin, grasping, climbing fingers, strangely colored fur, sensitive protrusions, and more. As he grew stranger and stranger, everyone wondered, just how was he created and what is in his genes?

#8 – Alien Guard

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Various guards patrol the alien space craft looking for intruders.  The ships twisting tunnels require guards that can travel any surface with or without the gravity turned on. They have guns on there backs that will spray the sticky mucus their body produces and stores in a container in the rear.  Their rotating eyes with sensitive antenna can detect motion and changes in light up to 60 feet away, making it difficult to hide from them.  Their mouths contain several long tentacles they can use to carry objects or capture intruders.  They were designed to capture escaped prisoners and not to kill intruders, which is why they don’t have any way to harm anyone.

#6 Lonely Traveler

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments