RSSCategory: Scifi

#13 Tokuman

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name:  Joe Tasmaji

Height: 6’0

Weight: 198 lbs.  Race:Japanese/Hispanic

Age: 27 Location: New York, NY

Joe is an accomplished artist and a part time martial artist working at his uncle’s Dojo on the Lower East Side. One day he found that he has the power to become a guardian to fight for justice. He was given a belt and  can transform into Tokuman, one of the 12 guardians of the Tokumagu, warriors of an ancient warrior race that existed before humans.

Powers: hand to hand combat, martial art skills, endurance, using weapons upon command, etc.

Personality: Sarcastic, able to pull off anything he puts his mind to.

#6 Benny Angles

| November 13, 2012 | 4 Comments

#6 Benny Angles

Dr. Henrik Sonnenberg, while quite wealthy, was what you might call… eccentric. Founder of the no way ominous sounding Sonnenberg Group, he was always a big idea guy. Like when he first started floating around the idea of sticking a maximum security prison at the bottom of the ocean. Everyone questioned the practicality. But they built it. Benthomax, the largest private prison on Earth. When they couldn’t fully staff the facility, it was Dr. Sonnenberg who brought up the idea of genetically engineering the rest of the staff. With more issues of practicality & now morality being brought up, the company kept it on the down low that these creations were in fact spliced with deep sea DNA. It was a twofer. A security workforce that also functioned as an experiment in hybridization.

That was five years ago, & this is Benny Angles. He works the commissary. He got his name not through being part Anglerfish (though it didn’t hurt), but by always working the angles. As a vat grown creature, he may look like an adult but he’s still developing mentally, & at a very formidable age. Spending all his time around dangerous felons has had its effect & he’s developed quite the colorful persona. He enjoys his work at the commissary. For a price, he’ll get you whatever it is you need. He has his ways.

Word has it around the prison that his fellow hybrids are starting to get fed up with taking orders from genetically inferior humans on the surface. There’s talk about a revolution. At his core, Benny writes it all off as self-righteous horseshit. He likes the status quo, he likes his gig. A revolt could ruin that. That said, he’ll of course do his thing & work the angles, so long as it all works out for him.


Another character I didn’t really have a plan for when I started. Over time he became this angler fish/guy/thing. I made him big & tall because I figured the deep sea part of his genes would be anticipating a lot of pressure, only to grow like a beanstalk without it. Stupid me though, the thing around his neck is supposed to be a mist spraying thing so he gets some water vapor in his lungs. And what do I do? Stick a giant cigar in his mouth. Yeah, way to go. That makes a whole lot of sense.

He or something like him may show up in the story my first character this year was designed for. But that wouldn’t be for a bit yet.

# 10 Ambassador Quarlron

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments


He’s very sensitive about the size of his antlers.

#5 Warrant Officer Marsh Keaton

| November 13, 2012 | 2 Comments

#5 Warrant Officer Marsh Keaton

Join the Colonial Corps of Fabricators, they said. It’s the military lite. No fighting, just programing. Getting nanobots to make specialized parts. A pretty kushy gig, they said.

And for four Terran cycles, it pretty much was. Being stationed on the under developed outpost planet of Rebus XI was almost like getting sent to a desert island paradise. Deep within Colonial territory, it was right next to a wormhole relay hub, & only recently on the up & up as a tourist destination. There never seemed like any chance of the fight coming to them. But it did.

It was quick & brutal, blitzkrieged by an unknown alien force. Word amongst the survivors is they took over the relay hub first & then the Rebus system, putting a choke hold on the whole supply line. Now it’s up to the Colonial Corps of Fabricators to turn their nanomachines into weapons & become a resistance. Stranded light years away from reinforcements, their only option is to fight.


I’ve got a couple ready to post & I’ll have them up soonish. Here are two in relatively quick succession. This character was a guy I just started sketching without much of jump off. I veered kind of rockabilly with the hair & some of the tats. The story came later, & borrows elements of a story idea I’ve been trying to turn into something for a bit now. Something a little Die Hard like about dudes using Nanotech bombs that eat away at everything, but then somehow needing to make a break for it before it ate them too.

I opted for blue camo, not out of an urban setting but thinking instead of photosynthetic plantlife, the planet he’s stationed on is filled with cyanobacteria. I don’t know why he’s got the note pad thing happening on his left leg given he’s got a super computer built into that gauntlet he’s got. I assume the lens on the back of his hands shoots holograms that he uses to control nanobots. Also I think his name is terrible, but whatever. I’ll have another up shortly after writing its description.

Day Nine: Space Piratex

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments


Space, that was the dream. Space — the place children (our future) all across her country had lived for, before they discovered reality TV in their teen years, the place though which ufological wonks of all ages had wanted to drift.
The actual place was less majestic than the men and women of science-based television programing had promised and closer to an afternoon floating with the refuse of a billion people in the waves of a Lama Island beach in a waning Summer.
The Space Piratex probe didn’t mind, for a start she’d never been to any of Lama Island’s waste-disposal beaches and so was unable to see the sad similarity. No, an enterprising class of public school over-achievers hadn’t built her to despair at the state of the space, Space Piratex had been built to win that class the finals of the “Sweep It Under the Rug: Environmental Solutions” competition. Her directives were clear: clean, clean that cosmos up long enough to get her masters a photo in three of their local papers. It was a task she probably could have completed too, if it weren’t for those attention lacking kids and their rudimentary android building skill sets.

#13 Dino, the telekinetic dog

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

Dino good boy! Dino find tasty alien engine part! Now Dino move things without mouth or paw! Dino finally get that squirrel!!

Dino good boy!

#11 and #12 – Eddie and Venus

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

Up until now, most of the trainers and monsters we’ve seen have been pretty low on the competitive scale. Venus here is probably our first real example of a high-level competitive blob monster; Eddie, on the other hand, is nowhere near our first example of a competitive-level trainer. See, Eddie is the son of a very rich construction magnate, and having a very large, powerful monster under your control is a sign of real success. And heaven forbid a rich kid’s gonna walk around without the latest in status-proclaiming technology, so daddy took it upon himself to get the best monster money could buy. He even commissioned a famous artist to design the creature’s final appearance, which is why it seems so completely out of place next to a precocious teenager like Eddie.

Let’s take a look under Venus’s hood, shall we? First off, Venus has multiple computer cores, which are required to manage the huge amount of nanoparticle material that makes up her body. These interlocking cores also boost her defense significantly, since she can afford to lose one or two without going completely offline. The egg-shaped things that orbit her body are used for defense and scouting, as well as giving her a way to explore smaller, tighter areas that her huge body would never fit into. They can also be used for offense, boosting the sonic resonance patterns that form Venus’s main attack method.

Of course, all of this is rather lost on Eddie. Rather than being stunned or worried about the frankly immense power that Venus affords him, Eddie’s decided that the clothes make the man. And since he’s got the latest in blob monster technology, he’s obviously the best trainer ever. In short, Eddie’s the kind of kid who confuses buying his way to the top of the leaderboard with being extremely good at the game.

The keywords I got for Venus’s design were Geometric, Sphere, Whale fins, Lantern, Eggs, Orbitars. Usually, the Geometric keyword suggests that the resulting monster will be an NMSA agent, but in this case, I felt that the strong suggestion of a whale felt better with a student, especially if it was a student with ties to the Agency.


| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments


AeroGale is a superhero whom doesn’t know the word retirement. Been saving the world since his 20’s, hes been in the service for 60 years.  His name is a representation of what hes known for, flying really fast and willing the weather to his whim.

11/12/2012: Jedel Parghoga, Zyntradi Gunslinger

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Jedel Parghoga  SPECIES:  Zyntradi  ORIGIN: Zyntradi Commonwealth

A renowned sharpshooter and notorious psychopath, Jedel’s guns are for hire to anyone with enough credits and moral lenience to meet their price. Little is known of Jedel’s past, though one can often tell where Jedel has been based on the “splatter art” left behind. Jedel considers itself a true artist, canvassing the walls with the its opponents’ ichors.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD, 3d printed on a Makerbot Replicator and hand-painted with water-based acrylics.

Day 10 – Tom Cockpit, Agent of iBrother

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

I was in a superspy mood, having watched The Avengers and Skyfall during the weekend.

#12- Mr Prickles

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

mr prickles

DAY 12: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents….THE JURYMAN 2502

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments





CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY: In the late 21st Century man began to reach out into deep space long term travel and colonization. Several in and extra solar system establishments sprung up including one funded by a joint American/Japanese/Saudi operation of the colony York Al Medinah Edo after the home cities of each corporate entity.  By the early 22nd Century the great powers of Earth had become embroiled in a Third World War.  The colonies realized that they wanted no part of what would be mutually assured destruction of the home-world   The 12 colonies seceded from Earth jurisdiction and formed a confederacy for mutual commerce and defense.  Over the next 400 years the colonies joined other worlds and non-human civilizations to form the entity known as The United Stellar Conference.

York Al Medinah Edo became major industrial hubworld and as such became prey to many of the problems a large urban center suffers.  Corruption, crime and social unrest became rampant.  From this world came a man by the name of Mohammed Alan Akita, who worked for a cybernetics firm known as TransCyber Interplanetary.  Mohammed was a brilliant cyber-neurologist, who was on the verge of developing a technique of downloading human consciousness itself. Unfortunately his research was cut short when he stumbled upon information of what his work was to be used for, and subsequently murdered in his lab, and made to look like an accident.  But before his death Mohammed was able to transfer his consciousness into inter-webscape.  Mohammed eventually found a way to in cyberspace to construct a robotic body for him to implant his consciousness.  Mohammed had a passion for the Heroic Age adventurers of the early 20th to mid 21st Centuries.  His favorite were two men of different era’s known as the Juryman.  Mohammed took on this identity to do battle with the corrupt and criminal elements of York Al Medinah Edo and beyond as the new Juryman!

#12 Yellow Crystal Star

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

Yellow Crystal Star spends most of his time traveling the galaxies by portal warping from black hole to black hole. He can travel at the speed of 12 light years per hour. He’s currently working on moving that jump speed up to 20 ly/h. His goal is to be the fastest and most brightest star in all the universe.

11/11/2012: Tahun Lahtu, Dividaki Thief

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Tahun Batari Lahtu  SPECIES: Dividaki  ORIGIN: Dividar Prime

Escaping from a Tartaran slave mine when he was a youngling, Tahun Lahtu grew up on the streets of Nexus City as a pickpocket. Not without honor, Tahun uses his good looks and talent for black magic to steal only from the very wealthy and the irrevocably corrupt. Since Circle-Tech has come to Nexus City, Tahun has done everything within his power to make their stay as difficult as possible.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

#11 – Phone Tree Woman

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

[co-created with Ken Barnes] Endlessly riding in the Transit System is a woman attempting to navigate her way through an increasingly complex automated phone program.  It started off small, simple, and frustrating, but with each call she makes it one step farther.  It consumes her attention now to the point where she ignores nearly all stops, and most people as well, except when the phone is charging.  The tree itself gets eerie complex as well — its instructions generally come in the form of telling one to press one or two, but have now extended to real-world instructions.  (To speak to an operator, put the phone down and pick up a gun.  Walk twelve paces into the square, shoot the first person you see on the right, elude pursuit, then dial this number again and press 2.)

She has some kind of telecommuting job which enables her to do this, however she is growing increasingly forgetful of it as her duel with the telephone tree consumes her.  She never gets ahold of a person on the phone.  (Like, ever.)

She believes that if the telephone dilemma is not resolved, then the Collectors will come for her.

#11 – Commander Xeizot

| November 12, 2012 | 0 Comments

Commander Xeizot is in charge of an armada of spaceships within our galaxy.  He was once a strong leader but he has gotten fat and lazy over the years.  He follows orders from high command when it’s convenient to do so, but his loyalty can be bough by the highest bidder.  His men respect his leadership because of the man he used to be, but those closest to him question his motives.

#11 – Experimental Cyborg Type Human Taser

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Another unwilling victim of the mad scientist’s experiments.  This time, it’s a cyborg who has been given limbs that generate electrical currents.  Because she doesn’t know how to deactivate this, she has grown to hate her new form, and wishes to have, at the very least, normal cybernetic limbs.


If she can’t find out how to control or remove her weapons, she fears that more people will die because of her.

#11 Purge (assimilation mode)

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

As part of an insidious alien invasion, the Purge unit is deposited into large population centers, disguised as a child’s action figure.  When it has located sufficient material and energy resources, it switches from the insertion mode to the assimilation mode, and begins conversion of local matter into body mass. This process continues until the Purge unit has reached sufficient size to overwhelm the local population, or until the local resources are depleted.

#11 Gyphhin

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is a tribute to Keith Giffin, who created some of the funkiest supporting characters in comics history in his distinctive style.

No #11

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

I’m experimenting with light and shadow. That’s been my ambition from the start of this challenge


#4 Terrail 12

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

This character was inspired by ben ten. Ben ten is one of my favor cartoon shows of today. I figure if I would do my version of ben ten, terrail 12 is my answer.  I would have my character transform into his environment.  For example, he live in the hood I’ll have him turn into a street thug, with so much anger and rage that’s his strength.He’ll turn into a pimp and his power is his back hand smack can crush mountains ( i hope everybody know where I’m going with it :O ).  I want have the electric watch on his wrist he’ll wear it on his neck like ice just flashing. Terrail has a hip hop hood mental mind, grinding. I hope everybody in the cyber world like this character, later, one..

#5 Svetlana the Llama

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Svetlana Camelinskii was a new intern at a genetic engineering laboratory. Two weeks later her coworkers found Svetlana to somehow have been spliced with a llama. She didn’t seem to notice, so no one said anything. Work carried on as usual.

#3 Incredible Small Ant

| November 11, 2012 | 2 Comments

Atom inspired this character.  I hope everybody in the cyber world like this character. one..

#2 Unknown Squirrel and Knuckles

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Secret squirrel was a cool show. He had so many gadgets it was crazy.  I change him up and I got rid of the hat. I change his sidekick and made him tougher. this would be my characters design if  I would relaunch the show. The show would be very serious and dark with some drama. The character will still have some cool gadgets. I hope everybody like this character design. one…

#11 Armer

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Christina De La Cruz Fabian


Weight:105 lbs. Race:Latin-American

Location: Inwood, NYC

Since today is Veteran’s Day, I might has well create a character for this occasion.

Lisa served in the war in Iraq and has been a military brat most of her life before settling in the Inwood(Upper Manhattan)area. The US government has enlisted her to serve again, this time by wearing a specially designed suit of armor filled with the latest in US military technology. Armer stands for Armored Readied Motivating Every Regiment. She’s a powerful force in eliminating any force standing in it’s way.

Powers: Super-Strength, endurance. Hidden compartments including missiles and explosives in various places throughout the suit.

Personality: Proud of her country but not conceded. Not afraid of a challenge in front of her.

#11- abel

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments



| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 11 – Blue Alien

| November 11, 2012 | 1 Comment

Real Name – B’Horz Gdann

Occupation – Conquerer

He comes in peace on every planet and leaves planets torn asunder. He is gentle and homicidal, friendly and murderous. That is his nature. He would be glad not to kill anyone, but he was born that way.

#10 – Experimental Cyborg Type Blizzard Cold

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Type Blizzard Cold is another of the mad scientist’s transformation of a human subject.  She is given robotc hands that allow her to freeze targets using an extremely cold liquid.  Aware that she was transformed by a madman, Cold immediately betrays him and leads the rest of the subjects out of his lab.  Having a strong sense of justice, she uses her new weapons against criminals and evildoers instead.

11/10/11: “Iron” Jack Savage, Pookah Soldier

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Jack Savage  SPECIES: Rabbit Pookah  ORIGIN: The Seelie Realm

After losing his arm to a dire wolf in the great war against the Unseelie kin, Jack was bestowed a metal of honor by the knights of the Silver Court. In addition, Jack was given with a powerful, magi-tech arm, a gift from a renowned gnomish tinkerer. Though honored as a hero among the fey folk, the war left Jack bitter and paranoid. He no longer belonged in the Seelie lands. Hoisting his knapsack over his shoulder, Jack walked through the shimmering bright of Viscaria’s Mirror, never again to look back on the light of Titania’s realm.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

#9 – Experimental Cyborg Type Grunt

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

A mad scientest has taken a select few humans and decided to test out his latest cybernetic technology on them.  If successful, he will do the same to other humans to build an army of killing machines.  Type Grunt is just a basic cyborg.  But he doesn’t want to kill anyone, and is too lazy to do any real fighting.