RSSCategory: Scifi

Day Eleven: Ardent Way

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

It had all lead to this, she’d put in a hell of a lot of effort to get this far, the odds had been far out of her favor and yet she had triumphed. A cup of coffee, altogether too hot and sweet, was hers. Triumph.
The darting eyes of waiters under thick black hair and too much pressure from the obnoxious American canoe competition team on table four had not looked her way, the steaming pots of cheap coffee and weak tea poured by without ever diverting in their path to her table but still she had triumphed over the odds. With a cunning combination of feminine charm and obstinate determination that comes from paying a ludicrous fee for the breakfast buffet she had broken through the ranks of waiting staff to her goal: the coffee. Kind of a shame that it tasted so awful.

#10 Drone Commander

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

This guy is definitely getting brought to finish before the end of the month. I could see this guy living in the world of the character I created for last years 30 in 30 Dr Spectrum. I could see this guy in the Dr Who universe too.


11/15/2012: Daisy Fields, Ursan Reporter

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Daisy Fields  SPECIES: Ursan  ORIGIN: Arcade

Having recently arrived in Nexus City with the flood of Ursan refugees fleeing the Trickster’s world, Arcade, Daisy quickly found work with the Nexus Gazette. A former bookstore clerk, Daisy has a hungry curiosity for learning about the worlds beyond her own and saw a job with the most cosmopolitan paper in (known) existence as the chance of a lifetime.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending…)

#8 AutoMatrix

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Was looking to go all female iron man like but ended up more steam-punk retro like. Oh well. Not sure the name is right either. Feels too contemporary and not steam-punky. Got a suggestions post it in the comments. 🙂


#7 Knight Of Light

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

She is somebody’s protector. Think I will try and bring this one to finish before the end of the month.


#6 Zombie Behemoth

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Zombie Hulk mash up I think. LOL


DAY FIFTEEN – The Quantum Rabbit

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Quantum Rabbit

A cosmic being of Unlimited Power and almost Infinite Cuddliness. Friends with the GMoccultist. Can be found frolicking in Heisenberg’s Carrot Patch.

Quantum Rabbit, pre-manifestation

Quantum Rabbit, typical manifestation

x-posted at

[Image source]

No #14 Sexy Sci-Fi Librarian:)

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Concept of sexy sci-fi librarian….:) I love intelligent women

#5 Magnetica

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Magnetica, the Magnetic Man!!



| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Had just started playing the new Halo 4 when I did this sketch. I guess that explains all her battle rattle. 😀



| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Lot of bug and insect looks seeping into my unconscious with this years characters. I hate spiders, so that must be filtering in some how. 😀 Again no idea about a background on this fella, just popped into my head. I guess thats better then popping out of my head. LOL


#15 Fezz

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Fezz-o-Tron 3000 is delighted to serve you. He is also planning to kill you in your sleep, but for now just sit back and enjoy your drink.

#03 Robug

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

He’s a little confused, I think. ;o

#1 Arachnid Queen

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is a character that plays a central role in a comic book concept i came up with many years ago. I had never done a finished illustration of her all i had was some quick rough sketches. So thought this was a great place to flesh her out some.


DAY 15: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents NIL

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

21st Century Sandshark Studios
in conjunction with
A Dan Nokes Happening
DAY 15
Character Biography-Little is known about the being known simply as Nil. He is ruler, master, and to most of the inhabitants of the Shadow Realm, its god! The Shadow Realm is a dimension somewhat paralell, but different in nature from ours. In some ways it is best described as a hell based in darkness. It can be accessed by the shadows cast by everyday objects, but only a few gifted, some say cursed individuals can access this dimension. Its ruler is a cold, cruel, and sadistic, creature known as Nil. Nil only became known to this world recently through the actions of the US based super hero team known as THE DIVISION, and more specifically, through its shadow power based member known as The Shadeling. Nil has been a foe of The Division and many other of the adventurers of the 1960’s and 70’s. After the battle against Ghor in 1975, spottings of Nil have been almost non-existant. But whispers of him attempting to invade and conquer our realm have begun to cerculate. For now they are just whispers. But whispers and shadows are how Nil has always begun…

Day 15 | Shooting Star

| November 15, 2012 | 3 Comments

2012 – DAY 15

All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.


Shooting Star is actually a villain.  A creature made from an exploding star, Shooting Star is like a cosmic Venom.  The energy possesses a human or alien or other creature and then the “firey star powers” take control.  Shooting Star has the ability to fly through space and convert whatever being it currently possess into various forms of cosmic and electromagnetic energy.  Shooting Star likes to create fireballs of “star energy” to hurl at his opponents.


11/14/2012: Dragos, Vampire Prowler

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Dragos  SPECIES: Human (Vampiric)  ORIGIN: Nexus City

Once a doctor for the criminal underground of Nexus City, Orban Victore fell victim to a creature of the night. Now, as Dragos, he stalks where the light of the Star-Core cannot reach, falling upon lonely travelers who tread too deeply into the shadowy depths of the Undercity.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending…)


| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

Guardian of the People!

#14- Kllrrttz

| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments


DAY 14: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents-FLINTLOCK

| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments





CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY: Jared “Flint” Locke was born in Wheeling, West Virginia in October of 1921.  His family were poor coal miners and had to survive off the land and other “less reputable” means of making due such as bootlegging.  Jared learned how to use a gun from the time he could walk, and by the age of 6 he was a crack shot with a rifle and handgun.  When World War II broke out, Jared and his brother Carl enlisted in the Marines.  Both brothers proved themselves in battle, Jared himself earning the rank of Gunnery Sergeant in the Pacific in less than 4 years and Master Gunnery Sergeant by the time he retired from the Marines in 1954.  Carl used his GI Bill to get a business degree from the University of West Virginia, while Jared enlisted in the FBI, where he became a sharpshooting instructor at the academy.  In 1960 he was abducted along with 4 others from across the globe by an undisclosed alien race, and experimented upon.  When they were returned, their memory had been tampered with, to where all they could recall was from a fractal dream-like state.

Within 24 hours Jared began exhibiting the strange powers to manipulate his arms and hands into organic guns and hand cannons that shoot out living bullets that become active upon contact with air, and explode upon impact.  Jared also felt a psychic link that drew him to the other 4 abductees.  Through a series of adventures, the individuals found each other and formed a group a costumed adventurers known as THE PHANTOM FIVE.  Over the next decade and a half, the group became one of the foremost super hero teams along with The Alliance of Super Heroes, and The Division that brought the second era of the metas lasting from 1953 to the mid 70’s.  This era ended when a world conquering galactic despot known as Ghor the Annihilator, invaded Earth in 1975.  The combined heroes and villains of our world managed to turn him back, but at a huge price.  Many people and metas lost their lives in the battle, including all but one of the Phantom Five were killed.  Most bodies were recovered or accounted for.  Jared Locke’s was not among them….


#13 & 14 – Helen and Pitrap

| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

The one thing you really need to be competitive in the world of ooze monsters is a hunting ground. Helen, an obsessive tinkerer and exceptionally driven third year student, is one of the most successful hunters because she’s managed to corner one of the most profitable hunting grounds in the city; the local dump. She uses her partner, Pitrap, to manipulate a network of vine-like appendages set throughout the junkyard, in order to quickly and efficiently hunt down the masses of ooze that get thrown away every day.

Of course, such a useful source of slime would hardly go unnoticed, and so Helen and her partner do have to be ready to defend their claim. Fighting Pitrap in its natural environment is more or less suicide; there’s no way to predict from which way you’ll be attacked when the entire junkyard is part of Pitrap’s network. But trying to corner this duo outside of the dump isn’t a great idea, either. Pitrap is far faster than it looks, can use its flexible limbs to climb sheer walls, and the leaves on its back can actually be extended to allow for limited gliding. Its huge size also adds a great deal of power to the whip-like strikes Pitrap uses as its main offensive tactic, and its big, bulbous body conceals multiple computer cores that can be easily shifted around inside the main bulk of the critter. All in all, these two are exceptionally dangerous competitors, and not to be taken lightly.

The keywords for these two were Animal, Tall, Cracked, Thorns, Storage, and Two pairs of wings. Aaaand yeah, I bent the definitions of these keywords nearly to the breaking point. ^^; The only one I really skipped was Cracked, which is okay by me; I seem to be skipping one keyword per set anyway.



#14 Mr. Action

| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Eric Mellsent

Height: 6’4

Weight:231 lbs. Age:32

Race: African-American

Location: Harlem, NYC

Eric is a director of a youth center in Harlem devoted to youth in trouble. As a child his anatomy was unusual.   He has the power to withstand any surface applied on him. Like getting hit by a car for instance, he can survive it.  Mr. Action can withstand anything that stands in his way.

Powers: Super strength, endurance. Personality: Positive and kind to those that deserve it.

#14 Phineas Tibbs, Esquire

| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

Phineas Tibbs is a refined gentleman of taste and culture. He also enjoys chasing grasshoppers and lying with his belly in the sunshine.

Recently discovered documentation reveals that Tibbs was the head of a society of futurists, scientists and engineers who were working toward a brighter tomorrow for everyone. It is unknown what became of the society or Phineas after 1936.



| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments


and almost 4 hours later Photoshop was finally re-installed TwT”’

Day 14 – Demon Hunter

| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

Postapocalypse world is full of mutants. Some of them are so hideous that they are called Demons. And there are Hunters that own some kind of enchanted equipment. They hunt Demons.

Real Name – Joe Thornbee

Occupation – Demon Hunter

Weapons – Enchanted hammer and plasma shotgun.

alien ventriloquist

| November 14, 2012 | 0 Comments


| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

#7 L. Obby

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

#7 L. Obby

11/13/2012: Zenn Zaran, Last of the Celestial Artificers

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Zenn Zaran  SPECIES: Celestial Artificer  ORIGIN: Unknown

Brilliant scientist, war hero, trans-universally acclaimed opera singer. Zenn Zaran is all of these things and far, far more. Were his life a book, the stories of a thousand lesser beings would barely fill the prologue. The last of an otherwise extinct species, Zenn Zaran is considered by many to be the most intelligent corporeal being in the known Multiverse. A celebrity without peer, he has grown reclusive, holing up in his mansion in Nexus City. No one has met with Zenn Zaran and spoken about it for over one hundred years, though he is occasionally sighted in Nexus City, flying on the back of his Scintillating Star Dragon, Magnifithrax.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending)

Day 13: 21st Century Sandshark Studios presents: Plasmatastic

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

21st Cetury Sandshark Studios Presents
In conjunction with THE 30 CHARACTER IN 30 DAY CHALLENGE
A Dan Nokes Happening…
Day 13
Character Biography-
Muriel Thompson was born in August of 1940 to Dennis and May Thompson in Menlowe Park, New Jersey. Both parents were commercial pilots, and both served in World War II in various capacities. Muriel was from an early age taught how to fly a plane and by the age of 16 had already aquired a pilot’s liscence.
She attempted to join the air force as a pilot but was quickly shot down by policy makers. She was then contacted by the Army who promised her a flight commission in return for participation in an experiment in an attempt to revive the Olympus Project to make super soldiers in the 1930’s and 40’s. She accepted and underwent the process after basic and officer’s training. She emerged a 2nd Leutenut and with the power to create and manipultate energy bolts. Codenamed PLASMATASTIC she joined several other test subjects to form the US Government controlled costumed adventurers known as THE DIVISION.
The group enjoyed a decade plus run in the 60’s and 70’s before being cut short during a battle against a space faring world conquerer named Ghor the Ahnililator. They managed to turn back his forces. But not before most of the group, along with Plasmatastic and many other heroes, villains, soldiers and civilians were killed in the asuing battle…

#13 – Triggerman

| November 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

“I am John Triggerman. I am friend.”  An obsolete law enforcement robot, who has somehow started dreaming. He is programmed to be a hostage negotiator and, should negotiations go south, to run a bomb subroutine that blows him up when that big switch in his chest gets flipped. He’s actually made of trillions of nanobots that reassemble him afterwards, and they can customize what kind of bomb he turns into.

While most of his type was decommissioned after the Echelon War, Triggerman remains, with a map hidden inside him, encoded at the base hardware level. Who put it there and for what purpose, he does not know.