RSSCategory: Scifi

#13 Fuzzy Club Tail

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

#11 Ompa Beast

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

#12 Sea Weasel

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

No #17

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

No #16

| November 19, 2012 | 2 Comments

Day 19: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: THE LIBERATOR III

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments





In the opening of the 27th Century, Earth has cut itself off from its colonies centuries earlier.  Those colonies eventually became a confederated united that allied itself with other alien worlds, to form The United Interstellar Conference or UIC.  The UIC has maintained peace, commerce, and interplanet diplomacy for over 3 Centuries.  But recently actions and conflict with The Thrallian Empire have threatened to shatter that peace.  For about a decade and a half,  a cold war has existed following a five year war between the UIC and the Thrall.  This all changed following a series of attacks by Thrallian forces led by General Kraul on UIC outposts led to an escalation of hostilities again.  One of these outposts was headed by first time Commander Lawrence DelRey, who is also a descendant of two former costumed adventurers known as THE LIBERATOR.  DelRey had his ancestor’s shield and fragments of one of his old costumes in tow.  DelRey was only on his first day on the job, when the station was attacked by Kraul.  All but DelRey and former war hero Symane Braxis were killed in the firefight.  The two escaped and eventually, through a series of events formed a team of costumed adventurers known as THE GOLUNDAN CORP.  DelRey took on the mantle of his ancestors as the third Liberator and became the group’s leader.

DelRey has no special powers but is armed with the previous Liberator’s shield, which is impervious to most known forms of attack.  His suit is made from a high impact synthetic which protects him even further.  He is also armed with other forms of gadgetry and equipment which allow him to be an effective fighter and commander in his and Golundan Corp’s battle against the peace and security of The UIC.



DAY 18: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents- TITANIUM BLONDE

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments





CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY: Yvette Clare was born just outside of Paris, France in 1938.  She spent her early years in occupied France being raised by her grandmother.  Her parents were Resistance members who were both killed in 1944.  Yvette  had a passion for acting and by the age of 16 was cast in her first film.  By 1960 she was a rising actress and French cultural item in the cinematic scene, when her life detoured forever.  She was one night, abducted, and had her DNA altered along with 4 other individuals and returned to our world.  When she awoke the next day, she only had fractal dreamlike memories of the previous night’s events.  She treated them as such and went to a location shoot that afternoon.  While there she manifested her powers for the first time.  She found that she had the ability to turn herself into living metal.  She also found a strange psychic draw to the four other abductees.

Through a series of events she found the other members and co-founded a super hero group called THE PHANTOM FIVE.  For the next decade and a half she along with her teammates became some of the most beloved and regarded costumed adventurers of the era.

That all came to an end however, with the 1975 incident where Ghor The Ahnilalator invaded our world with a large standing army.  He was defeated by Earth’s heroes, villains, metas, and standing armies.  But at a high cost, with thousands of military, civilian, and meta deaths, including all but one of The Phantom Five.  Titanium Blonde was buried in France at   Père Lachaise Cemetery.



DAY 17: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents-THE SHADOW MINISTER

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments




DAY 17:


Character Biography:  The Shadow Minister is cloaked in mystery as the foremost criminal overlord of the United Stellar Conference.  Reports of his origins range greatly.  Some say that he was of lowly birth who was a mere petty tech and cyber criminal who slowly made his way up the ranks.  Others tell of disenfranchised aristocrat who formed his own syndicate after being exiled by a hostile rival family.  Some others say that he is some sort of freak cyberspace program that gained sentience and invaded our world.  In any case the Shadow Minister is the head of the most powerful organized crime front known as THE BLACK DIAMOND.  Members of his organization are branded with a chip, that allows him to monitor any and all of his underlings from any point in known UIC space.  If someone crosses him, he simply can eliminate them from light years away.  As a matter of fact its this and other high tech uses that has allowed him to never be caught by the authorities.  He has never needed a central base of operations.  His brain has been highly augmented along with his body with massive amounts of cybernetic and computer implants, that allowed him to operate from any location.  He is cold, ruthless, and devoid of any sympathy or compassion.  This has enabled his to eliminate his competition and raise an element of fear among his enemies and competitors, and raise him to be the most well known crime lord of the early 26th Century.  Recently though, a rebirth of costumed heroes and adventurers have started to put a dent on his reputation, specifically the group known as Golundan Corp and especially The Juryman have stood in his path in many instances.  But this has only strengthened his resolve to maintain his iron grip on his Black Diamond Empire!





Cuckoo Man

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

#19 Jethro (X-289)

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

An alien creature, captured by the government and confined to a lab, the entity designated as X-289 has escaped very recently and is on the loose. If encountered, he may respond to the nickname he was given by (former) lab technician Susan Jacob, “Jethro”. He is also fond of peanut butter, and can be easily coaxed into an opened cereal box, providing there is some product left in the bottom. A large reward is offered for his return to the U.S. State Department.

Be advised he may have found some way to disguise himself.

#13: Steel Boy

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

Steel Boy was the first successful experiment by Professor Gepettus who would later create the Flamester. In reality he was just a stepping stone in the process of creating a synthetic human. After his creation in 1942 he was recruited by the armed forces to fight the Nazis. After several years leading the war effort along side Golden Boy and the Flamester he was decommissioned in 1950 and put into storage.


11/18/2012: Specimen 16, Olimyoo Legionnaire

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Specimen 16  SPECIES: Olimyoo  ORIGIN: Pakinare

A member of the infamous “Centurion” program, Specimen 16 has sown destruction throughout the Multiverse in the name of the Children of Tartarus. Plucked from his peaceful home world as a youth, his great size and strength catching the interest of a Tartaran overlord, Specimen 16 took to the indoctrination quickly, his will broken and body transformed into a nigh-unstoppable war machine. Over the years, as his body became damaged, the Tartarans saw to its reconstruction. When the Tartaran Empire fell, with no master to control him, Specimen 16 went ronin. Though his skills of death-dealing are now for hire, he holds tightly to his final orders, vowing some day to murder the Lost Agency and their allies in the name of Tartarus.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3D print pending….)

#18 Bully 1

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 18 – Professor Abyss

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Evil supergenius, archnemesis of the agents of iBrother.

Day 17 – Jenny Gunn, Agent of iBrother

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Another superspy, partner of Tom Cockpit.

#15 – Prototype Cyborg Type Super Sprinter

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Once the star runner in his college’s track team, he learns of his sister’s kidnapping.


As overprotective as he had been towards Sparky (Taser), he decides to give up his track career to visit a friend of his who had been secretly experimenting with a robotics project to make his robots faster.  After a while of explaining what’s going on, his friend finally agreed to turn him into a cyborg with enhanced speed so he can save his little sister and punish the one responsible for her kidnapping.


| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Galvinix, name given due to his predisposition with metal sticking out of his body. These pieces of metal cause him to be grumpy. Soon the population which resides around him casts him out, labeling him the forsaken.

#8 Magnus

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

positive or negative?

The fully charged master of magnets.

Day 16 – Earth-80s Kat

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Another eighties parallel-earth counterpart for my webcomic.

Day 14 – Earth-80s Sinclair

| November 18, 2012 | 2 Comments

I had to design eighties-inspired parallel-earth counterparts for the characters of my webcomic.


| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Fred, just your run-of-the-mill alien.

#17 and #18 – Steven and Spring

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments




Though mostly a regulatory agency, there are certain instances where the NMSA feels the need to tip the scales a bit. In such circumstances, Steven Godwin is the man they call. Not officially an agent of the NMSA, Steven is the guy they call when they need someone to hang around in back alleys, or make sure that someone loses a specific match. Mr. Godwin likes to think of himself as a consummate professional who does what needs to be done, but in reality he’s more of an amoral gangster.

As he’s not an official NMSA agent, Mr. Godwin is allowed to use a critter of his own design. Though not a particularly imaginative beast, Spring is built to get jobs done; a master of ambush tactics, Spring can use its tapeworm-like body to fit into very small areas, or wind itself up in order to unleash a powerful whip-like strike. Spring’s overall poor condition is a testament to Steven’s skillset; he has no idea how to maintain or repair Spring, and sending it to Stygia for repairs might reveal details of Mr. Godwin’s line of work.

The keywords I got for these two were Geometric, Thin, One pair of wings, Cracked, Grabby Hands, and Gears. I feel like I’ve been getting Gears and Wings a lot, but that’s okay. There’s a lot you can do with those keywords. Also, we’ve been on kind of a run of jerk characters here lately, which I hope turns around soon. These guys are depressing. 😛

#10 Globb Fish

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

No #15

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Head concept made i Photoshop from scratch

Day 17 – Deathdroid

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real Name – unknown

This one John Doe was once alive. He had been imprisoned inside this metal body, he died in there, but didn’t stop to follow orders. All deathdroids are the same – whenever living body ceases to exists, metal one continues to function.

Day 18 – Fire Steel

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real Name – M’Bonn K’Horz

Origin – Mercurian

M’Bonn was born on Mercury and then traveled to Earth. He is a fiery entity that looks almost human, but Earth’s athmosphere is too dangerous for him, so he must wear this bulky shell at all times.

Man of Radiation

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

#17 Captain Kirby Jenks of the Krackellian Star Patrol

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

#17 Fredrick

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Fredrick lives in a large lake, and as such, doesn’t have a lot of friends with hands. He spends most of his time stealing fishing lures, knocking on the bottom of boats, and watching his favorite movie, The Little Mermaid.

11/17/2012: Blisterbelch, Troll Tyrant

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Blisterbelch  SPECIES: Mountain Troll  ORIGIN: Jotunheim

Considered small by Jotun standards, in the mountains of Jotunheim, Blisterbelch was a hermit and a scavenger, living off of the spoils of his greater brethren, mountain goats, or the occasional Midgardian foolish enough to climb the path into the land of the giants. After the Red King crisis, Blisterbelch fled the Techno-Sovereignty, taking refuge in Nexus City. There, he found himself to be a true giant, his tall stature, vast strength and fiery breath causing all in his path to tremble with fear. After several travelers found their way into his belly, Circle Securities apprehended Blisterbelch, banishing him to Dark 22, a secret Circle-Tech sponsored prison colony on a Terran compatible world cast in eternal night. There, Blisterbelch quickly rose to power, the other inmates treating him like a king. Those few who don’t end up in his stomach, their bones littering the floor around his “Throne of Skulls.”

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

#17 Red Self-Existing Skywalker

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Red Self-Existing Skywalker says,” I define in order to explore, measuring wakefulness. I seal the output of Space with the self-exsiting tone of Form. I am guided by the power of universal water.”