Category: Scifi
Day 21: Mother Mind
The second in my creation of antagonists:
The 1024-MM (Mother Mind) is the single commanding unit of the AI legion that has taken over New London. The times of man has passed, robots rule, but they only want the best for their dear human creators. Mother Mind has a plan for the good of the organics. But why do they fight? Why won’t they just accept the food and goods that the robots create for them? They should give up their aggressive, rebellious ways. Give up their arms. Move to the Utopian reservations constructed for them. What is wrong with these humans and this “freedom” they desire in place of safety and rationale?
#21 – Ta’aru The Disquiet
Ta’aru the Disquiet – also known as Ta’aru of the Moon, to those few ancient wise women and men who knew of its existence. This discarnate entity hides behind the moon when it enters our world. Have you ever looked at the moon at night and thought, for just a moment, that it seemed flat? That’s when Ta’aru is hiding behind it, distorting its true shape. So named because it is almost certainly the origin of that nagging feeling that the world has not always been this way, that it’s constructed, and it could be constructed better.
Not content with emanating its truth throughout the universe, Ta’aru generates and then sends out pods, feelers of genetic material incubated on planets that are destroyed upon their launch. The pod lands on a planet, assembles itself to resemble an infant or larval state, then grows into a freethinking, troublemaking superhuman with the potential to destroy or remake the world around them. Legendary, Skyclad, The 93rd, and Jen Prime are four examples.
#18 – Tavia
Most little girls want to be a princesses. Tavia actually got to all but be one for the first ten years of her life. The third child and only daughter of Octavius, a man who took his name from the Roman Emperor, she lived a life of absolute luxury and excess with her family. Her father doted on her, and spoiled her as best he could. Tavia saw her father as the warm, loving family man who was devoted to his children and always made time to read her stories before she went to bed.
What Tavia did not know was that her family’s lifestyle came off the backs of an entire nation. Her father was the “President-for-Life†of the nation of Gamarra, and had been so for her entire life. Octavius was, like his namesake, a dictator, ruling through fear and violence for nearly 33 years, maintaining control through nepotism, corruption, political repression and torture and persecution of any “enemies of the stateâ€.
Octavius’s reign came to a bloody end just days before Tavia’s 11th birthday, when Octavius’s crumbling regime was finally defeated by rebels. The presidential palace was overrun, and Tavia’s mother, father and eldest brother were all captured by the rebels and executed on national TV. Tavia, who her father had always kept semi-hidden from public life, was saved by one of the family’s servants, who brought her to live with distant relatives of the family who had fallen out of favor with Octavius during his rule.
Initially disliking the daughter of the cousin who had treated them so harshly, the family nevertheless opened its arms to Tavia, and over the course of time, she became a member of their family. As she grew, her Aunt Kira slowly told her more and more about her family, and what happened to allow her to live the life she had for those ten years. Horrified, Tavia refused to believe the truth for a time, and is only starting to accept the life her father led as the leader of the nation.
Now, ten years later, in a nation still riven by anger and discord, still dealing with upheavals of violence, ten years after Octavius’ rule, Tavia is 20, and trying to find her place in a world where she is the child of a man who caused so much pain to others. In a nation where her family’s name is still cursed, where many people would turn her in to the authorities or simply kill her if they knew her heritage, Tavia finds herself driven by the desire to do something to begin to atone for the sins of her family. She knows she cannot undo the damage that has been done, and that she and her family will never find forgiveness to many, but she is driven to prove that the evil her father committed, the evils that she may have benefitted from do not define her entire family.
Tavia is an pleasant, somewhat mousy young woman, prone to losing herself in books, with deep brown eyes that already show a lifetime’s worth of experience. Quiet and soft-spoken, she cuts her brown hair short, and after a decade of hiding, works hard to avoid being the center of attention. She is still somewhat frustratingly blind to the details of what was going on in Gamarra to fund her family’s lavish lifestyle, but she is a deeply compassionate, kind woman who, for better or for worse, feels the guilt of her entire family now rests on her.
Day 21 – Cyborg Deceiver
Aliases – Changeling, Deceptobot
He is a cyborg, that is at least something common in all of his personalitys. From city to city he changes his appearance and character. He may be a joyful dandy in one town, grim assassin in the second, and lazy brute in the third. His real name and persona is forgotten looong ago.
#21 Fania
Real name: Fania Taga
Height: 5’11
Weight:270 lbs. Age:31
Race: African American
Location: New York
Fania hails from an unknown section of Africa. She is a bodybuilder and a personal trainer who goes around the world in search of adventure.
Powers: Super-strength
Personality: Determine, goes against the grain.
Futuristic Ninja
A little bit of samurai, mixed with a whole lot of Appleseed exmachina, with a dash of the new Halo 4 weapon design. My guess is he is just about to light up an alien vehicle and get a killtacular. LOL
( Edit: 11/21 Went in and redrew this guys legs. Updated the image. I hated the original legs. They looked all dwarf like and out of proportion. Feeling much better about them now. Hope you guys agree. 😀 )
Promethean Beauty
No idea on this one either. Just saw a great shot of Kim Kardashian walking out of a pool and started drawing and this alien looking hottie was born. 😀
A life force consuming creature. Employed by the Arachnid armies ground troops. Its purpose is to consume the life force of Core warriors so that they can never be reincarnated into the Great Milky Ways cycle of life.
Guardian Of The Crystal Skull
This bad boy hangs out in the ancient Mayan temples of Kukulkan. He sits motionless in a hidden chamber guarding the sacred crystal skull of Andromeda. He is made of stone and can not be budged, unless the crystal skull is threatened or approached. He then becomes animated, his animal skull head ignites with flame and he becomes your worst nightmare.
Toxic Dreamer
I have know idea about this chic. Not even sure where the name came from. She looks like a fifties sci fi pulp cover girl. So the name doesn’t seem to fit. Got a better one let me know and ill change it, 😀
G.A.B.E. Is a Galactic, Armored, Battle, Entity. Developed by the galactic core. G.A.B.E. units accompany Galactic Core warrior into battle to assist and support the warriors. They are heavily armored and weapons equipped. They have advanced A.I and can act as hosts to the life force of fallen core warriors, so that they may continue to fight.
Romucus is a seeker. A herald from the Andomeda Galaxy. He has come to the great Milky way to seek out a single Galactic Core warrior. For what purpose we do not know. If he is friend or foe is also unknown. What is know is that he is a talented tracker with weapons unlike any seen in the Milky Way.
11/20/2012: Jools Calixa, Cloned Human Dilettante
NAME: Jools Calixa  SPECIES: Human (Clone)  ORIGIN: Zyntradi Commonwealth
Heiress to the Calixa fortune, Jools was gifted with the brane ship, Castellan, on her 18th name day. Along with her android companion, Solver, and a minimal crew employed to her house, Jools forged off into the Multiverse. Since then, Jools and Solver have seen and experienced things that most beings only dream of. Using Nexus City as her home point, Jools often returns to refuel and resupply before heading back out to parts unknown.
Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD. Model printed on my Makerbot Replicator and painted with water based acrylics.
Of vampire decent, Liare Fearice is a malevolent being. He kills for pleasure when he doesn’t need the blood to survive.  Laughs a lot too.
#19 & #20 – Erin and the Rabbit
She genuinely believes that there is nothing more important than teaching, and often comes off as cloying and even a little creepy at times. She actually got into ooze monsters at a late age, thinking that it might help her “connect with the young adults†in her charge, as she put it. Though not naturally given to organized sports, Erin discovered a love of competition in ooze fighting, and she enjoys helping her students test their creations with the same level of enthusiasm she brings to teaching.
The Rabbit is a pretty good indication of the kind of person Erin is. Though there’s a vast difference in their sizes, the Rabbit is high-energy, high-speed, and slightly disturbing. In combat, the Rabbit uses its agility and a series of holographic projections to increase its evasiveness, while relying on powerful kicks and misdirection to deal damage to the opponent.
Keywords for the Rabbit and Erin were Animal, Humanoid, Two Legs, Unexpected Hands, Plant Parts, and Antennae. And I think this is the first entry where I’ve managed to use every single keyword! I’m actually pretty happy with the way this one turned out; Erin is equal parts FLCL’s Miya-jun and my own Cool Dude art teacher from high school, Mr. Schnieder. And the Rabbit’s creepy, alien-headed ear-handed cuteness is exactly what I wanted. So… Go me, I guess! 😀
#20 – Jen Prime
The pod containing abstract creation material (we would probably refer to it as “genetic”) shot off into space, its planet of launch destroyed as per the Protocols of Ta’aru. Rather than a kingdom of black magicians, however, the pod landed just outside of the fabled Cloning Centers of Wollstonecraft, in the kingdom of Hypatia. The material assembled itself into an infant and was found by a couple of  scientists, who saw this event as a beautifully improbable statistical anomaly and adopted the infant as their own.
Jen Prime is Champion of the kingdom of Hypatia, an all-female science-centric country where women reproduce via artificial parthenogenesis using clones and in vitro fertilization. She’s from the parish of Wollstonecraft, known for its work advancing genetic engineering. She’s the kingdom’s five-time Science Throwdown Champ, and is perhaps a little too proud of her hometown and her achievements. She’s also proud of her Maori heritage (via one of her mothers) and wears the moko, or facial tattoo as part of that lineage.
She possesses the usual powers of a Champion of Ta’aru: flight, superhuman strength and durability, heightened senses, an inquisitive, activist nature, and the ability to focus her chi into energy that can be projected. Her ‘Special’ is the ability to perceive and analyze any substance, breaking it down into its component parts and perceiving any weaknesses.
Day 20 – Major Cosmos
Occupation – Traveler
He travels through space with the help of his high-tech rings and Cosmic Hook in his left hand. He is very curious about everything and is not a dangerous. He comes in peace.
11/19/2012: Yarp, Mantle Crab Porter
NAME: Yarp  SPECIES:  Iolosian Mantle Crab ORIGIN:  Mooncliffs of Iolos
Arguably a non-sapient species, Iolosian Mantle Crabs such as Yarp are often employed as pack mules by adventurers forging into inhospitable territories. Left alone, Mantle Crabs are content living peacefully in the cliff-side tunnels they call home. However, once trained, Mantle Crabs often bond to their owners, even protecting them against perceived threats.
Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)
#14 Sand-Cows
An army of alien cows… with the ability to make their forms Malleable and shaped into any form.
#30Characters Chatter…