RSSCategory: Scifi

Day 23: The Living B.R.I.C.K.

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Thuck Nysteros was the assistant of the insane Doc named Enesos Poison. He was so fully loyal to him, that accepted to be the guinea pig for an experiment studying the possibilites of an actual merge of living and non-living things. That’s how Brotesque Recklessly Injected Cubic Kal was created. It’s a huge living brick containing Thuck’s soul. Utterly mindless and with absolutely no purpose in it’s life… The definition of a living brick.

#24 Gears

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Gears fixes stuff. Men are not stuff, so if you’re a broken man and you’re looking for a woman to fix you — keep looking. But leave the keys to your car.

#23 and #24 – Gordon and Beelzebub

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

A high-ranking NMSA agent and kind of a vicious dickwad, Gordon Clearwater is the son of the current head of the Nanomachine Suppression Agency. As such, he is entrusted with certain responsibilities that the NMSA would prefer the public not know about. Gordon himself is the kind of guy who gets pleasure out of petty revenge and childish controlling behavior, making him a genuine pain to work for.

Beelzebub is actually the code name for a unique blob monster developed by the NMSA. Its purpose is to introduce specialized code into the programming of construction ooze, allowing the NMSA to track which trainer has what ooze. The existence of this code is a closely held secret, but there are rumors that it may have a more sinister purpose, especially amongst hackers who have carefully dug through the programming.

The keywords for these two were Geometric, Therian, Hovering, Thorns, Ghostly, and Chomping Jaws. I played pretty fast and loose with these keywords, as I’m trying to introduce the actual main conflict of the story here. I hope you enjoyed the disgusting giant fly, at any rate. ^^



#24 Sam Stoma

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

#24 Ollie Bot

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

#23- Retsnom

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

true monster

#24 Diva

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Manuela De Disla

Height:5’9 Weight: 219 lbs.

Age:26 Race: Latin-American

Location :New York, NY

Manuela is a celebrated supermodel and businesswoman and for years she has made it too easy for her. She moonlights as Diva, a vigilante that wants nothing more than to makes these streets safer.

Powers: Hand to hand combat skills. Personality:confident.


#13: Raquelle Beatrice Pearl

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

She is a very tough cookie.  Her relationship with Sirius had a very rough start, but the two ended up settling down thanks to the kids.  Her middle name was her grandmother’s.

#23 Alien

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Honestly I am not fond of this one at all but I am very ill tonight and wanted to do my nightly 30 days thing although I am dizzy and really need to go curl up and pass out with some theraflu at this point. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. :/ Anyway the black and red thing is a parasitic type alien but they are placed on the heads to attach only after agreement/submission from the other species after a ritual. They provide healing properties/and added intelligence in return for the mobility/strength of the other species in a mutual bond. Aliens bearing these parasitic species are regarded in their own hierarchy as a sign of honor. 

#23 Zed

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

#23 Grandag

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Finally making it to Broadway wasn’t as satisfying as Grandag had dreamed.

11/23/2012: YoW, Rooblian Scholar

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: YoWokene  SPECIES: Rooblian  ORIGIN: Rooblix

Over 300 Dominion Standard years old, YoWokene (Yoh-Wo-Ke-Neh) has been to many worlds and seen many strange things. Dedicated to the act of categorizing and cataloging all he encounters, YoW has taken a break for the last 12 years to tutor the heir to the Calixa household, a job that has paid handsomely and allowed him to accrue a fortune of his own.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

#12: Sirius Thomas Pearl

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

Sirius Thomas Pearl is not his real name.  He took his wife’s last name and also chose his first name after the star.  He’s not an ordinary pilot.

#11: Stanley Pearl

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

He is more reserved compared to the rest of his family.  Like his sister, he looks similar to his mother compared to his father.

#10: Katherine Pearl

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

She belongs to the same story as Derrik.  She, her brother and father have similar differences though she looks a lot like her mother.

Day 23: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: THE NEXT KIND’S GELDORN

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 23: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: A 30 Character in 30 Day Challenge

Dan Nokes gives you


On a world thousands of lightyears from ours and 3 million years from our time , lies the 7 great nations of the world of Jorol. These 7 civilizations are all evolutionary offshoots of mankind, who have settled the far reaches of this planet and have evolved into separate species from one another.  These nations forced the native peoples of this world: The Frahl Wraiths into the under realms of this planet, and were by the start of their common era to be extinct.

This was not to be so however, as the Frahl Wraith’s returned to reclaim their homeworld.  They began with the Confederate City States of Norlympia: A near human like race, that had several of those city states laid waste, and many survivors taken into slavery.  One of those who managed to escape was a Korthan general noble by the name of Doule.  Doule scoured the seven great nations to find those who would join his quest to turn back the Frahl Wraith threat before they engulfed all of Jorol.

One of those nations was the 2nd Republic of Harlth, occupied by creatures made of living rock known as the Harlthans.  One of their best known citizens was their senior statesman, former Grand Warsmith, and philosopher emeritus known as Geldorn.  Geldorn was best known for his various written works, and was the most celebrated thinker of his age.  But time had made him a subject of redicule to his people, who saw him as antiquated, and out of touch.

When Doule made his way to Harth, the council of 9 heard his pleas, but needed a gesture, that would prove aid would be warranted.  Geldorn no longer sat on the council, but openly scolded their lack or foresight and commitment.  He pledged his aid to Doule, and joined his ranks.  Geldorn though of a more advanced age has proven useful for his still formidable strength, endurance, and military prowess.  Doule was an admirer of Geldorn’s and relies on him heavily for his sage advice and battle prowess!

#23 Seed Rocket

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day Fifteen: Vid-helm

| November 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

Just because a girl still lives on tape doesn’t mean she’s a damned hipster, just, archaic.

#22 Rob

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

#22 Microkid

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Timothy Rolend

Height: 5’7    Age:19

Weight: 215 lbs. Race:Caucasian

Location: New York, NY

Microkid is one of my first characters I created out of a sketchbook back in 1993.

Timothy is the son of a scientist working for a pharmaceutical company. Timothy felt sick one day when he visit his father so he went to find a pill that can cure his sickness but he found out the hard way that it was an experimental pill made to military use. He ended up having it part of his anatomy permanently. He discovered the ability to shrink to almost microscopic size with the use of positive thinking.  As Microkid, he uses his powers to go into places no one else can to fight crime .

Powers: Hand to hand combat along with his power to shrink or enlarge his size.

Personality:Confident and understanding.


11/22/2012: Kusk, Child of Horus Weapons Dealer

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Kusk  SPECIES: Child of Horus  ORIGIN:  High Realm of Horus

Born to Clutch Startalon, Kusk was forced to leave the High Realm of Horus when the Favored of Anubis invaded, laying siege to his clutchs’ palace. Fleeing through the Hall of the Sun, Kusk eventually found his way to Nexus City. There, he develops energy weapons patterned from the technology of his home world and sells them to the warring gangs in the Undercity, Zero Syndicate criminals, and anyone else willing to pay for his wares. Though kind and affable, Kusk cares little for who ends up with his weaponry, his only concern gathering sufficient funds to return to his home with an army of mercenaries so he can liberate his people.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending…)

Day 22: The InvisibLega

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

Nick Lega is the twin brother of Indiana. DON’T YOU SEE THE SIMILARITY? 😛

Well, he was visible, until a toxic accident made him invisible. Till then he’s practically nowhere to found. He usually haresses models and beautiful girls and then he lights up a cigar wearing his cool glasses. He is a grey character, not bad, not good. Somewhere between.

Catchup #2 day 13-19

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments











#22 Lumumba Sagan

| November 22, 2012 | 2 Comments

Lumumba Sagan. Native of the Planetarium-City of Altered Brazzaville, he forsook medicine to become a wandering fighter. He looks like a Congo dandy gentleman, fights like Bruce Lee. A former finalist in the Gangster Island Rumble, ally of the Altercationist, a fighter, a tailor, a scholar. Everything is communication – dressing, fighting, speaking. “Losing a fight is simply and only a failure of communication”.

Day 22: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents: ZHEL OF THE NEXT KIND

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

On the distant world of Jorol, 3 million years into our own future lies THE NEXT KIND: 7 descendant races of humanity, who have evolved to their climates and environments, manifesting incredible new powers, abilities and challenges.  The world of Jorol though, was not uninhabited when humanity’s children first reached this world.  The Next Kind’s forefathers called them The Frahl Wraiths: Beings made of living metal, who were forced bellow the surface by the first settlers of Jorol.  2 million years later the Jorol returned to the surface for what they believed was rightfully theirs.  They struck first in the Nation State of Norlympia, decimating the city of Kortha.  One of the few surviors to escape was a nobleman military commander by the name Doule.

Doule began scouring the globe for allies to aid him in the common threat of The Frahl Wraithes.  This eventually brought him to the Western Fire mountains of Piras Terran.  This land was occupied by a nation state known as the Ferras: A matriarchal society of pyrokenetics  where women occupy most of the warrior, political, and social positions of high importance.  Their queen, Mahlbeth III was at first apprehensive about lending any aid.  She was then swayed by her youngest sister, Zhel, to allow her to be a military attache to Doule, for the purpose of gathering information about the Frahl Wraithes and the danger they present to the Great Western Empire of the Ferras.

At first Zhel was adversarial to Doule’s command and authority.  But over time, both proved eachother’s worth.  Doule eventually rose to be Doule’s most trusted advisor and second in command as they fight together to turn back the Frahl Wraithe Threat.

#21 and #22 – Cynthia and Paracycle

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

At last, we meet the mysterious owner of the underground hack shop Stygia! Though rarely in the store, Cynthia’s influence is undeniable; she’s a button-down, serious competitor who calmly analyzes any situation before taking action. As one of the oldest trainers around, Cynthia has a lifetime of experience around blob monsters that informs the way she treats the creatures. That is to say, she sees blob monsters as sentient creatures, and this belief dictates the actions she takes, and even the strategies she uses in combat.

Cynthia’s partner is Paracycle, a spectacularly dangerous foe for any trainer to face. Though not particularly resistant or able to dish out big hits, Paracycle is nevertheless a fearsome opponent because of the abilities displayed by its unique exposed interlocking core. This core fires a transmitting beam that can suppress the connections between individual nanoparticles, turning a coordinated ooze monster into a pile of confused individual nanomachines.

Keywords for these two were Modern Art, Sphere, Six Legs, Shell, Fungus, and Screws. It was a pretty wacky collection of phrases, and it actually took me a while to figure out how to fit them together.

#14 Riton

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 22 | Space Pirate

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

2012 – DAY 22

All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.


After looking at old, retro Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers images The Junior Partner became enamored with the whole 1950s fishbowl space helmet.  We were drawing pirates and then space aliens which melded together and then he wanted a really hardcore space faring pirate.  He wanted the old school fishbowl helmet, and I tweaked it… he was skeptical but then loved the overall “tech” look of the various components and the flaming laser sword instead of a “light saber” style energy weapon.


11/21/2012: Inari Worldseer, Dwarven Doorman

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Inari Worldseer  SPECIES: Dwarf  ORIGIN: Crown of High Higvald

Born to a noble clan of techsmiths, Inari possessed a curious streak when it came to the outer worlds, a trait uncommon in dwarvenkind. Ostracized from his clan for his eccentricities, Inari’s beard was taken from him and he was given a penance before he was banished. Taking passage on a passing Verser’s ship, Inari came to Nexus City, a place where all travelers are welcome. In time, he came to learn the ways of the Omnishperes. Using his skills as a Doorman, Inari travels from world to world, safely transporting any client willing to pay to fund his research.

Model designed in Sculprtis and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

High Priest of Andromeda

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

Another character from a sci fi comic series I have been developing for years. Had a rough sketch of the guy and decided to bring it to finish for this. Needless to say this character design owes a lot to the Babylon 5 TV shows character Kosh. Was very into B5 back in the day. 😀


#21- bloob

| November 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

gloobI left my sketch book in my locker -.-” Didn’t realize that til just a lil bit ago and I have ran outta time…almost. Have a Gloob.