RSSCategory: Scifi

Day 7: El Chupacabra

| November 27, 2012 | 0 Comments


Story: Hector Sandoval was a prolific drug runner, known for sneaking and delivering his cargo past borders and federal detection, until he made a mistake in taking a job that involved trafficking humans. Instead of returning the cargo, Hector set them free, upsetting the cartel he worked for and resulting in the loss of his mother and younger brother for his actions. Hector turned over his cartel for clemency, but ended up serving a 20 year sentence. Hector volunteered as a test subject in a kinetic molecular stimulation experiment for a reduced sentence. The experiment accelerated his molecules to a supersonic state that resulted in giving him enhanced speed and phasing through solid matter. Hector wears a special suit that allows his abilities to function while select items retain solidity for sight and touch. However, the experiment causes his body to be unstable after every use, so Hector must spend a full day in a special isolation chamber to restabilize his body. To Hector, this is a small price to pay for the loss of his family over his own crimes. Being a part of a super team is Hector’s chance at redemption.


Abilities: Super speed, ability to phase through solid matter, and hyper kinetic reflexes.

The Suit is made of flexible metal and cloth compounds that are resistant to intense heat and friction. Gloves and Boots are made out of heavily reinforced polymers to retain solidity for the Chupacabra, enabling him to interact with objects. Gloves also contain tranquilizer darts housed within the forearm ports. Special lenses enable Hector to retain his vision while in phase shift mode.

Conception: I like the idea of designing a Hispanic super team and given our culture’s fascination of myth and monsters; I felt a monster based on Latin America’s most popular urban legend deserved the superhero treatment. His design has a direct influence with Ultimate Quicksilver, but I broke up sections of the outfit to give him an insectile appearance while using edges to accentuate speed.

Day 6: El Boriken

| November 27, 2012 | 0 Comments


Story: Luis Mendez was a U.S. Marine Corp Captain serving a tour of duty in Afghanistan, before that, he worked ops in Iraq and Pakistan, before being approached for a Special Ops in Project: El Boriken by his superiors.  At first glance, Luis thought it was merely a publicity job, until he meets the first two supernatural members of the team, Los Superiors, El Cuco and La Sayona.

He is the sixth individual to wear the Boriken Suit as prior wielders had great difficulty handling the Tactical A.I. affixed to his helmet and as a result, were killed in action subduing various paranormal threats. Luis’s ability to handle intense stress during his time in the Iraq town of Fallujah made him a prime candidate for the Tactical A.I. So far, Luis has been able to handle the interface, thanks to mental exercises taught to him by El Cuco and his own military training. Luis understands the need for a Latin American Team to serve as a response to the growing amount of superpowers in the States and Japan. As well as Luis having to deal with the existence of the supernatural as he and his team are deployed to combat paranormal threats under the guise of terrorism and underworld combat. Add to the stress of representing Puerto Rican cultural pride, combating of paranormal threats, and the advances of La Sayona, make Luis’s life a difficult one. He has formed a good friendship with both Cadejos, a friendly rivalry with the Skull King, and has good friendship with El Cuco.

Abilities: The Boriken Suit provides the user with enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes. Suit is made of a Kevlar-nomex weave for resistance to bullets and melee weapons. Armor plates are ceramic armor dipped in memory polymers for extra durability. The Boriken suit uses carbon nano tubules to regulate and power the suit while all operations and main tactical data are housed within the helmet.

Helmet contains Tactical A.I. interface that calculates and assess tactical data to suggest host of best course of action during combat scenarios. Suit also allows the user to access and interface with various computer and electronic devices via USB cables located in the gloves.
The Boriken Suit is able to generate short term hard light constructs, such as shields and melee weapons in the event of an emergency. As a fan of comics, Luis’s favorite construct is an energy shield formed like flag of the Puerto Rico, as a nod to the character, Captain America.
Utility belt contains survival equipment, stun batons, shatter discs, emergency backup armor and portable handguns.

As this is sixth inception of the Boriken Suit, Luis has access to use the prior Suits for select mission parameters.

Conception: This is the character I go through so many revisions over, as I had a primary design in mind, but Alex Ross beat me to it with his render of Buck Barnes as Captain America (which strongly resembles the Puerto Rican Flag), so I tried and I tried to make a character that won’t resemble Captain America pastiche, ultimately just saying “screw it” and drawing him as is. His suit is now another revamp of a previous rendition, as I initially made it a combo of armored top/pants combo, until watching Young Justice made me design the suit more form fitting and added the components to give it a more super hero look. I wanted to showcase both his weapon and construct, as the shield is a big deal and him using stun batons were his main weapons.

Day 5: Fenris, Avatar of the Devouring Wolf

| November 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

Story: The fourth of the four Sects from the Cult of Ragnarok, The Fenris Sect believe that the world will end by a devastating winter that will kill all plants and living things, giving those that survive a new, pure world to rebuild. With that ideology, The Fenris Sect dedicates themselves to delivering an extinction event caused by an epic winter.

The Fenris Sect go about this by utilizing nuclear devices to awaken inactive volcanoes to coat the sky in ash, blocking out the sun or seeding the sky to cause an eternal winter. For smaller experiments, the Fenris Sect has experimented with using chemical weapons that will flash freeze entire cities.

Overseeing special missions for the Fenris Sect is their Avatar, Fenris. Capable of generating ice structures and freezing any who stand in Ragnarok’s way, Fenris eliminates all who dare to delay the End Days. Like its Sect brethren, Fenris’s abilities are thanks in part to possessing Shards of the Philosopher’s Stone, making him an enemy of the Alchemist and to the Agents of John Dee.


Abilities: With the aid of shards of the Philosopher’s Stone embedded with Fenris’s gauntlets and helmet, Fenris is able to manipulate the air molecules around him by subtracting heat and multiplying the moisture in the air to generate intense cold. This power enables Fenris to create various ice constructs such as Claws, swords, and pillars of ice. The helmet enables Fenris to deliver a vicious breath attack that combines elements of a snowstorm and a sonic boom called the “Howl of Fenris” that simultaneously freezes and sends his targets back within his blast radius. Fenris also possess a freezing touch that will encase his victims in a perpetually frozen state unless he commands it to stop.

Fenris is also a superior hand-to-hand combatant that is capable of both close quarters and the weapon arts. Fenris is also shown to demonstrate an understanding of thermondynamics, electrical engineering, and meteorology.

Conception: Fenris was my second idea after splintering the Cult of Ragnarok into different sects, but the last character that I got a clear idea on his design. One difficulty I encountered was incorporating fur elements into his suit design and two, the mask. The mask went through multiple revisions until I came up with a design I was satisfied with. For the suit, I utilized elements from the animated Loki and the Executioner from the cartoon, Ultimate Spider-Man while the helmet was a mixture of elements from various sources, like the Wolf Head Gang from the anime Chrome Shelled Regios, fan art on wolf helmets, and my own tweaks. My finishing touch was to make his gloves coated with ice claws as a showcase of Fenris’s abilities.

#26 – Experimental Bio Slime

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

This experimental slime, taking the form of a young woman, is simply a fun loving creature that tends to get curious about her many surroundings.  She is the first of many bio-experiments by a (former) mad scientist.

#26 White Cosmic Wind

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

White Cosmic Wind runs a small parcel delivery service for the entire galaxy. Since he is Cosmic, his reach is far and wide and at any time. With his Mech-A-Owls (short for mechanical automated owls) he makes deliveries to hell and back, or just about anywhere from this dimension to the next, or from that continent to this one, or from this planet to the next one, or from here to there, or from…well you get the idea. Just between you and me though, he’d rather be called a mail carrier than a time lord because it gives him some place to start, and 2063 is a good place to start.

White Cosmic Wind says, “I Endure in order to communicate transcending breath. I seal the input of spirit with the cosmic tone of presence. I am guided by the power of death.”

11/26/2012: Prince Amon, Child of Anubis Wanderer

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Amon  SPECIES: Child of Anubis  ORIGIN: High Realm of Anubis

Left stranded after his Cloud Skiff crashed in an alien universe, Prince Amon has wandered from world to world looking for a way home. As heir to the Guardian of the Underworld, Amon knows all to well that, should he die outside the realms of his gods, all five parts of his soul will be doomed to oblivion, the same fate that befalls the lesser beings among whom he now walks.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

#21 Manmoth

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

#22 The Key

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

She see’s and knows all.

DAY 26: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents- THE NEXT KIND’S JARDEEN

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

On the distant world of Jorol seven offshoots of mankind.  Three million years later, we account the future we account the tales of THE NEXT KIND.

In the Jungles and grassland plains of  the central continent lies the Grand Chiefdom of Jumbai: A warrior society that have centered their civilization along an honor code and religious devotion centered around the hunt.  One of its most decorated hunters is the warrior maiden, Jardeen.  By the time she was  10 she had already brought down a Bramabeast single handedly.  When she had reached the age of majority she was made the youngest head of the Monga or honor pride.

Then the Frahl Wraiths returned, and all changed in their wake…

First the Frahl Wraiths laid waste to much of the nearby land of Korath.  Those who were not killed were taken as slaves.  One who did manage to escape, was fame noble and general Doule.  Jardeen had known Doule as a child when his family spent some time on a diplomatic envoy in her land.  Doule had once saved her life, and as such Jardeen owed him an honor debt.  Doule collected that debt, and as such Jardeen reluctantly joined his ranks, and swayed the Jumbai to pledge alliance and aid to the cause of turning back the Frahl Wraiths.

Jardeen is an expert warrior, hand to hand expert, and master hunter.  Her claws are as strong as steel, and she has super human strength and dexterity.  Which has come in to be invaluable in Doule’s quest to liberate Jorol from the Frahl Wraith threat…

#13 War Suit X98

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

In an embattled future, he is the soldier of victory.

#16 The Lost Cosmonaut

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

#25 & 26 – Angela and Wendigo

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

We’ve seen some of the highest-ranking hackers and agents, and as Cynthia and Gordon represent the pinnacle of their trainer classes, Angela is at the top of her class. A senior in high school and major rival of Helen and her Pitrap, Angela uses a blob monster named Wendigo that can quickly and easily shift between different forms, in order to hunt ooze wherever it occurs. The form we see here is Wendigo’s standard offensive form. A compromise between bulk and mobility, this form uses its high speed and heavy weight to shove opponents out of the way while the exposed core on its underside quickly absorbs slime. Wendigo’s other forms include a slender, deer-like shape for high speed, a blocky, spiked shape used for heavy combat against other blob monsters, and a tall, tower-like shape used to scan the city for ooze. In very serious situations, Wendigo can actually shift between forms during combat. It’s a dangerous tactic, given how vulnerable Wendigo is while shifting, but the sheer shock value can end battles very quickly.

As a trainer, Angela comes from a family of slime hunters, and became obsessed with the competition at a young age. Having been around ooze monsters her whole life, she sees the betterment of these creatures as being her only real job, regardless of the scholarships and other rewards that come from the hunt. As a middling to average student, Angela is acutely aware of her academic shortcomings, and has been known to use ooze hunting as an excuse to avoid school. In general, however, and despite a rather prickly exterior, Angela is an empathetic, intelligent young lady with a great deal of drive.

The keywords for Wendigo were Animal, Bulky, Four Legs, Branches, Storage, and Tail. Obnoxiously enough, the first thing these phrases brought to mind was an evolved form of Alice’s Minotaur, so I had to do some shuffling to make sure Wendigo didn’t come off as a clone of Minotaur. And actually, that sounds like a pretty interesting fight. 😀

#26 Selachi Lad

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

#25 sax-13

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

sax-13 is a Station Agent X Module, just a guy (or robot) trying to do his job, which is making sure that everyone follows the mindless bureaucratic rules of conduct that are operative in public places like the Transit system.

He is likely to show up along certain lines of the Transit system that intersect with worlds whose inhabitants remain largely unaware that it even exists. Known for their inflexibility, the x module has more extensive protocols and subroutines for dealing with the unexpected. That doesn’t mean it likes any deviation from the norm. It doesn’t. At all.

[Co-created with Ken Barnes]

11/25/2012: Delves-in-Shadows, Kainan Warlock

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Delves-in-Shadows  SPECIES: Kainan  ORIGIN: The World Strider

Delves-In-Shadows is one of the final twelve specimens of the mysterious, sorcererous species known as the Kainan. Watching from their spire-city on the back of the World Strider, the Kainan travel from world to world, devouring the life force of sapient beings and absorbing the secrets left seeping from their broken minds. Ever perfecting their black arts, the Kainan are unable to cast spells of the White Circle, suffering a near-debilitating fear of such magic.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

Day 23: Lord Cyberdile

| November 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

Squirrel Squad villian

#20 Great Hiletite

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

#19 Giant Ground Wot

| November 25, 2012 | 1 Comment

#18 Horned Lypus

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

#17 Hanging Tree Squid

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

#25 Phenokinetic Siyad al Ayad

| November 25, 2012 | 1 Comment

Phenokinetic Siyad al Ayad can use the power of his mind to change the phenotype of any living organism at will.

Day 25: Dr. Tentapous

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

Dr.Tentapous used to be Doctor Chi Bush Desh and he was passioned with making artificial organs. After an accident caused not by default but by Enesos Poison, he was crippled so bad that begged Enesos to help him, and gave away all his research. Thus, Doctor Tentapous, as in Octopus but with 10 members. Enesos thought he had his perfect assistant, but his transformation was part of a plan and…well you see what has happened and now he is out there doing nasty things…


| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

 Sea Humonster, Mane Wyvern. When a mutated octopus slid it’s way into Mane’s cranium, it grew… more ways than one. It became him. During the final moments of Mane’s consciousness  the mutant assumed control and burst it’s tentacles out.  Some people who knew him could still see his facial features remain in the newly sculpted concoction.

#25 Red Crystal Dragon

| November 25, 2012 | 3 Comments

Red Crystal Dragon. “I dedicate in order to nurture, universalizing Being. I seal the input of birth with the crystal tone of cooperation. I am guided by the power of space.”

#25 Dakskull

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Unknown

Height: 6’0   Weight:237 lbs.

Age: Unknown Race: Unknown

Nothing is known of the invisible force that is Dakskull. He is a force of evil that has the power to conquer anything that stands on his way and controls any situation.

Powers: Super strength, shooting blasts from his hands, etc.   Personality: Hungry for world domination, ambitious,etc.

#24- vesper

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

vesper anthro


Day 25 – Enforcer

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name – Indrum Groark

He once was amidst the ones who “came in peace”. He came in peace too – but his task was to maintain the peace at all cost. To oppress anyone who disagrees with the peacefullness of the aliens. To insure that there is no one human who can even think of starting a war with aliens.

11/24/2012: Tihana Zoric, Human Secret Agent

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Jagoda Tihana Zoric  SPECIES: Human  ORIGIN: Earth (Croatia)

An Olympic swimmer for her home country of Croatia, Tihana also served her nation in a more covert fashion. In the midst of infiltrating a human trafficking ring in London, Tihana was abducted by a Voltraggi stealth vessel. Now, the Earth and its surrounding reality destroyed by a Universal Collapser, Tihana has been left without a home. Given a place within the Dominion, Tihana was now spies on Nexus City for the agency, keeping a keen eye on Circle-Tech in particular.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)


#24 Bloorp

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Bloorp (in his people’s language) was an envoy of a race of subterranean mud people, sent to the surface to gather information for an invasion. Upon arriving, he experienced human culture for the first time and became entranced by our ways and in particular music.

Forgetting his plans to subjugate humanity, he took up the electric keyboard and started busking on the streets of the big city. Unfortunately, his stubby fingers make it difficult to do changes, and he has no ear for music. Or ears of any sort, for that matter.

#15 Chomper

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

#14 Land Whale

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments