RSSCategory: Fantasy

Day 15 – Lumberjack Bear

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

day 15 LB RFGrizzly McAlister, lumberjack for hire.

019 – Greg Walter Robbins

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments


The half-angel, half-human child of Gregory and Serenitatem, he is the new assigned guardian of the region.  His angelic facial are similar to his mothers and also are his feathers.  He’s a tutor to the Demon Brothers and a good friend to Henry (they’re also in the same grade.)

#21 – Louie Leprechaun

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Louie Leprechaun

You ever think what a crappy gig it is to be a leprechaun?  I mean… you sit at the end of a rainbow… guarding a pot of gold.  Why?  For what purpose?  You’re not gonna give it to somebody if they come along… so you just sit there… waiting… for… death?  That’s a crappy deal… just ask Louie Leprechaun how crappy that is… He’ll let you know.

018 – Gregory William Robbins

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments



Gregory’s an owner to a local pub.  His father passed it on to him after he retired many years ago.  His grey hairs are due to a hereditary trait of early greying.  He met Serenitatem, his wife, after a near death experience where she accidentally revealed herself as his guardian angel.  Though they’re working in separate realms, the two maintain their relationship and support their son.

Day 14 – Rooster Cogsworth

| November 21, 2013 | 1 Comment

day 14  - Rooster Cogsworth FINAL LOGO

Marshall Rooster Cogsworth aka RoboRooster, the only law on planet C.R.U.D. in the Omega Meta Gamma cluster. Injured in the Great War, as a soldier of fortune he turned to a law abiding gunslinger after his robotic makeover made him see red anytime injustice reared its’ foxy head. C.R.U.D. is a dry and desolate planet full of mutant outlaws, thieves and villains as they and honest citizens vie to claim and mine the elusive, mysterious and possibly living crystalline C.R.U.D., the only substance in the known galaxy that can convert common rocks into gold. Cogsworth and his misfit army are the only stopgap of chaos and lawlessness on C.R.U.D.

Day 19 – Mary

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Mary is small for her age and is often mistaken for a child.  She doesn’t like this but sometimes uses this to her advantage.  She works as a nanny and enjoys playing with children.  Kids love her as well since she is the same size as them.


Day 21: O.M.G.

| November 21, 2013 | 2 Comments

OMG“Oh my god, its O.M.G.!” Seven-time Killa-Dome championship holder, sent to the Killosseum after a shameful loss to a nobody.

2013 Challenge: Day 21:- Phil The Pig

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Phil The Pig



My word!

#20.) Varekka

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

30characters20Varekka is a dwarf warrior princess. Like any proper dwarf (be they man or woman) sports a glorious beard, which she is proud of.

Ghost Keepers

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day20-Ghost Keepers-01

The Rage Thrower

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day19-The Rage Thrower-01

Day 20: Asase, Caller of the Spirit Storm

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Asase is both loved and feared by her people. She calls on the ghosts of the ancestors to give both guidance and protection, but when she is not needed, those around her believe she allows the spirits to haunt and sometimes curse them. Many still speak of the day that the Grey attacked the village, and took away five children. Asase called on an army of ghosts to fight this terrible enemy, and the spirits appeared as a massive storm that flooded the village. The Grey were pushed back, but no one had ever suspected Asase had such power.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.



Day 19: Brother Ironwrist

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Ironwrist does not want to use his metallic arms for fighting. He loves crafting intricate and graceful objects in the forges of the Dacemos brotherhood. But he also loves his unpredictable brother Firefist, and whenever he goes storming off on some grand adventure, Ironwrist must follow, at the very least to keep his brother out of too much trouble.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


#20 Sc’Arthian

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Here’s a Sc’Arthian, basically the reason for many living on Arth possessing strong jaws.  They’re a prevalent predator that uses it’s pincer tail to pry open the mouth of it’s prey and jettison a tongue laced with teeth down it’s throat.  Pretty gruesome and comes in all shapes and sizes.


Day 18: Aiviq, Shaman of the Tundra

| November 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

Aiviq has traveled far from the frigid north, come to share news of the plight of her people as they face the cruel hoards of Grey. But she finds a world of souls struggling to survive themselves. As she seeks allies, she finds few  she would call trustworthy. The only one who seems to care enough to give her any help is a hot tempered warrior monk who is so impulsive, even she doesn’t know if he’s more of a help than a liability.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.



| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

jack stalker

#20 – Consume

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

20 - Consume

This ghost is all that remains of a man who was convinced that the world had it in for him. By blaming everyone else for his failures, he drove those around him away. A possessive spirit, he wanders the city trying to connect with people in the only way he knows how; by attempting to control them.

#20 arctic mer-person Aurora

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments


#7 & #8 Jörm the Stonecutter & Bergrisar of the Mosses

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

#7 & #8 Jörm the Stonecutter & Bergrisar of the Mosses


In the spring, when the daylight starts to come back, if you wander the Northern shore, you might just come across Jörm. With a seemingly ordinary hammer & chisel, the boy surveys the shoreline in search of stones in which to carve. But Jörm is no ordinary boy. The special runes he carves into these stones give them peculiar properties. Some begin to float. Others can change shape or size. Others become completely immobile, even if the stone in question is just a pebble. Some even take on a life of their own, the only company the boy surrounds himself with.

Stranger still, you can only find Jörm in the spring, & only along the coast. But you can find him there every spring, like clockwork. In fact you could’ve found him there for the past 194 recorded springs. And in all that time, the boy has never aged a day.

Bergrisar is one of Jörm’s creations. Carved out of a huge hunk of an eroded igneous boulder, Bergrisar’s appearance was based off the fierce Frost Giants of legend & acts almost as Jörm’s vanguard, securing his seclusion, floating around & guarding him from intruders. While Jörm is said to be completely mute, Bergrisar is prone to all manner of screaming & shouting, with a feral voice that sends shivers down the spines of even the bravest of warriors. At full volume, his shriek has been known to strip the bark from trees with the force of a gale. Once, Bergrisar took a warhammer to his eye carving, pulverizing it into a rocky fissure. Ever since, a brilliant green moss as creeped from the wound.


Don’t know the meaning of the word “quit.” I’ve got a lot of other things going on & I’m not going to officially post this to my tumblr until I get all that other stuff out the way, catch up, color this, & have a second to breathe. Came from a half an hours’ worth of playing Skyrim. Wanted to do some kind of viking kid that was supernatural. Somehow he became nordic Tetsuo. The sentient boulder came into play later & I realized I probably could flesh a character out of him too. Probably a cop out but whatever. I think he’s pretty well-realized. Sorry I couldn’t color really. Would’ve liked to do green along Bergrisar’s missing eye to show that the scar is actually moss. And I would’ve made the runes glow too.

I’ve been doing roughs & have characters up to day 19. I’m still looking to do as many good characters as I can muster in the 30 days, but like I said, I’ve got something else going on that’s more of a priority I’m afraid.

#19 Beast

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments


#20 Bamtou

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments


Part Baboon, part crane and all party animal, Bamtou enjoys grooving it up. Unfortunately, she loves showing off those sweet moves where everything is flammable. The magic of the dance groove welling to come out also produces the flaming hairdo and fiery tail that Bamtou sports. She’s still young and the fire control still needs work, but once she’s matured a bit more she’ll be able to manage a better flaming hair and tail style that says classy with a little bit of spunk. She can’t help it if something catches on fire once in awhile…

#19 Djinn Conway

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments


A slave to no one, the once and powerful Djinn has begun establishing a new persona for himself. He happened to find the name Conway enjoyable to hear so he decided to name himself Conway. In a move to jump to the opposite extreme of no shirt every day for about forever… Conway has decided that a down feathered yellow jacket would be appropriate and the sleeves roll up when needed. Since acquiring his freedom, Conway has also acquired a fascination with pants. He loves them. He now walks and wears them everywhere. His magical powers afford him the luxury of having people not make fun of him and his unfortunate taste in clothing. Otherwise, he’s still quite powerful without a master to serve.

#18 Rupez The Doctor

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments


Rupez, does not like wearing pants. He’s “The Doctor” because no one else can stand to wear the smelly mask and he doesn’t consider himself to be a witch. Fortunately for Rupez, the mask does give him some magical power like creating fire for those long lonely nights. Since he has no actual instruction manual on what magic he can actually produce, he is constantly trying different poses and chants that DO make him appear crazy and sometimes can or won’t produce an actual spell.

Day 14 – Digi-Man

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments



Day 20: MURDER-O, Modular Robot Gladiator

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments


A gladiator for the Killosseum Pocket-tactics set/accessory I’m working on.

Day 18 – Hummus

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

Hummus the Imp is a mischievous fellow.  He is always causing trouble and getting into places he doesn’t belong.   He is given missions by his mistress but he can be slow to achieve them due to his constant need to cause mischief.


2013 Challenge: Day 20:- Greeper

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments




A goblin with a very low center of gravity. Watch your ankles!

Day 3, Umenii

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments


Umenii is off a race called the Leaflings, but because of her not being able to follow their traditions, was exiled. The flower she wears on her waist has a black core that tries to hide in the bright, happy colors. It represents her true nature.

#19 – The Littlest Viking

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Littlest Viking

When he was but a boy of 4 or 5, young Ã…smund stopped growing.  Just could not grow another inch.  His viking brothers went on to be big and strong… but Ã…smund was stuck at his height forever.  But that only made him work harder to prove himself as one of the greatest vikings to ever live.  Never call him a dwarf, though.  Seriously… Never… call… him… a… dwarf!

Day 2, Nongol

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments



Day 1, Rose

| November 20, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day 1 Rose

A village girl that travels to the Royal Castle to apply for a maid position. She likes to stay neat, but often makes a mess of things.