RSSCategory: Fantasy

#4 Annie, The Healer

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments


#6 #7 #8 #9 A whole bunch of folks

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments


Clockwise from the top-left:

Theodore Henderson is the mayor of New Effin, and whether for better or for worse, that’s about it. A traditional-values minded family man, his great grandfather was one of the founding members of New Effin.

“Father” as he’s known, Leonard Boucher has been in New Effin for about as long as anyone can remember. A father figure to the town, only a revered few seem to call him “Leonard”.

Moon-man. Called so because he always smells of moonshine. A favorite past time for some of the more unruly kids, most of the adults in New Effin have a decent amount of sympathy for him. Stories & legends of him tell of an average New Effin man, that went off to the war, and what came back wasn’t quite all there. Some tried to blame the incidents on him, but enough people came to his defense, including “Father”, for the accusers to back off.

Principal Benjamin Crowe of the New Effin high school, is a man obsessed with discipline and order. One of the first people to completely lose it when… things started happening… and point an accusing finger at Beatrice Baker and Herbert Wright.

#4 #5 Judith and James Richardson

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments


Judith Richardson is an average, friendly, outgoing high school student. In other words, she is the exact opposite of her socially awkward twin brother, James. And a little protective towards him as well.

James Richardson would much rather be left alone with his books. A life style that has gotten him into more troubles than one would expect from a straight A student. Granted it’s also gotten him out of trouble with the authorities.

As the frequency of inexplicably bizarre and mysterious happenings in New Effin increases, they choose to investigate. While Judith feels the adults should take care of things, she decides to help her brother on account of the fact that this the first time she has seen take an active interest in anything other than books.

Day 4: Dice Slicer the Librarian

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments


Dice Slicer the Librarian, takes care of the knowledge and books on the Armada.

Day 2 – Fuse

| November 4, 2013 | 1 Comment



This is the first in a set of characters based on/inspired by my electronic devices. Try to figure out who is based on what!

Fuse is a pro gamer who works as a DJ in a popular club. She’s part of Red Sect, a newer team who have only recently become popular in the pro gaming scene. She is well liked, even amongst people who don’t like pro gaming, because she donates almost everything she wins towards cancer research, although she doesn’t say why.


2013 Challenge: Day 4- Morty, The Glib Reaper

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

Morty The Glib Reaper



“You came from nothing, you’re going to nothing…whad’ya lose?   Nothing!”

Morty is an oddly comforting final guide beyond the veil.

Day 3- UrtÄ—

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

30Characters-3 -UrtÄ—

So here is day 3- UrtÄ— the Reaper.  I did some research on reapers and really liked the idea of the Baltic version.  Here’s the wiki article  on reapers I used.

Day 2- Roxana

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

30Characters-2 -RoxanaGosh darned internet and scanner went down yesterday when I got off from work. Finally getting things set up correctly again.  Here is my sphinx! Roxana. I had to try really hard to not draw her like I draw my existing sphynxy-ladies XD

#1 Gordon Fisher

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments


#1 Scribe

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments



Scribe is a clairvoyant who controls fate, life and death, with the stroke of a quill. She can pull as many quills as she needs from the back of her cloak or her headpiece, and in lieu of parchment, she spins her words on an unending, magical scroll.  Her own fate is marked on her hands and body, but she’s too afraid to read it – hence she covers her hands and body in a loose, flowing cloak to conceal it. But sometimes even she can’t resist taking a peek at what’s in store for her future.

website | tumblr | twitter @photinakis

Day 3 – Two Eyed Cyclops

| November 3, 2013 | 2 Comments

day 3 - 2 eyed cyclops FINAL

This idea woke me up in the middle of the night. At first I was just thinking, “Cyclops” in the traditional sense but then the title popped into sharp focus. The extra head idea was too fun to pass up as was the necklace of skulls. I almost did a Jack the Giant Slayer figure with a cow running away but liked the idea of a knight about to get squashed because his faithful steed bolted and ran.

#1 – Mordwind

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments



#03.) Glibnara

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

30characters3 Glibnara is a goblin (or gobliness, if you want to be polite). She is considered to be very attractive by the standards of her fellow goblins. Unfortunately she is not too bright. She has the mentality of a particularly savage 5-year-old and has great difficulty understanding abstract concepts. She especially fears music, which she thinks is some sort of ear magic.

Maneki Neko

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day3-Maneki Neko-01-01

skull model

| November 3, 2013 | 3 Comments


No #3 Frank Raabirck

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

Se more of my work HERE!


#03 – “Dirk Hunter”

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

03 - Dirk Hunter

With the increase in paranormal activity, the city has seen an influx of people who are, for their own reasons, interested in making contact with the dead. Some want proof of an afterlife, others come to have their beliefs validated, and some, like “Dirk” here, are in it for the machismo. And the money, of course.

Host of his own show on cable TV, Dirk’s contribution to the culture of prime time is a televised tour through abandoned buildings, where every blurry rat and mote of dust is evidence of the angry undead. For some people, seeking out the restless spirits of the dead might seem somewhat unhinged, but for Dirk Hunter — not his real name, of course — it’s a chance to prove your manhood, and on national TV no less.

Wu 03: Matthias Dex

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments



Matthias Dex is a veteran office warrior. At age of 29, he has survived through the day when the Coffee Machine broke and the Second Great Rubberband War (in which 28 people lost their lives). He is now commanding a small IT-group which specialized in quick and effective results in small timeframe.

#3 Belly Dancer Moira

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

2013 Day 03

#03 – Lord Resbow

| November 3, 2013 | 2 Comments

03-Lord Resbow

When the supposed “King” failed to rid the Kingdom of the travelers from another world and properly take care of the Princess… it was time for Lord Resbow to step up and show them how it’s done.

My “homage” to the villains of side-scroll games of old.  They just don’t make them like they use to. :/

03: Caller Es’taleth

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

Joyce Ann Martin - 03: Caller Es'taleth

He has quite a lot of friends that he can ask when he needs a bit of help.

Day 3: Abigail Horn the Whale Unicorn

| November 3, 2013 | 2 Comments

#03 Abigail Horn the Whale Unicorn
You know, to be completely honest… I have no idea how this one came to be. Neither do I know any others but they’re all animals. Perhaps that’s the overall theme to this years 30 Characters Challenge. Just a bunch of goofy colored animals…Must…be…more…creative x)

03: Dailuna

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

Character Name:

Brief Bio/Description:
Dailuna is a member of the cosmic council. She presides over the white dwarf maintenance department, and takes her job very seriously. She’s also one of the leading fashion trend-setters in her galaxy. Her “hair” is actually a cerebral-nervous window, which mimics the appearance of a galaxy. The more relaxed she is, the fewer the number of white star bursts and the calmer the changing of the colors. When she is agitated, the bursts are rapid and the colors swirl. She paints her lips and hooves and sometimes applies cosmetics around her eyes and on her facial skeletal pieces.

Style Commentary:
Dailuna is almost the lofty cosmic being I’ve had stuck in my head for three days now. Almost, but not quite. Again, I had a great deal of fun with the pencil-sketch brushes, and used about five layers in Photoshop to slap down a goofy background and basic colors on her. I wanted to do more with clothing today, so I played around and took a little extra time painting in the different areas and used a clipping mask or two to help keep her figure separate from the background. Honestly, the most impressive stylistic revelation, to me, is that I am exponentially faster at laying down and finishing rough colors now than I was even a few months ago. I love it!

Day 2: Sandor & Mikah

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments


Day 1: Pimbrouke

| November 3, 2013 | 2 Comments


2013 Post#3 — Luna

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments


Wilcox Post#3 — Luna

Luna is a mysterious woman who look into people’s lives and tries to help change them — for the better. She is not always met with favor, as her appearance is disturbing for some people. Luna’s skin is split in sections of stark white(her right side) and stark black(her left side). Her clothes also have this feature, though the black & white split are on the opposite sides. Still, she is an exotic beauty; and her efforts often lead to the person being helped find romance and love.


Monster #3 — Clawbert Glum

| November 3, 2013 | 1 Comment


Today’s monster: Clawbert Glum. Ferociously shy creature of the night. Or something.

Day 2: Cartoln Weaver

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments


Cartoln Weaver, my day 2 character.


He’s prone to look down on others and has a certain lust for power. Probably hindered by the fact that he lacks discipline and really isn’t as smart and manipulative as he thinks he is.


A random fact about Cartoln:
Physical contact makes him slightly anxious.

Day 3: Rubicante the Space Bear

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments


Cuddly by day and night. Loves butterflies and the innards of his enemies.

#3 Ciara, The Elf Magician

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments



Ciara is a novice magician who just staring a life in noble Magical College. While other student is a high elf. She is a half human half elf and found herself has a less magical power than other  people. One day some sleeping power on her has awaken and destroy half of college!  It’s make other student fear and like her more on the same time . How can she control those greatest power in herself? and what is a origin of her power?

2013 Challenge: Day 3- Sir Roderick The Overwhelmed

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

Sir Roderick The Overwhelmed




Sir Roderick, reacting to the news that the banquet requires climbing stairs to attend.