RSSCategory: Fantasy

#5 Face of Death

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

2013 Day 05


Death takes a new face with every being it visits.

So this might be it´s face for a Xena fan! 😉

The Character here is Death itself even if I just draw one of it´s faces.

Have fun!


#4 Leaves

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

2013 Day 04


Leaves is a pile of leaves who can change it´s shape according to it´s mood or destination.

Here we have some of it´s forms. The form of a woman was to visit cities and get near humans as Leaves find them interesting.

The dragon like shape is when Leaves get into a tornado (no matter the size of said tornado).

Have fun!


#3 The Avianator

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments



Herbert Wilberforce always dreamed about flying; he signed up to the Air Force on his 16th birthday, only to realise that he was profoundly colour blind so wasn’t able to be a pilot.  Being a passenger in a plane didn’t feel right, neither did hot air balloons, gliders, or even hang gliding.  Parachuting was close but, as he said once, it was more like falling with style than flying.  He spent the next 70 years of his life trying to fulfill his dreams.  Invention after invention was discarded, as he worked to build the ultimate flying machine fuelled by his love for his favourite movie: The Rocketeer.  Every spare penny he had went into his desire to fly; his parents’ home, left to him when they died without him really noticing, was sold off bit by bit until all that was left was the small shed were he built his inventions …and lived, if truth be told … and the large oak tree that sheltered it.  His only company was that tree and the birds that lived in it; birds that he fed each and every day, wind or rain, sharing the meager food he himself ate.  Eventually even this small plot of land was bought from under him …shed, tree, and birds alike.  The strain was a little too much and as he attempted to fight off the developers his frail body gave out but, as his heart gave out, and his body began to collapse, the birds that he had sheltered and fed took him by the arms and lifted him into the sky, higher and higher.  With his last breath he gave a smile as he realised that, finally, he was flying.

Fred 02: The Illuminated

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments


No one knows who he was. All that is known is that one cold winter’s night, Death came to him and, instead taking him away, offered him enlightenment.

#1 Deerpriest

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

człowiek jeleń3

Medieval Michael

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

Medieval Michael by Wendy Martin

#7 – The Briar Knight

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

07 Knight

The Briar Knight is a series of men and women throughout the ages, all who have wielded a blade known as the Briar-thorn.  The blade grants the wielder near invulnerability, immunity to poison, disease, no need to breathe and immense strength and more worryingly, seriously affecting the perception of the world for the wielder.

After the death of the previous Briar Knight, the blade evaporates from the hands of the wielder and has been unable to be contained.  It then seemingly finds its way to a random person in the world who is in danger at that moment where it appears as a small knife with which to defend themselves.  From there on, every death the blade causes causes it to grow slightly as it absorbs the blood of the slain, and the greater the size, the more entwined with a being it becomes, and more influence it has on them.  The problem is the way the blade expresses itself is to send the new Briar Knight on quests, but unfortunately the standards by which it does so are very medieval in their attitudes – it will take an objective and the Knight will end up slaying anyone who gets in his path.   General public advice on a Briar Knight coming through an area is a broad evacuation.

The current Briar Knight seems marginally less Bloodthristy than the last, and also more cunning, but his greater success is reflected in the sword reaching the largest size of any Briar-thorn incarnation on record.  Due to the practical indestructibility and devastation caused by Briar Knights, several have been killed by bearers of the Divine Rod, who in doing so became unworthy of their own weapon.



2013 Challenge: Day 5- Algernon Pickwiggins

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

Algernon Pickwiggins



Algernon is a consummate gentleman’s gentleman. Not even his on demise in 1948 has kept him from his duties. Stiff upper lip..and everything else too.

Day 4: Fenny Paige the Ferret Pirate

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day 4: Fenny Paige!
This time around, I used an app called Shuffle! by Silver. In turn, adds a little more “character” to this Character Challenge. In any case, enjoy the ferret!

day 4- Ysmin

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments


Today’s monster girl is Ysmin the Golem.  I realized after drawing her that she reminded me of the monster summon things from Persona.  I left a couple of the thumbnails in this time too.  If I could only afford my new scanner sooner, I wouldn’t have to deal with the nonsense that is that blur.

#04.) Morris Williamson

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments


Morris Williamson is a man, a man who does not know exactly what he is. He’s not sure if he’s a mutated human, a strange new species, an alien, a scientific experiment gone wrong, or any other possibility. His lack of identity causes him great depression and confusion. Despite all this,he tries to do his best to achieve his goal in life- living a relatively normal, day-to-day life amongst other humans.

Day 4: Zooey

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments


I’m a huge fan of Lorna and I’ve always hoped there could be another “jungle girl” type comic out again. Zooey, is a play on the word zoology as she’s here to protect the animals and the environment. She has no super powers normally, but the animals gifted her this special necklace that has bones from fallen animals. When she puts on the necklace she gains the powers of these animals.

Day 5: The Burned Men

| November 5, 2013 | 4 Comments


Day 4: Sky Captain Conte

| November 5, 2013 | 7 Comments


Day 3: Wind Reaper

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments


04: Humbert

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

Character Name: 
Mr. Humbert Greyfellow

Brief Bio/Description:
Humbert is a self-made man – well, whale-man. He had a knack for business and made his first small fortune by giving the people in his town what they wanted and needed, for a competitive price. Which, at the time, was the news. He worked out the best possible routes to serve the most people in the shortest amount of time and was able to fill more orders on his own than several other postal veterans could with their combined efforts. His mind for mechanics and logistics took him through several local businesses, until he started his own, in furniture. And protection. He doesn’t like to be called the Boss. And his kindness is genuine. But, it’s still “Mr. Greyfellow” to you.

Style Commentary:
I wanted to break way from the alien-people I’ve been doing, so I flipped through the first few pages of deviantART today, and I got hit with this image of a round, hunched, maybe-jovial, maybe-scheming whale-like creature. So, I took to my Photoshop pencils and drew him. Twice, actually (I messed up my layers and had to re-do him). I almost stopped at the sketch stage, but since I’ve been doing so well with colors, I pushed through! I wanted to make him subdued and somber. He still has a little bit of a domineering presence, but his peak is behind him, and he is growing slowly tired of his business empire. Perhaps now he seeks peace and rest, and an heir to his dominion.

Day 3: The Lost Unicorn

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Lost Unicorn is an aloof and illusive creature. He seems a little sad, but maybe that’s because he’s funny looking.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.Day3

Day 2: Jenny Midnight

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

Jenny Midnight is a quiet girl, with dark locks and dark looks. She loves especially to stare at the stars, and sometimes, if she catches the light right, you can see them twinkle in her hair.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


Adventure girl

| November 4, 2013 | 1 Comment


Day 1: Ember the Salamander

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

Ember the Salamander is an odd little guy. He mostly wants to be left alone, but he can’t seem to say no when his human neighbors need to be helped, and sometimes rescued.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.



Day4 – Sophia

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

Sophia is a young princess to the king of the land.  She seems like a sweet, innocent girl, but she is a little demented.  She will do random things that make no sense to most people.  She can use body modification magic which can be used to heal people or cause horrible mutations.  She usually only uses her magic when no one is looking so no one knows where the mutations are coming from.  The changes don’t last long so no serious investigations have been undertaken



#04 – Flicker

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

04 - Flicker

In what remains of the city park, people can see a light in the early evenings. Dancing in the sunset, some people have decided it is a warning. Others have decided it is an invitation.

No #04 Ruben Kaae

| November 4, 2013 | 4 Comments

No #04


No #04

003 – Kimi

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments



Older sister of Isao and shares the responsibilities of the forest with her brother.

002 – Isao

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments



He is a child of a local land god who watches over a special forest.

#6 – The Ivory Tower

| November 4, 2013 | 1 Comment

06 ivorytower

The Ivory Tower is to outwards appearances a huge building perched high in an obscure corner of the Canadian Rockies, but further inspection reveals far more than meets this initial inspection.  For one the white substance it is clad in is not rock but carved vertebrae from some gigantic animal.   Secondly, records of the building go back as far as anyone was present in the area, and appears in the legends of the native peoples.  No one knows how it got there or what it was originally for, but to those in the know, it represents the most terrifying intellect on the planet.   What isn’t obvious from the outside is that 98% of this titanic structure is filled with something resembling brain matter, and it is active and conscious.

The remaining 2% represents a slender spiral staircase at its core while lead up to a small spherical room where one may interact with the Tower, though the front door of the place only opens to exceptional intellects.  What little is known about the tower is that not only does it possess tremendous brainpower, but telepathic powers on an incalculable scale, suggestions are that it works to the point where it manipulates the basic thoughts of the entire planet if not further in subtle ways, trying to steer us towards some future goal.  It also seems to have access to communications and be able to make trillions of subtle alterations per second to messages passed, although to what ends these happen no-one knows.  No one has been able to ascertain what its eventual goals are, and while those who do get admittance may ask for any knowledge in the world l (excepting things about itself), doing so is playing with fire, as even though it always seems to answer truthfully who knows what subtle plots the Tower sets up with its answers…


Day 3: Del Ages

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments


Del Ages; Possible candidate to become a registered Hero which will land her fame and fortune.
Del is cocky but kind, finding that self-confidence and forgiveness bring one furthest in life.
(though this doesn’t mean she won’t resort to brute force to remove anyone from her path)

Random fact about Del Ages:
Del’s sword can actually change size (and to some degree shape) allowing for versatile tactical use in combat.

#4 High-Flying Bear Pilot

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments

high-flying bear pilot

High-flying bear pilot takes to the sky. Dare-devil flyer, higher than the clouds, nothing dampens this happy-go-lucky guy’s mood.

2013 Post#4 — Penn

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments


Wilcox post#4 — Penn

Day 4: Lopeing Fiend

| November 4, 2013 | 2 Comments

Loping FiendA monster piece for my WIP, 3d-print-and-play board game, Demonstar. Once all of these guys (and the tiles, counters, etc) are finished, you’ll be able to download the rules and parts for free on


Monster #4

| November 4, 2013 | 0 Comments


Today’s monster character is a somewhat nerdy kaiju. I’m posting this from Tokyo, and feel pretty certain that this fella isn’t going to be wreaking havoc here any time soon. He’s too busy playing with his Nintendo DS.