RSSCategory: Fantasy

Day 6: Rabiux, Avatar of Road Rage

| November 6, 2013 | 2 Comments

Avatars wander the world of New Gaias. Conflict plagues the peoples of the land. Some are angered over betrayal, others over loss of money or property. But woe to those who succumb to the worst rage of all, ROAD RAGE.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


Day 5: Svicus, Avatar of Deceptive Cute Looks

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

Avatars wander the world of New Gaias. Chaos follows Svicus wherever he goes. Chaos and destruction and discord. But he is just so darn cute, how can anyone be mad at him?

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


Day 4: Dacemos, Avatar of Inner Peace

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

Avatars wander the world of New Gaias. Dacemos is often found sipping coffee, ale, or a sweet Arnold Palmer, and reflecting on how everyone just needs to chill out.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.




| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments


#06 – Mala Almasi

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

06 - Mala Almasi

No two people react the same way to stress. For some, an impending deadline is a reason to buckle down and dig in, while for others, it’s a reason to give up. Likewise, the pressure that a city full of the wandering dead exerts affects the humans who still live in it in different ways. For Edwin, the dead are a burden, a stack of paperwork to be slowly ground through. For his dispatcher, however, the dead are an enigma to solve, a series of intriguing riddles that demand untangling.

Mala Almasi is an enthusiastic, inquisitive young lady with a voracious intellect. Though Edwin does a great deal of the footwork in tracking down the families of the dead that stumble into his cab, it’s usually Mala that solves whatever mysteries they bring with them. Though he sometimes bristles at her energetic nature, Mala is usually the one to push Edwin forward when he gets stuck. Though they frequently get on each other’s nerves, they make an effective and efficient team.

No #5 Frank Raabirck

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

For more stuff go HERE!


Day 6- The Shield Bearer

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

30 characters  6 shield bearer ready


From the Isle of Avalon, the mysterious Shield Bearer appears during times of battle to stand next to the king offering protection. Armed with two mystic shields, she can deflect hammers, broadswords, missiles, and even cannnon fire! But the shields are not just defensive. Swinging them at foes, these shields of mystic energy are thin- capable of chopping or slicing like any contemporary weapon would be expected to do. When the battle is over, the Shield Bearer disappears as quietly as she first appeared. Rumors have it she was last seen several times across Europe during WWII and is believed to have been captured in the background of a photo that shows her at the door of Winston Churchill’s house on Downing Street. Other reports have her helping a young woman across the Russian wilderness in 1918…

#6 Demon Warrior Issra

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

2013 Day 06

#4 Wallace ‘Wally’ Kowalski

| November 6, 2013 | 3 Comments

Day 4Famed aquanaut and undersea explorer Wallace ‘Wally’ Kowalski has seen just about everything the ocean has to offer.  He has single-handedly discovered countless shipwrecks and recovered millions of dollars worth of treasures and artifacts.  He is also the pioneer in many underwater technologies and techniques we now take for granted, including saturation diving, rebreathing devices, and the three-toed flipper. Through a series of short films and books in the 1960’s he raised public awareness of the wonders of the ocean with the aid of his friend and fellow oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

During one of their last film projects they were exploring a sunken Spanish galleon  when Wally noticed the wreck lay near an underwater cliff face with what appeared to be rectangular ‘caves’ carved into it.  Thinking it to be a much more interesting find they quickly set off to explore the unusual chambers.  Once inside they found the interior to be massive, geometric in structure and gorgeous, covered in intricate mysterious engravings.  After taking a few quick notes Wally notices a sparkle in the corner as something catches his torch beam.  Once he recovers the object he is astounded to see its a perfectly sealed, air-tight crystalline container holding what looked to be a scroll rolled up inside.  Jacques and Wally  return to the surface, minds reeling from their astounding discovery.  Upon investigation of the artifacts they recovered Wally manages to open the crystal container  and unfurls the almost pristine delicate paper scroll, and is amazed to see it covered in a mysterious  unknown script and an extremely fine and laboriously rendered map of the face of the earth as it appeared epochs ago.  Still visible are the vaguely familiar outlines of the major continents, but peppered throughout are many unknown islands and landmasses, including one gigantic landform in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.   Believing they have found evidence of the fabled lost continent of Mu, Wally quickly convinces Jacques to provide funding, crew, and equipment for him to make the expedition .

Map in hand, Kowalski  sets off a year later with much fanfare and excitement. Keeping in touch along the way via radio, everything was going as planned.  When news of their arrival reaches the mainland the public is on the ends of their seats waiting to hear about the fantastic discoveries that are sure to be pouring in soon.  But when no more transmissions arrive, days turn into weeks and search teams are quickly sent out.  Before long the expedition boat is found floating free in the Atlantic, completely vacant and stripped of any signs of life (no insects even).  Food is found still on plates in the galley as if they were  in the middle of dinner at that moment, more unsettling is the fact that all the radio equipment was ravaged, chords cut and tubes blown out.  It is still a mystery today, theories and conspiracies run rampant  in paranormal circles, the biggest of which being the fact that the map was never found on the abandoned rig, throwing the dark veil back over the enigmatic lost continent.

Day 3 Mysterious Astronaut

| November 6, 2013 | 1 Comment

In 2058 while prepping a departing shuttle from Mars base Galifrey, this strange and silent astronaut was discovered standing by the launch pad. He was brought to the main compound and interrogated. He would not remove his helmet. None of the bases personal were able to remove it. He would not respond in any way to questioning. No communication of any kind. The markings and technology of his space suit could not be identified and appeared to be not of any known Earth equipment or materials. He was put in confinement for observation. In the morning he was no longer in the sealed and locked containment cell. No one saw him leave. No cameras or sensors picked up any movement. The containment room never opened during the night according to all sensors. The mysterious Astronaut was never seen again.


No #06 Ruben Kaae

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

No 06


No #06 Ruben Kaae

#9 – Urtror Ingotson CXII

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments



While Dwarves are renowned for loving Gold, that is not really entirely fair.  Dwarves are divided into what most closely translates into “Nations” which have very little to do with territory, and are more to do with what product specialty each produces.  To produce a certain product, you must be a member of that particular nation, and a handful while some dwarves may be adopted into certain nations, and all nations trade with each other, producing outside your own nation is one of the worst crimes under Dwarven law, considered effectively similar to breaking international law.  On the occasions when two or more nations need to combine their products to produce a new finished piece, a third “Child Nation” may be created as an intermediary, which individual Dwarves can migrate to if their skills fit. This ends up creating elaborate family trees of Nations, which individual Dwarves can move down (but never up) to take advantage of new products and technologies.

Historically, there have been five Great Nations around which all others circle – Iron, Coal, Stone, Enchantment and, of course Gold.  These five are so core to Dwarvenkind that they even have more influence than ones who provide everyday products such as farmers of Mole-sheep and Brewers of Mead. For obvious reasons, Gold has long remained the richest of all houses by several degrees of magnitude, but has but a single child nation (the Jewellers) compared to the ten or more for the other Great Nations.   They haven’t needed to, after all, they are the ones who mint Dwarven currency.

This may soon change due to the Ingotson family, and specifically Urtror Ingotson CXII, the current head of the house.  For the first time, he wants to create a child nation with the second party not being Dwarves, but human accountants.  The Ingotson has always been considered very strange in that they have always loved Gold the substance rather than the craftsmanship which the rest of the Gold nation loves.  His proposals are to split off with the help of humans and form a Banking Nation. There is good reason for this, while Urtror is notoriously greedy and a hoarder and unlikely to give much in the way of interest, Dwarven vaults are about the single most secure location on the planet, designed to resist any kind of assault be it magical, technological or mundane. The Ingotson Banks particularly are claimed would survive the destruction of the planet.

This new house is broadly feared by many, no human nation has really any ability to affect policy of Dwarves, and Urtror is probably already the richest man on the planet, and his inherited wealth is less than a fifth of that.  He is a cruel and canny business, who by all reports would would happily watch nations burn for an extra 0.1% income…

2013 Post#6 — A French Unicorn

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments


Wilcox Post#6 — A French Unicorn

I guess this falls understand both a “What If…” situation and a play on words. Enjoy.

Incidently, horses don’t usually smile; but I thought a unicorn probably could. 😉

Day 6: Manny the Manatee

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

#06 Manny the Manatee
Aww, this one kinda reminds me of the Urf on League of Legends… ahaha

#06 – Edami

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments


Lurking in the depths of the oceans just outside the range of the arctic, live an underwater race of humanoid-fish people (some say “Mermaids” and “Mermen”).  As the human race continues to destroy the world and push itself into every inch of the planet, spreading like a virus, it was only a matter of time before this long ignored species would cross paths humanity.  Edami may be the first found… but there are millions more.

Dread Day 2

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

Got no idea on this lady. Just developed from a doodle. 😀


#5 Sylvana

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

sort of an aquatic cyborg Sylvana

E04 – Reiner

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

Still a whole day behind!! But here is the first dude I’ve drawn of the challenge so there is that. I kinda rushed a tiny bit through this one in spots haha, but I had fun drawing him.

#4 Serenity

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments


Day 5 – Samurai Tiger

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

day 5 Sanuurai tigerI sketched this guy out while sitting in the doctor’s waiting room today = plenty of time to kill. I think I love drawing anthropomorphs more than anything else. I know things like this have been done before but one of those ideas I had to explore as I love Japanese armor and culture, the bushido way.

#5 Sword Killer

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

A vampire so old that she took up the sword’s name instead.  The sword’s made of space gallium that’s contained within a special refrigerated sheath that keeps it at optimal temperature.

vampireswordkillerlady copy

05: Grindelia

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

Character Name: 

Brief Bio/Description:
Grindelia is a spitfire lion-dragon. She’s also very flirty, and doesn’t care about what race or gender – or lack thereof – you are. What matters to her, is character depth and interest. And intelligence. Like her great-aunt, the Sphinx, Grindelia loves riddles. She also loves deep philosophical discussions and ponders the great expanse of the universe on a daily basis. Her favorite beverage is orange-banana smoothies, and her favorite food is cream-cheese-iced brownies. She is so fond of the brownies, especially, that she has been known to forgive even the most extreme of grudges with a batch or two offered up in apology. She cannot fly, and envies her dragon-kin who can. Though few have hair as luxurious as hers, so she seeks solace in that fact and is known to be at least a little vain. On that note, she is sometimes plagued by worries about her appearance.

Style Commentary:
After seeing saulone’s great monochrome pieces, I wanted to stray away from color today and work with value and contrast. I also wanted to keep away from the aliens that have plagued my imagination lately, and also stay away from a humanoid character – so I got an idea for a dragon-like creature and went with it. I let my lines flow and grow on their own. Grindelia evolved organically from a roughed-in head shape, which grew a wandering neck, which perched atop almost-crossed arms, with a large hump of a rump behind her and a snaking tail to allude to her playfulness. I have not yet mastered the use of mid-tone backgrounds (I’ve got years of working on white paper with dark graphite) but I think this was a hugely successful attempt! If you have any suggestions or tips for working both additively and subtractively on a midtone background without going too crazy on either the highlights or shadows, I’d love to hear them!

Day 5: Andy Dandy- The Fly Guy

| November 5, 2013 | 2 Comments

JFKDay5_13Andy Dandy likes to put his best foot forward… but the fact that he’s a mutant fly person seems to be standing in the way of his full potential… you could say that Andy’s kinda thick about that point… he doesn’t get what’s so obvious to everyone else… the fact that he throws up all over lunch before devouring it is just how business is done!


#05 – Nahual

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

05 - Nahual

History is full of stories of wild men. From the Native American Skinwalker to the modern Bigfoot, there seems to be something fundamentally frightening about a person who is more animal than human. When that line becomes blurred, we can no longer be certain if we’re predator or prey.


| November 5, 2013 | 1 Comment


Little Planty Boy

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day4-Little Planty-01

#4 and #5 – Amila and Wisp

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

amila and wisp day 5


Amila is a preteen witch and Wisp is her sarcastic talking horse familiar.

#5 – Sir Fairfield

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments


An adventurer. A seeker of relics. His most recent find: A pair of Rocket Boots.He was quite pleased, burned cloak be damned.

day 5- Loralie the Witch

| November 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

30Characters-5- LoralieSo for today’s viewing pleasure we have Loralie the Witch.  I’m not sure why I made her aqua, but I have a feeling its from all the magic she uses tainting her skin *shrugs*.  I had fun making a non-gruesome witch.

No #05 Ruben Kaae

| November 5, 2013 | 2 Comments

No #05


No #05

ADAM Day 1

| November 5, 2013 | 3 Comments

Adam was the first sentient humanoid robot life form created by humans. Adam sparked the beginning of the robotic revolution and the extinction of organic life on Earth. His “electronica manifesto” become the basis for a new robotic society which now rules the planet Earth and is rapidly conquering other planets through out the Milky Way Galaxy.
