RSSCategory: Fantasy

Day 8: Wucha

| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments



Wucha is the perfect secretary for she’s got an uncanny ability to remember any sort of data easily.
Many people have Wucha as a secretary, so it seems like there might be more than one Wucha.

Nobody has ever seen two Wucha in the same room at the same time though.


Likes: Harmless Gossip
Dislikes: Breaches of contract

flying superhero prototype

| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments


#1 Mark The Shark

| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments

martk the shark



Background: He is Mark The Shark and he is a member of the Razor Claws -team. They play seabed soccer in the Ocean cup. Their team current rank is 5th.

I didn’t plan anything at all before I started to draw this. And it’s obvious.

#07.) Mergla

| November 8, 2013 | 2 Comments

30characters7 Mergla is a creature made by a powerful mage. It’s only purpose is to protect said mage’s treasure, even after the mage’s death. The mage’s treasure contains powerful magical artifacts, too dangerous for just anyone to use. It is said that only those who can pass Mergla’s tests of power will be able to wield the artifacts.

#07 – Shroomz

| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments


In an enchanted forest lurk a species of evil mushrooms.  They are not really anything more than a bunch of ankle-biters.

#8 Tickink Crustacean

| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments



The coastal village presents an annual offering of food and gold to the God of the Ocean. The offering is to the keep ocean calm and filled with fish to feed the village. Lest the God of the Ocean be displeased and sends his creature to punish the villagers way of life. The creature’s body is encased in a hard outer shell covered in spines all over and it has four large tentacles that are used to squeeze or grip anything while the four smaller tentacles grip the poor soul or delicious creatures of the ocean to push it into the gaping hole filled with razor sharp teeth that is its mouth. The Tickink is a red orange color which makes it easily identifiable in the dark water it creates by shooting spurts of ink to cloud its current position. It is about 50 meters wide with the large tentacles stretching another 75 meters with a 5 meter circumference from the tip and expanding to a 12 meter circumference at the widest point.  This creature easily ruins any fisherman’s day and the annual tributes are not forgotten so easily anymore.

Day 7 – Monsterology: The Gnarz

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

day 7 - Gnarz FINAL

The Gnarz is a monster that will devour just about anything but takes particular delight in shredding curtains, lace and upholstery made of fine fabrics.

Day 7- Mysterious Prophet

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments



I did this in honor of Billy Graham’s 95th birthday. I decided to do a character retooled from the Bible and chose the prophet Elijah as the base. This mysterious prophet has some control of Fire and Water, he can communicate with animals and he can run incredibly fast. Despite all these abilities, he doesn’t spend much time fighting crime, but rather visiting the sick and invalid, feeding the needy and publicly exposing false preachers, mediums, and occultists.

Day 1: Julianna

| November 7, 2013 | 2 Comments


Julianna is an elf, if you didn’t already realize that by the large and pointed ears. *laughs*
She is a songstress by trade and entertains passerby in the mysterious world of Lazare, a world and comic idea that I’m working on. My intent is to use this 30 character challenge to build up the kinds of characters in Lazare and thus flesh out the world/idea further.
Hope you enjoy. If not, sorry.

P.S.: I blame my perfectionist tendencies for my being so late on posting. I’ve been drawing every day, but this is the only sketch that turned out decent enough to post.

Day 6 – Telunga

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

Telunga is a Solder in the King’s army who follows orders and does her best to keep the peace.  She has her own code of honor which can sometimes conflict with the law of the land but she is respected enough to be given some leeway.  She is one of the best sword fighters in the land and it is dangerous to cross her – which Loraine and Rianna do constantly.


Day 5 – Pam

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

Pam is Sophia‘s caretaker and guardian.  A strong, no-nonsense woman; she keeps a close eye on Sophia and makes sure she is safe.  She can seem tough and heartless at times but she really cares about Sophia’s well being and will do anything to protect her.




#07 – Eckhart Cayce

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

07 - Eckhart Cayce

For every twit that stumbles around in the dark with an infrared camera hoping for indeterminate signs from spooks, there is usually an equally dense person standing off to the side, index and middle finger pushed to their temple, explaining in a solemn voice that the dead resent being filmed. For “Dirk,” that man is Eckhard Cayce, self-proclaimed psychic and seer to the stars. In actual practice, he’s about as psychic as a two-by-four, and one of the most truly obnoxious people you could hope to meet.

A great lover of the sound of his own voice, Eckhard Cayce is, you may have guessed, also working under a pseudonym. Named for two of the most famous psychics, Mr. Cayce is driven by an intense desire to be the smartest man in the room. He’ll be the first to correct any error, no matter how small (“I think you’ll find that is a crocodile, not an alligator. Do try to keep up.”), and the last to admit any fault on his own part. The only reason nobody’s strangled him yet is that his hunger for acknowledgement aligns perfectly with Dirk’s, making them an inseparable and truly annoying pair.


| November 7, 2013 | 1 Comment


No Durian Head Boy

| November 7, 2013 | 2 Comments

Day5-No Durian Head Boy-01


| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments


Fred 07: Alemayehu

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments


Having completed knowledge of the old world, he becomes the new.

Day 7: Skittering Fiend

| November 7, 2013 | 2 Comments

Skittering FiendMonster playing piece for my WIP, 3D print-and-play board game, Demonstar.

Character 4-7

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

Haven’t had a chance to upload the last couple of days, so posting 4 at once.


1#: Flower
likes: hurting people
dislikes: criminals


2#: NJD
likes: Victory
dislikes: public humiliation


3#: Competitor #502
likes: Money
dislikes: the trouble he’s in for losing it.

4#: Extrodinary guard Bernald
likes: His medal
dislikes: Other guards who don’t take their duty seriously.

07: Willem Conlan, of the Sky

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

Joyce Ann Martin - 07: Willem Conlan


A light and breezy kind of personality.

007 – Nemesis

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments



This little cheerful gal is not one you would like to get on her bad side.  “Nem”, called by few, loves to change her hair with her many different outfits.

Day 6: The Boxicorn

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

JFKDay6_13One of my students brought me a picture that looked very similar to this and said that it was a unicorn in a box… I didn’t have the heart to tell her that if this was the case then someone decapitated her unicorn so instead… a box with a unicorn horn… he’s  a little disturbed by the similarity he bears to a decapitated unicorn head in a box…


Monster #6 — Hello Cthuhulu

| November 7, 2013 | 1 Comment


2013 Challenge: Day 6- Chuck

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments




In all the oceans, no one is as manly as Chuck.


You can watch him take form from nothing to inks right here, too! :

#6 Harpy

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments


#12 #13 Bella Blasko and Aldegund

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments


The otherwise average, happily married Bella Blasko is the first person to be reported missing under mysterious circumstances. In a week, the number of missing people would jump from one to thirteen. As the police tried to figure out the inexplicable disappearances, everything seem to be taking a turn towards the eerily strange.


Aldegund, and his robotic minions, are the source of all the strange happenings in New Effin. Testing out fantastic & strange devices that render Terran technology inert on the small town before advancing their plans to a global scale. They have come from Mars to take Earth’s supply of blood. By force.

Can the VAMPIRE ROBOTS FROM MARS be stopped in time…?


06: Space Wraith

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

Character Name: 
Space Wraith

Brief Bio/Description:
The space wraith is not, in fact, a ghost. It is a living creature that floats throughout the vacuum of space. The method of reproduction is unknown. They have been observed hurtling through space, with unchecked momentum, and bursting into tiny gelatinous blobs upon impact with space debris. Each bit of the space wraith’s flesh will independently develop its own primitive appendages, until it consumes enough organic space dust to grow, or until it manages to reconnect with other small space wraith flesh bits. Due to their ability to split and merge, they exist in a great range of sizes – from mere molecules to the size of a gas giant. The most common size is between ten and twenty meters in length. While they look menacing, most space wraiths are material scavengers and do not actually consume meats or many plants. Recorded encounters between space wraiths and humans have been remarkably uneventful and boring.

Style Commentary:
Honestly, I got really wrapped up in that persistent Galactic Overseer idea again. Today, though, I realized my image for it is too humanized for me to be happy drawing it right now. But now that I’ve settled on that, I was perfectly comfortable doing another space alien thing! I had a great deal of fun with the background (found myself a new, gargantuan pack of really neat Photoshop brushes) and worked the character on top of it. First I blocked in a shape/rough silhouette, to shake things up. Then I roughed in a white pencil sketch on top of and around the silhouette to fill in details and help refine and define the creature’s body. Once I had a good visual and solid mental image, I laid down a clean black pencil line layer, scrapped the silhouette and white pencils, and made a new base color layer within the confines of the clean lines. I decided at that point that I wanted the creature to be slightly transparent. I worked at 100% fill and used a single clipping mask, and once I was done, brought everything down to 67% and got exactly the result I was looking for!

day 6- Candi the Brownie

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

30Characters-6- Brandi Today’s monster girl is Candi the Brownie… She needed a goatee…

#10 #11 Harry Callahan and Clarence Hendrickson

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments


Detective Harry Callahan and Sergeant Clarence Hendrickson. New Effin’s finest, trying their hardest to maintain order in a small town where things are becoming increasingly disorderly.

While not incompetent at his job, the primary reason behind Detective Callahan’s rank is that police work in the town rarely involved any deduction. Until now.

Sergeant Hendrickson … has a week left until retirement. ’nuff said.

#7 Gargoyle Madre

| November 7, 2013 | 0 Comments



The gods found the woman prideful and after boasting of her beauty rivaling the gods’, they punished the woman. They stripped her of her beauty and when her children came to visit her, they found this horrific figure. They immediately tried to kill the monster that had invaded their mother’s home. She tried to speak, but unfortunately her new form also prevented her from speaking in a language her children could understand. As she pushed her sons aside to escape her sons’ attacks, her monstrous strength slammed them thru the walls killing them instantly. As she cradled her lifeless sons’ bodies the other villagers came to find the monster and what she had done and chased her from the village. She now visits varying villages stealing children as her own, but as soon as they are at an age that recognize her form as an evil form she eats their hearts to fill her black heart.

#6 Det

| November 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

Here’s a cool guy Det who’s part of this vicious race called the Ha’arthians who live on Arth.  Their society’s similar to Sparta’s but they’re pretty advanced in the ways of technology.  Even then, all Ha’arthian soldiers are fitted with basically a swiss army glove and armor, so both can expand, contract, and change properties depending on the warrior.  Det’s just a pretty basic guy.

Ha'arthian bro det copy


Day 6: Houndmaster Torstein

| November 6, 2013 | 2 Comments
