RSSCategory: Fantasy

Day 10: Bondi Swordsman

| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

Bondi SwordsmanTaking a short break from the Demonstar characters to design some vikings for an upcoming game module using the same core rules.


Day 3: Claire

| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments


Claire is the main, and essentially only fully human, character in this world I’m constructing (Lazare). She is going to be the focus of the story when I am able to place it into webcomic form. She was once a major believer in the mythological creatures that might have once roamed the Earth, but gave it up after years of her step-father continuously insisting that they weren’t real every time she would talk about or draw them. Lazare would have been her paradise just five years before, but now that she is a college sophomore the only thing on her mind after finding herself in the secret home of myths is getting home.

Day 10: Herbert

| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments



This is Herbert.

I’m not a huge fan of his design, so no write-up for this one.



#5 Greenman

| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments



This is my version of a green man. If I was to spend more time on it, I would check the leaves are correct and make him seasonal.


This is getting hard – I’ve fallen so far behind!

Day 2: Damien

| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments


Damien is the owner and operator of a high-class Lazare brothel. (Yes, I went there. :P) He is a blood-sucking ladykiller with a grin as chilly as Hannibal’s. He secretly wages an internal war of either keeping the Gift of Lazare (the main character that I will introduce in the next post) to himself or helping her escape back into her part of Earth. I’ve been sketching him for quite a while, but hadn’t really exposed him to the public until I settled on a decent look. What better time to introduce him to the world than during this challenge?

10: Sylvie

| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

Joyce Ann Martin - 10: Sylvie


Feathered fiend? Or just a question of a pinion?


| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

monseur piranna

#07 – The Stork

| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments



Were I smart, I would have done these in order. Ah well. Here’s the Stork, who brings the children.

2013 Challenge: Day 10- :The MinoBoar

| November 10, 2013 | 2 Comments




Half man, half boar…and all furious!

You can watch a timelapse video of me inking and coloring this one here, too.

#9 Fire Lizard

| November 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

This little guy is quite comfortable in the tree tops and can use his prehensile tail to hang. Made also for gliding among the tree tops. As you can tell from the coloring he is also poisonous and eats small birds and mammals. These lizards are also territorial and long keratin bound scales that form a rooster like collar on the neck can be rattled and raised for display. Fire Lizard

#09 – Mr. Simms

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

09 - Mr Simms

Mr. Simms is a bus driver whose vehicle operates inside city limits after dark. Mr. Simms is a hard-working family man. He really doesn’t deserve what the city does to him every night.

No #6-7 Frank Raabirck

| November 9, 2013 | 1 Comment

For more stuff go HERE!


Day 9: Hauser

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

Hauser likes to play rough and doesn’t like most people much.
They tend to crank on his style.

Likes: Being excessively comfortable.
Dislikes: Being insulted/disrespected. (Especially about his intelligence)

elf quick sketch

| November 9, 2013 | 1 Comment



| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

shellshock 1

#2 Insect humanoid

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

Insect humanoid


Random insect humanoid kind-of character. Again, I just started to draw, without much planning beforehand. I was having trouble with the background but in the end it turn from horrible to pretty good. I’m happy ^^

#9 Alpha Prince

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Alpha Prince is the son of the leader of the most prominent pack of wolves.  It’s said that he actually leads the pack and not his father, with the moon to strengthen his allies in his right eye and the sun to defeat his enemies at his back.

2013-11-09 23.51.12

Day 10: Papilia, Avatar of Uncanny Metamorphosis

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

Avatars wander the world of New Gaias. Papilia is beautiful and aloof. Wonderful magic happens within her and around her, and the curious creature growing inside her cocoon head always peaks out, considers emerging, then tucks away to develop itself a little more.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


Day 9: Rettlas, Avatar of Righteous Indignation

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

Avatars wander the world of New Gaias. Nothing with Rettlas is ever just a casual opinion or query. With a fixed glare and a rigid finger he DEMANDS to know, how DARE you commit such ATROCITIES?!

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


Day 8: Bellos, Avatar of Animal Magnetism

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

Avatars wander the world of New Gaias. He strolls through the forest, his ways wild and unpredictable, with a hum and a brash grin. Women fall under his charms. Often men do too.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


Day 7: Gestrisna, Avatar of Hospitality

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

Avatars wander the world of New Gaias. Everyone knows that the sacred inn is the beginning and ending for all great adventurers. Any man, woman, or clever reptilian creature would count themselves lucky to be in the company and care of Gestrina, the fountain of affection and ale.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


2013 Post#7 — Forever True

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments


Wilcox Post#7 — Forever True

Forever True is an anthropomorphic cartoon rabbit who is friend of Foxy Dream(who I posted in last year’s challenge).

008 – Atë

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments


This scooter girl’s actually a goddess of mischief and folly.  She enjoys ruining the day.

She has many sets of piercings.  A pair of dermals on each wrist, a pair of dimple cheek ones, one on the top of her nose and one on the bottom of her lips.  She also has some spike plugs in her ears.  Her jacket has a number of patches and she wears rings, one on each ring and pinkie finger.

#08 – Abbrah

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments


Clive Smith was a magician.  One day, he realized that rabbits weren’t the only thing he could make disappear…

Day 8: Yolandi the Yellow-Eyed Penguin

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

#08 Yolandi the Yellow-Eyed Penguin

#8 Une

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

Here’s pretty much the opposite of the Ha’arthan Det, Une.  He’s a Hi’arthan, a race similar to Det’s but with less muscle mass in the body and more in the head.  Une’s  a general programmer and also a fan of the romance languages, even though their civilization doesn’t really speak it.

hi'arthian une the programmer it guy copy

#08.) Horse

| November 8, 2013 | 1 Comment


Nobody knows what Horse is, but everyone has the same reaction to him- “No sir! I don’t like it!”

#08 – Fading

| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments

08 - Fading

A young girl swept out of her bed by the flood. Like many of the dead, she is completely unaware of what has happened to her. She is destined to slowly fade away, as the only people who visit her now abandoned apartment building are a pair of idiot ghost hunters. More interested in money and notoriety than in actual evidence of the dead, they simply didn’t notice her amongst the blurred rats and misunderstood camera artifacts that their show thrives on.


| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments


Headache – Day 4

| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments

Doesn’t it just look like this dude is having a horrible headache? And that if he was around he would be giving you one too? LOL



#6 – Mama Crane

| November 8, 2013 | 0 Comments



The Stork brings them, The Goose nurses them, and The Crane takes them away.