RSSCategory: Drama

#15 – Bud

| November 21, 2012 | 0 Comments

#9 Naoko Atsugi: Magic Girl PM

| November 20, 2012 | 0 Comments

#9 Naoko Atsugi: Magic Girl PM

Seventeen years ago, klutzy, unassuming schoolgirl Naoko Atsugi found a magical wand on her way to school one morning. Next to it was a talking Yorkie named Orion, who told her it was the descendent of benevolent Alien Royalty & that it was her destiny to protect the Earth. Upon a wave of the wand & a few mystical words, she became Cadet Virgo, leader of the Magical Zodiac Cadets. Over the course of their high school career, her & her friends, the other Zodiac Cadets, vanquished the evil Queen Thanatas, Empress of the Underworld, & in the process saved the world.

Saving the world from the clutches of an Evil Sorceress can bring a pretty high profile with it. First, as a newsworthy pop idol, were the endorsement deals. Then as an established celebrity came the modeling jobs. Next thing she new, Naoko was jetsetting around the world with the International Fashion Elite. Part time model. Part time Patron. She became close friends with designer Maxwell Coburn, who went on to create some Haute Couture just for her. The ironic thing was that Coburn’s chief source of inspiration was none other than Cadet Virgo’s arch-nemesis, Queen Thanatas, causing some fans to question what was happening to their beloved heroine. Privately, there wasn’t an agenda. She liked the clothes & spending so much time in the public eye, she liked the idea of playing with how it was that she was perceived.

Much more recently, Naoko has become much more serious, & gotten herself interested in politics. She decided to run for Prime Minister. When her detractors argued she had absolutely no experience in leading a nation, in an impassioned speech, she contended that “[she] successfully spent [her] teenage years leading fellow high school girls in a fight against an omnipotent mystical threat just fine, how hard could a Nation be?”

It secured her the nomination.


This took forever because apparently the one thing I have more trouble drawing than anything is Haute Couture. It doesn’t make sense to me. And yes, the shameless Daphne Guinness vibe is intentional, & probably way too obvious. Anyway, the one line idea for this one goes back to the first year I did the 30 Characters. On my list, this was right next to “Luchadore President” (which I think was just Luchadore in a suit or something, but I ended up making him president anyhow): Magical Shoujo Girl PM. But since I already had a president character, I never got around to working on it past always thinking it’d be weird if she was this fashionista that dressed vaguely like the villain she used to battle.

Recently, on Entervoid, an artist named Jetster posted an awesome Grown Up Shoujo Girl character of their own, & it made me think back to my old character prompt again. But while I only finished Naoko for the sake of this challenge, you should go check out Jetster’s Lady Vanity comics because they’re pretty cool!

#20 White Resonant World-Bridger

| November 20, 2012 | 0 Comments

Special Birthday Edition: White Resonant World-Brider says, “I channel in order to equalize inspiring opportunity. I seal the store of Death with the resonant tone of Attunement. I am guided by the power of endlessness.”

11/20/2012: Jools Calixa, Cloned Human Dilettante

| November 20, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Jools Calixa  SPECIES: Human (Clone)  ORIGIN: Zyntradi Commonwealth

Heiress to the Calixa fortune, Jools was gifted with the brane ship, Castellan, on her 18th name day. Along with her android companion, Solver, and a minimal crew employed to her house, Jools forged off into the Multiverse. Since then, Jools and Solver have seen and experienced things that most beings only dream of. Using Nexus City as her home point, Jools often returns to refuel and resupply before heading back out to parts unknown.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD. Model printed on my Makerbot Replicator and painted with water based acrylics.


| November 20, 2012 | 0 Comments


Of vampire decent, Liare Fearice is a malevolent being. He kills for pleasure when he doesn’t need the blood to survive.  Laughs a lot too.


| November 19, 2012 | 1 Comment

Even though Graffertiti is future queen, she loves adventure and doing things that are out of the norm and quite unlady-like.

No #17

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

#19 Blue Rhythmic Eagle

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

Blue Rhythmic Eagle. She’s a B-girl from Albuquerque. Her biggest dream is to be apart of the brightest and most badest b-girl breakdance group there is and  move to New York sometime and hit it big time. All she wants to do is dance and fly like an eagle to the sea.

Blue Rhythmic Eagle says, “I organize in order to know, balancing mind. I seal the output of vision with the rhythmic tone of Equality. I am guided by my own power doubled.”

No #16

| November 19, 2012 | 2 Comments

#18 – Michelle Belhumeur

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

Michelle Belhumeur is the wife of Frederic Belhumeur (#17), and an expert cat burglar in her own right. They met when trying to rob the same manor and after some competitive bickering decided they could make more money working together then apart.

#16 – Peter “Stump” Merson

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

Being a hitman isn’t a profession that sees a lot of veterans. But Stump is an anomaly, an old head, a man who has been killing people professionally, on and off, for nearly thirty years now.

Stump does not consider himself much of a criminal, and in all other walks of life, is a straightlaced, law-obiding, rather boring man of 51 with a taste for jazz and wine. He’s a calm, even-tempered man with, although he can’t hide frustration from anyone when it shows. But he views his profession as being like prostitution. It has been around for as long as two people have had grudges against one another.

Stump operates by a few simple rules. Never take any contracts locally (or regionally, if he can help it). Never get to know the victim any more than you have to. If you end up killing more people than the contract asked for, you have failed, more bodies brings more police.

By his count, Stump has killed 97 people over the years, completing his contracts in the same, dilligent, straightforward manner. However he’s aging now, and increasingly finds himself wanting to end his career and begin the next phase of his life.

Stump is very particular about his weaponry, preferring simpler weapons with less moving parts, like pump-action shotguns and close quarters to plinking someone from long distance with a rifle.

While he has taken on less contracts over the years, he still finds work regularly, and finds himself in enough demand that he can pick and choose which contracts to take. However, for all of his knowledge and savvy, as the world has moved forward with technology, his analog skills have left him behind in some places. As such, four years ago he agreed to begin working with 29-year-old Ethan Woodman, a fast-talking technophile and neophyte he finds as annoying as he is useful. The pair’s relationship is at times adversarial, at other times, has all the closeness of a father and a son.

Stump got his nickname due to his short, squat stature, something he is regularly made fun of for, but has proved somewhat invaluable to him, along with his largely unremarkable looks.

11/18/2012: Specimen 16, Olimyoo Legionnaire

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Specimen 16  SPECIES: Olimyoo  ORIGIN: Pakinare

A member of the infamous “Centurion” program, Specimen 16 has sown destruction throughout the Multiverse in the name of the Children of Tartarus. Plucked from his peaceful home world as a youth, his great size and strength catching the interest of a Tartaran overlord, Specimen 16 took to the indoctrination quickly, his will broken and body transformed into a nigh-unstoppable war machine. Over the years, as his body became damaged, the Tartarans saw to its reconstruction. When the Tartaran Empire fell, with no master to control him, Specimen 16 went ronin. Though his skills of death-dealing are now for hire, he holds tightly to his final orders, vowing some day to murder the Lost Agency and their allies in the name of Tartarus.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3D print pending….)


| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Galvinix, name given due to his predisposition with metal sticking out of his body. These pieces of metal cause him to be grumpy. Soon the population which resides around him casts him out, labeling him the forsaken.

#17 – Frederic Belhumeur

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Frederic Belhumeur is a thief for hire who lives in the woods of Northern Nova Scotia.  He is very good at getting into places he shouldn’t be and getting out unseen.  He pretends to be a crazy old woodsman and no one expects he’s really a master thief.


| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Fred, just your run-of-the-mill alien.

#17&18- Candice & Jonas

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Candice is the most popular chick in school-naturally she would fall head over heels for the captain of the school’s football team-Jonas. Unfortunately Jonas see passes her material facade and has absolutely no interest to pursue her advances.

No #15

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Head concept made i Photoshop from scratch

Eleanor 9/30

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here is Eleanor. She is a prohibition era vampire hunter. She packs silver bullets hot loaded with a holy water and garlic cocktail because she is gangsta like that.

#14 – Burhan

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Burhan find the way to stay and feel as unique and innocent as kids are~ It’s really just about the baby teeth!

#13 – Zeewar

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

I fell in love with a black Iris … She was as dark as the color but as soft as the its petals. And, she grew in the desert.

#12 – Black Iris

| November 18, 2012 | 0 Comments

Black Iris is the name for her… and her son~


| November 17, 2012 | 1 Comment

Tasha-Your neighbourhood bully and animal-torturing tyrant.


*Brain is dead from trying to catch up with posts-I feel like my art will regress to stick-men at this rate!*

Character #13: Chakra

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments


Day Twelve: Your Man

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Here comes the man you’ve been waiting for.


| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments


A young child’s face peers up at Jo — the child’s pale skin is made even whiter by huge rings of mascara encircling the

We can’t tell if it’s a boy or girl beneath the wild hair, spiky with sweat and black dye, but the child is clutching a clove cigarette. He should look young, no older than 13, and is probably younger. Goth/emo black clothes. Possibly an earring or two, but this is a kid just entering that world, not “with a face full of piercings.”
Cowboy could be holding his prize from the gang initiation — a huge, expensive leather coat with a bull’s skull on the back and the Driftwood Kryptic logo emblazoned upon it.
~From “True ink” – by Jesse Scoble
(thanks for the character ideas!)


| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Buster, a mysterious figure. Forged in a 45 minute sculpting session in hopes to create a recorded event. He’s Silly.

# 17 Gilda

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

She’s the owner of a beauty shop and doesn’t like people who fall behind on payments.

Tojiro 7/30

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Had the inspiration to do a wandering ronin type character whilst watching 13 Assassins last night. Variation of the name, “Toshiro,” in honor of The Man, aka Toshiro Mifune (he’s not in the movie, obvi). This one was really, really quick and inked it with straight ink and brush, no washes. Come to think of it, I’ve been so busy and crazy playing catch up, I haven’t done a proper line art/wash piece for this project yet. We’ll see if I get there.


Derby Destroyer 5/30

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Sketched this out on my Moleskine whilst spectating my first roller derby bout.

#17 Warria

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Akima Otomo

Height: 5’2  Weight;112 lbs.

Race: Japanese Age:21

Location: Someone within Japan.

As Warria, Akima is one of a race of ninjas unaccounted for in Japan. Her mission is to eliminate anything and anyone.

Powers: None but has hand to hand combat skills and endurance. Personality:A killing machine.

DAY SIXTEEN – Pink Sorrow

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Pink Sorrow

Emotions so deep and real, it’s like drowning in marshmallow.

x-posted at