RSSCategory: Drama

Le Chameleon

| November 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

Or Madam Chameleon

She’s a spy.  One of the best and deceptively cunning.  Also she is probably played by the Seven of Nine chick.  Or at least that’s what she ended up looking like.  Moderately unintentional.  This is her in a leotard and holding one of her wigs.   If you think she’s good, she’s better than Mission Impossible flawless mask good.


Le Chameleon


Sorry I’m not putting more effort into these.  It’s kinda five to midnight and I’m getting killed by a headache.

#2 – East 5th and Morgan Park

| November 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

02 - Dead Temp Worker

The flood hit unexpectedly and early in the morning, as a dam upriver failed catastrophically. As a result, a great number of the dead are completely unaware of their own fatality. Given that it is in the nature of ghosts to repeat the last task they were given, a fair number of spirits are still winding their way restlessly through the city looking for their former workplaces.

“East 5th and Morgan Park” is the name given to a frequent inhabitant of Edwin Michigan’s taxicab. Though Mr. Michigan does his best to find ways to satisfy the dead, this spectral young lady lacks the energy to make it all the way to her destination. Every evening at East 3rd and Morgan, she simply fades out of existence.

Day 2: Newton The Anxious Adventure Newt

| November 2, 2013 | 0 Comments


#02 – “Tiny”

| November 2, 2013 | 0 Comments


Tyrell “Tiny” Jones was a bouncer a Vegas, a boxer, and a MMA fighter.  His life was relatively golden… until some assassins from Thailand kidnapped his fiance, Feilynn.  Now Tiny is on a mission.  He won’t stop for nothing.


| November 1, 2013 | 2 Comments



What if your crazy old grandfather tells you that you’re the chosen one?  That you have been chosen to protect the time line of this universe and record important events?  What if he told you that you were also a target for some nefarious ner do wells, and monsters?

What if you were a hundred pounds over weight and didn’t know the meaning of cardio?  What do you do?

#01 – Edwin Michigan

| November 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

01 - Edwin Michigan

Though the devastation of the flood was remarkable, a lot of people had no choice to remain. Some lacked the money to make a significant move, others remained simply because this was where their job was. Edwin Michigan is a young man in the latter category; though a kind and empathetic young man, he isn’t the kind of person who willingly makes a major life change.

Mr. Michigan works for a taxi company, and up until the flood, he enjoyed it quite a bit. It was easy work, he was friends with the taxi service’s boss, and he got on well with the other employees. After the flood, however, stories began to circulate about the things that now happened down in the city after dark. And after a few nights, Edwin had more than his fair share of stories to tell.

Like museum curators that hear bumps in the night, or bed and breakfast proprietors with one specific room that nobody ever spends a full night in, Edwin dealt with the dead by making them part of his job. He catalogues the dead that hail his taxi, and occasionally, even manages to make a connection to the living. A taxi and its driver might not be the way people expect to connect with the dear departed, but for Edwin, it’s all about finding a comfort zone.

(Incidentally, I’m posting these both here, and on my art blog.)

No #01

| November 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

No #01


No #01 – Trashy punk girl:)

Wu 01: Melissa Silian

| November 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day one - Melissa Silian


Melissa Silian got into an accident while riding on her scooter – she crashed into a car that drove past the red light and her left leg got stuck behind the back tire and in-between the chain. The cycle still worked and it cut her foot clean off. The person who she crashed at paid and constructed her a new fully-functioning (albeit metal) foot, which Melissa designed. She now helps out at his laboratory, designing and crafting all kinds of machinery, but mostly exoskeletons and other implants. Her story mainly focuses on her work and a love triangle between him, her and a third wheel who is necessary plot device.

She likes to wear different kinds of stockings on her right leg to ‘balance out’ her left leg. Melissa is also very much into music and almost never takes off her headphones – seen often asleep with them still on.

09: Ubskyura

| April 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

Character Name: 

Brief Bio/Description:
Ubskyura: self-named fetish model and body artist. She has a history with several circuses, freak shows, and adult entertainment businesses. She doesn’t like speaking. She prefers people to know her based on what they see, how she moves, and what actions she takes. She tends to be a loner, but settles in to small groups easily, often letting her quiet, obscure mystique transform her into the center of attention. She does not believe in romance, exclusivity, monogamy, or virtually any other Christian-founded orthodox construct. Her reason for living is finding new ways to change, improve, and enjoy herself. This includes, but is not limited to: body modifications, piercings, plastic surgeries, orgies, and more alternative lifestyles than any single textbook lists.

Style Commentary:
Ubskyura was influenced, in part, by two amazing people I know. One, Skye Kearney (aka, Infamous Insomniac and Silver Coils) is an amazingly beautiful, versatile, non-conforming ball of awesome. She ignores standards and labels and does what she wants. Both her artwork and her modeling career have been tremendously inspirational to me, and I cannot express how lucky I count myself for getting to know her in person. The second, Ms. Azreal Robles (aka, WooshCookie) is an explosion of wonderful independent attitude combined with a love for classy things with interesting twists. She grabs life and makes it take her where she wants to go, and I admire her immensely for that! Both of these people also happen to have pretty radical hair – which I love <3

Publishing Note:
CC2012 entries 05-09 are SUPER LATE but I wanted to get them online anyway. I did them in November, but was unable to get them online due to life’s circumstances and general busy-ness from November until now.

08: Portrait of Loss

| April 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

Character Name: 
Portrait of Loss

Brief Bio/Description:
This piece is more a conceptual exploration of emotion than a particular character. The Portrait of Loss is consumed by sadness and grief, trapped in the suffering that happens after losing something or someone dear to them. Her face contorts shamelessly in emotional agony and tears run sloppily down her face, overflowing from eyes that squeeze shut and blur more often than they can hold themselves open to see. But she is honest in her pain, and pure in her heart. She mourns for what has been lost. But she must yet accept that it is not coming back, and she must steel her heart against the reminders that will exist and come back to haunt her all the rest of her life.

Style Commentary:
November was a very stressful point in my life, and I definitely let that channel into some of my work. It was a very challenging thing – trying to use your own negative emotions to create something; trying to spin such negativity into something positive. The hardest thing was facing it – literally – in the mirror. This is not a self-portrait, but I heavily referenced my own face to make this image. Again, I cannot really convey just how challenging that was. Even still, it was ultimately therapeutic; I did create, I did turn it around into this piece, and I can look back on it now and fully appreciate what it took to pull it off.

Publishing Note:
CC2012 entries 05-09 are SUPER LATE but I wanted to get them online anyway. I did them in November, but was unable to get them online due to life’s circumstances and general busy-ness from November until now.

#26: Blank

| December 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

A shape shifting android that can impersonate any human created by Doctor Apokalypz

#25: Chunky Guacamole

| December 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

That’s her stage name when she’s performing at the Shaved Cookie. By day she studies law enforcement so she can become a detective like her girl Sandy Torres whom she gives tips to help solve cases.

#24: Madame Felucca

| December 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

Mysterious practitioner of magic. Responsible for the creation of Xtensia.

#28 J.D. Smith

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

#28 J.D. Smith

Arian Croft – 30 Characters in 30 Days: Tales from Nexus City

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments










No #30

| November 30, 2012 | 1 Comment

I’m done…..Ruben Out:)

Tiph Hunter – 30 Characters in 30 Days – Mayan Glyph SuperHeros

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments


Completed!!! That is All!

(drawing 1 character a day for the month of November 2012 by following the Mayan Calendar for those days)

#30 – Sarah the Zombie Killer

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

Little Sarah was an ordinary girl before the zombies came, but when the zombies took her parents (along with all the other adults) she became a force of vengeance.  While all the other kids cowered in fear, she found a gun and an axe and began killing the Zombies one by one.

#23: Maxine Honeybush

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

Maxine Honeybush, Max to her friends, is a P.I. as well as bounty hunter.

11/30/2012: Malithraxus, Void Dragon

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Malithraxus  SPECIES: Dragon (Observer-Spawn) ORIGIN: ???

Spawned in the cosmic winds and seeded with an intelligence from beyond the Bulk, the cosmic dragon, Malithraxus was born to raze the pillars of reality and birth new life into its smoldering foundation. A being of pure magic, it soars aloft on vast, membranous wings, dripping with the scintillating colors of creation. Its claws and fangs rend through flesh and starship hulls with equal ease, casting those within screaming silently into the void. Its breath is the fire of chaos, giving new form to all that it touches. It is the harbinger of violent change. It has hears the voices of Nexus City, crying for a savior to release them from their prisons of biological and mechanical conformity.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

No #29

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

Characters 21-30/30 (Mission Complete!!)

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

21/30 – Amelia. She’s a ghost!

22/30 – Blech. Another WTF creature.

23/30 – Righteous Slaughter. A true founding father of this great nation.

24/30 – Avenging Pequot Warrior. In honor of the 700 massacred Pequot Native Americans.

25/30 – Slugger. He punches things. In space.

26/30 – Fluffy the Pirate. Named after one of my PAX Enforcer brothers, I mostly just wanted to draw a pirate with a Lemmy.

27/30 – Artslinger. This is the front turnaround for another contest, but I drew it in November, so whatever. Think having powers like Green Lantern, but through art supplies.

28/30 – The Scholar. Ended up looking like Gordon Freeman. Unintentional.

29/30 – Tengu. I didn’t draw any anthropomorphic creatures for this thing. Not my bag, really. Still, gotta cover all the bases.

30/30 – s133pDEAD! Okay, so it’s kind of a cop out, but I’m super stoked to have completed this challenge and also my beard deserves to be immortalized!

#27: Nathan the Waiter

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

#26: Katherin the Assistant Manager

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

#25: Stephen the Manager

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

#24: Florabel the Dishwasher

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments


#30 Requiem

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

#28 – Griffon Rezal

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

Griffon Rezal grew up, an impoverished thug on the streets of Barkala, the largest coastal city on the planet of Axan Prime. Griffon’s home was a planet born out of colonization and warfare, when the first surveyers came across it hundreds of years ago, a mad rush to lay claim to its vast natural resources followed, a rush that was decided in blood, as multiple factions warred to gain control of most of the planet’s habitable surfaces. Four different spacefaring nations managed to dig their hands into Axan Prime, each vying for their own slice of the the pice. After another century, the various people of Axan Prime banded together, and organized a immense revolution that saw the planet find its own independence.

For that revolution, may of the nations that once owned part of Axan Prime have never fully forgiven it, and for all of its natural resources, Axan Prime has never reached the primacy and advanced status as other colonized planets. Even as its cities grow larger, most of its populace lives an impoverished life under a openly corrupt central government.

Griffon’s home city was located on a fault line of sorts, the border between two of the nations that used to control Axan Prime ran right through the city, and since revolution, the citizens there have managed to live together, mostly in peace, despite their differences. However, frustration with the authorities has grown in recent years, and it seems that conflict is coming to Axan Prime.

Griffon does not fancy himself a political person. An opportunist, Griffon has spent much of his life preying on those weaker than him. The gang he runs with are your average street thugs, running prostitution, smuggling and protection rings in the small little section of the sprawling city they have come to see as their entire world. Like many of his friends, the 19-year-old Griffon has never left the city in his entire life. But as violence on the streets increases and the authorities find themselves increasingly powerless to do anything about it, Griffon and his friends are being increasingly swept up in the conflict.

Griffon is, at his core, a young man desperate to find family, after being driven out of his home by his parents. He has come to understand street violence as a basic mode of communication, and fervently believes that the only true thing he has to his name is his pride. But for all of his street smarts, he is naive, short-sighted, and completely incapable of imagining a world outside of the small section of Barkala he has spent the last decade in. If you asked him, he would describe the growing fighting and violence as an opportunity, but deep inside, he believes he is facing a wave that is far, far over his head.

#23: Samantha and Imogen the Hostesses

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

Like the other restaurant character, these are based off of friends of my writer.  These are their actual personalities, more like the female version of the twin hosts from Ouran High School Host Club…

#22: Neil and John the Bus Boys

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

#21: Mississippi Slim

| November 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

Otha Hercules Jefferson, is a fried chicken mogul as well as the owner of a chain of liquor stores and funeral homes. Word is he also owns 200 pair of alligator shoes. He is also the sworn enemy of Luther of Luther’s Rib Shack since Luther accuses him of stealing his chicken recipe.