Category: Drama
#8 Metro Pirate
Leftover from inks I did yesterday. Not real excited about it. Lazy, sloppy and blond hair two days in a row. Also, taking the cheap way out by drawing caricature head shots instead of characters in a pose. The original drawings are small though… 4.5†x 8.5†on a bunch of leftover scraps of resume paper I kept from like 10 years ago. I’m all excuses.
#07 – Eckhart Cayce
For every twit that stumbles around in the dark with an infrared camera hoping for indeterminate signs from spooks, there is usually an equally dense person standing off to the side, index and middle finger pushed to their temple, explaining in a solemn voice that the dead resent being filmed. For “Dirk,†that man is Eckhard Cayce, self-proclaimed psychic and seer to the stars. In actual practice, he’s about as psychic as a two-by-four, and one of the most truly obnoxious people you could hope to meet.
A great lover of the sound of his own voice, Eckhard Cayce is, you may have guessed, also working under a pseudonym. Named for two of the most famous psychics, Mr. Cayce is driven by an intense desire to be the smartest man in the room. He’ll be the first to correct any error, no matter how small (“I think you’ll find that is a crocodile, not an alligator. Do try to keep up.â€), and the last to admit any fault on his own part. The only reason nobody’s strangled him yet is that his hunger for acknowledgement aligns perfectly with Dirk’s, making them an inseparable and truly annoying pair.
Day 5: Sir Wilfred Archibald
Wilfred Archibald is the snobbiest of snobs from the 1920s. Not a great individual… there are rumours he messes with the mafia to further his own gains!
#12 #13 Bella Blasko and Aldegund
The otherwise average, happily married Bella Blasko is the first person to be reported missing under mysterious circumstances. In a week, the number of missing people would jump from one to thirteen. As the police tried to figure out the inexplicable disappearances, everything seem to be taking a turn towards the eerily strange.
Aldegund, and his robotic minions, are the source of all the strange happenings in New Effin. Testing out fantastic & strange devices that render Terran technology inert on the small town before advancing their plans to a global scale. They have come from Mars to take Earth’s supply of blood. By force.
Can the VAMPIRE ROBOTS FROM MARS be stopped in time…?
#06.) Martin Bauer
Martin Bauer is a German foreign exchange student in a Wisconsin high school. While in Germany, he had gone through years of therapy to help cope with his social anxiety. Even though he was able to build up his confidence in Germany, he found that his social anxiety has re-emerged in the United States. He does have a rather good grasp of the English language, he often uses a perceived language barrier as an excuse to avoid conversation. Despite his lack of confidence in social situations, he’s still rather well-liked by most of his class mates, as he’s a good athlete and a rather pleasant person all around.
#2 Miss Emily Arkwright – Math Detective
Emily’s sister was killed by the so called Pythagoras killer and she has devoted herself to tracking him down  but he always keeps one step ahead. Whilst hunting him she uses her extraordinary math abilities to solve other serial killer cases hoping for the insight that will finally bring her face to face with her sister’s murderer!
(I’m only going to post two or three a day until I’m all caught up so as not to flood the site!!)
#06 – Mala Almasi
No two people react the same way to stress. For some, an impending deadline is a reason to buckle down and dig in, while for others, it’s a reason to give up. Likewise, the pressure that a city full of the wandering dead exerts affects the humans who still live in it in different ways. For Edwin, the dead are a burden, a stack of paperwork to be slowly ground through. For his dispatcher, however, the dead are an enigma to solve, a series of intriguing riddles that demand untangling.
Mala Almasi is an enthusiastic, inquisitive young lady with a voracious intellect. Though Edwin does a great deal of the footwork in tracking down the families of the dead that stumble into his cab, it’s usually Mala that solves whatever mysteries they bring with them. Though he sometimes bristles at her energetic nature, Mala is usually the one to push Edwin forward when he gets stuck. Though they frequently get on each other’s nerves, they make an effective and efficient team.
#06 – Edami
Lurking in the depths of the oceans just outside the range of the arctic, live an underwater race of humanoid-fish people (some say “Mermaids” and “Mermen”). As the human race continues to destroy the world and push itself into every inch of the planet, spreading like a virus, it was only a matter of time before this long ignored species would cross paths humanity. Edami may be the first found… but there are millions more.
#1 Jim – The Quiet Man
Sitting on a bench in the locker room with his head in his hands Jim knew he should have seen this coming. Unlike school locker rooms that had the odor of sports this was a blue-collar cesspool of long hours and questionable decisions.
On the floor lost in the trash and grime was Jim’s 20-year service pin, now three years out of date. The decorative trim was bent and tarnished, the crystal covered with scratches. The Forman had asked Jim to wear it “Help show the younger workers the meaning of dedication,†what a joke that had become.
The Rat Pack was the governing body on the production floor. Management turned a blind eye as long as work was completed on time and under budget.
Jim was no fool; there was black and white in the world. After spending his time in Europe liberating shackled countries from the oppression of Germany he only wanted a quiet life to raise a family. Today however the quiet life was disrupted as The Quiet Man as he was known on the floor was now the fall guy.
Collecting the only personal item from his locker that mattered, a picture of his daughter he walked out onto the floor towards the exit, escorted by security. The hard working men and woman kept their eyes downcast, non brave enough to speak up. Jim did not blame them, he understood. They had families to care for and sometimes you had to look the other way to keep food on the table.
The Rat Pack on the other had were all smiles, chest pushed out strutting around like peacocks during mating season. “We’ll miss you Jimbo†the ringleader called out even though he was only two feet away.
Stopping momentarily Jim looked at the pompous fool, but to the ringleaders disappointment he did not look angry, or even resentful. To everyone’s surprise Jim reached out his right hand, the move of a gentlemen, something unknown in this workman’s world.
Cautiously the proud peacock extended and received a firm but not overbearing salutation. For a brief moment the hint of shame was felt as their eyes connected and The Quiet Man asked, “Did I ever tell you what my job was in Europe? No, I don’t think we ever had that conversation. That’s to bad.â€
Releasing hands Jim walked to the time clock, selected his card and punched it for the last time.
Character 5: CypherS@ge
He’s a high-tech hacker criminal with a colorful background as well as a colorful taste in clothing.
Character 4: Sinita
I’m terrible at names. But I managed to color this one! She is a high-class femme fatale that likes the finer things in life, like jewelry, flowing dresses and murder.
#05 – Nahual
History is full of stories of wild men. From the Native American Skinwalker to the modern Bigfoot, there seems to be something fundamentally frightening about a person who is more animal than human. When that line becomes blurred, we can no longer be certain if we’re predator or prey.
2013 Post#5 — El Gato
Wilcox Post#5 — El Gato
El Gato(Spanish = “The Cat”) is a Latino super hero. His costume is armored and allows its wearer the strength of 5 men.
#04 – Flicker
In what remains of the city park, people can see a light in the early evenings. Dancing in the sunset, some people have decided it is a warning. Others have decided it is an invitation.
Day 4: Mister Mustache and Dash
In the time honored tradition of old timey silent children’s programing Mustache and Dash had a very simple formula. Most things looked scarey freaked him out and caused him to run away. Pan back to whatever scared him? Yeah it was actually something normal and not scary at all.
(Today’s character reminds me of my youngest brother… not that he freaks out or anything… just that this character sounds like the kind of thing he’d get a kick out of… If you like ambient chill digital music check out his stuff here)
Character 3: Natalia Knuckles
Natalia Knuckles is a hardened enforcer for the mafia. She has a strong affinity toward sweatpants.
#03 – “Dirk Hunter”
With the increase in paranormal activity, the city has seen an influx of people who are, for their own reasons, interested in making contact with the dead. Some want proof of an afterlife, others come to have their beliefs validated, and some, like “Dirk†here, are in it for the machismo. And the money, of course.
Host of his own show on cable TV, Dirk’s contribution to the culture of prime time is a televised tour through abandoned buildings, where every blurry rat and mote of dust is evidence of the angry undead. For some people, seeking out the restless spirits of the dead might seem somewhat unhinged, but for Dirk Hunter — not his real name, of course — it’s a chance to prove your manhood, and on national TV no less.
2013 Post#3 — Luna
Wilcox Post#3 — Luna
Luna is a mysterious woman who look into people’s lives and tries to help change them — for the better. She is not always met with favor, as her appearance is disturbing for some people. Luna’s skin is split in sections of stark white(her right side) and stark black(her left side). Her clothes also have this feature, though the black & white split are on the opposite sides. Still, she is an exotic beauty; and her efforts often lead to the person being helped find romance and love.
Day 3: Park Ranger Colin Duggan
Often times Tank-Monkey is asked to do more outdoorsy type missions… cuz well… he’s a monkey. Park Ranger Duggan is pretty green when it comes to the world of super monkeys… he tries to understand… he’s a pretty quick study but… it’s a little much to take in sometimes.
Character 2: Mr. Slilch
Mr. Slilch is a lanky goon. I’m going to try and do mostly dramatic noir characters because of reasons. I’m most comfortable on toned paper.
Character 1: Rosario
This one was very quick as my brain was still refreshing from the 31 characters I did for #Inktober. Decided she would be monochromatic.
#30Characters Chatter…