Category: Drama
#1 Tommy Hansen
#1 Tommy Hansen
Character Back Story:
Tommy Hansens’ earliest memories are of growing up homeless with his fellow street gang of children named “The Rejects”. He doesn’t remember his family or how he ended up a homeless child. The Rejects would beg and steal to survive the harsh and deadly streets. Tommy was never a leader among the group,  but he always supported them. Like all the kids on the street Tommy looked up to the crime bosses and their lieutenants. Tommy saw them as rich successful men and he wanted to be one of them one day.  He eventually started shadowing Jake “the Hammer” Armstrong, a middle class criminal who worked for the Nightwolf Crime Syndicate. Tommy would offer to help The Hammer with runs and anything he could. He eventually became one of the Hammers most loyal workers. Whatever Tommy got paid he would share with the Rejects. If there is one thing that Tommy believes in, it’s his loyalties. As Tommy got older he started to move up in the ranks of Nightwolf Crime Syndicate. He’s now Jake “the Hammer” Armstrong second.  He doesn’t really want to move any higher up the organization, He’s happy where he is. When he sees all the new kids on the streets, Tommy always gives them some cash.
Behavior Traits:
Loyalty, Fast Talker, Follower
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Pick Pocketing, Basic Criminal Skills, Street Survival
For this character I tried to move away from the typical comic book character I have created in the past.
Check out my other 2013 Challenge Characters:
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
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All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
#21 – Steven Piet
The owner of the cab company where Edwin Michigan works, Steven Piet is a young man saddled with heavy responsibilities. A worrier by experience, Mr. Piet is a friendly guy, but not particularly pleasant to be around, given that he sees the worst side of everything. He’s also part of the vast majority of his city’s citizens who don’t care one way or the other if ghosts exist or not. To him, Edwin and Mala are welcome to continue doing whatever they want as long as it doesn’t put the company at any risk.
#22 – Wrong
There’s a light in the doorway, music playing and the sounds of inviting conversation, but there’s a faint smell, like the scent of burning hair. And the music is wrong. The notes don’t fit together properly, the voices aren’t saying words. It’s the soft shushing of something rustling, like dry paper or wet leaves.
#20 – Consume
This ghost is all that remains of a man who was convinced that the world had it in for him. By blaming everyone else for his failures, he drove those around him away. A possessive spirit, he wanders the city trying to connect with people in the only way he knows how; by attempting to control them.
#19 Djinn Conway
A slave to no one, the once and powerful Djinn has begun establishing a new persona for himself. He happened to find the name Conway enjoyable to hear so he decided to name himself Conway. In a move to jump to the opposite extreme of no shirt every day for about forever… Conway has decided that a down feathered yellow jacket would be appropriate and the sleeves roll up when needed. Since acquiring his freedom, Conway has also acquired a fascination with pants. He loves them. He now walks and wears them everywhere. His magical powers afford him the luxury of having people not make fun of him and his unfortunate taste in clothing. Otherwise, he’s still quite powerful without a master to serve.
#19 – The Littlest Viking
When he was but a boy of 4 or 5, young Ã…smund stopped growing. Just could not grow another inch. His viking brothers went on to be big and strong… but Ã…smund was stuck at his height forever. But that only made him work harder to prove himself as one of the greatest vikings to ever live. Never call him a dwarf, though. Seriously… Never… call… him… a… dwarf!
#19 – Silver
Perhaps the biggest symbol of the gleaming new city that has risen out of the ashes of the old is the brand new elevated train system that carts people to and fro in the downtown area. Before the disaster, the city had a ground-level trolley system, vastly less efficient than the shiny new trains.
Of course, all this was quite expensive. In order to cut costs, the city bought older train cars and used the parts from the old trolleys to repair them. This has proven to be a mistake, as the spirits of those who died on their morning commute began appearing in the seats of the new trains.
Day 17 – Melisa
Melisa is the head waitress from the local tavern. She is friendly and helpful to all her patrons and is really good at her job. However, she can get very stressed at her job and once she’s done with work, she plays extreme sports to release the tension.
#15 Weldric “Warlock”
Weldric wishes he got into accounting, he loves number crunching. Unfortunately, he’s cursed with the soul of a demon residing in his heart forcing him to do bad things like light skulls on fire, green fire.The worst kind of fire… it just isn’t natural.
#17 – Tim
Tim was born in the magical era between the release of “Star Wars: A New Hope” but before Zack Morris introduced the world to “The Brick” cell phone. He, like many of his age group, were raised to believe that they could be anything they wanted. However, he was never able to achieve that. Not for lack of wanting it. He just always played it safe, never really tried, never took any “risk”. He always went with the flow and never had much of an opinion on anything. His life isn’t bad, far from it. He has a beautiful wife with a child on the way, a decent job, and his health is alright… there’s just a part of him that has always wanted a little more out of his meek existence… and he’s getting old enough to realize that those windows may be closing…
#17 – Gran Harrelson
One of the oldest living people in the city, living in the oldest apartment building that survived the flood, Gran Harrelson is an old age pensioner whose biggest struggle these days is just making ends meet. To that end, Gran sells old-timey folk charms to ward off the dead that plague her building. She’s been so effective at working up a reputation that everyone from floor five and up are convinced she’s Alestair Crowley’s ex-mistress.
Of course, that does nothing for their actual effectiveness. Her charms are written in Sharpie on cheap printer paper. Her cash register is brand new, though.
#15 – The Judge
The Judge is ready to rule…Â All rulings are final…Â Judgement will not be adjourned…
#16 – Runner
After the flood, most of the city’s poor congregated in the few buildings that managed to survive. As the government rebuilt the financial and industrial centers of the city, the less fortunate spent what resources they could to make their new homes livable. The only real similarity between the bright, shiny new buildings of downtown and the ramshackle tenement buildings of the old city are that neither could expunge their spirits through simple reconstruction. Just as the city center has its wandering dead commuters, the damaged apartment buildings play host to the lingering souls of former inhabitants.
The Runner is a particularly intense spirit that inhabits a stairwell in one of the tallest buildings in the old city. Every night, it can be heard rushing headlong down the stairs, only to disappear at the bottom and reappear at the top. No one has been able to find anything out about it, other than that it does not like being seen.
Day 13 – Quilla
Quilla is an avid book reader; she’s rarely seen without a book in her hands. She prefers instructional manuals but will read just about anything. She rarely talks to people and when she does she keeps her words brief and to the point. She can seem moody and disinterested in anything but books but will listen to any conversation that deals with facts or historic information. She might join in the conversation to ask a question or correct an error. It’s hard to get her to reveal what she knows, but a skilled conversationalist might be able to get her to open up.
#15 – Ted Bacon
The final member of Clair’s team, Mr. Bacon is the only real professional anything in the group; a professional photographer. A naturally sarcastic and taciturn skeptic, his contribution to the team usually comes in the form of terse explanations of photographic artifacts. His lack of interest in the paranormal is offset by the rather large amount of money Clair is paying him, but nothing in the world could offset his sheer lack of people skills.
#30Characters Chatter…