RSSCategory: Drama

‘Ol Coyote Ooglee

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments
Wild man of the desert

Master of explosives and stankiness!


Here we have Ol Coyote, the desert ghost.  Left for dead by the economic system of the veldt, the Ol Coyote has gone to be alone with his thoughts in the dry harsh outer reaches.

“They said to me, they said, Coyote, you got to stop chasing so much skirt and so many attempts at being happy.  Go away.”

So Mr. Ooglee disappeared from the world.

“If’n any folk come round here, I gonna stop them.  Now I’m as happy as a roadrunner on speed.”

Thrashy Leonardo

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments
Reckless Junk Biker

Daring and alluring dirt punk.


Leonardo is the most dangerous man on two wheels in America, at least to himself.  Raised in the third most watched trick bike family as rated by TBS, “Thrashy” has become an international legend.

“Those bastards tried to hold me back, ya see, but they can’t stop ME jumping hogs!”

Leaving the safety of the family bike derby atmosphere, Thrashy has gone on the become a one man act.  Averaging less than three wrecks a day now has become Leo’s claim to fame.

“Like, so, I just took that thing, and jumped over that thing over there.  Have you ever seen anything like it?  Erp… uh, I’m gonna go lay down for a minute.”

Special Envoy Dekantur

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments
World Traveling Master Diplomat

World Traveling Master Diplomat


Dekanur Obsopofolis is the foremost peace making diplomat in the known planetary system.

“What people need to know is that really, when it comes down to it, everybody simply wants to be left alone.  The wars, the graft, that only comes with a system of management with too much power.”

People don’t want to go to war, Dekantur says, except in defense.  Only leaders want to go to war.  The people just want to be able to defend themselves.

“They just want to be able to live, so when I help reduce the power of governmental oversight in the cosmos, and the leaders are content to live within their means, than there is a peace which comes out from that and covers the hearts of men.”

#10 Evergreen corp: #17

| November 11, 2011 | 3 Comments

So they say that the world revolves around the seasons…winter comes and all greenery goes…but to where? Sure they want you to think it merely dies and grows back the following spring…but the truth lie behinds the Evergreen corp:  An organized group of dwarfs living underground, managing our greenery and hold yearly marathons to migrate away our foliage in the late hours of our first winter nights. # 17 is the oldest marathon runner: at 300 years old, hes the prized runner of the four leaf-clover..and hes still the quickest and best at finding the most secluded and secretive spots.   Fauja Singh has nothing on this little guy.

Day 11 Skeet

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments


Day 11 Skeet for the 30 Characters Challenge!

Thanks for Checkin in!

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex

Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here

Day 10 Len the Gardener

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments


Day 10 Len the Gardener for the 30 Characters Challenge!

Thanks for Checkin in!

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex

Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here

#8 Harper

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

Harper is a leader of a three person special-ops super hero team operating out of Europe. Her abilities are classified, but surviving eye-witnesses say she has the ability to project concentrated energy blasts from her  hands.

-J. Philip Foley

#5 Tommy Knuckles

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

Tommy “Knuckles” Gambino is the grandson of Don Vincent Gambino Sr. of the Gambino crime family. Much to his grandfather’s lament, Tommy had lived with too much violence in his life and turned his back on the family when he was eighteen in order to pursue a career in music. During his time in school, his families reputation followed him and Tommy couldn’t escape the violence. During this time he was approached by the CIA and was asked to become an organized crime “insider”. Seeing this as a means for correcting the wrong his family had committed, Tommy accepted and entered specialized CIA training that was above an beyond normal operative training. Tommy’s specialty was weapon making, which his superiors believed could be an asset to the dons of the crime family and give Tommy some legitimacy for his long absence. Tommy returned to his family and his grandfather received him with open arms. Tommy rose through the ranks of the family quickly and was soon one of this grandfather’s most trusted advisors. That all changed one night when the CIA raided his grandfather’s house and killed the whole family including his mother, and two sisters. Since that time Tommy has been on the run and is trying to piece together who eliminated his family and why.

#11 & #12 Barb and Polly

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

day 11 & 12 - Barb and Polly by George WardBarb and polly are sisters and are professional gymnasts.  Other then that they couldn’t be more different.  Barb is happy and playful most of the time while Polly is mopey and uncaring.  Their very different outlooks on life cause a lot of conflicts and humor between the two but in the end they love each other and try to work through their differences.

#11 Ghost of the Temple

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

From an early age he was raised to protect his temple, and has done so long after the priests and the nuns passed on.

He guards it still even as the temple falls into disrepair from neglect, preventing the unholy from entering, and guarding the faithful who take refuge there.

Day 9 Slick

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments


Day 9 Slick for the 30 Characters Challenge!

Thanks for Checkin in!

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex

Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here

Day 8 Zacharius

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments


Day 8 Zacharius for the 30 Characters Challenge!

Thanks for Checkin in!

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex

Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here

#8 Survivalist

| November 11, 2011 | 4 Comments

Not much is known about the Survivalist, except he’s the guy you want on your team when the zombie apocalypse happens. It’s assumed he is ex military of some sort, and he says very, VERY little, resorting to gestures or silence to get his points across. His abilities as a tracker are uncanny, and as a combatant, he is an expert at hand-to-hand combat and escape and evade. He rarely uses firearms, resorting to bows, knives, and various other missile weapons. Sort of a last minute addition to the team, often he decides the course of action they take.

#11-Moustache Magnifico

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments


The masked avenger of wrongs! The pinnacle of hirsute manliness! Fighting crime from the top rope!

He also works as a tour bus driver, but never ever removes the mask.



Ariel DeLosNinas (Martenskin)

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

Ariel MartenskinAriel Delosnina’s (Actually Ariel “Martenskin”) was raised in an orphanage run by nuns in Brazil. Her mother, Minerva Martenskin, disappeared when she was five. Ariel joined the regional police and has been keeping order in a growingly chaotic world. That is until her mother suddenly reappeared and has not aged a day since she was last seen thirty years ago.

#11 Dave Layton

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

No. 11- Clay Talbot

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

Name: Clay Talbot

Age: 30

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Currently Unemployed

Short Background:
Clay Talbot was just an ordinary man with a very boring ordinary life. He had very few friends and the ones he had barely liked him to begin with. Had he been left to his own devices, he probably would have just gone along with his boring life and died a boring death. However, something magical happened.

While watching television one day, Clay had a strong desire for a soda. Suddenly one appeared directly in front of him. He thought about a large cheese pizza and then one appeared. And with that his boring life took a pleasant turn in to something magical.

Or it would have.

Much to Clay’s dismay, he found that his powers are ineffective when other people are around. Frustrated with his life and intrigued by the potential for power, Clay left his life behind for one of solitude. He now lives in a cabin in the woods and spends most of his time training and working to hone his skills. Many people think Clay simply snapped due to his extremely boring life and the prospect of continuing down the same path for the rest of his days.

And they are absolutely right.

Of course, Clay always argues that he his best friend Harvey believes him. Yet, no one has ever seen or heard of Harvey before…

He looks like you’d expect a crazy guy who lives in a forest to look. Dirty, unshaven, and one setback away from completely losing it.

No 11

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

#11 Asina kukin-Laran

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

Warrior. Outcast. Savior?

Image from

Continue Reading

Day 7 Daisy Crates

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments


Day 7 Daisy Crates for the 30 Characters Challenge!

Thanks for Checkin in!

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex

Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here

#10 Retaliation Suit

| November 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

retaliation suit

Retaliation Suit

The Retaliation Suit appears whenever someone feels a moment of truly Righteous Fury at the injustice in the universe. It is a giant, amorphous invincible robot, which targets those who are behind its pilot’s misfortunes. The Retaliation Suit cannot be stopped until those responsible have been beaten, ruined, or destroyed.

Pictured above are three of the suit’s recent pilots:

Madge Fairweather, a kindly grandmother of three who, after losing her job, her pension, and her house (even though the bank lacked the paperwork) was told that her husband was ineligible for an operation by her insurance company. The woman snapped, and the Retaliation Suit found the bureaucrats responsible and saved the house, while destroying the related businesses.

Julie Chu, a conservationist whose breaking point after dealing with endless corruption and bureaucracy, discovered that the animal she was trying to save was now extinct in the wild. The Retaliation Suit created a swath of destruction that annihilated poachers, illegal fur and horn traders, and corrupt bureaucrats alike.

Ron Campbell, a gay teen who was bullied by kids, parents, and school officials on a daily basis. When the principal chose not to punish the rich kids who brutally beat him and posted the pictures on the internet, the Retaliation Suit appeared to mete out justice.

No one knows where it comes from — Julie’s best guess is the it’s how the universe feels, for a moment, the satisfying retribution of setting the world right.

(posted at 12:02 – damn!)

#11 Magi Neauvo

| November 11, 2011 | 2 Comments

Magi Neauvo
Neauvo doesn’t like fireworks, but her go-to-spell is probably the fireball. Although Magic has been cultivated specifically for the rich and elite families, commoners can still be born with magical talent that is far superior to the elitest variety. Neauvo’s power is undefined yet, but has the potential to bring her happiness or bring the magical community to its knees.

Renala of Upper City from My Novel “Mentor”

| November 10, 2011 | 4 Comments

2011 Day 10 Renala of Upper City from My Novel "Mentor"

Renala loves to dance.

Renala seems like a vague kind of person. The kind that sees all but wishes she didn’t and who emotionally sweeps things under the rug that she doesn’t want to deal with. She is thin and pale, her eyes are a very pale watery blue. She has almost a ghost like quality that makes people uncomfortable around her. She is apologetic to a fault, if that is at all possible, and she tends to move quietly often inadvertently sneaking up on people and startling them.

But she has a passion for literature, history, and the latest fashions (even if they don’t suit her very well). she tries to instill in her dead sister’s child a sense of propriety and the position of her father the Governor, but the girl goes her own way. Renala wants to control everything in her life so that it can’t hurt anyone.She feels safer knowing that MAICS and the Grid are always watching to ensure everyone’s safety.

The only time Renala loses her inhibitions a little is when she dances. She loves music that makes her body move and she loses some of her self-consciousness and her timidity.

She is so far the opposite of her more vivacious and outgoing sister that people often make jokes that they were actually cousins. Only in that context “cousins” can often mean “someone mated with a lesser being –probably a Synth”, and would be accompanied by a snicker.  Renala is not unaware of these snide put-downs of her mother by the petty snobs of society. And sometimes a hint of a more complex Renala surfaces.


#10 – Marco

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

#10 Therese Tesla

| November 10, 2011 | 3 Comments

Excerpt from an interview with Therese Tesla:


“So, Ms. Tesla, what would be some of the dangers one might encounter in the alleys of London?”



“Serial killers, steam punkers, and werewolves are pretty standard. Thankfully, a silver bullet will kill all three.”



“And is it your mission to hunt them?”



“Oh, no! I wouldn’t want them all dead. I do this for fun. What the hell would I do if shit wasn’t popping out of alleys at me?”



#10 Tirrin

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Tirrin, the “King Reaper”, the bad guy, the brat/loyal soldier. As of late, he’s become quite bored of sitting on (nonexistent) throne and the weight of his (metaphorical) crown. He didn’t want this job. He was fine with just being a lieutenant under the old king. The one who retired to the human world to chase after the girl who keeps coming back(coming soon~) Which he doesn’t think is fair, at all.

He saw her first anyways.

#10 – Sandy Allenson

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 10 - Sandy Allenson by George WardSandy is a university student who is experience life away from home for the first time.  This isn’t that unusual it itself, but he also likes to experiment with gender roles.  He wants to be a transvestite and spends his free time trying to look and act like a woman.  He’s a bit shy about his alternate life style and tries to act normal whenever he’s around people of either gender.

#10 – Trixy, the Clown Prostitute

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments

Uhm… yeah… ’nuff said.

#9 Darebear

| November 10, 2011 | 10 Comments

Darren is just a normal kid ..until you try to get in his way. The seemingly inconspicuous bear backpack he carries everywhere is  more than meets the eye. Bullies? Homework? unable to reach that last bag of chips on the top shelf? Dare-bear can eliminate all those obstacles. As with any great power comes great responsibility…Darren has to guard his bear backpack greatly to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands!

Day #10 Zombie

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments











This illustration is of a good friend that was willing to be “zombiefied” for my graphic novel.  I still need a bunch more models for zombies.  Anyone interested can send a pic to my email at

Day 6 Pop Lock

| November 10, 2011 | 0 Comments


Day 6 Pop Lock for the 30 Characters Challenge!

Thanks for Checkin in!

God Bless,
-Marshall aka Calmplex

Also Find me on Twitter, Facebook,YouTube, and DeviantArt. You can also email me here