RSSCategory: Drama

#10-Oscar (the ostracised Ostrach)

| November 11, 2012 | 3 Comments

Oscars wild head of hair has traumatized him throughout highschool-Now that he is a freshman, he hopes the brand new start in university will earn him some new friends who will see past his firey mane. Beers anyone?

No #11

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

I’m experimenting with light and shadow. That’s been my ambition from the start of this challenge


#2 Unknown Squirrel and Knuckles

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Secret squirrel was a cool show. He had so many gadgets it was crazy.  I change him up and I got rid of the hat. I change his sidekick and made him tougher. this would be my characters design if  I would relaunch the show. The show would be very serious and dark with some drama. The character will still have some cool gadgets. I hope everybody like this character design. one…

#1 Dan The Maniac

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

I wasn’t a big Dennis the Menaces but I was thinking what if he became older, hmmm. This character is inspired by that cartoon show, but he’s a killer, none stop heartless kiling machine. I hope everybody like this design concept. one…


| November 11, 2012 | 1 Comment

Chi-bo is fresh from China-his favorite subject is Math and science. Since his arrival, he has already developed quite the reputation and unsurprisingly, a few enemies envious of his advanced knowledge.

# 11 The pimp

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

I wanted to draw this sleazy character but Daniel Day Lewis in “In the name of the father” and Jack White “Get behind me Satan” era kept creeping in and well, it is what it is.

#11 Lucy Grant

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

Lucy is the vice president of accounting at a successful manufacturing company. You usually won’t find her at her desk. If she’s not in a meeting then she is checking up on her workers to make sure they are doing everything right (which they inevitably are, but it never hurts to check two or three…hundred times). She uses her grandfather’s old pocket watch because she believes it keeps the best time of any clock she’s ever encountered. You definitely don’t want to be in her way when she is in danger of being late for a meeting.

11/10/11: “Iron” Jack Savage, Pookah Soldier

| November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Jack Savage  SPECIES: Rabbit Pookah  ORIGIN: The Seelie Realm

After losing his arm to a dire wolf in the great war against the Unseelie kin, Jack was bestowed a metal of honor by the knights of the Silver Court. In addition, Jack was given with a powerful, magi-tech arm, a gift from a renowned gnomish tinkerer. Though honored as a hero among the fey folk, the war left Jack bitter and paranoid. He no longer belonged in the Seelie lands. Hoisting his knapsack over his shoulder, Jack walked through the shimmering bright of Viscaria’s Mirror, never again to look back on the light of Titania’s realm.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)

03: Roimata

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments


02: Qorah

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

Character Name: 

Brief Bio/Description:
Qorah is a spunky, brash, and flirtatious girl with a passion – and talent – for boxing. She runs track and dabbles in basketball, but nothing gets her spirits higher than being in a ring with an opponent. She’s recently been showing an interest in mixed martial arts. She doesn’t know it yet, but soon she’ll be starting up an underground women’s federation. A Ladies’ Fight Club, of sorts.

Style Commentary:
I decided to stick primarily with my own style for this character, but created a personality that I usually stray from – the wild, brash type. I think I managed to capture it fairly well. I also aimed for an ethnicity outside of my comfort range, but didn’t have any set reference in mind. She comes across to me, now, as a blend of African, Hispanic, and a tiny bit Italian. Not sure where I’m getting Italian.

# 10 Prudence

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments


No #10

| November 10, 2012 | 1 Comment

No #09

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

No #08

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments


| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments


This is Albert, he is from the early 1980’s. He likes to build model boats and take a stroll every morning to his favorite spot to sit, and feed the pigeons.

*next few posts will be busts to catch up*

Day 10: Maple Fairy

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

“They are the most irritating creatures in existence! They dance around you and leave little creepy crunchy corpses all in your space…They get in your fur, in your food…”

“Well, at least they are better than the cicadas. Those fuckers get literally EVERYWHERE.”

“I rather have the cicadas. They don’t scream when I try to eat them.”
“Yeah I gues-wait. What?”
-Fig and Snitch on Maple Fairies

Maple fairies are little wood spirits. At the very end of winter, they awaken from the elder trees and spread throughout the forest like a plague in absurd amounts. Many die in the first month, their corpses giving off life magic to promote growth for Spring. Those who survive, mate till the end of summer so they may grace us with their presence in overwhelming numbers the next spring.

Maple fairies are very wise, but not very intelligent at all. They are very in tune with the woods and emotions, but otherwise fail at everything else. Because they can’t think their way out of a paper bag, they get stuck in everything from your ice cream cone to your fur. Like many fairies, Maple fairies enjoy sweets and can be attracted by vinegars or syrups.

When Maple fairies are in danger, they change their faces to look more child-like and cry loudly like a baby. Despite this, if they are strong-willed enough, some supernatural creatures find the small creatures to be great junk food. According to Fig, Maple fairies taste like a combination of roasted chestnuts and honey-glazed bacon.

Day 10: Ellie the Empath

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day Seven: Astromicus Manicus

| November 10, 2012 | 0 Comments

On a hill side, in the sun and wind like a long-shot in a romcom, slipping through the dewy terrain while smiling and sweeping down the slope. Grunting and falling, shoe, body tripping in motion and landing in a crumpled heap at the incline’s base.
Mud on shirt, bruise on face, dent in dignity, hair still fine.
Astromicus rolled over, spine clicking into place and limbs hesitantly following direction of brain and body, tried to push upright and buckled at the attempt. Getting up and brushing this embarrassing fall off would clearly take some time, this lesson in not running down freshly wet grass would not take as long to absorb.


DAY 3: La Fantasma de los Perros

| November 9, 2012 | 1 Comment

In 1976 the government of Isabél Perón was overthrown through a military coup, and General Rafael Videla established a military junta. Thus began a particularly dark period in Argentina’s so called “Dirty War”. The new far-right regime instigated a period of overall chaos wherein thousands of suspected “subversives” and left-wing sympathizers were kidnapped, tortured, or assassinated at the hands of the government’s “security forces” and roving right-wing death squads in a self-termed “National Reorganization Process”. Young or newborn children were commonly taken away from their mothers in various state-sponsored concentration camps and redistributed to couples affiliated with the regime in order to mitigate the proliferation of subversive ideas. While many of those captured were in fact members of militant left-wing rebel militias, the “Dirty War” was just as much a witch hunt wherein thousands of victims were indeed innocent.
While many of the mysteries surrounding the so called “Desaparecidos” (The Disappeared or Vanished) were revealed upon the instatement of a democratic government in 1983, little is known, or discussed for that matter, about the true nature of “Nuestra Fantasma de los Perros”. While accounts from eyewitnesses are sparse, the legend was very prevalent in the low income (and often socialist sympathizing) barrios of Buenos Aires, Rosario, Corrientes and Córdoba. Descriptions of a petite woman of native descent, wearing a worn, dark stained gray cloak, and a pristine white, flower-pattern dress underneath were prevalent amongst the many rumors circulating in the populace. She was always accompanied by at least 4 stray dogs—though the number was said to grow with every kidnapping that occurred. It was rumored that her canine followers obeyed her through a dark aura which seemed to emanate from her hands. Several Death squad soldiers would admit years later that during a run in with “La Perra” (lit. “Bitch”) the eyes of her dogs would cloud with what appeared to be smoking tar immediately prior to an attack. The gruesome visages of the would-be abductors and assassins resulted in a great drop in recruitment for the death squads, and had a profound protective effect on those neighborhoods where the woman had shown up. While superstitious citizens offered scraps of meat and bread on their doorsteps at night as a plea to the woman and her companions for protection, the president himself issued several city wide dog-hunts in an effort to curtail the threat of this “Perónist vigilante”. The hunts were called off very quickly due to a mysterious absence of all dogs during the hunts. The loss of a dozen more men to unknown causes also frightened many of the hunters from ever searching in the first place.
Since the woman never spoke or appeared for more than minutes at a time, her origins remain unknown. Some believe she is the restless spirit of a Mapuche shaman seeking revenge on the ancestors of European settlers. Many of the largely Catholic populace viewed her as a wrathful incarnation of the Virgin Mary and a herald of the end-times. The last recorded account of “La Fantasma” came from Cristina Silviatore, the wife of Marcos Silviatore, a prominent lieutenant in the Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance, who reported a cacophony of barking outside of her home. Stepping out to inspect the commotion she caught a glimpse of a cloaked figure staring mournfully into her daughter’s bedroom window. The figure vanished quickly having noticed Cristina, and the dogs subsequently fell silent. After failing to conceive on their own, Marcos had brought the child home one evening in 1976, claiming to have just finalized the adoption papers at a nearby orphanage. As hard as she would try to convince herself that what she had seen was just a trick of the mind, she was never able to look at “daughter” the same way again.

#08 – Rayn

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

She was such an alive spirit. But what was it that changed her? Was it the white powder (as they say) or the evil box of lies and smokey facades?

Day Six: Amorveous (Amy)

| November 9, 2012 | 0 Comments

Two minutes, that was quick, indeed — a new record. Where once piping hot pudding and melting mountains of ice cream slouched were now faint streaks of creamy, crumbly, residue of dessert and regret. Amy finished polishing the bowl with her tongue — don’t ask where the mouth is — until the, now cool, ceramic surface tasted more of object and less of desire.
This jaunt into flavour country would mean a lot of mirror-gazing but damn, the descent into self doubt was tasty.

#07 Sad Boy

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 8. Maddie Pearl

| November 8, 2012 | 3 Comments
Porcelain Horror, Maddie Pearl

Porcelain Horror, Maddie Pearl


This character was actually the brain child of a friend of mine.  I drew this from her description of her and im really digging it!

Day 8: Stud

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

the centaur

“I see you have been interacting with him a lot lately and I just want to say…as a friend…you should probably not mate with him. He kinda has t-rex arms. You know? Like, they’re too thin at the ends… I mean…raising babes in the woods is hard enough with them fumbling around without freakish t-rex arms. Just sayin’.” – Fig and his thoughts on Stud

Stud is a male centaur. Male centaurs tend to control large circle-like territories which they protect with great passion and vigor. Female centaurs tend to travel from territory to territory. If they are impressed by the territory, they’ll stay during the mating season.

Stud is the centaur whom territory lays within Twigs and Fig’s forest. Twig, who has been much distracted by Fig’s antics and human interactions, completely forgot about mating season (at least mentally) and was surprised to be suddenly courted by a complete stranger.

Despite being a forest creature and spiritually in tune with the woods, Stud is head strong and the definition of gladiator. He pretty much solves everything with brute strength and intimidation. He doesn’t know what “No” means, which has made Twig quite uncomfortable in many occasions. He is also a polled centaur. It is unsure if he is naturally polled or by some other means, but he is very sensitive about it.

Due to a clash of personalities (and maybe some other unsaid causes), Fig and Stud do not get along AT ALL. Stud bull-headed mentality tells him that he is king of this land and Fig, who is the rightful guardian, begs to differ. Farther more, Fig is more then a bit annoyed by how Stud treats Twig…and the amount of time they spend together. It is a wonder that the two have not come to blows…yet.

Stud’s design is based on the Shire horse which is the largest horse breed.

((I haven’t been that proud of my last few drawings. Let’s hope I do better as I go…))

Day 8: Sandy Torres

| November 8, 2012 | 2 Comments

Sandy is a private investigator and Otis Wonder’s partner(day 6). She is originally from Brooklyn, NY where she worked as a bodyguard for celebrities when they came to town. She is a highly skilled martial artist as well as en expert marksman. Sandy’s sarcastic sense of humor is a perfect contrast to Otis’s serious demeanor.

# 8 Migraine Fairy

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

#2 – Stuart Ashbow

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Stuart Ashbow is one of the founders of Future-Tech. He’s runs the personnel side and is very friendly and a good judge of character. He gets impatient with Mick Adler sometimes, especially when he’s done yet another PR gaffe. But they will always be good friends.
He’s married, with no children.
He’s got a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm with an ocean theme and  a wheel with dolphins, koi, and anchors on the other shoulder. You can’t see either one of them ordinarily. The only tat you can see is a ring around the ring finger of his left hand. This is his wedding ring, and his wife has a matching one. It’s garland of rose branches with a small rose where the diamond would be. He has a small gold ring in his right eyebrow, and three piercings in each ear, all gold rings or studs. The ear piercings are not symmetrical. He wears a very plain, functional digital watch and glasses for reading that he otherwise carries in his breast pocket.

Stuart Ashbow is a secondary character for my comic series The White Knight. Mick Adler is already up. 

#8 – Aisha

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Aisha is Raji’s little sister. She can be a little shy, but nothing can get her talking more than the Inspector Kuneho cartoon series because it’s the best show ever. EVER. No matter what Pipay thinks. Aisha loves solving cases and writing news reports about them. She has a weird fascination for tabloid headlines.

Character #7: Shabby Sheik

| November 8, 2012 | 2 Comments

Shabby Sheik

Running behind – but trying to catch up.


Day 6 – Atsa Eberstark

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Asta is a German boxer. She’s a difficult takedown by knockout or points. Any opponent that has beat her in a match had to work damn hard to do so.

Day 5 – Genevive Adler

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments


Genevive benifits probably the most from Eustice‘s patronage. She’s quite the actress and works hard to futher her career. She’s often seen as Eustice’s arm candy, and there are rumours of her being a gold digger. Not that she cares about the gossip. Press is press.