![the centaur](http://www.30characters.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/08StudTem-218x300.jpg)
“I see you have been interacting with him a lot lately and I just want to say…as a friend…you should probably not mate with him. He kinda has t-rex arms. You know? Like, they’re too thin at the ends… I mean…raising babes in the woods is hard enough with them fumbling around without freakish t-rex arms. Just sayin’.” – Fig and his thoughts on Stud
Stud is a male centaur. Male centaurs tend to control large circle-like territories which they protect with great passion and vigor. Female centaurs tend to travel from territory to territory. If they are impressed by the territory, they’ll stay during the mating season.
Stud is the centaur whom territory lays within Twigs and Fig’s forest. Twig, who has been much distracted by Fig’s antics and human interactions, completely forgot about mating season (at least mentally) and was surprised to be suddenly courted by a complete stranger.
Despite being a forest creature and spiritually in tune with the woods, Stud is head strong and the definition of gladiator. He pretty much solves everything with brute strength and intimidation. He doesn’t know what “No” means, which has made Twig quite uncomfortable in many occasions. He is also a polled centaur. It is unsure if he is naturally polled or by some other means, but he is very sensitive about it.
Due to a clash of personalities (and maybe some other unsaid causes), Fig and Stud do not get along AT ALL. Stud bull-headed mentality tells him that he is king of this land and Fig, who is the rightful guardian, begs to differ. Farther more, Fig is more then a bit annoyed by how Stud treats Twig…and the amount of time they spend together. It is a wonder that the two have not come to blows…yet.
Stud’s design is based on the Shire horse which is the largest horse breed.
((I haven’t been that proud of my last few drawings. Let’s hope I do better as I go…))
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