Category: 2011
#15 – Peter Solax
Peter Solax was an ordinary woodsman until he discovered a magical axe stuck in a tree.  All thoughts of the axe being normal disappeared when it demanded souls in exchange for it’s power.  Fearing the axe might fall into the wrong hands, Peter decided to accept it’s demands and went searching for the souls of the wicked to satisfy it’s thrust.  He received the name Solax because the souls of those he defeated could be seen in the blade of the axe.  His greatest fear is the the axe’s original owner might appear and demand the axe back.  Anyone who would create such an axe must be a dangerous person indeed.
#15: The Girl With Birdsong in Her Brain
“The minstrels and the poets
the philosophers of birds
chatter in a language which
goes mercifully unheard.
Unless your name’s Belinda
(And you work at Dairy Queen)
you might go your whole life
and never know what sparrows scream.”
WHOOO half way there.
#10 Phil Mawson
The Halley Research Station’s geologist, my god this man loves his job. Â He loves the fact that he can study meteorites in near pristine conditions.
He’s the only one of the three that hasn’t had a run in with fae folk, Ronan would be the first when he finally approaches the team.
# 14 & 15 Howie and Skid
Say hello to Howie and Skid, friends since the first day of preschool. Howie (L) and Skid (R) can’t seem to figure out what they want to be when they grow up. All they know is that whatever they decide to do, they want to do it together. Follow the boys as they search for the meaning in their lives and have loads of fun along the way.
Previous Character Creations (so far):
Day#13 The Kid-Â
Day #12 Pinch-Â
Day #11 Whisper-Â
Day #10 Axefist-Â
Day #9 Agent Speck-Â
Day #8 Dusty-Â
Day #7 Professor Pinn-Â
Day #6 Flinch-Â
Day #5 Flitter-Â
Day #4 Smoke-Â
Day #3 Agent Blitz-Â
Day #2 Rhinoceros Rex-Â
Day #1 Agent Acorn-Â
Thanks for viewing.
#14 Future Cops
Universe/Storyline: The Band
Universe details: In the isolated city of Crescent where these characters live, superpowers spring from close encounters with death. Only people born in the city can gain these powers, and since this is a relatively new settlement, the first generation of people born there are just starting to show signs of super-fication. This means mostly kids and teens. Of the teens, Camille, Max, Amelia, Walter, and Rin decide to team up and form a band. They take it upon themselves to help other kids who are just getting powers/dealing with death. Eventually, when The Band realizes that everyone deserves to be informed about the city’s unique predicament, they try to reach every kid in the city at once by putting on a live concert.
“Future Cop” is a slang term used by young people in Crescent to describe a member of the city’s police force. The expression comes from the futuristic helmets they wear (an homage of mine to Daft Punk; music plays a critical role in this story). Most citizens of Crescent are unaware that the Future Cops are actually robots.
The Band is united in the belief that the law cannot be executed properly without a little human morality and heart behind it, so they generally hate the Future Cops. Camille and Max in particular take immense pleasure in destroying them (Camille only when necessary, Max whenever he feels like it). However, the origin of the seemingly endless wave of replacement cops remains unknown. They are thought to be programmed by the city government, an elusive group that only appears in news broadcasts rather than in person.
The Future Cops are made to appear human, so they wear uniforms that cover their entire bodies and speak in voices that sound like they could be human.
While they don’t exactly have superpowers, they have advantages only robots have: their bodies are sturdier and stronger than humans’, they can communicate with each other wirelessly across the city, and they don’t feel anything emotional or physical. Often they are equipped with gadgets like telescoping batons, guns that fire diamond netting or knockout gas, etc. The Future Cops are brutal and determined but they never use lethal force.
Mostly, the Future Cops are there so that there can be awesome fights (whoo!) without anyone getting seriously hurt (boo!), because what good is super strength if you don’t have something to beat up and not feel guilty about?
#9 Phyllis Amundsen
One of the Halley Research Station’s technicians who had run into Veyron when she was younger.  Probably the only one who ever tired the old puca out, her silver cane’s actually a gift from him when she first got the job at the base.
G. Brett Williams #15 – Donnybrooke
Donnybrooke – Brooke Fitzpatrick was the only good apple in a whole family of bad ones. Her family was heavily involved in NYC’s Irish mob. Brooke was a good student and a natural athlete, a gifted achiever. She did very well in high school, took martial arts and boxing, got along really well with her classmates. She worked very hard to stay positive and to not get tangled up in the family business. When she was seventeen, the Summer between her junior and senior year of high school, the FBI made a major move against her family. The ones who didn’t end up behind bars ended up dead. When the smoke cleared the entire Fitzpatrick crime family was broken and Brooke Fitzpatrick was left without a family. With no relative coming forward to take her into their care, it looked like Brooke might be remanded to foster care for her final year of high school. But she had a family member she didn’t know anything about.
#15- Serafina
Ever since hatching, Serafina wanted one thing and one thing only: to become a magician. Given her lack of extremities with which to grasp a magic wand or handle cards, she became an impressive practitioner of the only trick she could tackle: mesmerism.
Her only trouble, and the one incident that would put an abrupt end to her career, was when she decided to practice in front of a mirror. Despite the attempts of her most skilled masters, Serafina’s never been the same.
#8 Steve Shackleton
Ooh, waaay behind, brace yourself for a flood. Â Anyway, next few are of part of the crew at the Halley research station that Ronan has been keeping an eye on.
Steve’d be the one the selkie’s most interested in, for reason? I’m not so sure, I believe I’ll find out if I ever get around to writing it.
11 – His Excellency, Dr. Ydronius
Dr Ydronius is one of the most well respected politicians on Earth – the fact that he is the 25ft tall purple ambassador from the planet Thrakun and Affiliated Planets is however the thing that tends to catch peoples attentions the most. Thrakonians are a sentient race who, having evolved on a world which regularly has large fluxes in its gravity due to the influence of its vast moon are increddibly strong – not only do they have the strength you’d expect in a 9 ton being, but they are able to convert their circulatory system into a form of hydraulics to amplify their strength yet further when needed. That being said, as a race of herbivores they are less prone to violence than humans, and while Thrakonian on Thrakonian violence isn’t entirely absence, there have only been 3 instances of Thrakonian/human conflict, all started by humans. Predictably, the winner was the side who could shrug off an artillery round.
Ydronius is an incredibly skilled negotiator, and has done a lot to increase trade between the Thrakonians and humanity, aswell as preventing several intergalactic incidents between humanity and other races. He is known for his appreciation of art, music and literature, Much to some peoples amusement he is partialness to merlot, which he drinks using a ratio of one barrel filling one of his giant sized glasses. He is in the process of having some giant human instruments made so he can attempt to learn them.
I came up with the idea of a hydraulic blood system years ago, and indeed the concept was then also attached to a giant purple monsters then. I never did anything with the concept though and I put it in the mental file “for future use”. When I was doing this I wanted to have an alien who was physically powerful, but not a warrior, and it occured to me that using the old hydraulic blood would make sense here, and I liked the image of a giant monster in a suit walking to some sort of fancy dinner with a tiny human woman accompanying him. I imagine that Dr. Ydronius sounds something like Kelsey Grammer.
#15 Persephone
A cybernetically enhanced enforcer working for the multinational conglomeration, The Organization”.  She is there “secret weapon” utilized whent he need for silent “mergers, and takeovers” is required.
#15 Tarejal – Conquered
The ships made no attempt to communicate when they appeared in the skies over our planet. They just hung there waiting, like an executioner’s axe. We spoke amongst ourselves trying to determine the best course of action. Then they began their offensive, and discussion was pointless.
When they launched the attack, they only sent one soldier to face our army. A single soldier against an army of ten thousand of the greatest warriors, and there was only one survivor. The ashes of those ten thousand warriors darkened the sky, as if the whole planet cried at the travesty.
Our weapons were still just metal and chemicals, which could not scratch the laser-etched ceramic armor or pierce the energy shields of the enemy. And there was no cover or shield that could protect against the unstoppable force of the soldier’s weapons. We died by the thousands.
But soon the battles changed and then we realized the greatest terror yet. The war that we fought so far hadn’t been for conquest. While we fought for our existence, they’d been nothing more than playing. Sending a single warrior to see how many primitives would fall before him.
When they changed their tactics, we realized the hopelessness. They launched weapons that annihilated our cities in nuclear holocausts and sent armies to crush any resistance.
We tried to surrender, to gain some hope of continued existence, but they did not respond. For months it continued, and the piles of dead rose higher and higher.
Finally one of their ships landed and announced the terms of our surrender. It was absolute and complete. We were to be nothing more than slaves and livestock to them. But we had no choice. We signed the paper and threw away our freedom. It was the only way to survive.
G. Brett Williams #14 – The Engine
This is “eh,” but I am a day behind so I just grabbed something from the vault. haha
William Mundy was a confederate soldier turned guerilla fighter in the border territory between Kentucky and Ohio. Disillusioned by the incompetence of his command, Mundy formed a small group of guerilla fighters hellbent on exacting terror and destroying Union supply lines in Southern Ohio. His legend grew as tales of his exploits reached supporters on both sides of the war. Eventually, Mundy and his compatriots were captured and hanged by the Union army. Mundy’s legend persisted though in a number of stories and dime novels published and disseminated throughout the Confederate population. What most Confederate supporters did not know was that Mundy’s body was turned over to a highly secret group of inventors and doctors working on a sort of super science program for the Union army. The men experimented on Munday, outfitting his body with a combination of electrical power and steam locomotion that enabled his brain to operate at higher function and his body to function on a near superhuman level. The scientists and doctors rigged Munday’s head with a machine that would fire electrical impulses into his brain and his torso with a modified steam engine that powered his heart and granted him unnatural strength and vitality. It was the hope of the team that they could control their new monstrosity and use him as a sort of super soldier against the advancing Confederate army, but their plan backfired when Mundy rebelled against his creators, murdering them and escaping into the wilderness. Eventually the Union army found and overtook Munday, shutting down the machinery that kept him alive. Instead of destroying the man’s body they preserved it and locked it away in a secret government facility. There he stayed until the 1930s, when a new secret fringe science arm of the American military discovered the long missing body of Willim Mundy and revived him, improving upon the methods of control utilized by the original scientists. With the advancements of industry, America had lost sight of some of its more pastoral beginnings. With these advancements came a loss of concern over the darker corners of rural American life, places where monsters and other dangerous things still existed. This new scientific group was tasked partially with dealing with these occult threats and they thought Mundy would be the perfect choice for a warrior in their secret war. After all, send a monster to fight a monster. The Engine deals with the exploits of Mundy learning to live in this new world as he copes with his strong Confederate ideology, his monstrous existence and his distrust of this new time and new government where life as he knows it is a distant and painful memory. Also, monsters get punched!
#15 Ice Fang
Ice Fang is an Andrewsarchus mongoliensis. It is easier on the tongue to call her a giant Ice Age wolf. A cunning leader of the pack, Ice Fang uses advanced team based strategies to finish off her prey.
Day 14 – Ler Valence
Ler is the High Razuli term for “Leaderâ€, and as reigning monarch of this reclusive people, Valence is the bearer of that title. He is called Boy-King, though not usually by Razuli. None but they know his true age, but Razuli are rumored to be immortal, and there’s much evidence to support this fact. He is still considered a young boy by their reckoning, however old he is.
Valence is very wise for his (apparent) youth, having grown up surrounded by figures of legend who never hesitated to impart knowledge upon him at any time. [ His father was King when the Alks stole a flickering of the Power that was to be the Razuli’s alone—for the Razuli hold the burden of maintaining the stars and other heavenly bodies. (Hence their name, Star People). His father and his current advisor/bodyguard Joaquin were the ones who led war against the Alk Rule of that day and were forced back, forced up into the mountains that no human can reach.] But although Valence was taught to be cautious of outsiders, he is extremely curious about them. He is also lonely, and wants a friend he can talk to openly and honestly. There isn’t anyone like that in his court, as most of his acquaintances are years older than he is. He may be a King but he’s still a Boy.
15 Akyla Myst Apprentice Magi
Akyla would rather hang out and chill with her friends at the mall showing off their talents. The magic impaired lower class are amazed and the more disciplined magi frown upon her activities as childish and irresponsible.
14 Princess Celine of Toymille
Content with lounging, the princess requires less windups when she isn’t active, but time matters little to the ageless residents of Toymille.
Day 13 – Nicolai Macamoile
One of the earliest images I came up with for Nicolai was the image of him with his arms out, as if inviting you in. Nicolai never believed he was doing the wrong thing; he always thought that his ideas were foolproof, that he was keeping the greater good above his own, that people liked him because of what he did than because they were forced to—as the case may be when he takes control of Trident. But he never considered himself a villain, even when those who joined him only joined him because they believed he was, or wanted him to be.
Nicolai resembles Skye in all but name, really. They were very close, almost brothers, and were knee-deep in the same research for years. I wanted to keep their designs very similar as well, to contrast the very different paths they chose, and to give a glimpse of who Skye could have become.
#15 – Gnoll hunter
“You call us primitive, you forest people, you elves. Sadly it is true, most of my people have forgotten their past, we have faded. But there are some of us, who remember.” Slowly removing it’s headdress, the old gnoll shifted in the dark, it’s one good eye fixed on me as it then continued to sharpen the flint knife it had used to skin my comrade. My binds strained as I tried to fight the ropes, but I was trussed, neatly and brutally, my broken arm given no quarter, lashed to my back mercilessly. Blood filled my eyes, and the buzzing in my head almost drowned out the screams, which I vaguely realized were coming from me. Grinning, it’s fangs bared, it raised the flint blade, and lightning quick it’s taloned hand shot out to grip my jaw like a vice. “We were here before you. Before your people. Oh, you have delved into the mysteries of magic, and worked great sorceries, built wonders. You claim to be one with the forest, to be unequaled with the bow. But this shaft here,” and with a violent shake it rattled my neck, the arrow lodged in my collar shooting agony through me, “was from me, from my bow, gnoll- made, like in the old times. You know the forest. Pah.” As it shifted my neck , I could see the medallions, the bracelets. They were not elven made, dor were they human- With a horrid realization, I could see that they were wrought by taloned hands in forges fueled by blood in dim ages before we came down from the trees. I was washed with despair. And with a mighty lunge, the knife caught a glint of moonlight before it plunged below my neck.
“The forest says otherwise.”
Day 12 – Deirdre
For Deirdre, not only did I want to play around with more waif-ish proportions, I really wanted to make her more of a symbol. She is an Alk, but she embodies the result of the downfall of Alk-kind, in that they use their Power for all the wrong reasons. She is one of many victims of the Alk Rule, an example of how self-harming it truly is. Alks possess magic that wasn’t theirs to begin with, but was given to them on the premise that they’d use it to better the world around them. And for a time, they did. But power corrupts, no matter who you are. The Alks began using magic for selfish means. Some of these became very destructive. A new regime was born, where every citizen was forced to use their Power for furthering the Alk Rule.
Deirdre…is a dancer. It’s part of her Power. But ballet has no use in a place where the arts are unwelcome, and try as she might to pursue her creative talent, she was punished, and then cast out. She is inflicted with great pain whenever she tries to dance—that is part of her curse.
#15 Timmy 2ply
poor timmy 2ply
life as a sentient roll of bathroom tissue is hard
you may ask “what is wrong with the artist?” and i will be required by law to inform you, “everything.”
#5 Adia Kennedy
Adia grew up with the dreams of domestic bliss in her head. She read all the right magazines, shopped at the right stores, went to the right parties and, thankfully, fell in love with the right man. They were married and settled happily into a home just in time for Adia to become pregnant with her first of what would eventually be three lovely children. Of course, when her husband started to come home from work later and later every night, Adia was pretty sure she knew why (she’d certainly read enough magazines to have a good idea). And when her children’s grades fell further and further behind, she began to fret that her happy life was falling apart. And then she got hit by a bus outside of the supermarket.
She woke up in the Otherlife, the more-or-less mirror image of the world she knew, with a shape that was fitting the harpy of a woman she actually was. Her perfect black hair had been transformed into feathers, her arms into strange wing-like abominations, and her feet were wickedly sharp talons that tilled the dirt as she walked. For days she wandered, chewing on half-dead plants for nourishment, searching for some purpose or reasoning to her new circumstances.
When she happened upon the remains of a battle between two warring gangs, she met an older gorgon-lady who offered a bargain: if Adia would care for the woman until she passed, the gorgon would fill her in on the meaning of the Otherlife. With nothing to lose, Adia took her up on that offer and, for the next week, made sure the gorgon was alive enough to teach her everything she needed to know.
After the gorgon’s death, Adia set out into the Otherlife, armed with the truth and, if not a purpose, at least an idea of what could distract her from the thoughts of home that nagged at the back of her head. At the very least, she decided, she could make sure the Otherlife was an interesting one indeed.
(Fell way behind – didn’t have time for sketches and then things didn’t get written down and so on…so I’m skipping the illustrations and just writing things down. Will be posting multiples over the next few days to catch up, sorry for the spam!)
#14 The Superbeetle
look, down the road! it’s a rust heap! no, it’s a cultural icon! no, it’s the ’78 SUPER BEETLE!
#30Characters Chatter…