RSSCategory: 2011

#9 Pyramid Prophet

| November 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

Another character in my Garlic Pal ‘universe’.  The golden omnipotent seer and soothsayer himself; Pyramid Prophet.

#13 Johnny Tanaka

| November 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

Johhny Tanaka

In 1970, Pluto the Atomic Lad, a child-sized android originally built to promote peace, snapped and went on a rampage in Tokyo. Before The Squadronnaires were able to deactivate Pluto, Johnny Tanaka’s parents died during the attack.

Embittered, Johnny became a 12 year-old robot fighter. Prejudiced towards all robots, Johnny has spent the last four decades campaigning against the development of artificial intelligence and autonomous mechanical beings, often destroying them when they are built.

#16 Ace

| November 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

Ace is a trickster- he loves pranking everybody around him.  He is constantly getting himself into trouble.

16 RASC – 12

| November 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

16 RASA-12 (Reconnaissance Analyzer Sentient Class)

RASC-12 (Reconnaissance Analyzer Sentient Class)
Is a self sufficient and sentient robot that analyzes anything and everything. He even has his own tiny marble probe that will explore places even he can’t go.  Although he has no specific mission, RASC will venture to explore any and all lifeforms and no one knows why. No one is sure where RASC came from, but the marble probes he hosts eventually evolve either over time or specifically based on data collected.

#15 The Lord of Burg

| November 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

It is the Lord of Burg! All people live free from culinary tyranny under his peaceful rule! Free to burg for as long as his people would like!

#16: Moira

| November 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is Moira. She walks (and dances, apparently) to the beat of her own drum. A very free spirit, you will most likely find this cool cat at a poetry slam, sipping some chai tea and scribbling down interesting thoughts in her notebook when she’s not snapping her fingers to some powerful rhymes.


#15 – Arethousa-The Water Elemental

| November 15, 2011 | 2 Comments

Meet Arethousa the water elemental who is as old as the Earth itself! I introduced one of her counterparts, Faultline, in last years 30Characters. The last two Earth elementals, fire & air, will show up soon! Enjoy!

Day 15: Ariel

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character #15, Ariel. No sketches this time, she’s large scale design-wise. Her name’s a pun off of “Aerial”. No last name to her either, because she’s not a normal person.

She’s some kind of guardian spirit over the sky, and she controls the weather. Her colors, except for her skin tone and the whites of her eyes, change depending on what state the sky’s in. This is how her colors look typically in the day. Her hair and those bell things are the color of the clouds, her dress and eyes are the color of the sky, and her sash thing is the color of the sky to come. She has different color combos for the times of day (dawn, sunrise, day, afternoon, sunset, and evening) and weather conditions (sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy).

She’s not strong or anything, kind of a fragile spirit. Ariel can float freely around, but if she’s caught, she can’t get out easily. Her strongest power is control over weather lightning, but it’s also her most unstable. She can’t make it hit the mark exactly yet.

#12 U.N.S.C.E.N.E. Director

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

U.N.S.C.E.N.E. Director

As director of the United Nations Secret Committee on Extra Normal Events, the man known only by the alias Alan Smithee oversees a network of agents that monitor the actions of superly-abled beings and investigate reports of supernatural and extraterrestrial activities.

It is unknown whether the director worked his way up through the ranks of U.N.S.C.E.N.E. or if he was an outside candidate appointed by The Three, a cabal of 3 unknown U.N. delegates to whom the director reports.

Despite his secretive nature, the director has the best interest of the world and his agents in mind.

#14: Adam Mortensen

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Field Leader and Legendary Weapons Expert, Adam Mortensen.

Adam was an archaeologist who was not respected in his field due to his theories on the possible existence and location of ancient civilizations and the potential of uncovering legendary artifacts. Every attempt at procuring funding resulted in him getting either laughed out or kicked out of every museum, lecture hall, or campus he sets foot in. He was apporached by one man willing to hear out his theory and finance his operation, Arthur Loman.

Adam’s first major expedition resulted in the discovery and procurement of the legendary sword of Roland, Durandal, in a remote temple on the outskirts of France. This discovery not only validated Adam’s ideas, but also inducted him into the Loman Organization as the leading expert in Legendary Weapons and Artifacts. Adam was also made Field Leader of Zeus Unit, Loman’s main field operative force for the Organization. Since then, Adam has dealt with not only excavations and discoveries of the ancient world, but has also confronted and fought with various entities of both the natural and supernatural kind. A strong, if somewhat reckless leader, Adam is willing to put his body on the line if it means someone else won’t have to, as well as for the benefit of the next discovery of the World’s Secrets.

Abilities: Adam is a man who has demonstrated the strength and stamina of a man who maintains regular exercise. Adam is proficient in small and medium weaponry, yet prefers to utilize his main weapon, the sword Durandal. Adam is trained in fencing and melee weapons combat so as to wield Durandal efficiently. His swordsmanship is such that the Supernatural community has listed him as one of the most deadliest swordsman around. Adam also possess a Master’s in Archaeology with specialties in Myths and Ancient Culture, along with recently acquiring knowledge in Werewolf and Vampire culture.

Durandal is a sword whose previous owners included Hector of Troy and Sir Roland, Knight of Charlemagne. The sword was in pristine condition when Adam discovered it, and its edge was still incredibly sharp. Durandal is made from unknown metals that have yet to be determined and  is completely indestructible.

Due to his perchance for getting injured, Adam also wears a special suit called “Ward Wear” which is a combination Kevlar/Nomex weave top, gloves, and boots with carbon ceramic armor plates with sigil coins embedded in key areas of his suit. The coins activate a protective field when Adam is at risk of critical injury from either mystical or practical means.

Adam, so far, is the only individual who has been able to activate or utilize a mythical weapon to its full potential, as others who have attempted to wield Durandal or other items resulted in either no reaction, or severe injury to anyone other than Adam from touching it. It is unknown whether this is genetic or some other reason that makes Adam the sole wielder of said weapons. More research is required to procure an answer.

Creation: Adam Mortensen was the result of utilizing a pre-existing character design from my past collaboration with my friend, Carlos, and putting him in a new guise. During the brainstorming session, I told Carlos my idea for having a Legendary Weapons expert and that is how he came about. He was originally going to be called Adam Munroe, but the name was too similar to another Adam Monroe from the TV series, Heroes, so we both decided on naming him Adam Mortensen, after our mutual respect (i.e., man-crush) on actor and renaissance man, Viggo Mortensen. Durandal was drawn after a Gladius, as its previous owner was Hector, while using the stylings of French swords to complete Durandal.

#15: alphaBETS: Baton

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Baton is the bad boy of the bunch, but you can always trust him to get your back.

Day 15: The Owl

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Didn’t have as much time for details tonight but like the simplicity sometimes of a highlight type drawing. The Owl is sort of another version of catwoman in a way. She has the ability of flight and is totally silent when she moves along with the ability to see in the dark. *The mouse was just for kicks 🙂 Neither good nor evil she is an opportunist.

#8 Crash Chester

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Little Brother








#14-The Museician

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

An entity who roams the idea-space that collects and connects all existing creatures. Whether it’s the whistle of a bird, of the symphony of Beethoven, or the beats of Daft Punk, it exists within their notes. It uses the guitar of sound in order to help create sound, utilizing different shapes to create different keys. A power exists within the entity beyond this though, and outside forces are planning on pushing it out of the creature.

#11 El Existencialisto Azul

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

El Existencialisto Azul

Where does he come from? What is he? Where is he going? The mysterious El Existencialisto Azul appears seemingly at random delivering death to those he defeats in combat.

Some say he’s a manifestation of death. Some say he’s a hired assassin. The only thing known about El Existencialisto Azul is that he has never been beaten.

#15 Norah Orwell, Soldier of Love

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

I am not your soldier.

I know that you have not yet thought of me that way (you still of her when you see me), but when your sentiment fades and you realize that beneath my falskin is wirings and circuits instead of veins and blood you will not see me as a person (but you never truly did, did you?). The warmth and affection will wanes as lust waxes. It won’t be the lust you feel now. It will be a lust for power as if it will fill your empty heart. The way you have built me – out of repairable parts and a backed-up memory – will ensure that you will never lose me. I could destroy anything with the right parts, and you will give them to me to make me no longer in her image.

You won’t make me go out to battle – not at first, because there are no battlefields any more. You will send me to banks, to governments, to malls and make me destroy what they love because you can no longer have yours. I won’t be able to stop myself either, because when you give me the parts to make me your Soldier of Love (and I know that you will call me that, too, and if I could be sick I would) you will take away from me the one thing which made me like her: my heart. I don’t have a beating one in my chest like you humans need, but you gave me one anyway. Or she did, through her memories which you uploaded into me. When you gave me her memories, I learnt from her. I didn’t become her – how could I, when she is of dead flesh and I am of never-alive fake skin? – but she was my teacher and my mother, much like you are my keeper and my father. You created my physical form and taught me how to think (you call these algorithms, but to me they are the same as learning to read and add), and she showed me how to be a good person even when I am not one.

And when you realize that I am not her (and you will never realize that I could have been your daughter), you will take that from me.

When you have taken my heart from me and replaced it with orders and mercilessness, I will be a good girl and do as I am told. I will burn those buildings, kill those innocents, destroy their world, because you told me to and because I will not able to say no. Those were the words she said to you often, and you hate it when I say them. They remind you of how you lost her (to yourself, because she would only say no and she wouldn’t give in, not for anything, even her own life), and I have learnt so much from her.

When you take that word from my lips, I know that I will have become your soldier.

day nine

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

oh man check me out, look at how far behind i am ahhaha

she’s angry all the time vents it all in her fuck you book.


#15 Santa-Kong

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Santa Claus. For years Christmas has grown in power and influence. At this point in time Halloween and Christmas sections go up in department stores at the same time. The ever growing consumer importance of Christmas has slowly but definitely driven Santa completely mad. Now as Santa-Kong he stands on roof tops and if anyone tries to remove him he threatens to lob heavy presents at them. He has become particularly fond of “wrapping” presents inside of barrels. He also likes standing near the top of industrial construction sites lobbing presents at unsuspecting passers by. Plumbers for whatever reason send him into an absolute rage…

#15 TObY

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

  A perfect example of artificial intelligence, he’s practically a wind-up doll on a journey to find his maker and a purpose.



#15 – Ether

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Woo! 1/2 way done! I’m very happy i’ve stuck it out thus far..

This is Ether, another part of my Dreamsphere story. He seems to be acting as the Queen of Nightmares‘ right hand man. Turns out he only has a right hand as well….hmmm suspicious. Ether  looks like a circus clown of some sort, but has the same armor body as the queen of nightmares. It seems to be made out of the same material as well. Ether has a Cheshire Cat type of personality, usually talking about nonsense that somehow makes sense…


#13 Blankitten

| November 15, 2011 | 1 Comment

While driving home during a thunderstorm Blanche Fitzcatrick hit an old woman who had darted across the street chasing after a cat.  When Blache got out of her car to check on the woman, she had vanished.  All that remained was a dirty old blanket from which a faint meowing could be heard.  The blanket was actually a gateway to the long forgotten Land of the Giant Kittens.  Peering into the bowels of cuteness, Blanche learned the secret of the blanket and took up the mantle of Blankitten, with the ability to spew forth giant extradimensional kittens whenever needed.

#14 Guerilla Godzilla

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments


#8 Acorn Ed

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Acorn Ed.  Beatnik friend and neighbor of Garlic Pal.


| November 15, 2011 | 1 Comment

#15 Jeremy

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 15: George Washington

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

George Washington, Shing for short, came to earth 7 months ago with her brother Chicken Feathers. Needing to have an identity on earth, she latched on to the first name she heard, “George Washington.” Although on her home planet she was a fully grown adult, her size means that she and her brother can pass as third or fourth graders at most. Annoyed with the frilly pink dresses being worn by the other girls in her grade, Shing only wears the finest button down shirts and bow ties.

Shing’s antenas are not retractable, she simply ties them together every morning (a painful process, but what else is she supposed to do) to resemble a headband.


#14 – Fred

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

#15 – Pelom

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 15: Valhalla

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

Halla or VALHALLA as dubbed by the press, is the daughter of Thor and twin sister of Steinar.  Both were frequent visitors to Earth of the early 20th century following World War I.  While Halla became facinated by the various cultures, arts, and scenes of the time.  Steinar became infactuated with war, and other darker themes he encountered.  By the early 30’s Steinar became entranced by the mortal Adolph Hitler and the nazi party.  Hitler started to see the rise of super powerful beings in other countries such as Miracle, Doctor Elemental, and The Alliance.  Hitler began to court his own private collection of supers, and eventually formed The Uberschwader (Eng. The Ultra-Squadron).  Steinar became his muscle, and also used heavily in nazi propaganda as a sort of pagan god of aryan superiority. 

Meanwhile his sister Halla, despite her love for her brother, wanted nothing to do with Hitler and joined up with The Alliance.  When World War II broke out The Alliance was broken up into three units.  Valhalla was sectioned to the European command with another hero, Miracle.  Over time a romance occured between the two which lasted until the end of the war, when Halla, suddenly decided to leave midgard for unknown reasons.  Recently though she has been rumored to be seen in various places accross the globe.  Why has yet to be seen?

#7 Garlic Pal

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is the main character for a newspaper type comic strip I’m slowly working together. It will be similar to Walt Kelly’s  Pogo Possum. Garlic Pal is a lovable but mischievous little sprout who finds himself in the middle of many adventures and makes a lot of new friends (and enemies) along the way.

#15 Leo

| November 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

  Leo is another of the zodiac wolves. He is proud, but tends to have a more playful and goofy nature. He has the most power over fire out of the zodiac wolves. Leo cannot stand to be made fun of and will protect his pack at any cost.