RSSCategory: 2011

#16 & 17 Det. Jack and Mac

| November 17, 2011 | 1 Comment






Thought I’d give the buddy cop comedy genre a try with a funny twist. What if the cliche bad ass detective who liked to work alone was partnered with an infant with a gun?!? Silly I know. Don’t really have much a story for these two yet. Maybe the baby is like Baby Herman from Roger Rabbit and he can talk and is foul mouthed. Maybe Mac (the baby) was born with a rare disease/disability that caused him to never be able to grow thus making him an infant forever but that didn’t stop him from going into law enforcement. Or maybe the baby is just a bad ass baby with a gun. 🙂


#17 – Roinal

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Here’s the father of the little family that one of my main characters is a part of! His oldest kid, Mennel, and his youngest kid, Torran, were both featured on the 30 Characters Challenge! Check them out!

Kollan’s got a few articles up over at my blog. He’s the main cast’s “smart guy” and will be doing “smart” things like engineering and knowledge!

Roinal’s the first Ropoldi character I’ve drawn with his mouth open like this. I should note that if you look closely, you can see he has elongated canine teeth. The Ropoldi diet requires high protein. They live in arid plains and while many of the plants are fine for the vast numbers of herd and pack animals that dwell on the plains, they are not as easy for Ropoldi to eat or digest. The Ropoldi are highly carnivorous and they have longer and sharper teeth to facilitate this better.

#17-Oblivious Lad

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Oblivious Lad is the most distracted, absent minded superhero ever. A crime could be happening right in from of him and he will most likely be paying attention to anything else. He is so oblivious that he doesn’t even realize how ridiculous it is to use the Lad as part of his name at his age.

16 – The Forbiddenaut

| November 17, 2011 | 7 Comments


… continued from Character #15, The Man of the Moon…


Professor Robert “Spaz” Spassky was a geologist, astronaut and crew member a mission to the moon with the goal of setting up an American observation base to track Earth’s burgeoning superhuman population from an inaccessible location.  He was present when they made the shocking discovery of the Man of the Moon’s unconscious body on the lunar surface.  When loading the strange man onto their escape craft, Prof. Spassky’s eye caught a glint of metal in the bottom of the crater where the man was found.  Bounding down the slope into the crater, Spassky unearthed a long metal rod with the symbols of Earth and the moon at the termini.

Spassky shouted to his teammates to show what he found.  His teammates looked on in horror as the ground by Spassky’s feet erupted with the appearance of enormous tentacles crackling with unearthly energy.  Spassky’s attempts to fend off his unseen attacker with the staff in his hand resulted in a massive discharge of energies that threw Spassky up into the air only to be caught by another tentacle and dragged beneath the surface.

The professor was entombed in soil and darkness that was sporadically interrupted with hypnotic lights and blinding pain.  Spassky’s body was grabbed by an unseen force and pulled back to the surface.  As he was losing consciousness, Spassky saw that his savior was the grey man that they had found.

Professor Spassky, or what passed for him, regained consciousness back on Earth in a quarantined laboratory.  Attempts to remove his space suit failed and even resulted in a nurse sustaining a mild electrical shock.  Spassky’s suited body awkwardly got off the gurney it was laying on and, after some stilted walking, rose a few inches off the ground and levitated to the door of his room.  In a voice like Spassky’s, coupled with electrical feedback, he demanded to see the Man of the Moon.  The soldiers guarding the astronaut provided little resistance to the changed man who threw them aside like ragdolls with a pair of energized tentacles that exploded from his face plate.

With no assistance and through ineffectual opposition, Spassky made his way to the recently awakened Man of the Moon located several miles away and became docile.  The Man of the Moon studied the transformed Spassky and concluded his interaction with his staff and, what he called, the black hole beast on the moon created a sort of hybrid being.  Dubbed the FORBIDDENAUT by a public relations firm, Spassky accompanies the Man of the Moon most places displaying great loyalty to the man.  Whether this loyalty driven by a sense of obligation for saving Spassky or if the beast within is bidding its time to attack remains in question.  Only the future holds the answer.

The Man of the Moon and the Forbiddenaut are unusual additions to the pantheon of powered individuals operating on the Earth.  However, their strangeness pales in comparison to…

GO TO Character #17!

#11 The barber

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments


Yet another member of the FFL (facial hair fighting league) and perhaps the most notorious. The barber.

Looking back I think a more fitting weapon would have been a straight razor.


#17: Monsieur LeBlocke

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments


Monsieur LeBlocke was cursed with an unusually blocky appearance but turns it to his advantage.

Much in demand in art schools throughout the world, he’s never found it hard to make a living.

#17 – Willie The Cyborg Elf

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

#17 – Willie The Cyborg Elf

Willie the elf was just an average worker on the toy assembly line. One day, the machine he was watching that built toy robots went haywire and sucked him into its manufacturing core. Before being saved by the Elf Safety Squad, half of Willie’s body was transformed to robotic circuitry.

Now, only half elf, he is feared by many on the assembly lines and in the lunch hall. Willie was going to quit the business and venture out into the world, but Santa had other plans. Realizing that Willie’s part robotic brain was perfect to help bring gift giving technology into the future, Santa created the North Pole Computerization and Robotics division. Willie was made chief assembly technician and head of the Research Division.

Santa needed to move his operation into the future and he finally found the most important thing on his list. Willie has become a key component in keeping North Pole operations cutting edge.

This picture was drawn and colored by my talented son JT who knew I needed a break from all the art I’ve been creating this month.

#15, 16 & 17 – The Marx Brothers – Mime

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Something big and fancy for the midpoint of the challenge, ladies and gentlemen! The Marx Brothers are, without reservation, my favorite comedians of all time. They use a brilliant mixture of slapstick, wordplay, and atrocious, paint-curling puns to create some of the most hilarious movies known to man. Their influence on comedy can hardly be overstated; I find it hard to believe that there is a comedian on the face of the planet who has not been influenced in some way by the Marx Brothers.

Though mostly seen as slightly creepy, silent clowns in real life, Mimes in role-playing games tend to be massively powerful, very sought-after classes. The root of their strength lies in their ability to copy the moves of other characters, often without paying the costs associated with those moves. In fact, a popular tactic with the Mime is to have all of the characters in a party become Mimes, then have one of them cast a huge, costly, powerful spell, and then have the whole party mimic the attack turn after turn, dealing huge amounts of damage. This is the main reason I felt the Mime class was so appropriate for these three: given their huge influence, there are a vast number of comedians that could be said to be Miming the Mime.

Day 17 Animals Oddjobs- Lifeguard Shark

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

#17: The House Cat

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Text reads:

“Francine the feline is friendly and flaunting

but meeting her feasting demands can be daunting!

Two wild boar and fifteen young lambs,

the finest pate and ten honey-smoked hams.

She’s quite like a dragon, a robber if that.

No one man could feed a five thousand pound cat!”

#17 Unnamed Space/time powers girl

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Sadly, i haven’t come up with a name for her yet.  Her powers involve manipulating space/time (on a small scale).  If anyone has an idea, i’d LOVE to hear it.


#17: Hejira

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments


Real Name: Cynthia Wooderson

Age: 26

Height: 5’5″

Weight: 125 lbs

Powers: Flight, intangibility

Character info: I love this design for Hejira! Another name that I came up with years ago, but never designed a character. Until I drew this sketch, I had no idea how I would use her, but now, I definitely know what comic she’ll be in and she’ll be a perfect addition to it! As stated above, she has the ability to fly and turn her body intangible, which helps to gain access to locations and avoid confrontation from villains.

#17: Brain Man

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Brain Man is crazy looking. He’s a bad guy and he can control people’s minds. He can also shoot brain slime out of his hands.

Thanks, Xavier

#17 – V3

| November 17, 2011 | 1 Comment

Faster than a speeding rocket on an earth-bound trajectory! V3!



#16 Darlene Wild

| November 17, 2011 | 4 Comments

Ms. Wild has the worst luck when traveling. Always looking for a short cut, she often becomes lost. While astray in the Snowy Mountains, she found a mountain Yeti. Fortunately for Darlene, she has an affinity with all animals.


#17 Khaos

| November 17, 2011 | 1 Comment


There is a thing about patient #457435905 of the London asylum only known as The Stone that he doesn’t want you to know:

He is not crazy.

He is of sound mind and body, but he has this fighting style only known as “Straitjacket Patient.” Similar to what the Chinese call “drunken style, it mixes wild bodily movement with quick, yet erratic motions. He’s not going to teach it, and he’s the best at it.

He has entered a prestigious fighting tournament to showcase his fighting style.

If he wins, he’ll realize that he’s the best fighter in the world and will be content with that victory. If he doesn’t, perhaps the madness within him will make him more . . . dangerous. His abrasive, yet happy-go-lucky demeanor is a facade for the cold, brutal fighter that lurks within.

He won’t use his real name ever.

He’s only known by what he brings to the arena – “Khaos.”

Khaos: (C) & TM Jeff Harris dba Studio Lightcount

#17 Thunder Ren

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

thunder ren is my cat. as a thundercats reboot. i’ve been meaning to do this for a while because with her loud mouth, unscrupulous attitude and sense of general mischief she’d fit right in with the two other obnoxious thunder kits. i gave her a sword because ren loves to rend flesh with her claws and well she just wouldn’t be ren without that capability.

#16 Jim the Aeronaut

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

jim the aeronaut was just a flight of fancy HO HO HO i dunno. i like imagining in the 1950s that strapping on a jetpack and a wwII flight suit were common rights of passage for teenagers, especially redheaded freckled teenagers who want to SEE THE WORLD! jim’s jetpack is cobbled together from oxygen tanks at the hospital where his mother works. don’t ask him how he keeps from lighting his pants on fire, that’s a trade secret.


| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments


Glimpsed only fleetingly by deep submersible craft or perhaps via the magic of alcohol, this shy aquatic creature spends her days frolicking, eating animated dancing crabs, and faking Loch Ness Monster sightings.


# 17 – Pander

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Pander is a space-g0ing lifeform who can travel at faster-than-light velocities.  His shell-shaped enclosure is hinged, and he can carry other inside the enclosure.  Not much bothers him; he is jolly and care-free, and gladly transports his friends around the solar system.

[In 1974, at the age of 12, I drew a series of “comic books” detailing the adventures of Merrill, a 15-year-old human boy, in the Other Land, an invisible dimension which co-exists with our own.  The characters I am submitting throughout the 30 Days are the inhabitants of the Other Land.]

#17_Balance II

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments
"Balance II"

"Balance II"

#17 the Pig Brain Juice Junkies

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments


When paralysis became insufficient, we isolated the compound and intensified the experience.


The Pig Brain Juice Junkies © 2011 Mike Dubisch


Visit me on the web! and my Facebook Fan Page!

#17 mister monkeyface

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

mister monkey face, an imp trapped by lady metalurra of the fairies, is completely miserable and that seems to make the fairies laugh. part of the teddy bear network


| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Just got a tickle to draw a Scandinavian Troll. Humon likes to talk about Scandinavian trolls a lot but I can’t actually find anything on the common encyclopedia sites that lines up with what she calls a troll. The art is heavily influenced by John Bauer’s image – as this was my first experiment with the creature I guess I didn’t have too much innovation on hand.

Anywhoo, this is Isotora. As the overseas land of Avori is based loosely on Scandinavia she’s a potential character I might use in future A Jagged Road stories. Trolls in scandinavian literature are much more magical in nature than more recent western versions of trolls, so Isotora can turn invisible and also move on the wind. Trolls, like most mythological creatures that occur frequently in myths, appear in a wide body of stories each with slightly different properties. I took some liberties here and made Isotora ugly like most male trolls are supposed to be – trolls frequently have reputations as shape-shifters and there’s no reason for males to be ugly but females to be extremely human-like unless they are using magic to transform themselves. In the future I’ll probably make a few ‘human form’ versions of her.

Isotora is not human and therefore doesn’t have human motivations – she’s more an incarnation of nature, and her actions are arbitrary. She may do benevolent things one day and malicious things the next. Trolls are also known for replacing human children with their own in Scandinavian lore, so I might integrate something like that in.

#16 Barefoot Bastard

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Barefoot Bastard

Barefoot Bastard

The Barefoot Bastard’s origins are unknown, though his ancestry can be traced back to the sunken islands once known as the Philippines. All that is known is that he, along with a bunch of other children, was subjected to a controversial/experimental nanobot treatment in an attempt to make superhuman circus performers who could be controlled and shut down by their ringmasters. Most of the children died within a few years — somehow, this one did not. After that he fought his way up through the Pan-Asian gladiatorial arenas and made warriors from Tehran to Ulan Bator so angry when he beat them that they called him “that barefoot bastard” rather than speak his name. So he took their curse and made it his name, made it a point of pride. When men curse him, he smiles. When their hate moves them to attack him, he smiles even wider.

Now he travels to Ultravia, to face the so-called best fighters on the globe, and make them scream his name in terror and anger.

He’s learned over the years to hear the hum of the nanotech beasts swarming in his bloodstream, in every cell. When he calms his mind, he can hear their voices, feel them rebuilding him. When he practices his kata, he begins to understand the way they dance, and where to pool them so a punch sends an opponent through a wall, or when to let them gather in his legs, so to leap across a rooftop or unleash a flurry of spinning kicks. It even works better when he’s drunk – the foreign alcohol excites the bots to no end, compelling them to race, roar, multiply. And he surfs into their excitement, and when he and his nanite symbiotes are in sync, he is unstoppable. Like when he fought the entire audience of the Tokyo Arena because they wouldn’t let him leave an honorably defeated opponent alive. But he has to keep the little critters moving, for they are greedy. They need energy, and if he does not keep moving, keep the adrenaline flowing, and consume enough food, drink, and minerals to provide enough power for the nanites, they will turn —  swarm him, and eat his body, and take on some other form.

I WON’T LET THIS HAPPEN! He chants, as a mantra. I WILL FIGHT!

The hum of the nanobeasts swells, into something he recognizes as a response:

#16: Deidra Edelweiss

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

A master of the elements, Deidra Edelweiss.

Deidra was only a baby when her parents, Diplomats for the Loman Organization, were killed during a Vampire Clan conference. She was taken in by family friends, as per her parents wishes, and raised only knowing them as her family. When her powers began to manifest, she fought to keep them hidden out of fear of her family finding out. It wasn’t until she unintentionally caused a school wide blackout, that her parents figured out it was her and introduced her to Arthur Loman. Arthur introduced Deidra to other witches in teaching her how to better understand and harness her burgeoning abilities. Though she found the classes fun, Deidra still felt lonely, until she met Walter Ramsey. Walter made Deidra feel like she has a home away from home as she treated him like the daughter he never got to spend time with, and Deidra had the surrogate father/brother that she lacked while staying at the Loman Institute.

As an agent of Loman , Deidra is the second-in-command alongside Adam Mortensen for Team Zeus. She is well respected and a level-headed foil to Adam’s headstrong tendencies, and one of the team’s heavy hitters with her powerful, yet unpredictable elemental spellcasting. She is one of the more well-adjusted members of the Loman Organization as she balances time with the Organization and with her foster family and friends. Though strong, Deidra still carries a burden of not truly knowing her birth parents, and though she can access their files, Deidra is relunctant to find out the truth about her parents, and she is content with that fact.

Abilities: Deidra is a powerful witch whose magic proficiency is Elemental Magic. Deidra is capable of calling forth the elements in aiding her offensively and defensively, yet certain spells will yield unintentional results depending on the range Deidra casts it. For example, a close range fire wall is easy for Deidra to cast, yet firing off a large column of fire from afar will cause the fire to spin wildly and not land directly at her intended target. This is mainly due to Deidra having to channel the natural forces of nature, which are difficult to control in general.

Deidra has shown varying skills in the following elements;

Fire: Her most utilized ability. Deidra is able to cast fire spells of varying levels, from fireballs to flame tornados.

Lightning.: Her second most common ability; Deidra is able to cast bolts of lighting from her fingers to calling down a bolt of lighting to the ground.

Wind: Though skilled, Deidra uses this ability more for defense, or in combination with other elements.

Water: Deidra only uses water spells  when she is in proximity to a water source, yet when she does, can create various water constructs and tidal waves.

Earth: Deidra’s least used ability due to the mental exertion it causes, Deidra is capable of launching a column of stone to delivering a powerful earthquake.

Though an Element Specialist, Deidra is capable of using other spells in her field work;

-Tracking Spells

-Defensive Wards

-Potion making

– Curses

– Scrying

Deidra is trained in Basic Combat training and adept in small arms weaponry. She possesses skills in Linguistics, Forensic Research, and in Piloting.

Creation: Deidra is one of the first two magic style characters I conceptualized in my mind for the Loman Organization. Initially, I was going to utilize a traumatic experience in her power manifestation, yet it was through Carlos’s suggestion, that we made her more of a well-adjusted and self-assured character by using the Jean Grey approach to her backstory; girl’s powers manifest, causes some disruption, family seeks aid for their child to a specialist. Her outfit was influenced from a cover of Runaways from Nico Minorou’s dress. Her dress intially had torso pockets, and I extended the design to go over her shoulders. I included back packages for her to carry items/weapons and mini-pouches on her armbands, which carry implements for her spellcasting. I also added additional detail to her boots, as those were a problem for me in finalizing their final design.


17 – Birq of the Ninja Bros. by Beausephus+Son

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

CHARACTER NAME:  Birq, of the Ninja Brothers


CONCEPT:  ”Birq is a ninja who uses guns and lasers because sometimes a sword isn’t going to work, so he has to use a blaster to blast the bad guys.  He also has a magic little sword like all of his brothers in the Ninja Bros.”


So when the mood strikes my son (and that is quite often) and he wants to make up “superguys”, “superdudes”, “supermans”… I pull out a bunch of templates I made for him and he picks out everything from the style of boots to the color scheme of the various costume options presented before him.  I then draw quick sketch, and he edits, adds, etc…  I then draw up the character and he hangs them in his room…if they meet his ultimate judgement.  Then I make him come up with a story for each character.


THE NINJA BROTHERS is a story that my son started to tell me one night before bedtime.  Perhaps in an attempt to put off the impending lights-out, the story of three long-lost brothers became almost epic in its proportions spreading out over a few evenings and interweaving all of his interests  – superheroes, spies, ninjas, and magic.

BIRQ is the middle brother of the three siblings who make up the NINJA BROTHERS.  Like his elder brother, KOKU, BiRQ trained in the martial arts for years in the hope of getting to be strong enough to take on the evil ninja master that kidnapped their youngest brother, STINGUT, as a baby.

When the brothers are ready, BIRQ and KOKU infiltrate the evil ninja master’s fortress, rescue their youngest sibling, and dedicate their lives to battling the evil ninja master.

BIRQ, for all intents and purposes, is the tech guy in the trio.  While he trained in martial arts and ninja magic, he prefers technology that he can rott around in , rewire, and rebuild.  he makes high-tech devices to use in tandem with his brothers’ more mystic tricks and tactics.  Like all of his brothers, BIRQ is  master at hand to hand combat, and “super old, magic ninja tricks.”  He carries a small magic sword that is identical to weapons his brothers carry.


Thanks for checking out our stuff, my son is very excited to share his ideas with everyone here.




#16 – Mindy Vright

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Mindy Vright was a promising young demon hunter, employed to the Dreamland Organization. She was known for her handling of human-like demons – from masqueraders to undead to the Caviers, Mindy had a knack for picking out monsters hiding among us. She was not known for her physical strength, but for her stealth and precision.

The D.O. lost a valuable member when Mindy died on the job. She disappeared when she went to track down the demon lord Cheshiredame, and was promptly killed in combat with her. However, while her death was confirmed, her body was never recovered, and there have been rumors that she’s been seen walking amongst the living again…

#16 Kialks – Envoy

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

“Emperor, it has been ninety-nine years since we were conquered. Last night, Latrek of the Lowlands died. His name should be of no consequence to you or your courtiers. The only notable thing about him was his age. He was one hundred and one, making him the oldest of our entire race by more than a decade. His passing means that no living man, woman or child of my race has ever known a free breath or taken a step that wasn’t allowed to them.

“As a general rule, I admit that our slavery has not been exceptionally brutal. While some masters have delighted in hunting us like wild game, the vast majority our content to leave us to labor in their fields and factories for their profit. The deaths caused by the harsh conditions and long hours are even mourned by the overseers, placed as little red marks in their books and recorded as lost capital.. No, it is not hatred or derision that marks our enslavement, but apathy.

“Some would even argue that the interference of the Holathk Empire has elevated us. Brought us new technology and taken us to frontiers of the universe that we would not have reached on our own for many centuries. While I must concede that is true, it is felt by the majority of us that it would have been better to wallow in the mud for eternity than be dragged to the stars in chains.

“Now tonight, on your celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of our surrender, as the envoys of my race have done for one hundred years, I will entreat you. Please let our people go.”

#16 – Loch THIS!

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

You ever wonder why only a handful of people have “seen” Nessy?  It’s cuz Nessy doesn’t want to be seen, she’s a secret operative of the Scottish government.  What’s worse than a “mythological creature” that many claim doesn’t exist…. a “mythological creature” that many claim that doesn’t exist… with a LAZER BEAM ATTACHED TO IT’S HEAD!

Day 17 – Chilbilly

| November 17, 2011 | 1 Comment

Chillbilly - one evil snowman!