Category: 2011
#17 Edmund Wojczik
Name: Edmund Wojczik
ID: 2187416
Species: Homo sapiens
Age: 42 [given in the Thermoplyaean calendar; by the discontinued Georgian calendar: 35]
Place of Birth: Municipality P612, Terraspace 1 [formerly, Warsaw, Poland]
Position: Pilot of Firebird 117
Years in Service: 18 (Thermoplyaean calendar; 15 in Gregorian years)
Current assignment: RE216945
Heading: Return to Earth-1A
Born to ||||||| and |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| in the year 2126 (Georgian calendar), Edmund Wojczik is among the last of humanity who were unaware of the existence of extraterrestrial life. At age 10, he witnessed the first wave of the invasion of Earth-1A, colloquially known as the Great Reckoning of America, by the species Tenodera sefersis, better known as the Sefers. This was defined as the turning point of his life, as it was for so many others, as invasions of the rest of the Americas and Europe soon followed. Like many, he was orphaned in the Second Burning of Warsaw. He was placed at ||||||||||||||||||||||| in ||||||||||||, Russia (now know as Municipality R386, Terraspace 1). The Sefers were incapable of invading Russia, but this was a small mercy. Living conditions were crowded and supplies were meagre. Upon turning 16, the ‘new’ age of majority at the time, he joined the 14th division of the Zemstvo Armed Forces.
Scores in languages, history, and extinct cultures were dismal. Scores in mathematics, computer theory, biology, and chemistry fell within an acceptable percentile. Despite poor testing results, Wojczik, now known as ‘Toothless’ in an ironic statement about his penchant for improper use of teeth during physical altercations, excelled in strategy and flight simulations, using complex tactics and plans before they were instructed to him (if anything, proper instruction decreased his understanding of a technique). For this reason, he was sent to the Flight Sector upon completing the introductory training.
Wojczik completed secondary flight training in record time and was fitted with a Lebesgue Suit, model number LXS-907823. Since then, he has flown Firebird 117. The Lebesgue Suit allows for full integration of the user’s central nervous system to the ship’s user interface, allowing for more direct interaction with the ship’s computer system. This enables faster command processing speed and less ambiguity with the user’s desires and the outputted results. The user may take himself offline at any time and pilot the ship manually, but the action is not recommended as it takes several minutes to engage external manual mode. Wojczik is noted for engaging the ship’s autopilot mode as little as possible; it is only engaged when he is sleeping. Otherwise, he is piloting the ship at every waking moment.
Assessment: Wojczik should be disengaged upon immediate return to Earth and given at least two years sabbatical to somewhere like Municipality J452, Terraspace 2 (formerly Kingston, Jamaica) or Municipality U918 (formerly Oahu, United States of America). He has been in the suit for too long. May God help him.
#17 – Miche “Dollface” Holmes
Had a dream about this gal last night so I thought I would sketch her out. Her name is Miche and she is a derby girl. She lived in Oakland, Ca in some time set in the future (looked like 2100 or so, not much different from our world just a lot of gadgets and things). Regular Roller Derby became obsolete in this age with the passing of a law allowing robotics in sports. Now all sports are played with professonals that have a certain amount of augmentation. It’s impressive in this age to be an athlete with fewer than 3 augments and unheard of to have none. You won’t be able to compete witht he rest of the half robot/half human pack.
So Miche, is a girl with no augments and she decides to start the first non-augmented roller derby league. She collects people from every walk of life and decides to challenge the national roller derby team with her league of normal athletes. Her derby name is Dollface, due to the fact that she paints two bright pink circles on her face before skating. She also wears little angel wings on her back purely for fun 🙂
Having recently become “fresh meat” myself this was a lot of fun to draw. Maybe i’ll do the same as Miche and be Dollface from now on, who knows ^_^
Thanks for stopping by!
day #17 the angry old dwarf
Another fighter for the ring of superhumans. Everyone calls him the angry old Dwarf, and despite the fact he hates it he doesn’t use his real one ever. He’s the oldest member of the fighting league and uses air elements to fight and packs a mean left hook. He’s always saying how undisciplined the younger fighters are, and his comments on the politcs of the time run similar.
13 – Daisy and Percy
Daisy is a gnome, a generally very jumpy and easily scared species, but Daisy is the exception, for she is the Bravest Gnome in the World. Percy is a Guinea Pig, and is the Greatest of His Kind – no other Guinea Pig can match him. Together they are best friends who travel around having adventures and vexing evil. They frequently clash with the nefarious Duke of Cats and his schemes to take over the world, but best him every time, but they always travel together, exploring the world of the big people.
Daisy and Percy are very much children’s characters but I like the idea of them existing in the shared world of all the other characters – I feel there is room for innocent stories about daring and courage as much as darker stories. I also really like the idea of the “Duke of Cats” being a legitimate threat to the entire world, but being continuously vexed by a (very) little girl and her guinea pig – even if he is the greatest of his kind. That part I particularly like, in Tolkein you encounter horses, wolves, dogs and eagles who are “the greatest of their kind” or similar, but I liked the idea of something more meek and fluffy also having a greatest of their kind!
Hayward’s Reach – Tales of the Twilight Continuum
A series of short stories told by the last survivor after an unseen cataclysm destroys the birthplace of Pan-Humanity and its attendant species. Glendale Mokoto, as a Scout of the Corvan Empire has time on his hands and uses it to study temporal records in which the entire history of Old Earth is embedded. In these tales Mokoto studies both the past and the future of Pan-Humanity, its allies and its enemies, and learns even in his current state of in-humanity, what it really means to be truly human.
Thaddeus Howze
Science fiction and fantasy writer, technology consultant, polymath, creator of worlds, iconoclast, humanist.
#16 Patrick Graves
Decorated soldier. Would-be Prime Minister.
Image from
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#17 – Gary
Gary was once an ordinary guy. Â He’s the son of a famous hero, and he spent much of his childhood hanging out with friends and training with Eric’s mother. Â But then Eric came around and gave him the idea of being a crimefighter.
Now he dedicates his life to “making the lives of every evildoer miserable”.
Gary is a very carefree guy, and at times a bit crazy. Â However, like Eric, he has a strong sense of justice, and will not hesitate to attack any villain who gets in his way.
Gary is 18 years old.
#16 – Eric
Eric is the youngest of three children to a former martial arts champion and a former hero. Â Growing up, he spent his time training with his mother, who taught him everything she knew. Â She would also tell the story of how she was once the ally of a group of peacekeepers who fought against a wicked criminal who was once her friend from time to time.
When Eric turned 18, after a fight with an annoymous criminal, he grew fascinated with the idea of fighting crime. Â So he and his best friend become crimefighters.
Eric is kinda quiet, and somewhat mean-spirited, but he has a very strong sense of justice.
Day 14 Mannequin
In Japanese comics the Magical Princess often had a familiar, usually a cute animal. In my comic Unlikely Savior Chyler, the idea was this was an American girl who became a ‘Sailor Moon’ type demon fighter. This made her the equivalent of an angel and Mannequin was her Halo.
Manny was a favorite of the few readers, unfortunately he fell to the side when I changed the direction of the comic from a Princess comic to a teen drama.
However Manny made a surprise appearance in the final pages of the comic, when Chyler embraced her abilities again for the 1 st time in about 2 years.
#17 Carmine “Spaghetti” Batterista
Carmine “Spaghetti” Batterista was a chef in an Italian restaurant by day, but at night he would put on his suit and go play drums for The Carmine Spaghetti Big Band in various speakeasies around town.
2011 Day 18 a Servo from Upper City in my novel “Mentor”
2011 Day 18 a Servo from Upper City in my novel “Mentor”
Servo a small utility hover craft that responds to the voice commands of the person who has activated it. Servos can be made of components and schematics normally available at any replicator outlet if there is also sufficient bio synth available. Components can be swapped out for other components. Servo components can also be modified through modification of the schematics, creating a new schematic. Only tech class citizens have the proper identification protocols to use a Servo, as without the necessary instruction they could be dangerous.
Servo components include laser modules that can be fine tuned by degree to range between high out put for boring holes in metal, to low out put for use as a pointing device, or a safety beacon. In the case of the safety beacon the component can be detatched from the main body of the Servo an placed where needed. It is not advised to do this however until the piece has been keyed down to low level, wide beam laser.
Another potentially dangerous component in a Servo is the sonic burst. If set too high it has the capability to rupture delicate biological parts as well as sensitive electronic equipment. Although it is rarely considered useful a microwave attachment can also be replicated for this device.
Servos can be created with varying classes of artificial Intelligence, Class A being the highest and most autonomous. Class E will follow instructions to the letter and will never make executive decisions in the circumstance where it’s owner has lost the capacity to do so, though this never occurs under the watchful eye of the MAICS.
Servos utilize standard rechargeable power packs, but have the access to othe components to pwer them. These are 1) a small extendable land line with AG 291b power connector, and 2) any number of solar collection devices (see Document LZ429006: Servo Schematics and Components).
Servos can range in size from six inches (used for comm and memory tasks) to thirty-six inches in diameter(for heavy manual labour, such as remodelling walls and hauling components and other equipment. The largest Servos require that the operator be a Tech Class C or higher. Apprentices do not have the appropriate protocols and may not engage the use of the larger (class E or D) servos, for their own safety and the safety of others.
Often, a high level Apprentice Tech will be given a specialised servo upon reaching a high standard of excellence in the profession. This is usually at the descretion of the Master Tech, and is a source of healthy competition among apprentices. The servo as a prize for excellence is a valuable incentive to maintain highest standards of workmanship and safety.
See the list of Servo Schematics and Components available to the various Tech classes in Document LZ429006: Servo Schematics and Components.
2011 Day 17 Bracha of Lower City from my Novel “Mentor”
Mentor: A science fantasy adventure, by J S Rowe
Bracha, cook and herbalist for the tribe had been cooking slither since before Tarou’s father was born.
In a small tribe like that of the people of Under City, it helps for everyone to know the rudiments of most of the tasks, and to be able to excel at more than one. Bracha was the head cook and herbalist, but he was also a great hunter, or was so in his prime. He took great pride in his hunting accomplishments, and told and retold storied of his own prowess with great relish, but his greatest pride was in his cooking. He himself had learned at the chopping slab of R’eshka of the one thumb, who had passed to the gods finally only a few years ago. He missed her. She had been a daunting tutor, but because of that he had never yet, as he liked to joke, poisoned anyone and had even made things like Slither meat palatable. And the breads he conjured from the flour of local seeds couldn’t be improved upon.
He always had a gaggle of children helping him out and learning the ways of herbs and their uses in cooking and healing, though a number of them were often just in the way and under foot. But he was used to it, and welcomed all comers. Just make sure those inconsiderate hunters are careful where they drop the carcasses. That was all he asked. This was always said with a smile too. For as much as he loved to teach and to cook he loved to tell funny stories and share a good belly laugh.
#14 & #15 Roxie and Red (“Big Red”)
#14 & #15 Roxie and Red (“Big Red”)(science fiction/anthropomorphic cartoon characters) Two characters this time.
In the far future, Roxie is a member in Team #17 of the Skyfoxes, the space ranger division of the IDF (Interplanetary Defense Force). Team #17 is stationed at the Rubah Space Station (orbiting the planet Rubah 4). Her other teams mates are Tex, Casey, and new recruit Kitty. Basically speaking, Roxie is an adventurous, amazon fox woman who has a sexy outlook on life. In the picture above, Roxie is experiencing an adventurous moment with one of the space station’s tech support personnel, the cat guy called Red (“Big Red” Roxie whispers in his ear; after she dispatched the station’s alien invaders, of course).
Red is a Science Tech at the Rubah Space Station (this is indicated by his green and brown uniform, as opposed to the silver and red of the space rangers). Red has spent most of his time just being your average hard-working guy, till a very nice cat lady joined the ranger teams named Kitty. Red and Kitty eventually got together, dispite the ribbing of Roxie and others, and now are a couple.
Roxie and Red are part of my “Kitty and the Skyfoxes” series of characters. Of that series, there is only the character called “Tex” to add. I’ll probably add her tomorrow. And, yes, Tex is a female.
#16 Ligo, Mogen Priestess
After the elves discovered the elder forest god Mogena, some of them developed cults around the various elder gods. A group following Mogena called themselves the Mogens. This is Ligo she is a high priestess in charge of ceremony for the Mogens. They wear masks fashioned from skulls and leather, imitating the appearance of Mogena, during ceremonies-initiations/change of seasons. The more elaborate the mask the higher the rank of the Mogen-Ligo has a very well constructed mask so we would know she is of high rank. The skulls used to make the masks come from the huge deer or less frequently dead satyrs or great bears…which makes these skulls highly sought after.
The Mogens are a very secretive society but have come to wield great influence within certain elements of the royal families that dominate elven life.
my deviant page is here:
#15 Mogena , elder god of the forest
This is Mogena, he is one of the elder gods of the forest, he hunts thru various parts of the forest. The elder gods are immensely powerful and quite a bit older than the elves…Mogena has tremendous strength and knows very powerful spells. He is also called ‘Run…Flee…’ by the elves :D.
#14 Dotha and stone troll
This is Dotha, an elven warlock, she has just summoned a stone troll ^^;…:D.
my deviant page is here :
#17 Toddy Bear
Toddy is a giant short-faced bear (Arctodus simus), found during the Ice Age. This animal is marsupial, with a pouch just big enough to smuggle a 6-pack and a few burgers into a game. This gentle giant will always have his bud’s back!
#17 The Molten Man
“Let’s not do this the hard way. It won’t go well for you.â€
Once Molten changes from his human form, it’s too late to negotiate.
#12 Katherine Bolt
Another person from the village of the forgetful elderitch god. Â Kathy, based on a squid and The Girl With the Pearl Earring, who sneezes ink when her allergies kick up.
Her family supplies Ana’s grocery store with seafood.
#11 Ana Moran
Ana’s from a small island where the population originates from some eldritch big bad eons ago that supposed to rise back up and lead them in global genocide but when it didn’t show up for a couple generations the people there slowly started to forget.
Cut to the present where the people there are completely integrated into the world, living out perfect normal lives.  They’ve got a thriving tourist industry based around whale watches.  They mostly export fish and shell jewelry.
#16 – Thing in the Darkness
What is this thing? Â Looks like a thing out of the Cthulhu Mythos. This horror is something to be feared and run away from. Â It’s something from a nightmare come to life. Â What is it’s goal? Â Is it just feeding or does it have a purpose? Â Perhaps we will never know
#17 Pop
Pop is a modern-day treasure hunter. She likes to hit up old ruins and archeological dig sites and take everything valuable for herself. She is a snapping turtle that converted her shell into a very large backpack.
#15 Winter Orcs
Not a character, but a fantasy species. I’m doing a handful of these for a class project. I am examining and recreating fantasy staples, trying to reinvent them at the same time as keeping them recognizable. Playing with tropes, stereotypes and cliches as much as I can get away with!
#11 Wolf
It was the name that stuck. Even after all these years, still seemed to be the name that stuck. Even after the wolf in question had been dead and buried for hundreds of years, never mind the fact that the galumphing beast had been more of a huge black dog far too fond of licking your face. Sure, he’d brought down a bunny or two in his day, but he was hardly a wolf.
The name had been given to the dog, more of a joke than anything, but within days it slid right over on to him. Which stood to reason, given that pet and master were almost always at each other’s side. So, the dog remained dog and he became Wolf. Had he known it was a christening, he might have fought it off with a bit more force. But perhaps it was a blessing of sorts, in that it both separated him from the bloodline he came from but still kept him connected to his past, before the inception of the creature he was to be.
He wondered idly sometimes if perhaps his creator had played a hand in his naming, had left him this anchor as a parting gift. He never knew who had made him into a vampire. Among the current creatures of his ilk, much was made of the master-spawn relationship, but back then you were surrounded by people who both believed in your existence and had far fewer reservations about throwing a person or two on a pyre for no damn good reason. Indeed, in those first days he didn’t know what he was or what he was to do about it, but he learned right quick. The body knows, the body teaches. The blood speaks, and contrary to so many ridiculous movies and tv shows, the hunger gives the soul enough time to learn how to hide before it rips all thought from the mind.
He had little more than glimpses, brief memories of his master from the hours, or perhaps days of his transformation. And he could not remember his face as little more than a shadow. But he remembered a voice that called him Wolf and told him he could live forever if he could manage to stay out of the sun. The casual way that young man’s voice said it somehow made a deeper impression than any dire waring would have. So, he stayed out of the sun and survived.
Hundreds of years later, he would not admit that he was still searching for that voice. He liked to believe himself a more pragmatic creature than that. The nature of his creation had demanded a realistic point of view, something which he felt younger vampires, so coddled and cared for in their early years, might benefit from. It made them weak and prone to beliefs and flights of fancy which were little more than impediments to achieving the full and terrible glory of their true nature.
But perhaps, he mused, he was just a creaky old man with a downright childish name. He didn’t know. If there was one thing he had learnt in all his years was that none were more foolish than those who thought they had the answers. If there was one thing that his unnaturally long and violent life had taught him, it was that there were no answers.
#30Characters Chatter…