RSSCategory: 2011

Day #17 Nadine Lombardi

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments












Nadine Lombardi


  • Japanese/Italian
  • Chief executive officer of corporate travel company
  • She has family on both Earth and Titan
  • She worked her way up to a higher social class, but decided to stay on earth to care for her family
  • Has a divided family: Titan (Italian) family is pompous, egocentric, and looks down on anyone that lives on Earth; Earth family (Japanese) is lower middle class that struggles to survive; they value close friends and family
  • Though Nadine is an executive, she still takes on extra work to take care of her Earth family; she therefore has to travel back and forth to Titan; technology allows for her to tend to the corporate travel company
  • Nadine is Thomas’ love-interest, though she unknowingly intimidates him


Day 18 – The Sentinel

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments



| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

Poor little dude just wants some straight teeth.

(Forgot the change the number on the template! Oops!)


#18 Kit

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

Kit is a very self-conscious guy.  He is paranoid and very easy to scare.  He is so self-conscious and easy to frighten that he wears a giant mask on his head.


| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

Cog is a robot in a world of robots (who built the robots or where the creators went is left unexplained, as is common in these kinds of stories), who has left his job of manual labor in order to become a fiction writer. Hour long days of drudgery give his mind time to wander and contemplate the greater world and convince himself that he is a veritable fountain of stories that need to be told, held back only by the time he needs to put them to (digital) parchment. Upon finally leaving his job, his goal to stop being a Cog in the system (name drop) is halted as he can’t seem to think of anything to write.

Spoiler: Cog is me.

Day 17: The Electric Girl

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character #17, “The Electric Girl”. No, this is not something I just whipped up, I’ve held onto this idea for a while and this is how she’s supposed to look.

The Electric Girl was originally the daughter of a scientist. When she went into a coma, the man tried all he could to be able to get through to her. At last, he made this giant machine and hooked her up to it, it turned her brainwaves into electricity. The girl found out her conscience could control the electricity, and with her body knocked out, she could communicate with it. The Electric Girl everyone sees is just for show, an electricity generated image she displays as herself. The girl enjoys to make things out of the electricity, and she can generate anything she can think of into electricity. However, her space is confined to a large glass dome with the electrical receptors hooked up to it, she can’t go anywhere outside it.

#18 Springer

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

Springer, like Acrobat, a parkour fanatic and wanted to be a hero. He jumps, runs, and leaps into all situations and use the environment as his own playground in the name of justice.

His real name is Manuel Acevedo, a part time worker with two jobs and a adventure driven  junkie looking for something to do.

Height: 5’7 weight:223 lbs. Age:24


Courageous, determined, a smart alec.

#18 Scilia Halk

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

18 Scilia Halk

Scilia’s enviro-suit absorbs and deflects blaster fire.

#18: Papageno

| November 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

A while back I was drawing some animal inspired people. Here’s my bird person, who reminds me very much of the character from The Magic Flute, Papageno.


#16 – The Widowmaker (GWP)

| November 17, 2011 | 4 Comments

I hate that I’m a day behind. And I hate that I have no idea what’s next.

This is the last of my Galaxy Wrestling Pro characters. It only figures that I’d have a “monster” type in there (like the Undertaker or Kane). Thing about him is he’s the most human of all the Earthlings. He takes the mask off, the character is kept for the arena. When the match is over, and he gets backstage, he is just himself. The others…they are always on. ‘Maker is all business when the cameras are rolling. He desperately wants to get back home to his family.

NOTE: I’m using Hero-O-Matic (aka Fabrica De Herois) to create my characters. If you’re a writer who can’t draw (like me!), you might want to try it!

Tomorrow…a surprise for all of us!

#18_Captain of the Cumulus Corsair

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments
"Captain of the Cumulus Corsair"

"Captain of the Cumulus Corsair"

#17 Transom

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

#17 – Angel of Life

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day17 - Angel of Life by George Ward

The Angel of Life is the sister of the Angel of Death and has the job of bringing new life into the world.  She must make sure there is a balance of personality types in the world in order to maintain conflict without any side having the resources to overcome the others.  She also makes sure no one dies before they have accomplished their purpose on Earth.  She has no control over when people die, which is her sisters job, but she will argue with her sister to save a life that she feels needs to be spared

#17 – Filio

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

man, this is p. uninspired but this is rushed at the same time urghhhhhhh

This is Filio! He is in the space story, but he’s not a pilot.  He’s more of a behind the scenes guy and works with computers and stuff.

#17 Tasmarin

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments



#18 Pixel

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments


Day 17: the nut house

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hubert and Spaz share a tree. They do not seem to share anything else though. Hubert is a rather quiet slow moving bird while Spaz is ….well Spaz. 🙂

#17- Maggie Mischief

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Maggie Mischief is what her doting parents call young Margaret. Her neighbours call her a pest.


#15 nJoo

| November 17, 2011 | 4 Comments

The Joo’s are a working class of creatures that are extremely talented at the arts. They are born extremely diverse in their skills and can create masterpieces with just about any medium..within minutes. Njoo was an anomaly-born with a strange birth defect , he can barely manage to put together a painting resembling chicken scratches even with hours of work. That is until he starts to get frustrated–as he slowly loses his patience, he physically transforms into something else all together. Perhaps then he may finally produce something worthy of attention.

*This was inspired by a fellow artist friend (Andrew Hou, aka nJoo)…he told me to design a character based on him…so this is what I came up with!

**yet to be designed-nJoo Rage mode!

#20 Bot

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

No idea what this thing does. I was looking out of the window and saw something on the neighbours house and it looked like an evil robot. Turned out to be a chimney (I know, crazy right?).

#16 Verde

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

#19 Arms

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

It’s Amy, the arms. She got her “powers” by accident, or stupidity. When she was a child she wanted to be a supermodel when she grew up. She thought if she hung from the rack in the closet she’d get taller. Silly girl hung from her arms and here she is with long arms and average legs. She’s still super.

#17 The Phenom

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments
The Phenom

The Phenom

#18 Nose

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

The Nose has no powers. He really wants to be a superhero and his friends felt sorry for him. So when he said he had a hyper sense of smell they let him run with it and gave him a costume.


Day 17: The Dragon Writer

| November 17, 2011 | 4 Comments

A dragon writing on a type writer.Deep in a cavern, the Dragon Writer sits, pounding away on his typewriter and drinking scalding cappuccinos. As the stack of completed pages grows higher, paper flies in the air on his breath, and begins to burn up, now in the direct path of the smoke. Thus begins the near-eternal writing and rewriting of his novel.


#17 Feather

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

Light as a feather, stiff as a board. His sisters made him play when he was just a boy. They made him light as a feather but couldn’t figure out how to turn him back to normal.  It’s not much of a power, but it’s something.


#12 Mean Lady

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

She comes to the store all the time, almost every day, and in her opinion, that should give her a special status around all these other not-so-regular shoppers.  It certainly should get her top-notch service, regardless of the fact that she returns half the things she buys.  Sometimes she even uses the stuff she buys before she returns it.  She knows it, and the cashier behind the returns desk knows it, but she also knows the little bitch wouldn’t dare accuse her of lying.  They’ve been through this before, and she’s perfectly willing to occupy every single manager’s time until she gets what she wants.  That is, after all, how to get exactly what you want.

Never mind wether it’s fair or not.  Nothing is fair, and besides, if any of the people working there had an ounce of dignity they’d find a different job.  No, these people were all losers, and she never minded getting one over on a loser.  It taught them a lesson.  Made sure they didn’t forget that they were the losers, and not her.

Some days she wouldn’t even buy anything.  She’d pick things up, put them in her cart, walk a few aisles over and set it down in entirely the wrong spot.  Makeup with the bleach.  underwear on the shelf with the twinkies, a six-pack of socks tucked behind the magazines right next to the cashier, almost daring her to say a thing.  But they never did.  They knew their place.  She made sure of that.

On days when someone wasn’t quite as cheerful and humble as they were supposed to be she’d be a little naughty, and do things like leave a quart of ice-cream on top of the DVDs, biting her cheek at the thought of that guy who was too busy to help her, finding it hours later, when he was finally done with that massive cart full of boxes he was trying to empty.  Since he didn’t want to do his job by dropping everything for her, well, she’d make sure he had plenty of work to do.  Life was like that, after all.  Not fair at all.

She never went out of her way to be nice to any of these losers, either.  After all, if they couldn’t find a better job than that, they must be mentally deficient and should be watched.  Carefully.  And sometimes, well, no, often, they needed to be directed.  Forcefully.  It wasn’t that she was unkind, it was that she didn’t have to be, not to these little ants scurrying around her.  She could be as mean as she liked, and they still had to kiss her ass.  She loved that.

#16 Pits

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

He’s the pits. His only super power is that he can knock anyone out with his hideous armpit odor. Of course his major weakness is hygiene products.  The aerosol deodorants are the worst.







#17 – Wyen

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

#17 Dave “the Cowl” Winston

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

#17 Dave "the Cowl" Winston

Icicle Monster

| November 17, 2011 | 0 Comments

The monster Icicle strikes back and starts to lick a little kid for revenge