Category: 2011
#19 Apocrita
Rita Brady was awoken from the stasis by the Nopterax, and immediately went into cardiac arrest as the atmosphere of Earth era 800,000 AD hit her lungs. The aliens were expecting this reaction and were ready to begin the operation. Her body was retrofitted to suit the current environment and her role in the Nopterax terra-forming and colonizing operation, as a slave worker building in-roads into savage, over grown territories. She thought she’d awoken in Hell, but from the depths of despair, out there on the wild fringes of an alien civilization and the artifacts of the world she’d lost, Apocrita finds her new identity will bring her on an adventure beyond human experience.
Apocrita is © and TM Mike Dubisch
Visit me at and at
#17 – Evelyn Pierce
As with so many super-heroes, Evelyn’s powers manifested when she was a teenager, immersed in the complex stresses of adolescence and high school. In short order, her hair turned a deep green, which earned no small amount of mockery from her classmates at Ravensbrook High. That would not be the end of her troubles, though.
She soon discovered that she could communicate to plant life – and that plants were terrifying. They spoke to her of their primal needs and their unreasoning desires, which nearly drove her mad. Even worse, she was able to affect the plants themselves, although she wasn’t sure if she was controlling them or if they were using her to gain more power. After she accidentally killed her best friend, Evelyn’s family moved to Arizona. When she turned eighteen, she moved to a small house in the desert, as far from plant life as she could reasonably get. Her plan was to stay away from plants and never have to hear their hungry voices again.
All that changed when Department of National Security agent Tanner Quan came to visit her. He had an offer from the government to use her powers for good. But she still can’t control them, and fears that she may do terrible things again.
Read her stories here: A Friend in Need, and Away From the Green
#16 – The Mad Mime Killer
Who is he? Nobody knows. What is known about him is that he has a violent, irrational hatred of all things mime. For years, he’s collected information on mimes, studied mimes and followed them around the city of Estervale. Finally, he started on his murder spree, violently doing away with ten mimes in the space of a year. The city government was the target of a media campaign against their ineffectiveness and lack of action, leading to the creation of the Golemime by the Estervale police.
An excerpt from the Mad Mime Killer’s diary:
By their very actions, the mimes are simulacra of reality, fakers and frauds who deny the reality of our reality, a world in which we must all live. They paint their faces a dead white, for they are the dead, the haunted, the living ghosts of our subconscious desire for simplicity and for a way to face the world in a way that makes sense to our simple, sheeplike minds. Those of us who protest, who fight, who see the world for what it is, we are the ones they mock. They mock us with their invisible boxes and their walking against the wind and vanishing down stairs that aren’t there – YOU’RE JUST CROUCHING DOWN YOU FRAUDS WE KNOW HOW IT’S DONE! They see us and they know how we struggle. But they are the agents of the Absurd, the carriers of the cosmic joke of which we are all the punchlines, and until they are gone, until the mimes are wiped from the earth, I cannot have peace, fight the fight against the forces that truly control our world and enslave us all.
What does it mean? Only the killer knows….
#19: Papagena
Woops, I forgot to post at midnight! Sorry. Here’s my version of Papagena, a bird lady!
# 19 – Wavian
Wavians inhabit the planet Neptune. They are a warrior race, and desire to conquer and rule all that they see. Fortunately for earth, the Other Land inhabitants are always ready on the defense.
[In 1974, at the age of 12, I drew a series of “comic books” detailing the adventures of Merrill, a 15-year-old human boy, in the Other Land, an invisible dimension which co-exists with our own. The characters I am submitting throughout the 30 Days are the inhabitants of the Other Land.]
Lucinda Bellonte
Dressed in yellow She said Hello!
Lucinda Bellonte was my favorite jazz singer. She was know for the songs “Dressed in Yellow (she said Hello)†and “You can do what you want (in Living Color).â€
She says, “When the electro magnetic waves were fired down on my hometown, that is when most of the older people died. Those of us from the younger, wildly-irradiated demographic found ourselves enhanced.â€
Now her sonic humming powers and her gravity altering abilities are put to a task on a daily basis.
“The source of my powers, the electromagnetic waves which have continued to annihilate the inner cities, well, they’ve given me the physical abilities of moving at Legendary Speeds and Conquering Themselves.
I’ve got this DONE.â€
This marks my second and more effective attempt to create a fantasy/sci-fi character useable in a potential porn comic. Significant credit for influencing facial style (particularly in the nose/lips area) goes to Ovens. Not much story behind Nomia besides she’s a bee. Most of the imagery here developed as I drew her and looked for references. Originally I had planned for her just to be an inexplicably anthropomorphosized bee in some weird world where sentient bees still had menial labor to collect honey.
Potential storlines included:
- While collecting nectar, Nomia finds a vibrating flower stigma. Sexy solo times ensue.
-  Nomia returns to the hive after a  long day of nectar collecting and has sexy times with her girlfriend (almost all bees are female)
- Nomia spills nectar onto a drone and has to make it up to him
#19 helmetum
as the demonlords dwindle under the soon to be constant attacks by the ghost runner, a new breed of demon leader emerges. stronger and more deadly, upgraded with powers from not only nodes from the longstriders but ancient ones as well. helmetum is the demonlords attempt to forge such demons, and possibly a step in demonic evolution, something not done since the old pangea universe part of the grin-n-spirit universe
Maegan O’ Song
Maegan O’ Song is one of the Traveling Graces.
“Who Rocks, Who Rocks, Who Rocks the Roadhouse?!”
She may be modest, she may be observant, but she’s not quiet!
“I’m the loudest one there is! I’m cute, draw that too!”
#18 “The Beacon” Nancy Naymore
Universe/Storyline: The Beacon
To read a sketchy comic introduction to The Beacon featuring some horribly drawn stick figures, feel free to visit this photobucket album.
In an alternate version of present-day America, people all over the world are born with extraordinary superpowers, and 99.9% of those people are men. Our story follows Nancy Naymore, a woman gifted, or rather cursed, with the involuntary ability to summon other superhumans to her aid whenever she is distressed. She believes that she is the only woman in the world with special abilities, with the possible exception of a superwoman who is little more than urban myth, known only as The Bombshell.
Just out of college at 22, Nancy has trouble getting a job because her nervousness during interviews tends to cause disruptive rescue attempts. She would much rather be doing hero work, but the I.P.P. (Identity Protection Program) rejected her due to gender bias. Without an S.I. (Secret Identity) sanctioned by the I.P.P., doing any kind of hero work is considered vigilantism and can be grounds for arrest. So, Nancy is reduced to applying wherever she can for the time being.
Because of her powers Nancy has spent most of her life thinking supermen are annoying jerks who won’t leave her alone. She projects these feelings onto other men, making it hard for her to find a satisfying relationship. When the government superhero named Searchlight comes to her rescue, he recognizes her as one of them, and sets her up with an S.I. (‘The Beacon’) and a job working for the I.P.P. Together they track and ‘tag’ superheroes, so that the I.P.P. knows where they are at all times. Their partnership is rocky at first, but they grow on each other.
Truthfully, The Beacon is fed up with the dickish behavior of most of the supermen she encounters, and plans to use what she knows about them to her and the public’s advantage by leaking scandalous stories about them to the press. Nancy’s best friend, Brenda, is a photographer who follows Nancy on her missions to get the dirt on film.
When she is not working Nancy likes to solve sudoku puzzles and read murder mysteries.
#18-Beel, Zee and Bub
Condemned to the prison of our mundane reality, these imp siblings do their best to stir up havoc whenever they can-tempting mortals, destroying public property and pushing all the elevator buttons. If you’ve had an unbelivable run of misery, it’s likely that you have gained the attention of one or more of these little hellions. (Good luck with that.)
#18 Escher Cat
Escher Cat
Escher Cat’s only explanation for herself is that she’s “Just like a cheshire cat, only more confusing.” She’s actually from the Holloworld, a closed underground society that makes fantastic machinery near the earth’s core. She’s a discarded genetic prototype, a mix of tiger, wolf, cheetah and who knows what else, too weird for mass production, but too rare to be killed. Underboss, the leader of Holloworld, tried to keep her trapped within a special prison, where certain laws of physics didn’t apply. However, she was able to navigate it with ease. Part of her construction included a number of unusual navigation abilities, such that she’s never off-balance or spatially confused.  As she explored the prison, she discovered a device (now on her right hand) that allowed her to focus her powers to open little gates into a pocket dimension called sub-space.
So she took the device, used the portals to escape Holloworld, and now she’s on the run from Underboss. When she meets Gunsmoke Jones, she at first tries and fails to take the book,then arbitrarily decides that he needs her protection. Given how crazy she is, he’s not sure about that but honestly, he’s a little scared to tell her that he can take care of himself. It’s easier to just let her tag along. And jumping into subspace occasionally has its benefits, even if it makes him sick sometimes. Also, a lot of the bones, feathers, cloth and stuff she has on her outfit are things that are extremely rare on the surface, things Gunsmoke has only read about on screens.
She has dim memories as a kitten-cub of being given some kind of chemical, so there was a doctor who hid the secret of subspace inside her. She wants to learn some of the Liber Magnum disciplines to hunt down errant memories and find out what happened to her, and why the doctor singled her out to know this.
#17 Death, an alien
Universe/Storyline: The Band
Universe details: In the isolated city of Crescent where these characters live, superpowers spring from close encounters with death. Only people born in the city can gain these powers, and since this is a relatively new settlement, the first generation of people born there are just starting to show signs of super-fication. This means mostly kids and teens. Of the teens, Camille, Max, Amelia, Walter, and Rin decide to team up and form a band. They take it upon themselves to realizes that everyone deserves to be informed about the city’s unique predicament, they try to reach every kid in the city at once by putting on a live concert.
It’s not clear what this guy’s actual name is, but people in town who have seen him call him Death because he looks uncannily like the Grim Reaper. He stands at a shockingly tall 7 feet, wears a hooded, faded black cloth robe and carries a long stick with a curved, pointed branch at the top. His parchment skin is stretched so tightly over his skull that you can see the impressions where his eyes, nose and mouth should be.
Not much is known about Death at all, not where he came from, how long he’s been in Crescent or why he’s there. He only attacks when provoked, behaving like a wild animal fighting for survival.
At first The Band thinks he might be human, and tries to find a way to help him. He communicates with them via telepathy.
‘Death’, both in the literal sense and represented by this physical manifestation, is tied in to the source of the kids of Crescent’s powers. How so remains to be seen…
Day 18: Sasha Mafigoro
Character #18, Sasha Mafigoro. Wow, this one’s up kinda late, I got distracted by Tumblr. @_@
This is Sishiko Mafigoro’s younger sister, who was in training to become a Spirit Fetcher just like him. She has a hot-headed attitude, and a lot of the time she likes to show off and prove herself. She resents her older brother, who’s better at things than her. Sasha dreams of being assigned a proper scythe, but for now her weapon of choice is a wooden training pole. She’s looking to get a steel one. The zipper on her shorts can make the bottom half of that half of the shorts come off, and there are snaps on the back. It seems practically useless, so Sasha is also looking to find a use for that.
She’ll appear from time to time in Venomamillia.
#18 Johanna Knight – Soul-searcher
At the end of the night, all I can really do is sit and ask myself “did I make the world a better place today?â€
Some days I can say, “Yes. One more piece of scum is off the streets and one more honest citizen is sleeping safely at home tonight.â€
But then there are the other days. The days I wasn’t quick enough. The days I wasn’t strong enough. The days I wasn’t strong enough. Those are the days that end in body counts. Those days, I have to answer my question, “No. I haven’t changed a damn thing. The world’s still ugly and violent, and the good die while the bad prosper.â€
Kyle made me promise that I wouldn’t focus on the ones I couldn’t save. “Look to the living. That’s why we do this.†He said that every night. It was his mantra. It was also the last thing he ever said to me, right before he went into the building for the children.
We’d been tracking a sick messed up man named Lock ’n Key. His schtick was kidnapping the children of parents he felt were too lenient. Something about how his mother wasn’t strict enough on him as a kid. If the parents resisted too much during the kidnapping, then they were expendable lessons to teach the child a lesson.
By the time we caught him, he already grabbed his next kid. We got to the house just minutes too late. The bodies of the parents were still cooling.
But in his haste to escape us, he hadn’t taken the usual precautions. We were able to find his hideout, and I’m not going to deny that I enjoyed beating the ever-lovin’ crap out of him to force him to tell us where the kid was.
When Kyle went in, it wasn’t until I saw the sick grin on Lock ’n Key’s face that I knew it was a trap. I tried to radio Kyle, tell him to get out, but the moment he answered, the charges blew and the walls collapsed on to him.
I stared at the rubble. There was no way that he had survived. I turned to the psycho. My hands were clenched. I was going to beat this man to death with my bare hands. I would have too, but there was a sound over the mike. A cough. A single cough.
It was a hope, just a glimmer of hope. And that was all I needed. I dropped the little shit and attacked rubble with everything I had. The coughs became fainter, and I threw everything I had into moving the rocks.
Then the cough came louder. Not from the radio, but actually from one of the piles surrounding me. I shifted a rock and found a little pocket where a support beam had fallen. And there she was. It was almost a miracle to see him lying there. But he didn’t move when I shook him. I checked his pulse, but his body was already cooling. And then there was another cough, coming from underneath Kyle.
The girl. It was the girl. Kyle had found her. He must have been carrying her out when the blast started, shoved her into the alcove and covered her.
When the police arrived, Lock ‘n Key was handcuffed to a light post. I didn’t kill him, because Kyle wouldn’t have wanted that, but he won’t be using his arms or legs for awhile.
That night was the first night I didn’t ask myself anything when I got home. The answer was right there in the empty chair beside me.
19 – Bronze Dragon by Beausephus
CONCEPT: An adventurer/archeologist is magically cursed with a mystic living stone encasing him at all times. Â After training with ancient magicians of the Orient, they carve the emblem of their order, a giant bronze dragon, into his cursed stone form, in an attempt to save him from eternal walking damnation.
Before I got into comics and superheroes I listened to tapes of old time radio shows and read about pulp heroes like The Shadow and the Lone Ranger. The BRONZE DRAGON character started as a blatant rip-off of Doc Savage, right down to the metallic orange skin and adventurer back story.
As the character evolved, I seemed, once again, drawn to the concept of great power possessing great men and exploring the results. Instead of shiny metallic skin, the character became encased in skin that looks like polished stone.
Now tons of characters have non-organic skin, and the cut-off they must feel due to a complete lack of sensual connection with the world around them must be infuriating to the point of madness. So how does my character deal with it? Going back to the pulp well, he trains with ancient Oriental mystics, a la The Shadow, who help him learn how to live with his cursed “skin.” They carve the emblem of their monastery into his rocky skin, in a ceremony of purification through the extreme pain of carving the dragon head into his body.
By devoting himself to the philosophy of the Bronze Dragon Order, The Bronze Dragon keeps himself focused and his ever hardening “skin” from overpowering him and controlling his existence.
Thanks for checking out my stuff.
#19 – Chaos
Today’s entry is a villain for my previously posted super hero, Insomniac. Â Chaos is to Insomniac as the Joker is to Batman. Â She’s her opposite. And she’s absolutely crazy.
Chaos is into anarchy. Â But for her, the idea of anarchy is not some kind of punk rocker political statement. Â She just thinks order and peace are boring, and enjoys upsetting the status quo. Â Much like Insomniac, Chaos is super agile and a very intelligent, side effects of her psychic abilities… Unfortunately, another side effect of her mental powers was that she kind of snapped, and now is obsessed with causing chaos where there is order.
Artist Note: Chaos was the name of a character I created way back in high school, who was also a villain. Â For this design, however, I simply took inspiration from the name to come up with a completely different character, quickly and on the fly.
#17 Rip Van Winkle 2
Kyle Patton was born in the late 1800s. When he was a young man, he was kidnapped by aliens, experimented on and placed in suspended animation.
The suspended animation wasn’t perfect, so over the next 200 years he slowly aged. When he was finally released from alien captivity, he had aged to an old man, but the alien experimentation had given him enhanced senses and endurance.
Adopting the guise taken from a favorite story from his childhood, Kyle became Rip Van Winkle 2. Though struggling with a world 200 years more advanced than his own, Rip Van Winkle 2 became a hero, joining The Squadronnaires as a marksman.
#7 The Shattered Queen
From a story that Jaym Gates is currently writing.
“The Shattered Queen is pale as milk, clothed in blood, riding a ghost. The moon is between her lips, the winter is in her hands. She came from the Lands Beyond.”
Thank You Jaym!
#15 #16 #17 (Catchup)
I was severely lacking in my “drawing guys” skills.
This doesn’t make up for it, but it was good exercise.
Also now I’m only TWO days behind. Go me.
#19 Adam Nealson
Adam Nealson is named after comic book legend Neal Adams.
Adam is an ordinary man in a ordinary world. After a long day of working as a writer for a magazine on popular culture, he suddenly took a nap. The moment he wakes up, he woke up to a future he didn’t expect. In fact, he woke up in the 25th century in the year 2401. He has to adjust to his new surroundings because an alien race is hunting him down for reasons unknown. now, he must strike against them and figure out how he got in the future and how to get back home.
Height: 6’0 Weight:220 lbs. Age: 31 Race:African American
Personality:Adam is confident, at times optimistic, able to hold he own in a situation.
Colette Franjou
Colette is in the same fourth grade class as Shim and Ken. She dislikes them, as they are weird and kind of smelly. She is the leader of a group of three other girls and herself, and takes pride in her croissant-esque curls.
#19 – Mutter Deutschland
I’m adding this tonight in case I don’t get the chance tomorrow.
You see, it’s the Elves Faire tomorrow. And then in the evening it’s Coma Con – where my friend Javier Hernandez is premiering his new book, The Coma – a fantastic, Ditko-esque adventure through the mind.
Just in case I don’t get the chance…
But I’ll let you into a little secret – I’ve done more than 30 characters (I’m such a swot!) so I may post another tomorrow.
G’night all!
Day 18: Slick
“Stay cool” slick said under his breath to himself as he  slimed his way past the snail. He’d always wanted to fit in with the group and he felt like he may have a chance this time after finding the mint and strapping it to his back. Now to follow through with his bluff.
#19 Cherry
Cherry is a lil’ chimera! He is extremely stubborn and hates being treated like a kid. His snake tail is named Pit. She is his voice of reason.
#19 Elaina Jalwn the Protector
Elaina is a natural warrior and her favorite weapons has an extended reach.
#30Characters Chatter…