RSSCategory: 2011

Day 21: Marshall Montblanc

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character #21, Marshall Montblanc. It’s kinda late, maybe I’ll say more about him tomorrow.

For now, he’s a tough cat who’s Tsumugi’s cousin. He has a thing for the silent types.

Stoplight Fish

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Cool Joe

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Baby Bird

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Space Hamster

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 21: Cayla Vang

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Cayla was a musician until about a year ago, when she was transported into an entirely different world. Now forced into a land filled with wizards and dragons, she has been traveling with her guitar and fighting thieves and chimeras.


#22 Belleza (Member of DR809)

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Belleza(pronounced Be-je-sa) is The Dominican Republic’s answer to an amazon warrior in a modern world. Her real name is Lorena Acevedo. Lorena is the second in command of DR809 and is the sexy strong confident powerhouse of the team and the mother figure to the team. In her off time, she’s a Television and film  personality and has a body most men(and women)will pay attention to on a daily basis. Lorena at one point as also a professional wrestler and body builder and loves going to the gym in her spare time.

Height: 5’10 Weight:240 lbs. Age: 25


Superhuman strength due to her years as a bodybuilder, able to pick up anything with ease, has hand to hand combat skills, and an healing factor.


She has a way with men, sometimes a flirt, not afraid to show emotion even if it cost her being alone. A go getter, and able to have a conversation and not be a pushover.

#21 – I.M.T.C.

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 21 - IMTC by George Ward

I.M.T.C. is a trash collecting robot who travels around the town picking up the garbage and compacting it into easy to carry particles.  Once it is full, it carries the trash to the town dump.

The machine two arms for lifting and pulling trash and a radar dish to receive orders from its owner.  When the robot is not in use, the arms and dish retract into its body, the doors close, and it looks like a normal trash can.

There are many of these machines around the town and it would be bad if anyone were to find a way to change their programming.

#19 K-Pow!

| November 22, 2011 | 1 Comment


Kathy Pow hates cooties and is out to eliminate all the boys in her school…whatever it takes to do it!

#22 Berry

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Berry is a lil’ manticore! She is very neurotic and overly cautious of everything around her. She is a good friend of Cherry’s.

Day 21: The Shepherdess

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

She’d be right willin’ to tend your flock for ye’ 😉

#22: Midnight

| November 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Lurking in the night, a stranger prowls… on adorable booted feet! Oh, it must be Midnight, the magnificent masked meow-er! She’s on her patrol as usual, keeping those keen eyes of hers on the lookout for baddies.


Day # 21 Sean McClaren

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

Sean is a heavey machinery mechanic affectionitley dubbed the greasy leprechaun much to his dismay.

#21 – Andrew Curry

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

Andrew has a little bit of a crush on the little pink haired main character, August. He has a habit of finding the pencils that she drops all over the school. He’s a killer at writing English essays, but is nearly failing all the rest of his classes. He’s a bit of a roleplaying nerd, and loves both tabletop games and MMORPGs. He also has a bit of a problem with being possessed by demons. Regularly.

He’s gotten used to it, though. Andrew’s taken a certain fondness to rolling dark or evil side characters because of it. He knows August is a professional demon hunter, but he’s never had the courage to so much as ask her what the weather is like today, let alone to take care of his little demon problem. Awkward and shy, Andrew seems to be a shadow in the background… the weird kid who occasionally bursts out in class, screaming about “filthy humans” and “we will enslave you all!”

Needless to say, poor Andrew has enough on his mind at the moment, and not just from the demons.


| November 21, 2011 | 3 Comments

Tip of the hat to Adam Hughes on my inspiration for this one.

#20 – The Gentleman Archer

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

I have no idea why I came up with this character. I love Robin Hood, I like Green Arrow…still, the thought in my head was, “What if the Spirit used a bow and arrow?” That’s pretty much it!

Still behind one day…gotta try to make that up.

NOTE: I’m using Hero-O-Matic (aka Fabrica De Herois) to create my characters. If you’re a writer who can’t draw (like me!), you might want to try it!

#20 Christophen Hienz

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

Adorable little guy with a passion for martial arts, sweaters and catchy songs.

(The words are lyrics from one of Mika’s songs)

#21 – Iboga

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments


| November 21, 2011 | 1 Comment

Sophisticated artificial intelligent robot programed  to copy the abilities of the worlds meta-humans!

#21 – Hosea

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

An insecure girl who developed color changing abilities.

Wow, it’s already been 3 weeks!!!! Only one more week to go, so I’m REALLY PUMPED ABOUT IT!!!!

Hopefully I can get so quality ones going on because starting Wednesday my Thanksgiving break starts!

#21: The (Would-Be) Baroness Torrington, Vera Newport

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

I am Vera Newport, the Baroness Torrington. Or I would be, if British peerage laws did not prevent me from inheriting my rightful title. As it is, I am the heiress who cannot inherit, and now the woman without a fiancé.

…Ah, yes. Thank you for your condolences, but I do not feel much grief over my loss, as harsh as that may sound. My fiancé was my first cousin, originally set to inherit my father’s title, as per his (apparent) right as the next male.  Our marriage would have been one of convenience, designed to keep him in line and the title in my hands. I did not particularly like him – he was cruel at times and weak-willed at others – but I would have put up with it.

I don’t now, but I have larger issues to contend with. You see, once I am out of mourning officially, I will have to find a husband. It is not only expected of me as a lady of fortune (and it is times like this that I wish I were a man, who would not be so harshly obligated to do things), but also required as a person of noble blood.

If I only did like the company of men, it would be so much easier. Any affection I have felt towards men has been familial or platonic. My younger sister, who is coquettish to the point of embarrassment, would be much better suited for this position, to find a husband and pass on the title. However, she will have to pry that right out of my cold dead fingers before that happens. I am the first born child and will inherit what is mine, regardless of what lies between my legs. Pardon my French, there.

What sort of man do I like? I do not know. I have seen many different types of men – suitors before I became engaged, military men, working boys – and none have been to my liking in a romantic sense. (If I must confess, I liked that delivery boy best, with his gay smiles and blunt personality. He was refreshing to be around. A shame he had to go to war and die.)

This all bores you, doesn’t it? To listen to a woman of high birthright complain about needing to find a husband. There is a war going on. People are dying, rations are becoming tighter, and I am complaining about something trivial. Well, it might be trivial to you but my future depends on this.

…why don’t I go and try to solve this problem a different way? You think I hadn’t thought of that already? You think I am not trying to? Plans like this take time, effort, and a lot of manipulation. Be patient. I know I must be. This plan is not my last hope. It is a ongoing project which I started a very long time ago. I must wait still before it bears any fruit.

…What sort of person do I like? A gentle disposition, but an iron will. Keeps a cool head in the face of adversity. Appreciative of humour even if it does go beyond their mental facilities, and willing to explain their jokes if they are met with confusion instead of laughter. Good with their hands. I also like dark hair and an olive complexion. So many people are as pale as ghosts that any sort of colour is wonderful.

–WHAT? How could you – you think that I – but we don’t even – I was not describing my lady’s maid. No, I was not. Go now. I don’t wish to talk to you any longer. Send Melissa along. I wish to see her (and if you dare insinuate anything I will personally make sure that you never step foot in England again).

Day 21: Sidearm

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

Since 1981 as an implimentation of THE METAHUMAN REGULATION AND VIGILANTE PROHIBITION ACT OF 1978, a Department of Metahuman and Extralegal Affairs was created.  Its enforcement arm is known as MEGA: Metahuman Enforcement Goverment Agency.  It is basically a band of sanctioned super powered individuals policing other metahumans and costumed vigilantes.  One of MEGA’s members is the enigmatic individual known as SIDEARM.  This person’s origins lied burried in government secrecy.  All that is known is he most likely mute, communicating to other members through gesture.  He can morph his arms into some form of organic gun barrels of various shapes and sizes, that emit a likewise organic projectile that will either fire on contact with target or through mental command by Sidearm.

#21 Harry

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments


Harry rides his bike everywhere and has a big problem…He doesn’t want to share the road with cars. Every time a car drives down the road and passes his bicycle, he freaks out and gives them the finger.

#19 Molly Fletcher

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

Art school drop-out, bisexual love machine, general saucebox.

Image from the Sartorialist

Continue Reading

#21 Ed The Third World Smokin’ Baby

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

The video of little Ed smoking cigarettes went viral before Ed could light up another Camel.  Unbelievably this two year old smoked 2 packs a day.

When asked why he smoked Ed had this to say. “It takes the edge off of my otherwise stress filled toddler day man. Oh yeah and my parents are douche nozzles.”

He says he’s going to take “baby steps” and quit tobacco in stages in what he calls “the three year plan.”  As of  last week Ed has quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey. He’s switched to Cigars, which he will stick to for a year and from there he’ll go to chewing tobacco for another year and then nicotine gum for the final year. He is confident that within 3 years he will be tobacco free.

When asked about the hard  booze, pills, gambling, and hookers he replied  ” Go F@CK yourself!”

Good for him!

#21 The Errant Panther

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

#21 Power Surge

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments
Power Surge

Power Surge

18 – Azzah Zahawi

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

During a trek across mountains in Afghanistan to escape the coming Winter, a young Azzah Zahawi encountered an old man who Donkey had broken a leg.  The man seemed to be in despair, for all his possessions were upon the Donkey, but he couldn’t take them.  As a gentle soul, Azzah relieved the Donkey of some of the weight, allowing the donkey to be able to move enough to get back to the old man’s shack.  It was treacherous, and three times the old man suggested she could leave him and continue with her own journey, but she assisted anyway.  Eventually they reached the old mans hovel, and in gratitude he provded her with a strange object.  It appeared to be a shield – intricatly carved from white-gold wood, and with an inner warmth and glow.  The man said that she had proven worthy of such a gift, and having finally found someone to pass it onto, he could leave this world easy in the knowledge  that it was in good hands.

The shield, it was revealed, is made from a piece of wood from Paradise, and as such, contained within is immense power for goodness.  Even having born it for 8 years now, Azzah does not claim to comprehend the shield, for it seems to know some greater purpose – it heals the sick, rests the wearyand sooths the suffering. However, evil cannot bear its presence, looking into it seems to stare into the soul of evil, and people find themselves unable to lie in its presence.   In the occassional extreme case it has been known to do more radical things demons are burned by its presence, and on at least one occassion it has struck a man mute for trying to decieve his way out of a great crime.  Azzah suspects it of having even greater capabilities, but she has no  desire to test them, for such things shouldn’t be toyed with.  The way that is guages these things seems is impenetrable however – though Azzah herself is a Muslim, it does not seem to adhere to the specific trappings of hers or any other faith that she can tell – it tends to act most decisively on clearcut sins where one person does evil unto another.  She partially suspects that the shield forces people to judge themselves by their most deep values, as well as those of some greater power…

Day #20 Zombie Face

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

#21 Emaline Amity

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

Emaline is Riordan’s best friend. She is unaware of Riordan and her brother’s being fae though. Even though the twins aren’t her brothers Emaline treats them like they are. Emaline becomes very lost after Riordan and her brothers’s disappearance, with no trace of where they went. Afterwards she becomes very secluded.

17 – Mrs Honeyford

| November 21, 2011 | 0 Comments

During the 70’s, Cleopatra Honeyford was a glamourous private detective fighting corrupt cops and gangs alike in the infamous Docks district of . At the time she was a crack shot with a gun and better fighting unarmed or with knives than almost anyone in the city.  Unlike many of her peers, Cleo survived, and continued to live in the area for years to come. While she is certainly no longer considered the pin-up she once was, she continued training her fighting technique, including a stint where she incorporated large quantities of the technique of her martial artist then-boyfirned into her own style, she has general incorporated, and is generally considered to be one of the deadliest martial artists in the world.  Her style is incredibly potent, and adjusts well to improvised weapons, and seems to excel in taking down multiple armed opponents, quickly and brutally.  Though she is more or less retired from crime fighting, many come to train with her, even if it means putting up with her famously bad cooking, which she never got round to learning how to do in her youth.