Category: 2011
22 – The Awesomist
… continued from Character #21, Red Giant & the Solar Sword…
Bobby Baker was not a bright man. He also generally lacked ambition, living out his days moving from one janitorial job to another. He did, however, desire fame. Bobby idolized the extra-normal heroes he saw on the nightly news before his programs came on, those programs largely consisting of reality television. Baker sent videos and filled out entry forms to any and all shows for the chance to be on TV and, as he says when asked, “rake in the benefits.â€
Bobby was mopping the floors of a hall way in a government laboratory facility, a job he acquired with the help of a distant relative, when the Secret Soldiers stormed the building in pursuit of a contingency of Donarrians. The Donarrians, known for their quest for weapons, had discovered that this particular government building housed an experimental subluminal starship engine that had been confiscated from the Donarrians during their encounter with the Red Giant.
Bobby took cover in a storage closet, but kept the door ajar to watch the battle. As Bobby’s luck would have it, the janitorial closet he selected shared a wall with the engineering lab where the sought after engine was stored. An errant shot from Blue Bazooka’s armament hit the engine, rupturing the housing containing whatever extraterrestrial energy source that powered the thruster. The ensuing explosion engulfed the broom closet and poor Bobby Baker.
Bobby was transformed by the mysterious power set free from the engine. His physique took on heroic proportions and came with incredible strength, endurance, accelerated healing. These new properties of his body became evident when he emerged from the closet in time to save a downed Blue Bazooka from an approaching Donarrian. In addition to his superheroic physical make-over, Bobby discovered he could emit blasts of energy from his eyes with devastating results, an ability never before seen in an extra-normal. These eye beams took down the remaining Donarrians and ended the battle at the laboratory.
After testing, Baker turned down the Enforcer’s offer to join his Secret Soldiers. Instead the transformed Bobby Baker headed for Hollywood where he now stars in his own show under his new superhero name, the Awesomist! On the show he fights crime, with input from the viewing audience, and performs stunts that only his awesome body can withstand for the enjoyment of the masses. His trademarked Awesome Strength, Awesome Vision and Awesome Invulnerability have landed him lucrative advertising contracts, merchandizing and acting gigs as a favorite among America’s impressionable youth. Catch all new episodes of The Awesomist Saturday nights at 10 pm EST, Its AWESOME!
America’s love the extra-normal was at an all time high, or low depending on who you asked. This halcyon time, however, took a turn to the dark with the appearance of…
GO TO Character #23!
#23 Tricerathump
Back off man! This guy is mean… mean as they come. He’ll thump ya and leave you for dead. He’s vegan, so it’ll be someone else finishing up the job!
#23 Lady
Lady is a pink & red tigress – she lives in the Cimian Jungle. Â She likes to go adventures and hunt for meat in the jungle and she thinks she does PE lessons!
#25 – The Benefactor
Who is this mysterious man in the shadows?
Well, this character sheet offers some answers… but not all!
#23 – Egon Schiele – Necromancer
I’ve purposefully tried to avoid doing too many artists during this challenge, just because I didn’t want to turn this into Art History Classes, but Egon Schiele fit the Necromancer mold so well that I just couldn’t help myself. Mr. Schiele was one of the earliest Expressionists, and his work straddles the line between erotic and grotesque, with a definite theme of death. Mr. Schiele’s life was full of unpleasant things — war, and the early death of his father from syphilis, amongst other things — and it obviously had a very strong impact on his work.
A bit more common as enemies than as player classes, the Necromancer is the class of choice for the morbid manipulation of the dead. Console RPGs tend to also have Necromancers using powerful enemy debuffs and control magic. Given the quality of motion and lifelike appearance or Egon Schiele’s work, I find it entirely possible that he would have animated the dead if he’d had the ability to.
#22 Hugo’s House of Havoc
Hugo’s House of Havoc
When you go to the crossroads at midnight, and meet the Devil, he will challenge you to a contest, and if you beat him at, say, fiddling, or blues guitar, then you get some item or skill of power. Hugo beat the devil at Super Smash Bros. on N64, and asked for a magic house so he’d never have to pay rent again. But the Devil noticed something about Hugo’s soul:Â Hugo is so focused on games and the internet, and so uncaring about and unaffected by everything else, that his soul is 20+ years old and still in virtually mint condition. It’s never been used.
So the Devil keeps challenging Hugo to games, and Hugo keeps beating him, and keeps getting stuff that he doesn’t know how to use properly.  It’s filling up his magic house, which his friends Lydia and Jay have taken to calling Hugo’s House of Havoc. Lydia is trying to get Hugo to experience more and do more in the world, so that his soul won’t be worth as much to the Devil. Jay is mostly trying to get stuff and influence Hugo in terms of what to ask for.
A partial list of things Hugo has asked for so far: A magically wireless flat screen tv (but since it’s magic, it has weird compatibility issues), A robot butler named O.G. Kushington. Monkey Servants. A Flying Bentley. Those self-lacing kicks from Back to the Future. Capri-Sun that makes you float, like that juice in Willy Wonka. A giant Cloud Strife Sword that only Hugo can lift.
#23: Cross
Real Name: Daniel Logan
Height: 6’1″
Weight: 183 lbs.
Character info: Cross has no powers; he’s a vigilante, fighting crime on his own every night. Cross was one of the first characters I ever made up, when I was about 6 years old; he was my “Batman” or “Daredevil”. He’s also one of my favorites, because he was probably one of the first who really got a serious back story as to why he was a superhero. When I drew and stapled my own comics about my characters as I kid, I did a four issue limited series that served as Cross’ origin, and I still think that comic is pretty good to this day. For a few years now, I’ve been wanting to retell this origin and I think I’m biting the bullet on that one soon. My friend Josh Talley helped me with some redesigns on the character a few years ago, bringing the current version you see here.
#23 – Fluffy
Just cuz a master warlock names their pet dragon, “Fluffy”. Doesn’t mean you should underestimate them…
23 – Krakkor the Demon
He returns from the Hell dimension, yearning for a feast of fresh souls…
Today’s character was done entirely on a touchpad in MSPaint, turned out better than I thought it would!
#23: The Dancing Bones
“Bones in motion, bent out of shape
Distorted, cavorted, too little too late
He mourns for the day when his dance was respected
‘Neath the dead trees were his footsteps expected
A bogeyman now, but in so many ways
Was he a god in those dark demon days”
Day 23: Exel
Character #23, Exel. This is another 2 part character, you’ll have to see the other OC too to understand him.
Exel was once a normal guy in a normal town. When the entity of black descended upon the town, he was chosen to become the entity of white. All the color has been drained from him, and has actually all gone to his eyes, which is why they can’t be seen.
He controls white light and bends it in the form of arrows.
Upon accepting the burden of the entity of white, he has been locked into the wayside world, a world of pure black and white. He exists in the Black Way, while the entity of black exists in the White Way.
14 – Trixie
Silly rabbit, Trixie isn’t for kids! This one was inked entirely witha chopstick, which is always fun.
#23 Maz – The Green Fist!
Lurking beneath the seeming European dominance of Le Fin! and Turid Dandelion a resistance movement is growing led by devious freedom fighter, Maz Madazzaland… The feared, Green Fist!
There are no depths to which The Green Fist will not sink to in the name of freedom, she’ll have Europe burn if needs be and she might get her way if she can convince the leaders of three other resistance groups to unite and reclaim the UK from the clutches of Le Fin!
But Wicked Wallace, Staniforth and Tempestuous Tom are not the easiest of allies to get on with…
(…and that makes 9 in the ‘Extremely cute (and very evil) dictators of a fractured future Earth’ Series.)
# 18 Howlin’ Pete Kessler
Howlin’ Pete Kessler is a werewolf meaning he is incredible at basketball, and has been a coordinator with the Harlem Globe Trotters since 1985. Basketball may pay the bills, but being a nudist is his life. In 1983 Howlin’ Pete Kessler famously said “Fuck it! No pants!” Inspiration to all nude ghouls all over the world!
# 23 – Sterry
Sterry is the remnant of the comet that formed Warf on earth. He ended up in the asteroid belt, and maintains a psychic connection to Warf. He is sensitive to the movement of planetary bodies, and acts a bit like an outer space monitor.
[In 1974, at the age of 12, I drew a series of “comic books” detailing the adventures of Merrill, a 15-year-old human boy, in the Other Land, an invisible dimension which co-exists with our own. The characters I am submitting throughout the 30 Days are the inhabitants of the Other Land.]
#22-Jim: Space Technician, 3rd Class
When superscience runs amok, when that vial of airborne Moon Bloat virus goes missing in the ventilation system of the space station, when the higher-ups lose their Black Level clearance security door passcode-they call on Jim.
Here we see our intrepid, sleep-deprived and overcaffinated hero tasked with removing the gigantic batteries from a “pacification drone”.
#23 the exponential man
ever since the massive trancendental accident back in the 1960’s the exponetial man has been standing, ridged as a statue. unable to tell if he’s alive or dead, scientists have kept him locked away in a government testing facility. the eye on his chest is reported to move to look at you, and sometimes creepy enough it follows people home. but the true power of the exponential man is that given enough time he unloc ks the true potential in those near him. both good and bad
#30Characters Chatter…