RSSCategory: 2011

#22 Mildly Annoyed Stump

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

the mildly annoyed stump is mildly annoyed with you all. possibly this is because he has to endure laughable video game pitches day in and day out.

#21 Farmer Cax

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

cax is a chuian farmer. you wouldn’t think such a technologically advanced species living in highly urban areas has much call for a farmer, but you’d be wrong. chuians and conturians build enormous bubble-dome rooftop gardens which produce the majority of the food and parks for their cities.

working in one of these parks isn’t an easy job, and cax had to get special cybernetic implants in hs ears to do his best work. the implants enable him to actually “hear” the plants’ progress and lets him have an early warning if any are sick.

#20 Abby the nearsighted cockatrice

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

abby is a cockatrice which is an ENORMOUS vicious uh. cock. with a lizard tail. if i remember my mythology correctly it was something insane like they hatch from the egg of a 10 year old cock (not hen) that lies in the sun for 30 days or something rediculous. they live in barren areas and, like a medusa, can turn things to stone with a glare.

they are not small. they are not cute. ponies are stupid. if you disagree well, that’s just like. your opinion, man.

abby suffers from nearsightedness which means that most of the time she just sets the desert around her on fire in a blind rage. anyone who gets close enough for abby to turn them to stone usually regrets thinking she’s harmless…

this and the manticore (which has a human face and no mane, bronies.) were two of my favourite monsters as a kid. so i’m rather miffed to see what’s become of them due to pop culture.

#19 Arlo

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

arlo’s a mogma (one of the new races in skyward sword) and mogma are known to be treasure hunters. but what good is hunting for treasure if you can’t carry it all, or can’t break it down into sellable amounts? that’s where arlo comes in.

arlo takes the role of a bookkeeper, tracking every mogma’s discovery and worth of that treasure. of course his services come with a small fee. what mogma would give away such skills freely?

#18 Agent Q

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

agent q pretends he’s very brave and tough. he even likes to claim he’s gone exploring. but really the farthest he’s ever gone is to the sealed grounds. he’s just as cowardly as the other kikwis, just suffers delusions of grandeur.

Day#21 -Nacklewocket the News Paper Editor

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Nacklewocket has been the editor at the “Daily Gear and Sprocket” for 8 years and there has never been an event as serious as this…..he is pissed!

#24 Famous Ray

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Famous Ray

Famous Ray

You’ve seen him around, on red carpet premieres, in the VIP section of exclusive clubs wearing an open shirt and shoes with no socks. Occasionally he shows up on television to offer a semi-informed opinion. Who is he? What the hell does he do?

The best way to explain it is, Famous Ray emits a low-level celebrity field, which makes the world treat him as though he is a minor celebrity, no questions asked. Some of the perks of his power include:

-gets free food, clothes, discounts in general
-people listen to his opinion
-VIP/backstage entry to clubs/shows
-people just always assume he’s important, or with the band, or that actor’s assistant, or a producer, heir to some fortune, etc.

When you get him high as hell, or when he’s in his cups, he’ll tell you that his power is because way way back on his mother’s side, he’s part vampire. Dude’s just crazy, right? Witch-One‘s not so sure, and so keeps a close eye on him.

# 25 – the Purple and Yellow Alligator

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

The purple and yellow alligator is one of the most fearsome creatures.  He is swift and merciless.

<Creator comments:  this character was the first of the Creatures I created, and he came from a nightmare I had where he was actually chasing me through a swamp.  You know, those dreams where you try to run, but can’t seem to move?>

[In 1974, at the age of 12, I drew a series of “comic books” detailing the adventures of Merrill, a 15-year-old human boy, in the Other Land, an invisible dimension which co-exists with our own.  The characters I am submitting throughout the 30 Days are the inhabitants of the Other Land.]

Day 26 – Callie Tyrannia (Demonguard Ver.)

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

#25: The Speeder

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

This is a good guy who can run really, really fast. He’s not in a team or anything, but he’ll help The Supers and some of my other characters in fights.

Thanks, Xavier

#26 Saa

| November 25, 2011 | 1 Comment


An Anubis reincarnate.

#25: Black Friday

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Black Friday is an evil demon who pops up once a year…starting to make his presence known a few days after Thanksgiving, preparing everyone for his oncoming attack. He forces retail outlets to offer ridiculous sales on items ($200 big screen tvs…but only 3 of them in stock, bwhahahaha) and forces them to offer those sales at insane times (it was 5 AM, then it became 3 AM, but now, he’s started doing it at the witching hour). His evil plan to distract families from spending quality time together over the Thanksgiving holidays has proven quite successful over the years…

#24 “Supernicus”

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments


Universe/Storyline: The Beacon

To read a sketchy comic introduction to The Beacon featuring some horribly drawn stick figures, feel free to visit this photobucket album.

Here we see Supernicus testing out his new Walking Deathbot (Featuring optional laser targeting system and manual crank handle for optimum user control! Order now!).

At first glance, Supernicus looks like a harmless old guy– gray hair, glasses, and very, very short. However, Supernicus has a superpower: an intellect beyond genius, which he uses to invent nefarious devices that he then sells to common criminals or uses to commit crimes of his own. His crimes are planned out to even the smallest contingency, and always executed perfectly. He has devices that can stop any hero from laying a finger on him, making him practically unstoppable. In other words, Supernicus is a practically unheard of successful supervillain. At this point in his career, he only robs to show off his latest inventions, and the heroes don’t even make an attempt to stop him when they see him.


His latest plot, to rob Heroes Bank (exclusively serving those with secret identities) runs into an unexpected road bump in the form of The Beacon, just setting up her new secret identity’s account. Supernicus’ intellect is able to process exactly what’s happening as he is unable to stop himself from rescuing The Beacon from the scene of his own crime. He makes it his personal mission to find out more about her and possibly devise a way to destroy her, the only foe he can’t personally hurt.


Supernicus is so belligerent because he has trouble relating to people. He has no friends, because no one can keep up with him in conversation or really understands him as a person at all. His only solace from loneliness is keeping busy working on the latest project. He found that no one wanted to buy or use inventions unless they destroyed things, and had been used successfully in a public venue. So, Supernicus dedicated his life to committing crimes as a way of showcasing his advanced weaponry. He doesn’t know what to do with all the money he makes.


| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments
Blah. Too tired to make a more polished one but I don’t want to fall behind again.
Hondo was originally concieved as a companion and lover of Tallory in the post-timeskip A Jagged Road story, although honestly at this point the entire post-timeskip story is probably gonna get tossed, and Tallory herself may not be sticking around, at least not in her current form. Still, I like Hondo and like Nubia he’s growing on me as I develop his character.
Hondo was born into nobility. Being the ancient world, and the lack of options for decadence and luxury, Hondo took up hunting as a hobby – one that requires a fair amount of survival and wilderness skill in the ancient desert land. Tallory is a highly visible celebrity in the region both as a pale-skinned foreigner and also as a skilled swordswoman, and Hondo was drawn to her at occasional gatherings she attended. When the older jaded Tallory leaves her missionary group to start a mercenary band, he signs up.

Day #9- Reean

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Reean is a lovely dragoness who enjoys seducing young men with her charming personality. However, those teeth mean business, and you can look, but not touch.

DAY #8- Massacre

| November 25, 2011 | 1 Comment

(Wow I have really fallen behind on these. I have everything sketched, just not coloured, unfortunately. )

Massacre’s design is a based on a kingfisher/stork bird, with ostrich feets! She is cranky and mean and likes eating other birds’ eggs.

#24 Obligatory Turkey

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

25 – Bastion by Beausephus

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments


DATE OF CREATION:  Early 1990s

CONCEPT:  A take on the shield wielding superhero, Bastions reflective armor pieces and shield absorb various forms of electromagnetic and solar radiation that he can refocus as short bursts of offensive energy blasts or blinding light energy.


Every character who carries a shield will be compared to my favorite comic character of all-time, Captain America.  The circular shield is almost off-limits in terms of character design because the shape is so iconically linked to Capt. America.  If a new character carries a shield how long until that shield becomes an offensive tool and the creator is torn down by using the only weapon the character has – throwing a shield is as linked to Cap as the Bat-Signal is to Batman.

So what if a character who carried a shield could not throw it as a usual behavior?  What if the shield was too linked to the power structure, or the design of the shield was too bulky to be an aerodynamic weapon of choice?   So here’s Bastion, a shield bearing superhero whose reflective armor absorbs solar and various other energies that he refocuses as energy blasts of blinding light attacks.  His shield, also is a huge conduit for this absorption and so losing the shield means losing a huge reflective surface for his powers.  Als, his shield is thick and bears three large, halfed spheres in relief on the shield’s surface…collection modules for the energy…whatever justifies their presence best.

Bastion’s shield is a bludgeon and not a dynamic piece of engineering slicing through the air or through enemies.  He can charge the shield with his collected energies and use it as a battering ram, but the shield needs to be i contact with the character for the maneuver to work.  Bastion is  term that calls to mind defense and steadfast loyalty/protection.  Visually the character is thick and not acrobatic.  Bastion rooted and immovable and his power set allows him to physically get in between those he is defending and those he is attacking, being a physical defense as well as a physical threat.



So, I’ve been going through an artistic realization during this 30-Day challenge, and with this submission I’m really feeling the lack of practice over the past decade come through in my drawing.  I’ll post moe on this after the whole challenge is complete, but I’m not very happy with how this drawing looks and I need to start being more active in honing my craft if I am going to continue posting my work to the public like this.

Again, more on this later and perhaps a few additional posts journaling this crisis of self criticism…


As always, thanks for checking out my stuff…


#24 – Dianne the Boxer

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 24 - Dianne the Boxer by George Ward

Dianne was raised with two brothers who loved boxing.  At first she wasn’t interested in the sport, but over time she came to love it.  She is now one of the top boxers in the nation and teaches boxing as a form of exercise and self defence.

#25: The High Priestess

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Done for a tarot card project for my design class, may I present the High Priestess, signifier of divine wisdom and magic.


#25 ember

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

for hundreds of years the spirit of the daughter of the great library’s builder has remained in a block of ice. ember is a cute spirit who’s power fuels the liberary. pleasant to talk to, but not always mature. when she stomps her foot, the library shakes

Day 25 – Rusty Jones

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Rusty Jones, gamer extraordinaire


#22 Ghost of Tiger

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Ghost of tiger…the spirit that haunts an unsuspecting soul that may be lacking the right energy and assertiveness. It captures the mundane soul and fills it with rage and passion.
note**What an experimental piece…I was inspired by a coworkers dream and I instantly had this imagery in mind. Definitely was super fun to paint so loosely and to just have fun with colours.

Day 24: Butterfly Dragon

| November 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Butterfly of the dragon world

#23 Lord Blackheart The Ruthless

| November 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

Lord Blackheart The Ruthless is the most feared king on the Animal Planet and the archnemesis of Turducken. He longs to build the world in his image. But don’t all ruthless dictators want that?!?





| November 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character 25 – Alexandra Earl (Modern Ver.)

| November 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

Day 24: Shia

| November 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character #24, Shia. This is another 2 part character, you’ll have to see the other OC too to understand her.

Shia was once a normal girl. Then she hit that point in life where she got distressed over emotional issues and couldn’t take it. One day, she discovered the Black Pin, which told her it would take all her problems away. Upon donning this badge, all the color has been drained from her, transforming her into the entity of black. After rampaging around, the Elders of Gray sought her out and banished her to the Wayside World.

She controls black light and bends it in the form of arrows.

Upon accepting the burden of the entity of black, she has been locked into the wayside world, a world of pure black and white. She exists in the White Way, while the entity of white exists in the Black Way.

#24 Cassandra Solhammer

| November 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

Cassandra is one of the chief defenders of the Empire of Steel, the second “faction” of humanity to reach the stars.  Wielding the Solhammer, a mystical weapon discovered in an ancient underground temple on Mars.  Made of unknown materials, it makes it’s wielder almost superhuman.


| November 24, 2011 | 0 Comments

Character 24 – Drake Zephyr (Modern Version)

| November 24, 2011 | 0 Comments