Category: 2011
Days 20 and 21- Buck Bugock and the Chicken Coupe
30 Characters days #20 and 21- Buck Bugock and The chicken Coupe
Energy Affinities:
Fire (Buck), Cold (Tiffany), Electricity (Linda), and Air (Brittany)
Cartoon Chickens
Buck Bugock is the big man on the farm. He’s always trying to pull one over on poor ol’ farm cat Horatio. Buck is usually encouraged by his trio of fans- Tiffany, Linda, and Brittany. He often takes the girls out for a spin in his Chicken Coupe.
Buck is a laid-back, confident rooster about town. Tiffany is something of a cool-dispositioned diva. Linda is easily excited, sometimes boisterous, and completely addicted to texting and updating her status. Brittany is, like, totally a two dimensional valley girl.
Buck and his Pullets occupy the same world as Power Platypus. I could have counted the girls as three seperate characters, but I felt that would be cheating the 30 characters project.
#28 – Jennifer
Jennifer was the leader of a small group of rebels who often caused trouble in the city, hoping to further their own selfish goals at the expense of others. Â And then she met a rival in the form of Sandy, whose mission was to apprehend her in the first place. Â When they met, a battle occurred, and Jennifer nearly defeated Sandy, but Sandy managed to defeat her and she eventually found herself in a prison.
From that day forward, Jennifer vowed to ensure the defeat of Sandy. Â However, Drew and her army started to attack, and Jennifer is left with no choice but to team up with the very warrior she is trying to defeat.
#29 Inventor-Assassin Celyn ‘Earl Grey Slasher’ Thomas
With so many choice dictators, exiled warlords and rebels floating about, Inventor-Assasin Celyn ‘Earl Grey Slasher’ Thomas is busier than ever if you can afford his extortionate rates and eccentric demands…
(number 15 in the ‘Extremely cute (and very evil) dictators of a fractured future Earth’ Series.
#28 Simon Carran
Name: Simon Carran
Birthday: April 25
Guardian: Mum
Location: Waterford, Ireland
Typing style: Capitalises the beginning of sentences but tends not to use ending punctuation when a return will suffice
He also abuses the Common Capital when he wants to emphasise the importance of things
Fetch Modus: BLARNEY
Items are stored in a cloud server which other players may access if they have a complimentary Fetch Modus. When items are uploaded to the cloud, they are assigned a new, more glamourous appearance as a form of security. To download an item, you must know what it looked like without the Glamour. There are actually hundreds of items in the cloud (and don’t ask what that is, silly boy) which cannot be retrieved because their true appearance has been forgotten.
 Kind Abstratus: SPEARKIND
Starts off with an ACTUAL SPEAR belonging to his MOTHER. At some point, he switches it (but does not get rid of it) for the LÚIN CELTCHAIR, a fiery spear which he can equip without burning himself somehow. Later on, he equips another spear, the BONE OF COINCHENN, and the status of his previous two are unknown.
Title: The Heir of Mind
Tier 1: Beatrix the Cuddly Toy Rabbit (pre-entry)
Tier 2: The Ashes of Aidan Carran (post-entry)
Effect: rabbit ears (coming out of bear ears); very soft, cuddly fur; stitching
Dream: Prospit
Planet: The Land of Luminescence and Perfume
Consorts: Mathematically-inclined, pink sheep
Associated Element: Aether
Associated Item: Oil
Denizen: Mnenosyne
An understanding of others and their motivations in order to manipulate them. Increased empathy. Inherits some abilities of the Seer class, namely being able to see some but not all possible outcomes of actions and utilize a MAGIC CUE BALL (which no one can figure out how they actually got here).
Simon lives with his mother in a small flat in Waterford, Ireland. She’s a little odd, what with her INFINITELY LARGE COLLECTION OF SPEARS and KNOWLEDGE ON HOW TO USE THEM, but he loves her, regardless. It’s just. A little embarrassing to go out in public with her. (The other strange thing about his mother is her first son, who died around the same time Simon was born; she never speaks about him so he really has no idea what he was like).
He is interested in BOTANY, but so far has yet to grow anything and keep it alive. He can only ever keep PUMPKIN PLANTS from withering away, but they tend to vanish on him suddenly. His wardrobe seems to consist of EYE-SEARINGLY AWFUL FAIR ISLAND SWEATERS which are much too big for him, but he does not think so. They are WONDERFULLY WARM SWEATERS WITH CATCHY PATTERNS, you foreigners have no taste whatsoever. He is also fairly decent at BAKING and COOKING, but this is out of SELF-DEFENCE rather than genuine interest. The potato is the most versatile foodstuff that anyone had ever gazed upon and thought “Can I eat this?”
He is not a fan of LITERATURE of any sort and is Perpetually Annoyed with most cinema and animation from anywhere. He does like a few things, like CRANE BOY (the Japanese animated series of a possibly not-Japanese boy, he never quite understood how genetics work in fiction and suspects that neither do writers), which is how he met his closest friends. He does get on quite well with people outside of the Internet and is friends with most of his classmates, but there are just some things he will never tell them that his four friends from the internet already know. Like his dead brother, and the night that his brother’s father showed up and take his ashes from Mum.
He is the THIRD PLAYER to play SBURB. He entered the Medium accidentally when he broke the CRUXITE KNOT while trying to undo it.
Day 28: The Moose Rider
Not much is known about the Moose Rider. It is said that his moose is mechanical, but no one has gotten close enough to him to know for sure. One day he appeared in Floom, and within a year had begun riding around on the moose with his longbow. Where he is from, what is name is, no one can say, or those who can won’t.
#7 – Pazuzu
Pazuzu is a Sumerian demon known for his tendency to ward off other demons and a fondess for women. Â He often appears in the form of a hawk or a dog. Â Pazuzu owes Zagam a favor for reasons he’d rather not discuss.
#6 – Mal
Mal is Shae’s loyal dog. Â He was a stray she picked up years ago when he protected her from a mugger. Â Since then, Mal has stayed by her side, often protecting her from potential danger.
#18 Quozark the Unflinching
Bow down to Quozark, for he is the Unflinching One.
Nothing shocks Quozark for he sees all & knows most. He comes from the 43rd dimension. How is that even possible you ask? Quozark’s only response will probably involve him commanding you to pleasure him in a lewd & untoward way. And if you knew anything about his physiology, the very idea of the mechanics involved would mortify you.
Drawn entirely on a whim in about twenty minutes. Proud of the outcome, though not entirely sure as of why. He wasn’t made with the intention of being a part of it, but a while ago I had this kind of comedy idea involving aliens from different races disguising themselves as humans while scouting out for their respective invasion forces. Problem is they were each so equally unaware of what actual humans were like, they had no idea & ended up all roommating together. Hijinks ensue. While Quozark is clearly not people-shaped, I think I could pretty easily incorporate him into that somehow.
#28 Barbara
Baa Baa black sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes ma’am, yes ma’am,
Three bags full.
Three for the master,
none for the dame,
And none for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
The connotation around the “black sheep” was never a negative thing before Barbara took over. Determined to be the most unique girl in the land, she decided she would steal all the black sheep and be the sole being to fashion a black wool wig. The sheep have even begun to learn her name in fear to warn others of her arrival. Hence that is why today we hear sheep call out ” baa..baa..” in spirit of the past dealings with Barbara.
#28 – Donut Dan
#28 – Donut Dan
Considered to be holy in some cultures, Donut Dan lives his life in constant fear that someone would consider him sacridelicious. His focus in life is to help people understand that there’s more to the world than eating tasty fried dough with a frosting top.
Honestly though, I can say that I’ve realized two things this week. The first is that I’ve run out of ideas and I’m truly scraping the bottom of the creativity barrel. The second is that I have issues with food, which you may have realized in my many posts. If I had a chance to consume a dozen Krispy Kremes right now, I would likely be comatose on the couch instead of typing these words.
Hopefully everyone out there doesn’t have the same issues I do, and have instead learned to accept food in a productive way.
#17 Munson
The de facto leader of the trio that became known as the “Big Bad 3,” Munson is a bad man. Few people know where the truth ends & the lore begins, but not a lick of it’s nice. That being said, nobody has as many miles under their belt as him. That gives him status. So don’t mess with him, or he will cut you down like the scores of others.
The original antagonist of the samurai trucker tale & the last of the three. I’m not thrilled with his look as it’s not nearly intimidating enough. I want him to be this Akuma like figure of evil power. Down right scary. The coveralls & samurai armor I like, just not for him. But whatever, I needed to start somewhere. I think I might swap & give him swords & Skaggs the naginata. Anyway, be on the look out because I hope to get back to work on that story shortly.
#16 Goroh
You don’t earn the distinction of “Big Bad 3” through works of philanthropy. Of the three legendary truckers, Goroh’s the only one with a shred of conscience left. While he’s often a laid back & jovial sort of fellow, moments of quiet bring about introspection. Racked with overwhelming guilt, Goroh’s outlet is drink. And lots of it. Rumor has it, his kin were road bandits back in the day. The family tradition looked down on bladed weapons as being sissy. When it comes to protection, Goroh goes with the manly option, a big eff-off kanabo club.
Two of Three in the samurai trucker gang series. I think of the three, I’m the most happy with how he turned out. I’m going to tweak it a lot more before the final draft, but I think I got off to a good start with him.
#15 Skaggs
The “Big Bad 3,” of which Skaggs is a member, rule the road. While they may not be the most gentlemanly of truckers, they are certainly the most revered. No one messes with them.
Skaggs isn’t right. His short fuse is thought to be the product of never sleeping. Ever. He also “sees things differently” too. While he’s well respected as one of the kings of the road, people mostly just try to stay out of his way, lest they get a katana blade put through them.
So currently, the project I’m giving the most attention too is about Samurai Truckers. It all started as a stupid set up to have a sword fight on the roof of a moving semi & slowly turned into a revenge epic. I’ve had the main character designed for a while now, but no one else. Originally, I intended one main antagonist that the main character’s seeking for revenge. Then I though why not make it three guys? So that’s where I’m at. Skaggs is the first & you’ll see the other two next. I don’t know if that’s what I’m sticking with, but that’s where I’m at right now.
Of the three, Skaggs would be the wild card. I’m thinking a super lanky Steve Buscemi with permanent kabuki intensity brought on by years of trucker speed abuse. In context of the story, I’d like to think that he’s one of those characters that gets dispatched almost too easily. But whenever you think he’s gone, he some how comes back. And he’s even more wall-eyed & jittery than ever. I tried giving him the feudal Japan/redneck aesthetic I want to give everything in the comic but I don’t think I pushed it far enough. I do like the idea of a Richard Petty hat with a tsuba on it though. Still he’s going to need some tweaks.
#28 Porcelain
Porcelain, the Femme Fatale of the Collection Agency… Her Collect-o-mania is related to porcelain dolls, masks, pottery and the like… brazenly un-apologetically so, she is the only member of the Collection Agency that does not wear anything to mask her appearance. It’s uncertain how far she will go to further the aims of Collect-o and his group, sometimes it seems she has joined simply to find a community that embraces her and her obsessions as “normal”.
#27 – Great Old One
… I’ve got nothing.
My idea of God?
He’s Cthulhu- esque, but not demonic enough, really. Could be another Great Old One, like a relative, maybe. One that didn’t fall when the Elder Gods threw the other Old Ones down, so not necessarily a malevolent being.
I’m sorry, normally these are all thought through… I’m just run down by a wicked sinus problem.
#28 – Heidi Hands
Heidi has huge hands and favours bare knuckle boxing, but she will wear gloves when in the ring.  She is a rival of Dianne (Day 24) and tries to prove she is the better fighter every chance she gets.  She ran away from home at a young age and grew up in the streets where she learned to fight and survive.  She is not opposed to cheating but is also smart enough to not get caught when she does.  She uses brut force over skill and agility, which means she’s dangerous but no match for a skilled fighter like Dianne.
#29 The Pooka
No fairy is more feared in Ireland than the pooka. This may be because it is always out and about after nightfall, creating harm and mischief, and because it can assume a variety of terrifying forms.
The guise in which it most often appears, however, is that of a sleek, dark horse with sulphurous yellow eyes and a long wild mane. In this form, it roams large areas of countryside at night, tearing down fences and gates, scattering livestock in terror, trampling crops and generally doing damage around remote farms.
The pooka has the power of human speech, and it has been known to stop in front of certain houses and call out the names of those it wants to take upon its midnight dashes. If that person refuses, the pooka will vandalize their property because it is a very vindictive fairy.
Stupidest Man on Wheels
This man is just so, so stupid. But he never gets hurt.
“Shopping cart over a car? Done it. You want me to ride a dolley under a moving truck? Done it. Get out of the car, turn my back on it while it’s coming around towards me again? Sure, why not… wait, no, I done it too.”
Once known only for taping a camera to his head and flinging himself off of pinnacles at great height, now he has moved on to truly new pursuits.
“Watch me slowly take the front tire of this bike over the end of this picnic table. It’ll be fine, honest. I do this all the time.”
#28 Superafro
Yes, I’m late on this one. Read on.
Superafro is a superhero with a 1970’s mentality and his swagger remind people of a Bootsy Collins without the wardrobe. He has the power to fight crime with some punch and kick action. His indentity is Samuel Jones, a loner in life and a fan of the 1970’s. He discovered a Afro wig one day and put it on , only to discovered it has some abilities within it. When he has it on, he becomes Superafro.
Height:6’1 Weight:198 Lbs. Age:27
The powers are in the wig. All he can do is say anything 70’s centric and the wig can do the rest.
70’s way of thinking, positive additude, confident.
Cyborg Hill
Destroyed by the more cynical, tortured peers of his field, Cyborg Hill was rebuilt with esotirical alien alloys and is now powered solely by propane.
“If you weren’t my son, I’d hug you. You, uh, you’re my son, you know, with everything that entails… feelings of fondness and more… You know what I mean, don’t you, boy? ”
After his destruction of Coast City, Cyborg Hill has had a spotty career as a spacefaring villain with occassional status changes.
“Ginseng tea?? I’m not gonna get hopped up on dope! Who is calling me a liar, you or the machine? ‘Cause I need to know whose ass to kick! “
Day # 27& 28 Zombies
Bending the rules a bit for this challenge.  Here’s two characters making up for not doing any drawing yesterday.  Also, if anyone is interested, here is a permalink to my blog that has a still video showing some of the process behind the creation of this drawing.  Enjoy at your leisure!
Thee Damned Irishman
Travis O’expo can take the heat, he keeps his ass in New York’s Hells Kitchen. With the waves of Irish immigrants pounding the shores of the decent folk of the city, it’s difficult for some to make a name for themselves, but not for this bastard.
“What part of that excrement did I come from? I been told Kelly, but I lost proof of it in my language in the asylum.”
Not one to take any crap of anyone, O’expo likes to remind people where the line exists between humor and reality.
“I don’t find that funny. Down with the Union, I will put a shank between your ribs if you don’t find that legendary.”
Elizabeth d’ Fiero
Elizabeth d’ Fiero has been the celebrity darling since her appearance with the Duke of L’angiers at the Royal Wedding. She is sought after for her keen observations of the elite.
“You see, darling, all that needs to happen for the people of the realm to allow atrocities to occur right before their noses is to turn it into a show! A wonderful, beautiful comedy of errs will make the bad medicine of reduced concern for honest policy go down like a warm drink.”
Blending her usage of shaming terminology with unpopular terms for other demographics, the Countess is open in her opinions of the way which power really affects the course of history.
“It’s all true, of course. The bread and circus meant to keep the little people busy. The folksy backwater types who prattle on about conspiracies not being ‘real’ enough, simply do not have any grasp on the depths of apathy which people like, well, like me, darling, have for the people like them.”
Agent Sophie
Agent Sophie is known for her attention to detail and her perserverence in the field. Junior agents often are interested in working with and learning about the world through partnerships.
“You see, it’s time to throw the ball. Ball. Ball. See? Ball. Ball. Now. Throw.”
Certainly not known for gruffness or fierceness, Agent Sophie is a big fan of the simple things, and occassional directness in conversation.
“Now let’s throw the ball. Ball. Now. Let’s throw the ball. Ball.”
#28 The Wind Walker
If you call on this goddess, she can deliver you anything your little heart desires.
She mostly specializes in foreign/hard to find herbs and plants (ingredients mostly for witchcraft purposes)
And unfortunately I don’t think a pizza or take out would be something she’s likely to deliver (she doesn’t approve of processed foods!)
For her services, however, she requires something that you hold dear or something that’s already on your person. (she will literally take the shirt directly off your back)
#30Characters Chatter…