Author Archive: vincebayless1
Day 4-Contention
Contention is a hero always looking for an argument to insert himself into. Whether it’s a simple debate or an actual fight he is always ready to add his two cents to the problem, whether it’s wanted or not.
Day 3 Non Profit
Non Profit is a modern day Robin Hood. Working from the inside of major American corporations, he slowly drains money from their billionaire owners and spreads it among those who truly need it. Non Profit is determined to ensure that someday there will be a true middle class again. He is the scourge of corporate fat cats everywhere.
Day 2-Philosophy Man
Philosophy Man uses life’s unponderable ponderables to confuse crooks into submission.
Day 1 Forefit
Forefit is from the planet Surrendera where the power shared by the people is to give up. As soon as anything exciting happens they throw their arms up and surrender. Forefit after viewing the Earth decided his best course of action was to create a costume and go be a hero on Earth. No he isn’t the brightest bulb in the universe.
2012 Challenger:Vince Bayless
My name is Vince Bayless and I am attempting the challenge for the second year. It was a fun time last year and really helped work my creative brain. I am an Illustrator, Cartoonist and Animator in Salt Lake City, Utah. So far most of my work has been for my own growth and enjoyment on my blog, but I still hope to make a living doing art someday. Looking forward to seeing all the cool things everyone comes up with and hope I can give the other participants some fun times also.
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