#2 – Heldrin, the Dragonbound
Heldrin, a warrior who once went missing and presumed dead after chasing the dragon responsible for his town’s destruction emerged years later, changed in a mysterious and powerful way. In an ironic twist, he is somehow bound to the very creatures that ruined his former life. How did it happen, and why?
psssh, don’t ask me. I just draw.
#1 – Ashmir, the Risen
Ashmir, the Risen. If he looks like a bad dude, he is. Old and risen from the dead to conquer and all that. Kind of a soldier/mage ultra-villain. Beware.
30 Characters Challenger: Jonathan Moore
Hail, challengers. I’m Jonathan and I draw and paint stuff. I’m working on a few comics projects now as well as painting various commissions, etc. I’ll have my creator-owned book New Holland Days coming out next year. I have a story in the well-received WWII zombie anthology FUBAR that hits comic shops sometime in late November, I believe.
About me: I live in South Carolina with my angelic wife and two daughters. Aside from my art, I teach human anatomy to aspiring health sciences students at a local college. In my free time I like to do lots of other things…too many, to be honest. It took me far too long to decide to do art for a living.
So, I don’t really relish talking about myself. I hope to have fun with this challenge and if it be in the cards, come up with some decent characters. The best place to see the rest of my work right now is http://furmanjon.deviantart.com and I’m on Twitter, @TheOnlyJonathan.
#30Characters Chatter…