30/30#12 — Chalotte
I’ll probably have to change her name of I ever want to actually use her. Charlotte’s Web isn’t public domain yet, is it? Anyway I love the contrast between the nice, lady-like name and the angry, beastly appearance of this monster.
And today’s monster is… DEAD! Today I decided on a human character, a monster hunter. I mostly like how it turned out… But foreshortening is HARD!
Monster #9
Today’s monster actually lives in the world of my webcomics — Doodze! Not sure what to call him, though.
Monster #5: Geokaiju
Less cute, more scary today. A giant earthquake unearths this long-slumbering giant… And he’s not too happy about it.
Monster #4
Today’s monster character is a somewhat nerdy kaiju. I’m posting this from Tokyo, and feel pretty certain that this fella isn’t going to be wreaking havoc here any time soon. He’s too busy playing with his Nintendo DS.
Monster #3 — Clawbert Glum
Today’s monster: Clawbert Glum. Ferociously shy creature of the night. Or something.
30 monsters #2 — the Bolga Beast
Today’s entry is a giant dinosaur-like beast suitable for riding… If you can tame it. But few can.
#30Monsters #1
Spike here is my take on the whole yeti / abominable snowman / Bigfoot idea… Only I’m not sure those feet qualify him for the title “Bigfoot”.
Returning Challenger — Robin White
Hi everyone! My name is Robin and I’m a Canadian living in Japan who does a webcomic called Doodze — A Tiny Epic. It’s a cartoony fantasy comic that I like to describe as a cross between Smurfs and Lord of the Rings.  I took part in the 2011 30 Characters challenge, completed it (Yay!) and had a great time… though I don’t think I’ve used any of the new characters I created… yet.
Last year I skipped 30 Characters, but this year, in spite of having enough stuff on my plate, I’ve decided to join the fun again. I just can’t help myself…
This year I’ve chosen a theme: Monsters! I’ll leave you with a couple of samples of my work, one that’s a quick sketch and one that’s inked and coloured:
Tune in tomorrow as I begin  30 Characters in 30 Days 30 Monsters in 30 Days!
– Robin (www.doodze.com /Â @doodze on Twitter)
#29 – Tiny Monster
Slight cheat, as this is an idea I’ve had for a while. I don’t have a name for these critters yet, but they’re another kind of monster for my webcomic, Doodze. I’d tell you more, but it would contain spoilers; can’t explain what these are without giving too much away.
#28 – Mr. Muko
Another fancy-suit-wearing alien mobster, this time of the big and Harry variety. I like this one better than Zarnix, I think. There aren’t enough harry, fat aliens, if you ask me. Maybe this guy will be Zarnox’s boss… Or rival… Or both?
27 – The Martinet
Another villain for Insomniac. Like Chaos, this is another complete re-imagining of an old character, basing the new design mostly on the name alone. Martinet means “a strict disciplinarian” and is especially used in reference to the military, so this Martinet has a military background (hence the uniform) whereas the original was basically just Lady Deathstrike from X-Men, but with a whip that came out of her cyborg hand. I did keep the cyborg hand this time but that’s about it.
26 – Generic Good Guy Doodze Soldier
I figured the good guys needed a generic soldier uniform too. The masks will be a big help in creating battle scenes. I can totally see why old cartoons like GI Joe had loads of genetic looking soldiers…
25 – Generic Bad Guy Doodze Soldier
I figured there needs to be some nameless, faceless minions on the bad guy side…
#24 – Zarnox
Felt like drawing an alien this week. Also needed more villains for Insomniac. So I thought, why not set her and her city apart from Batman and Gotham by having a sub culture if stranded aliens living there. Of course they would be a misunderstood minority and done of them, like Zarnox here, would turn to crime. I like seeing freaks like him in smart suits smoking cigarettes.
#22 & 23 – Stasis & Fluxx
Another quickly-sketched iPhone upload while on the road. This is a half-cheat. Fluxx is an old super hero character of mine, but Statis is new. I was trying to come up with a partner for Fluxx that would be his opposite.
#21 – Leafy Pete
Another non-Doodze character for Doodze. Leafy Pete is my attempt at creating a variation on the talking tree creature often seen in fantasy stories.
#20 – Grobmog of the Deep
Experimenting with the brush pen and copic marker combo again. This is Grobmog, a sea monster that may or may not show up in the pages of Doodze at some point. I figure they’ll need to fight a sea monster someday.
#19 – Chaos
Today’s entry is a villain for my previously posted super hero, Insomniac. Â Chaos is to Insomniac as the Joker is to Batman. Â She’s her opposite. And she’s absolutely crazy.
Chaos is into anarchy. Â But for her, the idea of anarchy is not some kind of punk rocker political statement. Â She just thinks order and peace are boring, and enjoys upsetting the status quo. Â Much like Insomniac, Chaos is super agile and a very intelligent, side effects of her psychic abilities… Unfortunately, another side effect of her mental powers was that she kind of snapped, and now is obsessed with causing chaos where there is order.
Artist Note: Chaos was the name of a character I created way back in high school, who was also a villain. Â For this design, however, I simply took inspiration from the name to come up with a completely different character, quickly and on the fly.
#16, 17 & 18 – Messengers of Potremolis
Doing another 3-in-one post to get ahead. Busy week and a half ahead of me. These 3 characters are more Doodzes, this time a group of messengers from the far-off city of Potremolis. As you can see from their appearance (especially Yogon), they ran into some trouble on the way to Bamboora. Our heroes may have to save their butts before they can hear their message.
#15 – Big Borsha
Another addition to the Doodze rogues gallery. This is Big Borsha, and she’s just a big and mean as she looks. Well… mean, anyway. Doodzes aren’t very big by human standards.
#14 – Thawg
This is another Doodze character, this time another bag guy, a thug… Thawg!
And with this one, I’m caught up! Yeah. More experimenting with the brush pen and Copic markers, with better results this time. The yellow skin color was actually done with a highlighter, though, which was not such a good idea. Â It was hard to avoid smudging the black inks, and it didn’t scan very nicely… although this less bright yellow is actually better in the end, I suppose. Â Doodzes are not radioactive.
#13 – Sh’awb
Another creature for future pages of Doodze. I inked on paper (mostly with a brush pen) for this one, something I haven’t done in a long time and I think it shows. Also experimented with Copic markers, which I haven’t really figured out how to use. Â Anyway… a blobby monster for our heroes to fight. Or befriend. Â Who knows?
#12 – Spaceboy Ed
… First Canadian on Mars!
This one goes out to my friend Eric, the original Spaceboy Ed!
#11 – Angelico
Back to a quick sketch this time. Here’s a potential Doodze character who’s not a Doodze herself.
#30Characters Chatter…