Author Archive: Princendo

I like to make art and I'm workin on a comic. I hope this month can help me get back into my jam UuU

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2013 Challenger: Princendo

| October 31, 2013 | 0 Comments

Hey howdy hello just a short intro

Name’s Prin but I also go by Cake Train and Tukari Silver, looking very much forward to tomorrow UuU First year doing this. Occupationally I attend college two days a week entry level for illustration next year and I’m working on my comic Templex’d for the 3rd year running (currently revamping and relauching come the new year FINGERS CROSSED)

I’ve been in a huge creation funk lately but I’m hoping this can help me pull out of it and I’m going to do my best to get as many out of 30 babs done but the end of the month. Looking forward also to seeing the work of other participants.

Good luck out there! Excited to be here C: ~Prin