Gas Soldier
The soldier doomed to roam the gas-filled wastelands. no home, no friends, only the hunt and the kill to look forward to.
2012 Challenger: Mike Gallagher
Hey, I’m Mike!
I am a freelance artist. I’ve been matriculating in the small press for a few years now. Currently I am working on an issue of Argo 5 and a comics album with Rosencrantz. I design T-Shirts and book covers.
I completed all 30 days in year one and two. Sadly I didn’t get to participate last year.
I enjoyed the first year’s concept of getting a character out a day. So I took that literally and try to do a good, quick, different character each day. I hope you will enjoy them!

A gift for a friend
#30 Manic Depressive Lad
This is it! The last one in on time again, two years running!
I completed the challenge!
I love doing this!
I hope everyone had a great time. There were a ton of fantastic ideas this year! Some real inspirational things.
Let me know what you think of my work. I love feedback. Email me or comment.
Remember to buy bullspec!
See you next year!
#26 Twitchy
Fell behind because of work. Playing catch-up today.
The last few here are all freehand pen drawings I did in fifteen minutes. Enjoy
#24 Super Natural Hunter Squad
Samantha and his sister Dean hunt extraordinary things for National Geographic cinematographers.
They are silly and paranoid.
It reflects in their pay
#23 Wu Chin
Wu Chin is the chinese God of get your damned lazy ass outta my house and get a job!
or pie
i can’t read chinese well enough
#22 Fang
his mother failed to drown him
his sister failed to sell him
his probation officer failed to find him
he makes damned good rice krispie treats
#19 Big Girl
A big world requires a big girl!
Betty Barney drank the serum marked ‘X’ thinking it would make her feel sexy.
Little did she know she would loom large on every male mind!
#18 Dragonicon
a jungle dweller
stalking prey in the night
the dragonicon is a warrior race of meat eaters to be feared by any that travel alone or unarmed.
#30Characters Chatter…