#5 – Bidbig the Walker
The muse refuses to be ignored. Today was a day reserved for a Guy Fawkes inspired character based in a steam punk universe. I’ve got the notes and sketches here at my desk. I was not allowed to continue. The muse has decided you will bare witness to a creature I just met while walking the between the “thin places†in the world.
Say hello to Bidbig, Walker of the “thin placesâ€. He may remind you of a troll, one of those requiring toll to cross a bridge. Why did the trolls require toll? Was it ever really a bridge? I purpose they required a payment to cross between lands. Sure anyone could find a way through the “thin places†to the other side, but the chance of them getting lost is high. Perhaps they would end up following a Willow-Wisp deep into the mires, only to be swallowed whole by their masters. Who knows what dangers lurk between the lands? Bidbig does and for a fee and doesn’t care for your answers three. He’s a being of means and plans and your payment will get him closer to his goals.
So remember if you wish to cross the “thin places†you’ll need a Walker to guide you through and hopefully Bidbig is in a good mood.
#4 Azure Jean
The Sisters of the Stitch were terrified of Gregory. Never before had another soul been able to push it’s way back into a body, especially a body patch-worked together from several other bodies. Fearing he was in league with those seeking to tip the balance they setup a trap. Taking a page from your favorite B-Movies they created the bride for this Frankenstein Monster. What they never expected though was another soul with the same ability.
Azure Jean woke up in a morgue staring down at her dead body. A most unsettling event for sure, her new form wasn’t exactly what she was used to, but it would do. In the ether she lingered watching the Sisters stitch the living flesh together, a voice told her to grab hold of the last thread and ride the needle. The next thing she heard was screams as the Sisters fled and she sat up. Azure Jean can see things, foggy glimpses of the yet to be or might have beens.
Gregory showed up only moments later, his face smile uncharacteristically wide. The trap had worked, but who’s trap was it now?
Azure Jean is part of the Stitchwork Universe, a story I started to develop during last year’s challenge. This story went on to win cover feature of the Mysterious Vision’s anthology over at Small Press Idol with the help of my collaborator Silvina Rinaldi and editor Amanda Orneck. For more details stop by and check it out.
#3 Gregory – The Stitchworked
“You’re not the only one. We’ll be here, chosen just like you. A stitchworked-gang.â€
Gregory is not what he appears to be.
He died only a few months prior, his body was beyond repair of modern medicine. He’s not sure how he died, but he does remember being dead. For some reason Gregory’s soul would not move on and clung to his decaying carcass. He was surprised when spider limbed women appeared and started to stitch his flesh back together. So excited at the prospect of life he tried to reenter is body but they cut his soul free. Enraged, he refused to let go. Grabbing the thread that would bring his body back together he pulled himself back inside.
The Sisters of the Stitch were very surprised that the newly created Husk had a life of its own. They were also none to happy.
Gregory has since gone out and stopped several other Husk creations, forming a gang of stitchworked misfits. He says he is chosen, they are chosen. His purpose is unclear, but he continues to be a pain in Joshua’s side.
Gregory is part of the Stitchwork Universe, a story I started to develop during last year’s challenge. This story went on to win cover feature of the Mysterious Vision’s anthology over at Small Press Idol with the help of my collaborator Silvina Rinaldi and editor Amanda Orneck. For more details stop by and check it out.
#2 Charles, Detective of Purgatory City
Charles fell asleep on the banks of the river Styx, exhausted by the conundrum that had plagued his mind. No dead had come to be ferried. What or who Charles was prior to today didn’t matter now. There were questions that needed answers and Charles was just the person to find them.
That’s how he ended up in Purgatory City, a bustling noir-style cut out of 1920s America. In the city center a monolithic glass sky scraper that none seemed to know about. The dead still come, but they never moved on. Purgatory runs on the hopes, dreams, and anger of those who are not ready to move on.
This is where Charles took on the role of detective. Trying his best to figure out what had happen before while also taking on cases of those who cling to life still. His agency operates in the living and dead worlds. Thanks to a special coin paid to him long ago by a certain arch-angel, he is able to become human. Though when he uses it he enters the world just like any other human does, unclothed and screaming.
Far as Charles is concerned, he is still doing the job he always has, he is just doing it differently now.
(Based off an old story concept I have bouncing around my noggin)
#1 Richard Gold
In the not too distant, future where cloning technology is available for purchase on the internet via a site called Dave’s List (Nephew to a very famous Craig and blacksheep of the family), sometimes people need things dead. One thing in particular is clowns, after the clown plague of 2033 when clowns were cloned out of control by rogue government spawning technologies it became a necessity. With some spawning stations still on line and hidden through out the world, the call goes out to those brave souls who can face down the terror that is rubber chickens and balloon swords.
Enter into this mix Richard Gold, Clown Killer. A contract-for-hire government sanctioned hunter of clowns operating without permit.
At his 4th birthday party, Richard Gold was scared by a clown and wet his pants. It was something he would never forgive that face painted tart for. When he was 12, while exploring his schools boiler room, he came across another clown who tried to attack him with a bundle of balloons. Barely managing to escape the assault, he pledged that one day he would find a way to stop these helium huffing morons.
Operating rogue for several years he was finally able to legitimize himself when the licensing came down the pipe to take out the Cloned Clowns of San Diego. Little did he realize these weren’t your average clowns though and soon he would be thrust into the world where is only option was to Kill Matt!
He is Richard Gold, Clown Killer.
(Temp image till I access better scanner)
30 Characters Challenger: Martin Brandt
My name is Martin Brandt and I love making characters. I live on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, where I create comics, doodle, and work as a desktop engineer in our nation’s capital. I’ve been creating characters and writing stories for as long as I can remember. My early years I spent writing game story lines for friends to play through and coming up with imaginary scenarios to act out. I would also write and doodle my own comics with friends in school. As I progressed through school I turned to writing prose and including people I knew in my stories. It is amazing how addicted people become to their imaginary adventures. Eventually I would learn that this building block is fundamental to the writing process. Writing what you know, who you know, makes things believable and really takes them to that next level. When people identify with what you write it draws them in and they can’t stop reading.
Returning to games I spent my spare time designing game systems with friends and scripting demos together that would never see the light of day. All the while I continued to write stories and doodle characters. This lead to the creation of my first graphic novel, Grim Furry Tales: Seeds. Originally a game idea, my wife pushed me to write more. The project evolved around me and I honestly had no idea where it was going till I held the book in my hand. The return to creating comics hooked me. I instantly came up with the idea of doing a zombie anthology, a genre my friends and I love, Grim Crew Presents: Dead Future was born. The best part of working on comics for me has been the great people I’ve had the pleasure of working with.
Last year I jumped at the chance to join Tyler’s 30 Character Challenge. This year I used characters I created to enter Small Press Idol 2010 with artist Silvina Rinaldi. Our story Stitchwork won cover feature for Mysterious Visions anthology. Recently a doodle on my facebook wall turned into collaboration with Jason Stephens on a new title called Kidthulhu. I’m no “A†game artist but I plan to have fun here and expand the characters in Kidthulhu, Grim Furry Tales, and whatever else comes to mind. Beyond that I enjoy watching other people’s creations come to life and look forward to seeing everyone else’s madness spread across the page.
#30Characters Chatter…