Author Archive: Kashizzle
Character 16 – Hawkins
More animation assignment characters! Hawkins is the first mate, but he’s also a bit more of a distinguished gentleman and deadly with swords. He’s probably my favourite of the main cast (not including Helga <3 <3 <3)
Character 15 – Chef
Admittedly, it looks like I’ve been slacking off a little. That’s not entirely the case. I’ve been drawing characters daily, it’s just that I’ve not been uploading them! I’m fixing that now with Chef, one of the five characters I designed for a project at my uni. Enjoy!
Character 14 – Firage XIV
Firage XIV – a character for a story I’m writing to be adapted into a small game project over the holidays.
Character 13 – Archer
The next few entries will most likely be lineart only, I’ve got a lot of homework to do over the next week or so.
This is Archer, the main character of the same story Captain Helga is from.
Day 12 – Pepper
Companion piece to Salt, but I like this one a lot better 🙂 Forgot to post her yesterday because Skyrim kind of owned my soul. It’s a good thing I got myself ahead e_e
Character 11 – Captain Helga
I love pirates! And it just so happens that we’re doing a story about them for my storyboarding class! This is Helga, the rival pirate captain in the story 🙂 I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone by doing the character designs as part of this challenge! 😀
Character 09 – N0VA
Complimentary piece to Genus – not much else to say, really! Trying to get myself a bit ahead of schedule for now, I’m sure to lose a few days due to Skyrim <_<
Character 08 – Raye
Raye – a character I created during my animation lecture! She’s a part of a universe that I’m working on at the moment for a game I will one day make, and I like how she came out (especially the shoes)
She started out like a sort of steampunk superhero? Not sure if I got the vibe, she look more like a bandit or something with that mask XD
Character 07 – Freya
Today happens to be my birthday, so I decided to design a character for myself. Not much to explain about this character, except that there’s a lot of personal references in the design. Rather happy with how she came out. 🙂
Character 06 – Genus
Genus is one half of the Fictional Electro Chiptune group “Tecknochromia”. I’m not entirely happy with this chika’s design, but as a primary concept, it’s not bad (didn’t have much time to develop or draw today, and I’d rather not fall behind). She’s silent for most of the time, letting her partner (who I’ll also be designing as a part of this challenge) do all the talking in interviews. On stage, she’s in charge of the ‘Chiptune’ half of the group’s music, using an original Game Boy, a Mega Drive, and a TurboGrapfx 16 loaded with custom tracker software. she’s known for wearing high-tech outfits on stage that synchronize to the beat of the group’s performance. She’s also never seen in the same on-stage outfit twice.
Inspired by me dying my hair purple today XD Not shaded because I screwed up the flat colour layers. I’ve got a feeling this challenge is going to produce a lot of designs I’ll want to revisit and revise in the future. Hopefully, I’ll get some of these done in 3D as well 😀
Character 05 – Castell
Lineart-only entry today, I’m due at my parents’ house soon. This is Castell, a character I’ve developed for the webcomic I’m creating, “Demonguard”. Going into his history and backstory would take ages, but he’s a character I’ve really enjoyed developing. Let’s leave it at that ;D
Character 04 – Bast
A companion piece to Sekhmet, Bast. I really like how this one came out, even if it is simple e_e
Character 03 – Jellyboy
On a deserted island lives a small tribe of humans. At night, they tell stories to their children of the mysterious Jellyfish who live in the surrounding ocean. These Jellies swoop down on drowning humans and attatch themselves permanently to the victim’s head when they are mere seconds from death. Using the electric charge they posess, the jellies power the human bodies as if they were their own, and eventually reform the victim’s body into a being of the sea.
Jellyboy was one such unfortunate human.
Character 02 – Lyn Lavender
Not terribly pleased with how she came out – I think her concepts looked much cuter! Anyway, this is Lyn, a slightly eccentric 22-year-old Latin American woman who likes fine wine and nice shoes *lol*
Key words I based the design on were ‘Latin-American’, ‘Fashion’, and ‘Lightning’.
And to those lovely people who commented on yesterday’s design, thank you! I have a companion character for Sekhmet planned (based on Bast) so her finished design might see the light of day some time this month.
Character 01 – Sekhmet
‘scuse the dodgy colouring and the especially dodgy shading, I had a spot of urgent homework to do today.
Anyway, “Sekhmet”, a character designed as a gift to my housemate.
2011 Challenger: Kashizzle
‘Yo everyone! I’m Sandra aka Kashizzle, a 24-year-old (soon to be 25!) animation student/game designer from Melbourne, Australia. Like many of you, I saw this on tumblr and thought it was a great alternative to NaNoWriMo (which I always say I’m going to do, but never do!)
Character design is something I like, despite my illustration skills not being terribly good. I plan on using this challenge as an opportunity to get improve my skills and tone my creative muscles, so to speak. Although my dafault art style is heavily manga influenced (especially by the works of Shigenori Soejima and Kazuma Kaneko, amongst others), I also want to try new things.
I’m an avid gamer, but I also enjoy anything creative (My mother taught me how to crochet over the weekend) and am happiest when I’m being productive. My submissions may not always be finished (my course is very intense), but I look forward to seeing what I (and everyone else who undertakes this!) come up with!
-Kas (tumblr) (deviantART)
#30Characters Chatter…