I fail the challenge this year because I have way too many stuffs going on my life between work and home. I haven’t been this so busy in my life and spend a lot of time with my family. I made family comes first then drawing and I better enjoy it single second until they gets all grow up. Here is a quick sketch I did during lunch break at work today….
See you guys next year!!!
#2 Tiger – Day 2
Day 2 – Tiger, He is the main character in all five books of The Adventures of Lucky Lady. It’s not final design I have in the mind and will spend more time until I satsified.
#1 Henry – Day 1
Day 1 – Henry, he is mid 30s amish farmer and neighbor from cross the field. He will be most be in book 1 of The Adventures of Lucky Lady.
2011 Challenger: Josh Heusinkveld
Howdy to all, I’m really glad come back to do it again and hope can complete all thirty characters this year. I didn’t complete last year due a lot of stuff going on at work and home. I’m very busy family man, dad of two children, two golden retrievers River & Simon and husband to my beautiful wife. I work full time at State of Michigan and always find spare time to draw much as I can. I draw most time during a hour lunch break at work and sometime in evening after kids goes to bed.
And I finally found balance of time to work on my upcoming project graphic novel “Lucky Lady.” So I came up thirty characters need to create for my GN and goal is will to get published. Here is a hint what’s about – Lucky Lady = Men In Black + The Chr0nicles of Narnia + Wizard of Oz
You may find me at twitter – @JHeusinkveld79
Blogspot – Josh’s Another Day of Paradise
DeviantArt – http://www.joshheusinkveld.deviantart.com
Biggest highlight of me this year was I appeared in Aha Moments at Mutual of Omaha website and here is link of video – http://ahamoment.com/moments/2158
<– This is Superman as myself watercolor painting I did for Michael Meyer to cheer him and we care about him. Makes me feel good do something awesome to him.
See all of you on Nov 1st and let’s fun begins…. Josh
#30 Josh
Josh, myself for my family webcomic I been working by my father in-law request. I hope gets my webcomic up going by my birthday in April.
#30 Josh
#30 Josh as myself for webcomic serie I try develop. I draw very special to me that’s I complete the challenge this around and I didn’t complete the challenge last year. This year challenge, I DID IT!! It was very fun journey to draw 30 characters and I have blast.
#16 Gabe
Gabe is my main character for webcomic series I trying works on it and hopefully gets up going somewhere early 2011….
#15 Blade
Blade, he is most wanted by US Marshall and his mind messed up short after return Irag war.
#10 Randi
Randi, mid thirty old ex black ops fight combat expert and going to be trainer for Ultimate Patriot. No, she is not naked and she wears light leather outfit thats I not have chance to finish drawing of her at my work during lunch break. So I ran out of time….
#8 Gunner
Gunner – she’s most deadly female black operation in the world, now retired and live somewhere in Colorado.
#5 Visitor
Unknown name of female visitor from outer space and crashed in Roswell during 1960.
**** Sorry for post five in row, finally get chance to catch up with you guys and I been ill since challenge begins…Â Sorry once again, Josh ****
#4 Mystery Ms Russian
Hand of mystery Ms Russian, idea for now and not sure what do with her for my comic…
#30Characters Chatter…