#1 Hermes
Hermes is the Mythoscapes speedster. Zeus’ messenger boy and wingman. He’s also got a thing for competitions. That’s why he had to go first.
30 Characters Challenger: Joe Cook
Hey Everybody. I’m Joe and I’m a challenge rookie from the Kansas City, MO area.
I’m the creator of the webcomic Shattered Myth that has been running for just over a year and a half now. Standard webcomicker bio pretty much. Grew up on comics, wanting to draw comics (Marvel/DC style), went to college and got a degree in commercial art. As always, somewhere along the way I got sidetracked with paying bills and starting a family. After 10 years as a graphic designer without picking up a drawing pencil or doing anything creatively interesting, I discovered the whole webcomics model. It took me a while to dig up my old stuff and get my nerve back up but then I dove back into it with the intention of learning on the fly.
I’m taking on the 30 Characters challenge because feel like I work so much better under pressure. I intend to create 30 Gods in 30 days without missing a single deadline on Shattered Myth. Because I draw 99% of my cast from various mythologies and cultures, I decided to let my readers decide which Gods I would give the Shattered treatment (ie robotic). They suggest the God, I take it from there.
I’m also taking part in this challenge because I’ve got some webcomic buddies participating and I’m looking forward to meeting more.
#30Characters Chatter…