#14 Pizza Inspector
He inspects pizzas and pizza related mysteries.
I pretty much just came up with a name. Any attempts to flesh it out just got silly.
Then again, it’s a pretty silly concept, so it might work.
7 in one day. I may be back on track to finish this!
#13 Gun Gator
Two Sword Panda vs. Gun Gator was an animated children’s film that made millions of dollars. The story involved the noble Panda and evil Gator fighting over the affections of Polly Parakeet. The movie did so well that a theme park was opened, complete with disneyland style mascots.
Well, the guy inside the panda suit and the guy inside the gator suit both fell in love with the woman in the parakeet costume, and the pretend fighting the two do for their jobs just got real.
#12 Two Sword Panda
Two Sword Panda vs. Gun Gator was an animated children’s film that made millions of dollars. The story involved the noble Panda and evil Gator fighting over the affections of Polly Parakeet. The movie did so well that a theme park was opened, complete with disneyland style mascots.
Well, the guy inside the panda suit and the guy inside the gator suit both fell in love with the woman in the parakeet costume, and the pretend fighting the two do for their jobs just got real.
#11 Antibodies
You may be wondering why I didn’t draw my character, Antibodies. The answer is simple. It’s because Antibodies is a ghost!
No, it’s not a cop out, it’s actually one of my more clever ideas.
See, antibodies is a ghost, that is to say, a soul without a body. He has curative powers, but in order to cure a body he must inhabit it, and only one soul may inhabit a body at a time. he saves peoples lives by dislodging the soul from the body and casting it into the void so he can jump in and heal. The displaced souls are rarely greatful and often confused and antagaonistic.
See? a WAY more awesome and well thought out character than you were expecting.
#10 Ambigram
Ambigram is another character who I had a cool name, and little else. I like ambigrams in general and the idea of a character who had two sides and you could rotate seemed cool.
But how to draw it?
I found a site called Kaleidosketch here: http://www.pumpkinpirate.info/ks/
It did everything I needed it to do, and also does so much more! Check it out!
#9 Perpetual Motion
Perpetual Motion is a superhero who can move at incredible speeds (similar to the Flash) but if she ever stops moving, even for a second, she will die.
It’s an incredibly simple concept, but could lead to some incredibly interesting stories.
#8 Sand Witch
Not much to say on this one, the name pretty much says it all. She’s a witch – made of sand.
Sometimes a clever name is all you need!
This is the first of SEVEN characters I did today, which should help get me closer to caught up.
#7 Uncontrollable Urination Man
He has the strength of a thousand men, but the bladder control of a thousand babies.
Not much to say here. I have a very childish sense of humor sometimes. Sorry.
#6 Exhumator
The Exhumator was a gravedigger by trade until he lost his hand in a terrible accident.
His wound healed well, but his bosses told him he had to be back to work within two weeks or he would lose his job. There wasn’t time for him to order a prosthetic hand, so he broke a shovel in half and duct taped it to his stump.
Exhumator not only puts bodies in the ground, but for the right price, will dig them back up too.
If you enjoyed this character, feel free to check out my others here or check out my webcomic Jimmy and the Hammer.
#5 Cancer Fish
Jimmy Phishetti is a local mob boss. His leadership of the family is undisputed due to his supernatural powers.
He has the ability to cure cancer patients, such as Heartstrings, absorbing the cancer cells into his own body. Depending on how much cancer he has recently consumed, he has the potential to be many times stronger than a normal human being, and is nearly unkillable.
Unfortunately some of the side effects of having that much cancer in his body have not been so beneficial. He has developed gills on his neck, and if he does not submerge himself at least once a day, he will die.
He uses his curative skills to draft soldiers into his army, offering them a clean bill of health in exchange for 5 years of devoted service.
Truth told, I came up with the Cancer Fish idea completely by accident. I was playing City of Heroes and decided to make a villain character based on this character from my webcomic, Jimmy and the Hammer. Unfortunately, the name I wanted (revealed here, spoilers!) was taken, the costume looked almost entirely different than the original (pretty much a generic read suit with fish fins on the wrists) and he inexplicably had radioactive powers. Thus I named him Cancer Fish instead, and the rest grew with time.
#4 Heartstrings
Jimmy had a rare form of Heart Cancer. Since he was a child, he went to doctor after doctor looking for somebody to help him. Nobody could.
Fed up, he went to a local mob boss, Joey Phishetti, who agreed to help him in return for 5 years of service to the mob.
His cancer was completely gone. But it was not nearly as simple as that.
His heart was now exposed, out in the open in a cavity in his chest. Not only that, but it was sewn shut with magic strings that he can control with his mind. But if he loses focus for too long, they may come undone and return his heart to a weakened state.
He has just finished his time with the mob and is ready to set of on his own on a revenge mission on the doctors who failed to heal him and robbed him of his childhood.
Stay tuned tomorrow for Joey Phishetti!
And if anyone is wondering, the answer is yes. I was listening to “My Heartstrings Come Undone” by Demon Hunter when I came up with the concept. The similarity to the song ends with the title. 😉
#3 Shock Jock
Radio DJ by night, superhero by day, Shock Jock may save your life with his electricity powers, but that doesn’t mean you will agree with any of the reprehensible filth he spouts on the airwaves!
In every sense of the word, he will shock you!
#2 Theo the Vampire
Theo was a seminary student when he was preyed upon by a particularly vicious vampire. Despite joining the ranks of the undead, he stayed devoted to the Lord and rather than feeding upon humans, instead turned wine into the Blood of Christ to sustain himself.
Despite the massive pain it causes, Theo still wears the Cross of his Lord upon his chest as a symbol of his devotion.
#1 Fredneck
Fredneck is a Southern Gentleman whose promiscuity has gotten him into trouble. Our intrepid investigators, Jimmy and the Hammer have discovered he’s been cheating and now his wife is going to take drastic action!
While all of the 30 characters I create this month MAY wind up in my webcomic Jimmy and the Hammer, Fredneck WILL be showing up in the future, so I don’t want to give away too much about his character.
Hope you like him! See you tomorrow!
30 Characters Challenger: Evan Windsor
Hi, everyone! My name is Evan Windsor, and I am a computer programmer/comic book writer. I write and draw a comic called Jimmy and the Hammer which is into it’s 5th issue on the web, and hopefully issue 1 will be in print before the end of the year. It’s a funky-fresh action romp about a firefighter/P.I. with a mullet and a talking monkey with a drinking problem. They team up and attempt to solve crimes. Sometimes they even succeed!
While writing has always come fairly easy for me, drawing has always been a challenge, with issue 5, I’ve been taking my time, and making sure the art is as good as it possibly could be – a process that for me has been very mechanical and meticulous. This is one reason I’m very excited to do the 30 Characters Challenge. It should give me the chance to A) be creative and write some new material and B) make some drawings that are fast, loose, and fun to make.
I’m looking forward to the challenge! Hopefully you will enjoy seeing my creations as much as I will enjoy making them!
#30Characters Chatter…