#5 Father Bernard
I’m intending to adapt the local Somerset legend of the Witch of Wookey into a short comic for a fairy tale zine. It tells the tale of a monk named Father Bernard who, in order to protect the young couples of the town of Wookey, set off in search of a bitter, jilted witch who lived in a cave and despised young love and happiness. He ended up freezing her in stone with Holy Water but never made it out of the twisty, turny caves himself.
If you end up in Somerset, be sure to visit Wookey Hole Caves in order to see the rock which looks like the witch, and so created the legend.
#4 Jonny
Less a “character”, more a caricature… this is a testing out of a little avatar character of my friend for his band… I’m just doing lots of tests for imagery for them, and I quite liked this style but don’t think it really suits their music.
But I did an animated version too!
I’ve updated Cucumber Hendrix, the character I used to draw when I was really young. He was kind of … my FIRST character. And I must have been about 10-13. And I came up with this.
Cucumber Hendrix has all the powers of a man with a Cucumber lodged in his brain. Luckily this hideous accident has given him the ability to do anything. Literally. But he often forgets until 10 minutes to the end of the episode.
I was a disturbed child. And my parents were SURPRISED when I came out to them.
#2 – Nurse Eudora Whitewood
Yesterday, I posted a chimp in a space suit, right after someone posted a gorilla in a space. Today I’m posting a character called Eudora, just after someone else posted a character called Eudora.
These coincidences beside, say hello to the nasty Nurse Whitewood!
She is a new character in the graphic novel I’m working on (based on a web comic you can view on my site). She’s a mysterious, London Hospital nurse who is involved in the construction of a machine which can bring the dead back to life. Say any more, and I’ll spoil the story, but I hope you enjoy her Victorian, gauntness.
#1 – Hamishmash the Chimp
I’ve been trying to work on a mascot for my website, something to stick in the logo. I’ve already got a vague chimp-themed, which I love and Ham was the name of the first chimp in space (and is a bit of a nickname for me), so I decided to go with that.
I also was practicing a low-poly style (“style”, because I haven’t actually been using polygons or anything) because it is beautiful.
PS. Just before posting, I noticed another astronaut-themed-primate-themed work. And it’s awesome! So look for the Gorillanaut.Â
2011 Challenger: Hamish Steele
I’m Hamish and I might be the worlds oldest 8-year-old. My work is very childhood based, but sometimes with naughty bits thrown in. I have a webcomic called QINC, a sort of “Ren and Stimpy meets Tintin” thing which is going on hiatus till December… so perfect time to catch up here –
I am hoping to use this project to design a number of things for a number of projects I am working on, but most of all, to really decide what sort of overall style I want to work on. I’m still only a kid really (does 21 count?) and still at uni, but I want to start thinking more professionally.
I’m working on a Victorian-set comedy of terrors called “New Adventures in the Old World” and any help and advice would be really great. This all challenge is meant for me to learn how to do it all.
Bombs away!
#30Characters Chatter…