Author Archive: Eric White
Artist, Dad and Husband.
I'm a workaholic, a twitaholic, a cartoonaholic...which leave very little time to be an alcoholic I suppose. Also not on that list...sleep.
My days are spent working as a graphic designer for the University of Nebraska Medical Center. My evening, nights and early morning are spent flatting. I recently started dabbling into sketch cards and there is a webcomic in my head that's trying to get out.
#3 Marna Valasquez, PhD
Marna projects a very rigid external image. Most people in the lab would rather spend time with one of the hideous biological experiments in the uPAST “Earths†labs then try to have a conversation with Marna.  She’s known, to some, as the hottest Cuban ice queen ever born.  But she’s makes no apologies and pulls no punches…with anyone or any thing.
#2 Billy Frakes
#1 Dr. Henric Hannes, PhD
30 Characters Challenger: Eric White
After 12 months of anticipation…it’s finally here. Â The 30 Characters Challenge!! As one of the alumni from year one, I think I’m more excited now than I was the first time around. Â In 2009…I think I looked at the characters as a sort of…extended Suicide Sketch (which, if you’ve never heard of that, is a requested sketch that you draw & post online in only 10 minutes) but this year I have a plan to use the characters I come up with…so I’m going to put more thought and effort into each day’s offering. Â What is that plan…and better yet…who the heck am I?? Â Let me fill you in!!

What I would look like with a rock'n porn stache
My name is Eric. I live in Omaha, Nebraska. Â My wife and I have two great kids (5 and 2). Â I work during the day as a graphic designer for the University of Nebraska Medical Center and at night (and I mean ALL night) Â as a flatter. Â Over the past few years my flatting work has grown to the point that most weeks I barely make my deadlines and I average 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Â It has, however, allowed me to meet some amazing people and work on some world class titles. Â I’ve had LOADS of fun with it but I’m beginning to start thinking about my time after flatting.

A recent I.M. Sketch card

That's right...SpiderPig
This past year I made a commitment to myself to begin drawing more and start turning down some flatting work.  I’ve began working on sketch cards and more suicide sketching.  I’ve also began jotting down a lot of ideas into some loose story ideas. From those ideas…a story is beginning to gel.  In the end…it’ll all come together as a web comic.  We’re still a long way out from having anything resembling a finished product…but it’s a work in progress.
(watch me bring this mug back around full circle)
Where last year my entries for the 30 Characters challenge were a bit whimsical and sort of thrown aways…this year I have a purpose.  I’ll be creating and sharing 30 characters that will inhabit the universe of my web comic.  I’ll also be unveiling a lot of other exciting things like locations, logos, icons, etc…which I’d like to begin doing right now!  The title of my web comic is (wait for it…) Solar Maximum!
What can you expect to see from me? I want to be able to tell you that I’ll have a complete, colored and polished piece of artwork as well as a 1500 bio every single day…but lets be honest here. Between Day job, daddy duties and my night job I’m already over worked.  My goal is to post complete and (digitally) colored pieces for each of the main characters but you’ll probably see (fairly) tight pencils for the supporting cast. As for character information…that’ll be based on the importance of the character. Some will be lengthy while other will be relatively short.
So there it is!!  You’ll be seeing all the main characters and many many of the supporting cast from my upcoming web comic, Solar Maximum. This will be a big month for me. I’m looking forward to sharing this process with everyone and I hope you enjoy it.
#30Characters Chatter…