Author Archive: Eric White
Artist, Dad and Husband.
I'm a workaholic, a twitaholic, a cartoonaholic...which leave very little time to be an alcoholic I suppose. Also not on that list...sleep.
My days are spent working as a graphic designer for the University of Nebraska Medical Center. My evening, nights and early morning are spent flatting. I recently started dabbling into sketch cards and there is a webcomic in my head that's trying to get out.
#19 – Hired Muscle
To read more information about Hired Muscle (aka: thugs) please click over to
#16 – FR-045A
To see FR-045A’s origin story please make with the clicks over to
#15 – Gesicht
To read the villainous Gesicht’s origin story, as well as all my other 30 Characters entries, please click over to now!
#14 – Commander Folk
To see the origin story of Commander Folk, as well as all my other 30 Characters entries, please click on over to
#13 – T’th Klaun
To see the origin story of T’th Klaun and all my other 30 Characters entries…please click on over to
#12 – Photon
To see Photo’s origin story please see the full listing on
#11 – Ardent
To learn more about Ardent and see all the other origina stories from all my 30 Characters entries go to
#10 – Quartz
To see Quartz‘s full listing and origin story please click on over to
#8 – Harold Bradley (the Hipster Hacker)
To view the Hipster Hacker’s origin story and full details…please visit my site at
#7 – Nox
To see Nox’s origin story and full listing information please visit my website:
#5 – Doctor Automaton
To see the full information and origin story behind Dr. Automaton please see my website:
#4 – Grand Master Koshi Yoritomo
To see the all the information about Grand Master Koshi Yoritomo, please see his full listing on
#3 – Mechaniman
To see the complete character info for Mechaniman please visit my website:
#2 – Brigadier General Harjo
To see the complete character info for Brigadier General Harjo please visit my website:
#1 – Drift
To see the complete character info for Drift please visit my website:
2011 Challenger: Eric White

That's me!! (well...sort of)
Hello everyone!! Eric White here having a go at my 3rd year of the 30 Characters challenge. Â I have yet to make it through all 30 days but I’m determined to give THIS year my best effort yet.
Like any good comic book fan who has some aspirations to draw comics…I’ve created a million superhero beings in my life.  Instead of making 30 more of my style of characters (which are mostly superman & spiderman clones) I decided to try something different.  I took one of  my favorite games, Heroes Unlimited, and rolled up the 30 character types and the powers that accompany them.  No character details, history or drawings…just the type and powers.  I used all the rules provided by the book for character creation (beginning from what type of character to create all the way through the process).  ALL rolls were actual and true.
Here is the rolled information for the character which I will draw for Day 1. Â If you’re familiar with the Heroes system or are a geek (which…lets be honest…if you’re reading this you probably are a geek) you’ll understand what all of that stuff means.
Power Category: Experiment – Chem & Rad – experiment that can not be replicatedEducation Level: 3 years of college
# of Powers – 5 minor
Side Effect: Super Hairy
Experiment Sponsor: Military
Status with Sponsor: Allowed to leave peacefullyPowers:
Extraordinary physical prowess
Heightened Sense of Taste
Energy Expulsion: Electrical Field
Flight: Glide
Heightened Sense of Smell
#12 – Searcher
They move around by releasing some sort of energy from the underside of the globe. There are two metal tentacle like appendages on either side. The ends of the tentacles have the ability to unravel into several prehensile strands which, when divided down to a single strand, is thinner than a human hair and yet still strong enough to lift and manipulate objects.  Searchers have also been known to emit a blast of energy from it’s view port, though this seems to weaken them.
#11 – Flick
Flick has shown incredible powers that apparently derive from his contact with the strange solar energy. He has become incredibly intelligent, can run at extremely high speeds , can jump huge distances and shoot powerful laser beams from his eyes.
#10 Gigantopus
Just days after mysteriously being transported from Portsburg to a strange new world…the survivors realize they’re going to need to find food to survive. They begin striking out on short exploration excursions and soon one group finds a tree that closely resembles an evergreen tree…but grows a juicy round fruit that sort of tastes like a mix between bacon and a banana.
One early morning Fin and Billy struck out to bring back a basket of the odd fruit but when they reached the patch of forest where it is found…they encountered an enormous octopus who was gorging itself on the fruit.  Noting that the monster, which on earth is obviously lives only in water, seemed quite comfortable and happy to be walking and eating on land, Fin and Billy quickly high-tailed it back to the lab to report on their findings. Gigantopus, as Billy called it, did not seem aggressive or violent but upon that first encounter there wasn’t much intensive to stick around and make friends.
#9 Ann Abbott
Ann hopes to one day obtain her PhD and be hired on as a staff scientist in the Solar Labs at uPAST researching how the Sun helped shape the building blocks of life on Earth.
#8 Rebecca Hannes, PhD

About a year ago the Hannes adopted a young, adventurous boy named Billy Franks who had been orphaned during the Portsburg blizzard of 1984. Rebecca and Billy have become very close with and, while she allows him plenty of room to explore and learn…she’s highly projective of the boy.
#7 The Sun
Stellar Classification: G2V
Distance from Earth: 1.496×10^8 km (8 minutes, 19 seconds at light speed)
Equatorial Circumference: 6.955×10^5 km
Surface Area: 6.087 7×10^12 km^2
Volume: 1.412×10^18 km^3
Mass: 1.989 1×10^30 kg
Core Density: 1.5×10^5 kg/m^3
Core Temperature: ~15.7×10^6 K
Surface Temperature: 5,778 K (5500° F)
Corona Temperature: ~5×106 K
Luminosity: 3.846 x 10^26 Watt
Coronal Mass Ejection Average Mass: 1.6 x 10^12 kg
Coronal Mass Ejection Average Velocity: 20km/s – 3200km/s
Current Coronal Cycle as of today’s date (05/05/1987): Low, trending upward
Hydrogen: 73.45%
Helium: 24.85%
Oxygen: 0.77%
Carbon: 0.29%
Iron: 0.16%
Sulfur: 0.12%
Neon: 0.11%
Nitrogen: 0.08%
Silicon: 0.07%
Magnesium: 0.05%
Unknown Elements: 0.03%
The Sun. Our Sun. The largest, heaviest, hottest and brightest natural object in our solar system. It has been Dr. Henric Hannes PhD’s obsession since he was a young boy in Portsburg. Our Sun propels approximately 389 billion million gigawatts of energy into space. Comparatively, the earth’s total global energy consumption is just a few thousand gigawatts. The majority of that is highly polluting fossil fuels.  Dr. Hannes theorizes that if we could capture even a fraction of that power and convert it to usable energy here on the ground…we would never have to worry about power again (or…at least for the next 4 billion years or so).
#6 – L.U.N.A.R. Computer
The LUNAR Computer is a self aware, highly adaptive Multi-Quantum processor SuperComputer capable of speeds theoretically up to 1.5 zettaFLOPS (that is 1.5 octillion calculations per second). Â That speed is stated as theoretical because the only way to provide enough power to operate the computer at full will be when the solar energy converter is actually activated. Operated on the Portsburg power grid, LUNAR can only function at approximately 50% of its full capacity. Â The computer has a single core which resides at the center of the SOLAR Lab and is networked to most of the compatible computers in the Solar Lab building as well as the entire uPAST campus via a small wireless chip that is attached to each CPU.
O’Colvin has programmed the one of a kind system with an adaptive form of artificial intelligence.  Upon it’s initial boot the system was nothing more than a very large, very fast computer. As time has progressed, LUNAR has become self aware and is learning more and more each day.
When fully functional LUNAR will also operate and maintain the connection between all three SECT (Solar Ejection Collection and Transmission) satellites that are in a geosynchronous orbit above the SOLAR Lab.
#5 Jonathan O’Colvin , PhD
Jon O’Colvin himself is a quiet man who tends to keep to himself as much as possible.  He works long hours every day, typically never less than 12 hours, and never overlooks even the smallest detail. He is liked by everyone in the lab even though he rarely socializes with anyone, with the exception of the L.U.N.A.R. computer who he has an obvious strong connection with.
#4 Fin Halloway
While on a top secret assignment with a detachment to Beirut in October of 1983, Fin was caught in the heart of a massive explosion. The official story was that it was a dual car bombing, which killed nearly 500. The truth is that the explosion was directly related to a Taipan mission and more than 2000 people, including civilians and service members, were killed including many of the men under Fin’s command.  Fully physically recovered, though still dealing with the emotional fall out of that tragic even, after over a year of recuperation and rehabilitation, Fin was reassigned within Taipan.
The US Government took interest early in the research of Dr. Henric Hannes, PhD.  It was apparent early that his solar energy conversion technology, far beyond simple solar panels installed on a roof, had the potential to change the world.  In order to ensure that Dr. Hannes’ research did not end up in the hands of an enemy nation of regime a security detail from special forces Taipan team was assigned.  That force is headed by Fin Halloway.  It is his duty to protect the uPAST campus as well as all the technology and the science team.
Before the incident in Beirut, Fin was a fun loving, energetic man who was dedicated to his friends, his job and his country. Â Since his recovery he is no less dedicated to his job and country, however, he has become a much more serious and intense individual.
(side note: I’m still in the planning phase of Solar: Maximum and have, as of yet, not decided if the comic will appear in black and white or full color. Â IF I decide to go full color…I think this is the style that I’ll be going with. Or…at least something similar) Â (thoughts??)
#30Characters Chatter…