#1 She Who Talks to Shadows
She Who Talks to Shadows is a powerful sorceress who is trying to revive an ancient evil for reasons only she understands. She carries a cage filled with shadows that contains a horror so disturbing looking at it can drive you insane.
She was freed from her entombment in a pyramid in Egypt by an archeologist who was looking for ancient artifacts and refused to believe the stories about the curse on the tomb. Now he is the unwilling slave of the sorceress who uses him to learn about the strange world she now finds herself in.
2012 Challenger: George Ward
This is my third year participating in this event. I have 60 characters so far and will be adding another 30 this year. I’m not sure what I’ll come up with this time. I always have a few story ideas rolling around in my head that I can create stories for.
I’m currently working on a horror sci-fi story, so the first bunch of characters will be from this. After that we’ll see what I come up with.
I also create the web comic, Dungeon Legacy, which updates every Thursday. It’s a fun fantasy adventure with a weird cast of characters and demented monsters. Check it out
#30 – Rattila Half-elf
Rattila  is the bastard child of Lovalor (day 29) and an Elf Princess who died in child birth  (long story).  She was exiled from the elf community as soon as she was old enough to survive on her own and she traveled to a human village which rejected her because of her elven blood.  She learned to hate both elves and humans and made her way to communities that had many mixed races.  She had to learn to fend for herself and became quite a skilled fighter.  She was also hard hearted and was willing to steal or kill to survive. She  eventually met Adrika (Day 14) and became her loyal body guard.  The two of then have become an unstoppable force ever since, much to the horror of anyone who crosses their path.
Lovalor (Day 29) is unaware of any of this but he is aware that he has a child somewhere and is out looking for her. Â How will he react when he sees what she has become? Â How will she react meeting her father for the first time? Â That is a story for another day.
#29 – Lovalor Dragonslayer
Lovalor was a great warrior in his youth but a series of mishaps have left him a broken man.  After a great battle on a flying dragon, he finally managed to kill it only to have it crash into a large village, killing many of the inhabitants in the process.  He now travels the land and helps those in need in order to atone for this tragedy.
#28 – Heidi Hands
Heidi has huge hands and favours bare knuckle boxing, but she will wear gloves when in the ring.  She is a rival of Dianne (Day 24) and tries to prove she is the better fighter every chance she gets.  She ran away from home at a young age and grew up in the streets where she learned to fight and survive.  She is not opposed to cheating but is also smart enough to not get caught when she does.  She uses brut force over skill and agility, which means she’s dangerous but no match for a skilled fighter like Dianne.
#27 – Eebull the Westler
Eebull is a genetical altered human with some bull DNA.  His violent temper and hard forehead (with horns) have had his life difficult.  He was breed to be a warrior but he was hard to control and would disobey orders whenever he felt like it.  Discharged, he was given a place to live and a small income to survive on.  Bored, he eventually joined the wrestling ring and did well for himself.
#26 – Rocket Lady
She is known only as the Rocket Lady.  No one knows who she is or where she came from.  She has used her abilities to help those in trouble but it is unknown if she is a superhero or just a concerned citizen.  She is still new to the area and it is hoped that more will be revealed in time.
#25 – Valkyrie Vacya
Valkyrie Vacya was one of Caitlin’s (Day 3) bodyguards until she was fired for accidentally touching the Lady.  Lady Caitlin was drinking at a tavern, as usual, when a fight broke out. Vacya tried to protect her but a stray blow caused her to be knock off balance and bump into her Ladyship.  She would have been killed on the spot but she managed to escape into the ongoing chaos.  She has started a new life but there is always the fear that she may one day be found and punished.
#24 – Dianne the Boxer
Dianne was raised with two brothers who loved boxing. Â At first she wasn’t interested in the sport, but over time she came to love it. Â She is now one of the top boxers in the nation and teaches boxing as a form of exercise and self defence.
#23 – Sam Appleton – Server
Sam is a busboy/ server at the Checkers cafe along with his wife, Zoa (Day 22). Â He works hard in hopes of owning the place one day. He acts friendly and helpful around customers but he gets pretty stressed out talking to people and wishes he could work in the back room all the time. Â He enjoys cleaning the dishes as it gives him time to himself and his thoughts.
#22 – Zoa Appleton – Waitress
Zoa is a waitress at the local dinner, Checkers, where she works with her husband Sam (Day 23). Â Since it is a small establishment, she has to clean the place as well as wait on tables. Â It’s a thankless job but it must be done.
#21 – I.M.T.C.
I.M.T.C. is a trash collecting robot who travels around the town picking up the garbage and compacting it into easy to carry particles. Â Once it is full, it carries the trash to the town dump.
The machine two arms for lifting and pulling trash and a radar dish to receive orders from its owner.  When the robot is not in use, the arms and dish retract into its body, the doors close, and it looks like a normal trash can.
There are many of these machines around the town and it would be bad if anyone were to find a way to change their programming.
#20 – “Candi” the Succubus
Candi is a friend of Ian (day 19) and is jealous of his and Shaylah’s (day 7) relationship. She acts pleasant and supportive but she secretly wants to split them appart.  She doesn’t think Shaylah is good enough for him and wishes she would just disappear.  She knows about the secret meetings but she fears that Ian would suffer if she were to expose them.
#19 – Ian Incubus
Ian Incubus is Shaylah Succubus’ (Day 7) boyfriend.  However, he still lives in the daemon realm and hasn’t seen her since she was exiled.  During the story, the two will find a way to see each other again but it will be very dangerous for them to do so.  He misses her very much and will do whatever he can to make sure they can stay together permanently.
#18 – Mr. Fu-Fu
Mr. Fu-Fu is a very flamboyant character that loves to cross-dress.  He may or may not be gay.  He isn’t in a relationship and likes to flirt with gay men and women equally.  He runs a clothing store that specializes in clothing for cross-dressers and transvestites.  He knows a lot about fashion and makeup to disguise ones sex and look pretty doing it.  He makes no effort to disguise his own manhood, but he has a few male clients that can be mistaken for women.
#17 – Angel of Life
The Angel of Life is the sister of the Angel of Death and has the job of bringing new life into the world.  She must make sure there is a balance of personality types in the world in order to maintain conflict without any side having the resources to overcome the others.  She also makes sure no one dies before they have accomplished their purpose on Earth.  She has no control over when people die, which is her sisters job, but she will argue with her sister to save a life that she feels needs to be spared
#16 – Thing in the Darkness
What is this thing? Â Looks like a thing out of the Cthulhu Mythos. This horror is something to be feared and run away from. Â It’s something from a nightmare come to life. Â What is it’s goal? Â Is it just feeding or does it have a purpose? Â Perhaps we will never know
#15 – Peter Solax
Peter Solax was an ordinary woodsman until he discovered a magical axe stuck in a tree.  All thoughts of the axe being normal disappeared when it demanded souls in exchange for it’s power.  Fearing the axe might fall into the wrong hands, Peter decided to accept it’s demands and went searching for the souls of the wicked to satisfy it’s thrust.  He received the name Solax because the souls of those he defeated could be seen in the blade of the axe.  His greatest fear is the the axe’s original owner might appear and demand the axe back.  Anyone who would create such an axe must be a dangerous person indeed.
#14 – Adrika the Thief
Adrika is a small, spunky young woman who is a master of the blade. Outspoken and smart mouthed, she has had to fight her way out of trouble on more occasions then she can count.  The youngest of five children, she has been bullied and mistreated by her older brothers most of her life.  Her father was a brute of a man who cared little about having a daughter and her mother was too over worked and feeble to stand up for her only daughter.  As a result, Adrika has had to learn to defend herself against opponents much bigger and stronger then her most of her life.  She was blessed with an amazing dexterity and flexibility that helped her survive long enough to learn to fight with a blade.  As a result, she never faces a foe face to face and will dodge attacks until she can gain the upper hand.  As an adult, she is feared by all who know her and few would dare get on her bad side.  However, there is always some stranger who comes into town and mistakes her for a smart-mouthed brat.  She usually allows them to live so they can spread her name across the country. She hopes that one day everyone will know Adrika is the name of someone not to be trifled with.
#11 & #12 Barb and Polly
Barb and polly are sisters and are professional gymnasts.  Other then that they couldn’t be more different.  Barb is happy and playful most of the time while Polly is mopey and uncaring.  Their very different outlooks on life cause a lot of conflicts and humor between the two but in the end they love each other and try to work through their differences.
#10 – Sandy Allenson
Sandy is a university student who is experience life away from home for the first time. Â This isn’t that unusual it itself, but he also likes to experiment with gender roles. Â He wants to be a transvestite and spends his free time trying to look and act like a woman. Â He’s a bit shy about his alternate life style and tries to act normal whenever he’s around people of either gender.
#9 – Danielle Longlegs
Danielle was destain to be a great basketball player or gymnast from a young age except her limbs never stopped growing.  Because of her “deformity” she was given a living wage and free education until she can find her place in the world.  She spends a lot of time walking around the roof tops where she can get privacy and exercise at the same time.  She is considering a career in law enforcement, where her disability might have some use catching criminals.
#8 – Big Nose McPherson
Big Nose McPherson is a farmer who is also one of the strongest men around. Â He likes his privacy and only goes to town to sell his produce and pick up supplies. Â He used to get into fights when people made fun of his nose but, since he usually won, he doesn’t get picked on anymore.
#7 – Shaylah the Succubus
Shaylah is a failed succubus who was exiled to earth because she was unable to seduce anyone.  She has a natural tendency to flirt with everyone she meets, but she isn’t interested in going further then that.  She can seem a bit creepy if you don’t know her but she really is interested in learning more about humans.  She misses her home world but she knows she can never return unless she learns how to seduce people.
#6 – Cthulbug
The Cthulbug is a small but dangerous creature that lurks around ancient ruins and other places touched by the old ones.
The creatures powerful tentacles will grab onto its victim  and not let go into the bug has had it’s fill of their life essence.
It will often lay eggs in the victim which will hatch a week later and devour the host.  The will mature within a month to continue the cycle.
#5 – Empower Girl
Empower girl is a young woman with the ability to empower others (and herself) to do things beyond their normal abilities.  She manages a temp-agency with the reputation for getting things done.  She acts kind and friendly to everyone she meets, but there are whispers that she is not the friendly, outgoing woman she appears to be.  Her power can be used in reverse, disempowering people and even disabling them.  She rarely, if ever, uses this ability and focuses more on getting the best workers possible.
She is also a very good communicator and could “sell ice to Eskimos” if she wanted to.  There is talk of her entering politics and possibly becoming president someday, but for now she’s focused on building up her business.
#4 – Springbot
Springbot is a robot gardener who uses his long springlike limbs to get to hard to reach places. Â He can be very tall or very small as the need arises.
#2 – Warlord Madurk
Warlord Madurk is a new character who will soon appear in Dungeon Legacy, my webcomic. Â His history is a bit of a spolier at this point, but it is clear he will be a powerful enemy if the party chooses to side against him. Â What is his true goal? Â You’ll have to read the comic to find out.
#30Characters Chatter…