Author Archive: TiphArt
Born in the Philippines on the Mayan glyph day of the Crystal Star,1980, Tiph grew up in North Dakota and currently resides in Albuquerque, NM. At age 7, she began drawing and has not wavered in her art production since. Inspirations include the Discworld Graphic Novels illustrated by Stephen Ross, “Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks†illustrated by Ibrahim Roberson, the works of H.R. Giger, Terence McKenna and Timothy Leary, sacred geometries and mathematics, as well as the wonder of nature, occult science, world mythologies and symbolism, and most importantly, her vivid dream landscape.
With a B.A. of Fine Arts from UNM, Tiph is professional VDJ Phive and is also a freelance artist/animator. Her other artistic skills include video art production, clay carving, mosaic design and construction, and has a specialty in fine line drawing. Tiph uniquely combines graphite and ink with watercolor paints. Her artwork can be seen around the Albuquerque Convention Center and a number of private residences.
She is an avid fan of sci-fi books and film most notably, Lynne McTaggart,author of “The Fieldâ€, “Avatar†by James Cameron and Ken Russell’s “Altered States†. Future projects include instillations and sound art at the Burning Man Festival in Black Rock City NV, as well as expanding her own portfolio in video art production. Tiph seeks to create raw thought-provoking and revolutionary pieces, whether they are for her own artistic gratification or commissioned works. Tiph is an avid birdwatcher and holds great respect for all the little animals around us. Visit her website at
Wow, what a challenge!
This challenge was amazing. I’ve learned a lot about my artistic self as a result of this, as I have never before completed a challenge like this one. I drew more art in a month than I have ever done in a semester at college.
Waking up every morning in November to draw a character was exactly what I needed.
I saw some of the most amazing stuff by artists who gave their all and best, everyday! Thanks for doing so. I’ve definitely got some new favorite artists as a result of this.
In closing, I’d like to say congratulations to us all for completing the 2012 30 characters challenge.
Now that it is done, I’ve got some great inspiration, momentum, and 30 new characters to animate now.
Well, I better get started.
Tiph Hunter – 30 Characters in 30 Days – Mayan Glyph SuperHeros
Completed!!! That is All!
(drawing 1 character a day for the month of November 2012 by following the Mayan Calendar for those days)
#30 White Self-Existing World Bridger
White Self-Existing World Bridger says, ” I define in order to equalize, measuring oppurtunity. I seal the store of death with the self-existing tone of Form. I am guided by the power of spirit.”
Sa Sekhem Sahu
#29 Red Electric Serpent
Red Electric Serpent says, “I activate in order to survive, bonding instinct. I seal the store of life force with the electric tone of service. I am guided by the power of universal water.”
#27 Blue Magnetic Night
Blue Magnetic Night, she’s the perfect Joan of Arc figure except for one thing- malfunctioning armor. Greavus, the blacksmith, forgot to use her special kind of metal.
Blue Magnetic Night says, ” I unify in order to Dream, attracting Intuition. I seal the input of abundance with the magnetic tone of purpose.”
#26 White Cosmic Wind
White Cosmic Wind runs a small parcel delivery service for the entire galaxy. Since he is Cosmic, his reach is far and wide and at any time. With his Mech-A-Owls (short for mechanical automated owls) he makes deliveries to hell and back, or just about anywhere from this dimension to the next, or from that continent to this one, or from this planet to the next one, or from here to there, or from…well you get the idea. Just between you and me though, he’d rather be called a mail carrier than a time lord because it gives him some place to start, and 2063 is a good place to start.
White Cosmic Wind says, “I Endure in order to communicate transcending breath. I seal the input of spirit with the cosmic tone of presence. I am guided by the power of death.”
#25 Red Crystal Dragon
Red Crystal Dragon. “I dedicate in order to nurture, universalizing Being. I seal the input of birth with the crystal tone of cooperation. I am guided by the power of space.”
#24 Yellow Spectral Sun
Yellow Spectral Sun speaks to me in ways that words can not describe. For now, she will say this, “I Dissolve in order to Enlighten releasing Life. I seal the matrix of universal Fire with the spectral tone of liberation.”
#23 Blue Planetary Storm
Blue Planetary Storm can make it rain from his hands. He wears his father’s old whirling hat in order to twirl better when he waters his plants. Some call him a great farmer because his plants are always so big and happy. Some even call him an unnatural miracle during times of drought. Others quite simply call him, Mr. Make It Rain.
Blue Planetary Storm says, “I perfect in order to catalyze, producing energy. I seal the matrix of Self-Generation with the planetary tone of Manifestation! I am guided by the power of accomplishment.”
#22 White Solar Mirror
White Solar Mirror. “I Pulse in order to Reflect, Realizing Order. I seal the matrix of Endlessness with the Solar tone of intention. I am guided by the power of Timelessness.”
#21 Red Galactic Earth
Red Galactic Earth is a witchdoctor with goodie bags and stash boxes, if you know what I mean. On special occasions you’ll find him hopping around on Fly Jumpers just to feel closer to his maker. Plus, it makes him look spectacular and odd…as if he didn’t already. He never knows who might be watching him conduct his rituals under the pale moon light.
#20 White Resonant World-Bridger
Special Birthday Edition: White Resonant World-Brider says, “I channel in order to equalize inspiring opportunity. I seal the store of Death with the resonant tone of Attunement. I am guided by the power of endlessness.”
#19 Blue Rhythmic Eagle
Blue Rhythmic Eagle. She’s a B-girl from Albuquerque. Her biggest dream is to be apart of the brightest and most badest b-girl breakdance group there is and  move to New York sometime and hit it big time. All she wants to do is dance and fly like an eagle to the sea.
Blue Rhythmic Eagle says, “I organize in order to know, balancing mind. I seal the output of vision with the rhythmic tone of Equality. I am guided by my own power doubled.”
#18 White Overtone Wizard
White Overtone Wizard says, “I empower in order to enchant, commanding receptivity. I seal the output of timelessness with the overtone tone of radiance. I am guided by the power of spirit.”
#17 Red Self-Existing Skywalker
Red Self-Existing Skywalker says,” I define in order to explore, measuring wakefulness. I seal the output of Space with the self-exsiting tone of Form. I am guided by the power of universal water.”
#16 Yellow Electric Human
I’m Yellow Electric Human. My idol is Tesla. If Tesla were around now, he’d marvel at the idea of, and at the exquisiteness of, a so called  “electric human” whose  own originating source of power came from within. My body can generate enough electricity to provide power to one residential structure, as determined by testing my generative abilities in my parents garage. People are afraid of me though. They say they don’t know what to do with someone like me. I say, let me make my inventions and save the world.
#15 Blue Lunar Monkey
Blue Lunar Monkey is a scientist who became homeless. Using her knowledge of highly advanced sciences she is able to bring the worlds of magic and imagination to the present physical reality. She’s demonstrated this in the laboratory. Everybody laughed and said it couldn’t be. She lost her job and became sad. Little did she know that her experiment caught the attention of a very curious few. The experiment has been done before and nobody else could create the magic except for her. Â Someone else has bigger plans for her….ability.
Blue Lunar Mirror says, ” I polarize in order to play, stabilizing illusion. I seal the process of magic with the lunar tone of challenge. I am guided by the power of abundance.”
#14 White Magnetic Dog
White Magnetic Dog has a good heart and abundant loyalty. He rescues kittens from abandon buildings and has honored himself with the righteous duty of finding the little kitties good homes. He has won a plethora of good samaritan rewards as we can see by his tasty pile of doggie treats, tennis balls, stuffed animals, and stinky socks.
White Magnetic Dog would like to say, “I unify in order to Love, attracting loyalty. I seal the process of Heart with the magnetic tone of purpose. I am guided by my own power doubled.”
#13 Red Cosmic Moon
Red Cosmic Moon says, ” I Endure in order to Purify. Transcending Flow, I seal the process of universal Water. With the cosmic tone of presence, I am guided by the power of Space.”
#12 Yellow Crystal Star
Yellow Crystal Star spends most of his time traveling the galaxies by portal warping from black hole to black hole. He can travel at the speed of 12 light years per hour. He’s currently working on moving that jump speed up to 20 ly/h. His goal is to be the fastest and most brightest star in all the universe.
# 11 Blue Spectral Hand
Blue Spectral Hand is an invisible assassin. Called upon whenever there is trouble, Ningyo summons her from her ShakÅki-dogÅ«Â to wage justice and bring revenge.
Blue Spectral Hand says, “I dissolve in order to know, releasing healing. I seal the store of accomplishment. With the spectral tone of Liberation, I am guided by my own power doubled.”
#10 White Planetary World-Bridger
White Planetary World-Bridger says, ” I perfect in order to equalize producing opportunity. I seal the store of death with the planetary tone of manifestation. I am guided by the power of Timelessness.”
#9 Red Solar Serpent
I was on a mission inside of a destroyed and  burning underground base whose  main entrance had become inaccessible. As I ran for cover, much to my surprise, an earlier explosion had created a second entrance to a lost cavern where I found these two, Red Solar Serpents. More like, they found me. Once dwelling on the outside in the hot desert sun, they belonged to an old sisterhood of serpentoids… of varying degree. Some of them have wings and some of them do not. I didn’t feel as though I was in the presence of predators, but that I was in the presence of gods that wanted to show me the way back to the surface, however not before meeting the rest of them…
#8 Yellow Galactic Seed
Yellow Galactic Seed. It’s the beginning of time. We all had to come from somewhere. Vomatha, our home planet, was seeded 200 million years ago by the Rulers of the Dragon in the sky. All Vomathans, that is, every animal, every living creature that inhabits this planet, no matter how exotic or unique from one another, has one common ancestor, Yellow Galactic Seed. How the seed changed from a capsulized hemoglobin like pod into a multitude of beings remains a mystery that only the Goddess can unveil to us. This is the first time I’ve seen my own…our own pre-birth existence. Welcome to Vomathan History 101.
#7 Blue Resonant Night
Blue Resonant Night has high hopes. He says, ” I channel in order to dream, inspiring intuition. I seal the input of Abundance with the resonant tone of Attunement. I am guided by the power of vision.”
#6 White Rhythmic Wind
White Rhythmic Wind is an armored Master Sea Horse. Her favorite food is plankton and her favorite activity is digging up sea shells from the shiny sea floor.
#5 Red Overtone Dragon
Red Overtone Dragon is ancient. He meets Initiates in a dark cave on a mountain inside the Dream World. Then he makes participants fight him with a burning sword to see if they’re good enough. He’s quick and we’re only human. Of course he’s going to let us win. His technique is amazing like the butterflies and the bees. He wants to see how far we’ll go. I can’t believe my eyes.
#4 Yellow Self-Existing Sun
Flowers grow from the ground she walks on. Yellow Self-Existing Sun, after she’s had her morning black tea, walks the market to pass out some of her flowers. She’s not afraid to give YOU one either.
#3 Blue Electric Storm
Category: Super Hero
Blue Electric Storm. He’s the greatest dancer that I’ve ever seen, he’s the star of the show. Man, they say his moves are electrifying, that his tap dance is like thunder on stage. I say, it’s gotta be his kicks, ya dig?
#2 White Lunar Mirror
Category: Fantasy
White Lunar Mirror, a jaguar, knowing the way of the 5 bodies, can separate her KHU from the Shadow. Her KHU self works in the dimensions of SAHU, the realm of SUBTLE, to bring magic to the lands of mind and body. She is an athlete who will soon participate in a great race.
#30Characters Chatter…