2013 Returning Challenger: Alex Holt
Hello! I am Alex, an artist who currently works as an illustrator and graphic designer in the UK. Â I previously completed the 2011 30 Characters Challenge, the results of which can be seen here. Â My more general portfolio can be seen on my website at www.alexjholt.com.
I originally got into art skills through traditional mediums like pencil, pen and watercolour, but these days most of my work is produced in digital illustration programs – generally swapping between Photoshop and Corel Painter.
This year I’m intending to complete a complimentary set of designs for the more nefarious and unpleasant characters in the same world as my last (broadly heroic/good) 30, but due to having to use my time for paid work far more than was the case last time, I’m limiting myself to one hour art time per character this time around.
Alex Holt – 30 Characters, 2011
I am quite surprised to find that I finished this year, a day ahead of schedule despite starting 6 days late due to a holiday. This has ended up a 30 character 23 if you will!
The characters below all are designed to exist in the same Universe – very much an “anything goes” Universe along the lines of the Marvel or DC Universes. It does however, have a bit more of a magical leaning than those, so something like Hellboy is probably a better comparrison. These characters are all “good guys” and, white not a superhero team (although Kesari, Amanda, Shiqi, Rosaline, Samuel, Daisy/Percy, Charcoal, Hrolf and Zhang are all in the superheroics game andmay team up from time to time) their grouping is more that they correspond with each other to help with their own adventures. Given that these 30 includes a detective, a bontanist, a diplomat, a lawyer, a police officer a chef and a doctor the level of action varies a fair bit!
Anyway, any comments here or on the indivdual character posts would be immensely appreciated, hope you like them!
 – Alex Holt
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30 – Beryl Jones
In a remote part of the Welsh Coast there is a lonely penninsula, and on this there is an orchard, a few houses and a lonely Inn – the Green Lion. It’s a small establishment mainly frequented by locals, and of course the people who travel for a taste of the pear cider.  No one is entirely sure where the pears originated from, but at the back of a perfectly ordinary orchard is a single ancient tree that still bears fruit.  These pears are brewed separately to the others - and sold only to visitors willing to pay exhorbitant prices. The reason, is that the Cider has various properties – it extends life, causes any ailment to not be cured but to permenantly stabilise. Most famous perhaps of it’s abilities are the ability to see the future and how to change it, making it very highly sought after. Beryl Jones is the latest member of the family to own the business - while she only appears 16 years old, she is well into her 30s due to the effects of the cider. The owners of the establishment tend to live for many years until they eventually leave home and disappear for ever. They wear the blindfold while serving the cider because even the presence of  the vapours in the eyes can cause prophetic-hallucinations in someone who has been exposed to the cider for so long…
29 – Zhang Li
Despite the widespread use of interstellar comminications, technology is not cheap enough to transfer items securely between distant worlds. Into this niche in the market steps the “Starlight Courier Group” – an expensive but famously reliable group who will send couriers wih your item through space to deliver them to their destinations quickly and securely. They equip their members with powerful space suits with forcefields that allow them to travel at trans-light speeds through space. Zhang Li is the first recruit to be appointed to their new Pluto base – and the first human in the organisation. Given her great powers, she occassionally also partakes in a little superheroic work in her time off.
28 – Rita Jongleur
Rita Jongleur is a 30 year old woman who lives  in Sao Paulo, working as a waitress to support the side profession of a musician at night, but although she is not fully aware of it, she is actually considerably more than this. From a young age people found there to be something utterlyterrfying to their core if they tried to outstare her. She also never got ill or even took any injuries. As she got older, people discovered her music – there is something incredibly hypnotic about it – even playing a known tune there is something about it that prevents people from stopping listening to it. Later there was revealled a strange thing – extra-dimensional threats absolutely ever happened within a hundred mile radius of a certain street in Sao Paulo. After they studied the phenomenom – they realized that it centred upon Rita – and incomprehensibly – this was because she was the human embodiment of the universe, and potentially the most powerful being in the universe. She however remains unaware of this, although she does use her limited powers for good, no one dares let her know of the full extent of her existence for fear that she may begin to use it…
27 – Hrolf Wyrmsbane
As in many cases, former hunters make great conservationists as they have become intimatly familiar with the species they have formerly pursued. As an immortal dragon-hunting Demi-god, Hrold Wyrmsbane has killed dragons for century upon century, but it wasn’t until more recently that he came to be aware of the plight of the related Wyverns – a species no way near as dangerous or destructive as full dragons but persecuted intensely because of the common perception that they are merely young dragons. Hrolf sponsors and works in the Hrolf’s Wyvern Sanctuary and Hatchery to help reestablish this now critically endangered species. He is still a part time adventurer and fights evil using his enchanted sword and his demi-godly immortality.
26 – Charcoal
 Prior to the recent financial crisis, Charcoal was a minor street vigilante who took down the normal gang members and drug dealers normal for heroes. However, he has recently got the public attention with his sudden change to high profile action against people people deemed to be responsible for or exacerbating the financial problems. Although very unpopular with the police for breaking and entering into the houses of the rich, he contacts the person in question threatening a reveal incriminating information unless they donate almost their entire fortune to charity. If not, he leaks the information to the press. While mainly equipped with just night vision goggles, bodyarmour and a crowbar, even the worlds most experienced spy agencies are currently uncertain as to his true identity.  He has had mercenaries sent after him but beat them senseless to the point of leaving them in intensive care while leaving the corrupt rich fearing they will be next.
25 – Professor Bludskull
In 1989, a shadowy consortium of Evil Scientists in the employ of the Dethskull Mercenary Group decided to try and create the most advanced and intelligent combat robot possible, and the result was Bludskull – super intelligent and trained in the use of dozens of weapons. Unfortunatly for the Evil Scientists, the intelligence proved to be a downside – Bludskull rebelled – not by the traditional robot rebellion means of becoming violent and slaying your creators, but by becoming a pascifist and escaping. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is a complete pascifist and spends his times as a very highly regarded chemist – aided by the fact that unlike human ones he can handle poisonous and radioactive materials easily.
24 – Doctor Beetle
The US army has a notoriously runaway military budget which spends money on all manner of hairbrain projects. One of the most bizarre projects was “Project Aesclepius” – a project to somehow create mobile field medics who would reach soldiers in places inaccessible to troops. The project was cancelled before it went into mass production but the single result of it was Doctor Beetle. A genetically engineered beetle, about the size of a rabbit, he has added spinarets near his jaws capable of producing silk strong enough to stitch up wounds. The knowledge to do so is provided by a tiny AI which provides Dr Beetle with all his medical knowhow. Unfortunatly, although he is a very good field surgeon capable of stitching up wounds to the level of the best human surgeon, he is an appallingly bad diagnostician in regard to anything that isn’t a physical injury, and at a cost of $5 billion to produce him, there are not likely to be any more of him anytime soon.
23 – Poon Hu
 In a tiny backstreet in a dingy corner of Hong Kong there is a quiet little noodle stall with a bit of a difference – it is owned by a man named Poon Hu who has a slightly unusual menu. He is the world’s foremost expert on mythical beasts and has had this little booth open in various forms for over 200 years. His menu is varied but it’s the cockatrice chow mein that is particularly famous. He cooks on phoenix fire (burns away all impurities) and garnishes with powdered unicorn horn (enhances all flavours). All in all there are twenty three mythical creatures on his menu. Although he is content running his noodle stall, and the large quantities he ends up consuming of ingrediants such as unicorn horn and kappa-water has granted him a largely prolongued life. When earth has any problems with monsters, there is inevitably an influx of visitors to his bar from people seeking his expert knowledge with a carton of tasty magic noodles being a welcome side.
22 – Constable Kjulis
Much as there is often culture clash when immigrants move into a new country, the problems are even more noticable when the immigrants are not human. The Psalamandron are an aquatic species which lives in various cities under the sea – entirely ampbibious they are capable of living on land or water. However, due to some political strife in some of the north Atlantic Psalamandron there have been some refugees to the surface world during the past several decades. The most notable community is a small one is East London, and as with any communities, there is some degree of interaction between the existing community and the newcomers. Kjulis is one of the very few individuals in the world who is a human/psalamandron hybrid. He joined the London Metropolitan Police and while he is primarily a normal police officer he is also particularly usefull as a cultural liason – not to mention the fact that he is considerably stronger, faster and tougher than a human and can breath underwater…
21 – Tryglox
Intergalactic law is one of the most complex fields of study – there are more top level physicists in the universe than there are lawyers who can deal with the policies of more than two or three planets. Tryglox, from the planet of Arboreus, is one of the most notable exceptions. His species, despite appearing to be trees, aren’t strictly so – their species lays their eggs in the back of young trees, and the young as they grow produce chemicals which cause the tree bark to form a shell around the offspring, acting as a tough exoskeleton. Trgylox himself is approaching 1200 earth years old and is only middle aged by his species standards. He has however spent the last 23 years if his life trying to put together a very thorough case to sue earth for accidentally introducing parasites to his planet which caused incalculable injuries to Arboreans. However, as he is effectively trying to sue earth for its entire wealth, he keeps finding himself mounting defense cases on the behalf of earth to make sure they still have money for his case, which he currently is anticipiating bringing to court in about forty years time. In the mean time, he is somewhat ironically earth’s greatest legal protector.
20 – The Prince of Jackdaws
For reasons not entirely clear, every three years, representatives of all the Jackdaws in Britain gather on Midusmmers eve in the tiny English village of Summerbrooke, to select the Prince of Jackdaws. For reasons unknown to all but themselves, they always select a seven year old human child from the village, who will then be the Prince (or Princess) for three years. Even former Princes have no idea exactly why they choose a human child, why they always gather in the shadow of the Church of St Daws to do it, or how they go about the selection process. They almost always choose a child with black or at least dark hair, although there have been some exceptions, and they all always attend St. Daw’s Primary School. As Prince, the child is given responsibility for making decisions for all the of the Jackdaws in the Country, although they don’t actually speak as such, but more seem to decide upon the Princes choice without actually asking him or her. The Prince gains a few magical powers for the duration of holding the title, he is able to command Jackdaws to do things (although not to understand them) and teleport via Shadows. The whole setup is rather bizzarre, but worthwhile, almost all former Princes go on to be successful in life, with at least one being Prime Minister – and whatsmore, they retain an uncanny nack for finding lost valuables. The current Prince is Rupert Chan, whose parents actually moved to the village from Birmingham specifically to give him a chance of becoming the Prince. Despite the popularity of this idea amoung many people, fortunatly the landowner is a fairly old fashioned sort and refuses to give permission for extra houses to be built to accomodate pushy parents “incase it breaks the magic”.
19 – Rutherford Duckworth III
Despite his appearance of an eccentric but aimiable old man, Rutherford Duckworth III, also known as “The Ruddy Duck”, is considered by many in the spy trade to be the most dangerous man on the planet. Not necessarily directly in a combat sense, although he is certainly an accomplished fighter, but because he runs the vast international spy network, which actually manages to remain secret in itself. He has contacts everywhere, and even more people who owe him favours, and he is able to call both in to cause maximum damage to opponents. He was a spy himself in his younger days, one whose tactic seemed to be being glaringly obvious to the point that noone would suspect he was a spy. He still goes on the occassional mission, utilising his grappling hook umbrella and his cunning mind to outwit foes. He tries to keep his mind sharp, by, amoung other things, playing chess by letter with Pato.Â
18 – Azzah Zahawi
During a trek across mountains in Afghanistan to escape the coming Winter, a young Azzah Zahawi encountered an old man who Donkey had broken a leg. The man seemed to be in despair, for all his possessions were upon the Donkey, but he couldn’t take them. As a gentle soul, Azzah relieved the Donkey of some of the weight, allowing the donkey to be able to move enough to get back to the old man’s shack. It was treacherous, and three times the old man suggested she could leave him and continue with her own journey, but she assisted anyway. Eventually they reached the old mans hovel, and in gratitude he provded her with a strange object. It appeared to be a shield – intricatly carved from white-gold wood, and with an inner warmth and glow.  The man said that she had proven worthy of such a gift, and having finally found someone to pass it onto, he could leave this world easy in the knowledge that it was in good hands.
The shield, it was revealed, is made from a piece of wood from Paradise, and as such, contained within is immense power for goodness.  Even having born it for 8 years now, Azzah does not claim to comprehend the shield, for it seems to know some greater purpose – it heals the sick, rests the wearyand sooths the suffering. However, evil cannot bear its presence, looking into it seems to stare into the soul of evil, and people find themselves unable to lie in its presence.  In the occassional extreme case it has been known to do more radical things demons are burned by its presence, and on at least one occassion it has struck a man mute for trying to decieve his way out of a great crime. Azzah suspects it of having even greater capabilities, but she has no desire to test them, for such things shouldn’t be toyed with. The way that is guages these things seems is impenetrable however – though Azzah herself is a Muslim, it does not seem to adhere to the specific trappings of hers or any other faith that she can tell – it tends to act most decisively on clearcut sins where one person does evil unto another.  She partially suspects that the shield forces people to judge themselves by their most deep values, as well as those of some greater power…
17 – Mrs Honeyford
During the 70’s, Cleopatra Honeyford was a glamourous private detective fighting corrupt cops and gangs alike in the infamous Docks district of . At the time she was a crack shot with a gun and better fighting unarmed or with knives than almost anyone in the city. Unlike many of her peers, Cleo survived, and continued to live in the area for years to come. While she is certainly no longer considered the pin-up she once was, she continued training her fighting technique, including a stint where she incorporated large quantities of the technique of her martial artist then-boyfirned into her own style, she has general incorporated, and is generally considered to be one of the deadliest martial artists in the world. Her style is incredibly potent, and adjusts well to improvised weapons, and seems to excel in taking down multiple armed opponents, quickly and brutally. Though she is more or less retired from crime fighting, many come to train with her, even if it means putting up with her famously bad cooking, which she never got round to learning how to do in her youth.
16 – The Lion of Assur
Despite their reputation for glamour and daring, sometimes the people in the profession of Adventurer-Archeologists make mistakes. The Lion of Assur is possibly the most notable and well publicised incident which bought the profession into disrepute. In 1962, the Oxford University contacted one Texas Smith, a world reknowned expert on ancient languages to come decipher a tablet that some students had uncovered in Syria. Texas deciphered them to be describing “The Lion of Assur – the greatest weapon known to man, a weapon that can level cities, crush armies and should it not be hidden, unstoppable as it is, it will destroy the world”. It went onto describe how a peace deal made had included the permenant hiding of the Lion to prevent its abuse. Texas immediatly set off on a several week long adventure involving Nazi’s, gunfights, motorbike chases and lots of snakes.Â
When the Lion of Assur was revealled however… it was a bit of a let down. While a giant 120m tall mechanical man is undoubtedly impressive, Texas and his Nazi foes hadn’t taken into account the ancient Assyrians ability for hyberbole, and while it could certainly have defeated ancient buildings and crushed armies armed with bronze weapons – but, it turned out that it had not only decayed a little in its long history, but thin sheets plate enough to protect from a sword or arrow turned out to be no match for a standard modern gun. The whole affair took Texas Jones decades to live down even after he defeated some evil Mummies threatening Paris. The Lion of Assur remained in storage for years, until eventually it was bought by a British Muslim businessman who is currently restoring it and upgrading it with modern materials so it can be used to fight the Giant Monsters that have been attacking cities more often in recent years.Â
15 – Samuel Khan-Bonaparte
The League of Solomon is an ancient order dedicated to ruling the world through their own superiority. Their core project to bring this about is a selective breeding project which stretches back over a thousand years and is more ambitious than anyone realises. Taking the bloodlines of some of the greatest leaders and fighters in human history and through extensive selective breeding trying to create the ultimate humans to lead the new age. Samuel Khan-Bonaparte, as the name suggests was a result of the combinations of Ghengis Khan and Napoleon Bonaparte, with various other great tacticians in smaller percentages.Â
 Although ranked only a level 6 on the purity scale, and deemed only suitable as a soldier rather than a general, the bloodlines bred into him to learn quickly and solve problems are particularly successful within him – a chance overhearing of an offhand comment allowed him to finally discover what the League of Solomon had bred him for and triggered his escape. He now acts sometimes as a mercenary, and sometimes as a fighter on his own quests, trying to uncover the League of Solomon once more, but has never found so much as a trace of them since he left.
 Samuel came about as I wanted a character that came out of a Secret Society of some sort, and the idea of trying to selectively breed people with the traits of great historical leaders seemed like a fun one to pursue, and made a certain kind of sense enough to appeal to mad people. They’d have been working at it for so long they’d have different bloodlines, and breed in traits from people who had useful things like excellent memory or problem solving ability, as well as creating optimised training regimes to produce the perfect childhood to produce the kinds of personalities they would like.
14 – Ireitchitan
Ireitchitan is a Djinn – a creature of almost pure magic, capable of enormous feats of power and revelling in chaos. He is quite possibly the oldest and most dangerous of his kind, and has suggested that various religious figures of evil were based upon him, although given his perpensity for lying this must be taken for a pinch of salt. Indeed, up until August 12 1876 he was considered one of the three most dangerous villains on the planet.Â
On this date however, one hundred and seven of the worlds most powerful Wizards, Sorcerers, Conjurers and Demonologists finally cornered him in a small town in the southwest of the Arabian penninsula. Out of them, only 21 walked away that day with their lives. Ireitchitan was too powerful to kill, and too powerful to imprison, so infact they decided to do something else – to redirect him. They bound him with dozens of complex spells, powerful geas and chained him both mentally with power and physically with chains of cold iron. They bound him into being a hero. This actually seems to have had an unprecedented amount of success – since then he has been one of the most valued assets of the world’s efforts in preventing evil, through having one of the most cunning minds on the planet – he frequently lays traps decades in the making only to spring upon opponents no one has even guessed at. However, amoung the higher eschelons of powers, they fear him – not only should he ever get free of his bonds, but worse should he have never been contained at all, and is merely playing along with them for his own amusement…
 Ireitchitan started off as a concept of a dark god bound into the service of good, and being so good at it it creeps everyone out a little. I decided to change it from Demon to A Djinn as I liked the idea of a something a little more and less predictable than a demon. I’m slightly going with the “Fables” approach to Djinn – wildly powerful beings who are more or less pure magic, although in this case with a bit of a Pan’s Labyrinth aesthetic going on that suggests demonic without actually being one.
13 – Daisy and Percy
Daisy is a gnome, a generally very jumpy and easily scared species, but Daisy is the exception, for she is the Bravest Gnome in the World. Percy is a Guinea Pig, and is the Greatest of His Kind – no other Guinea Pig can match him. Together they are best friends who travel around having adventures and vexing evil. They frequently clash with the nefarious Duke of Cats and his schemes to take over the world, but best him every time, but they always travel together, exploring the world of the big people.
Daisy and Percy are very much children’s characters but I like the idea of them existing in the shared world of all the other characters – I feel there is room for innocent stories about daring and courage as much as darker stories. I also really like the idea of the “Duke of Cats” being a legitimate threat to the entire world, but being continuously vexed by a (very) little girl and her guinea pig – even if he is the greatest of his kind. That part I particularly like, in Tolkein you encounter horses, wolves, dogs and eagles who are “the greatest of their kind” or similar, but I liked the idea of something more meek and fluffy also having a greatest of their kind!
12 – Morag MacLaverty
Morag MacLaverty is a social worker of sorts, albeit not exactly your typical one, and this has to do with the fact she is an elf.   Real elves are not the kinds that tend to be featured in books or stories, but something much more dangerous. Elves are almost always faster, stronger and more intelligent than humans, and a “wild” elf is neither noble nor friendly, and at best will torment humans, and in some cases hunt them for sport, and there are still a fair number of their Faerie mound homes in remote parts of Northern Europe. They have a rather strange social structure – they are lead by a Queen who speaks directly into the minds of all Elves at all times, and is their ultimate indefiable ruler, her thoughts influencing their every action. They are also like cuckoos however – they are brood parasites, they do not raise their own young, but replace human children with “changelings”, an elf baby whose magical “glamour” is enough to cause onlookers to accept them as their own, and to grow up until they are old enough to hear the call of the Queen, and begin to slowly think more and more like her… Several incidents of killing sprees have been connected in retrospect to undetected Elves being influenced by a Queen.
Morag however, is not a typical elf, she was identified at a young age and given the iron choker and bands to wear – for iron blocks that communication, making a wearer safe from the Queen’s influence. It also turns off her glamour and enables people to see her as an Elf.  Discovering that you or your child is an elf is a traumatic experience for any family. Fortunatly Morag’s parents were unusually understanding – their real daughter was recovered after a raid on an Elf mound, and understanding that this was none of the infant Morag’s fault they raised her as their own. Morag now is employed to help with other cases similar to her own – to track down other Changelings and give them the iron necessary to protect them from the Queen. A big part of her job is also to counsel families who this has happened to and monitor for signs of abuse - it is not uncommon for the parents to be violent towards a child when they discover they are a fake, and Morag is responsible for taking them into care should there be any signs of this.  She is also highly regarded as her own background lets children coming to terms with the revelation of that identity have someone to talk to who has experience the same thing.  She packs her blessed iron knuckle dusters as on occassion she may have to fight “wild” elves.  Unfortunatly, her department is small, and there always one or two who slip through the net.  Â
Concept Background: As there are a ton of Elves being entered into this competition, I wanted to have my own attempt at doing one to see if I could put a different twist on it. The main thing I wanted was to take it back to the original folkloric elves, the nasty ones who stole children and feared iron rather than the ones who sprang from Tolkien. Puttign these into a modern setting, I came to the idea of a social worker who worked with families who discovered changelings within them and it went from there – it seemed like a logical end result of this in a modern setting.
11 – His Excellency, Dr. Ydronius
Dr Ydronius is one of the most well respected politicians on Earth – the fact that he is the 25ft tall purple ambassador from the planet Thrakun and Affiliated Planets is however the thing that tends to catch peoples attentions the most. Thrakonians are a sentient race who, having evolved on a world which regularly has large fluxes in its gravity due to the influence of its vast moon are increddibly strong – not only do they have the strength you’d expect in a 9 ton being, but they are able to convert their circulatory system into a form of hydraulics to amplify their strength yet further when needed. That being said, as a race of herbivores they are less prone to violence than humans, and while Thrakonian on Thrakonian violence isn’t entirely absence, there have only been 3 instances of Thrakonian/human conflict, all started by humans. Predictably, the winner was the side who could shrug off an artillery round.
Ydronius is an incredibly skilled negotiator, and has done a lot to increase trade between the Thrakonians and humanity, aswell as preventing several intergalactic incidents between humanity and other races. He is known for his appreciation of art, music and literature, Much to some peoples amusement he is partialness to merlot, which he drinks using a ratio of one barrel filling one of his giant sized glasses. He is in the process of having some giant human instruments made so he can attempt to learn them.
I came up with the idea of a hydraulic blood system years ago, and indeed the concept was then also attached to a giant purple monsters then. I never did anything with the concept though and I put it in the mental file “for future use”. When I was doing this I wanted to have an alien who was physically powerful, but not a warrior, and it occured to me that using the old hydraulic blood would make sense here, and I liked the image of a giant monster in a suit walking to some sort of fancy dinner with a tiny human woman accompanying him. I imagine that Dr. Ydronius sounds something like Kelsey Grammer.
10 – Zimnoilur
There are currently seven recognised species of griffon extant today, the most famous, studied and numerous is the Heraldic Griffon, but there are also the Great Griffon, Plains Griffon, Griffon-swift, Little Griffon-swift, Imperial Griffon, and least known of all, the Marsh Griffon. The Marsh Griffons are by far the most intelligent, but least known of the species – they breed high on the Russian Tundra in isolated pools and migrate south to spend the winter in a few small areas of Southern India and Sri Lanka in their drabber grey winter plumage. They have a very complicated language of their own, and pick up the languages of others far faster than any human. Marsh Griffon language sounds like a high pitched piping noise, and is considered one of the most difficult languages to master on the basis it’s designed to be spoken with a long thin beak
Zimnoilur is a current “outflier” – each generation three young marsh griffons are selected to live amoung humanity to act as diplomats and share knowledge to the gain of both sides.  The three usually have a far more intimate knowledge of the oldest fundementals of magic than any living human, often knowing nuance that has been lost for millenia. He is also a world class expert on folkloric creatures found on the tundra, an area with a disproportionatly high level of such things, making his consul valued for research on magical beasts, further aided by the fact that all griffons can see into the thaumic (magical) parts of the spectrum. Like most marsh griffons, he is not a fighter, and tho he can defend himself, their first instinct is flight or hide.
For this character, I’d decided I wanted to create a griffon using a non-raptor as the bird part – I settled on a black redshank due to it’s stylish summer plumage, and I liked the idea of a sentient character both migrating and having different plumage at different times of the year. To have a non human living in an isolated community, I needed to make him different to Shiqi, so while Shiqi was from a magically created warrior race, Zimnoilur is a non-combative academic of sorts from an apparently naturally evolved lineage. The two probably don’t get along as Shiqi or one of his people would probably happily catch, kill and eat a marsh griffon should the opportunity arise.
09 – The Botanist
The botanist is precisely what his name suggests – a man who really loves botany. So much so, that having catalogued in detail all plant species of his time – the 29th Century, he wanted to catalogue some more! Realising that there were considerably more plant species in the past, he bought an old time machine in a second hand shop, and rebuilt it into a suit. The suit not only allowed him to time travel, but also backed up his conciousness into its memory banks so he would never forget anything. At this point he travelled back to the 15th century and began his cataloguing a new is secret.
Over time however he began to age beyond the limits of even the 29th centuries limit to keep him alive, and so he customised the suit to download his mind into it.  When he died his conciousness was in the suit and he carried on going.   Despite being dead for at least 150 years, to the point where all that remains is his skeleton floating within the temporal bubble produced by the suit, he carries on cataloguing plants, and upon revealling himself tothe world, is one of its most respected scientists.
This started as me wanting to have a time traveller in my roster of characters and then got extended from there – what about a time traveller who travelled so much he died and didn’t really notice? I liekd the idea of a skeleton visual, but the reason I chose botany as his reason was pretty simple, I wanted something that’d make him very much the eccentric!
08 – Princess Rosaline
Princess Rosaline is the current leader of the tiny central european principality of Rosatia nestled in a particularly unusual valley high in the Alps. Rosatiais unusual in several respects – for one the mountain formations around it act as a breakwater for rain clouds, so while it never rains in Rosatia itself, the rain that lands on the hills around it keeps it green. It is perhaps however, more notable for Rosinium – a bizarrely unique element named after the country – 99.7% of the entire world’s supply is found in Rosatia, and it defines alot of the country. It is found in the form of large pink crystals, and can be reduced down to its pure form it can be combined with metals to produce alloys of unmatched strength, flexibility and lightness.  It also has a strong hue to it - it is bright pink in metallic form, and its presence in Rosatia has caused the the rocks to be pale pink, the flowers to all be pink, and feeding on them, the world’s largest managed heard of Unicorns to also be slightly pink.
 The royal family of Rosatia is notable for their use of their Rosinium alloy armour and their great training allowing them to defend the nation from those who would come to steal the Rosinium, resulting in the current princess being considered one of the most dangerous fighters on the planet – and charging down enemies atop her similarly armoured unicorn has been the last sight many villains have seen. The heart motif seen on the armour isn’t a heart at all, but a representative of the endemic Rosinium Thrift – the national flower.
This is an idea I started ages ago but never got round to putting together – try to put together a gritty version of a pink princess who rides a pink unicorn. I seem to have reached this summary by shamelessly ripping off a lot of the backstory of Marvels “Black Panther” and twisting them to my own ends to explain not only why there would be a pink armoured princess, but how to make her be at least vaguely plausible in the real world. If I wasn’t behind on my characters already I’d have rendered up her battle unicorn a bit more…
07 – Shiqi
The Uncina were a result of one of the Mage-Emporers who held a small Kingdom in Western Tibet. He created sentient beings from the Snow Leopards in the hills of his Kingdom to act as his personal guards and enforcers until his death ninety years later. Similar practices were common throughout the world, and at least 107 new sentient races were created.  Out of these, only three survived to the present, the Uncina being the most secretive and fewest in number with only around 300 still alive.Â
They are culturally very different to humans, they are largely solitary and they are not named as humans do – the females take the name of their territory, while, the males, once adult, take their name anew at the Cragmeet – where all Uncina meet on the Winter Equinox every seven years. At this point, male children get their first name – essentially it is a tournament with various physical disciplines. Every males name is essentially his numerical rank – the champion is the Uncina word for “one”, second is Uncina for Ttwo” and so on. They keep this name for seven years when they must defend or attempt to improve upon their rank. Children in their first Cragmeet have a title meaning young, and an Uncina who has fought in seven or more becomes “venerated”, these function to allow for children and elderly to be protected from low status due to age, as status is important in controlling territory. A high ranked fighter has the right to hunt in the territories of lower ranked males surrounding his own. A small number of females enter each year too to assert their prowess.
Shiqi has just come out of his third Cragmeet, and is ranked seventeenth – a very good ranking for one so young, second highest of all those whose first cragmeet was the same as his. He is also the one Uncina to have any notable contact with the outside world, and is unofficial representative to humanity, both to the humans who live in the foothills below the Uncina territories, but also to the group of people from the UN who serve as intermediaries between the Uncina and the rest of the world.
This character came about on a discussion I was having about how “Cat-people” in popular fiction tend to be a bit rubbish – not necessarily as characters, but just that the concept is generic and they are never really presented as anything other than quirky humans who happen to look like cats. I decided it would be an interesting challenge to try and come up with a race of Cat people played seriously, with a social structure that made sense for a species which is solitary, carnivorous and territorial. I’m vaguely pleased with the results.
06 – Dr. Amanda Gonzales
Widely regarded as the world’s greatest living scientist – Dr. Amanda Gonzales is one of the most gifted minds in the whole of history. Completing her first PHD at the age of 15, she went on to achieve three more before deciding to focus on her research. Her most famous tool, is of course, her omni-purpose suit. In itself, it is an ingredibly ingenious piece of equiptment, but it is also infused with Dr. Gonzales advanced nanite technology – and which can be customised o nthe fly at the atomic level.
Although very iconic, the suit is merely a means to an end – it allows her to traverse any environment imaginable – high in the air, deep space, ocean ravines, the centre of the earth, alternate dimensions, planets with poisonous atmosphere, and shrink down to travel around a body at a cellular level and many more. It is also allows her to do the odd bit of superheroics from time to time, and she is known to lend aid readily to most who ask it of her. Most of the time however, she spends in the lad, planning where she will explore next!
For this character, I really wanted to create a pulpy-science superhero in the veign of Reed Richards or Hank Pym – someone who does crazy science and superheroics. Most of those characters are middle aged white males, so I thought it would be a little more diverse to have a non-white woman. The suit is perhaps a little Iron-man like, but it’s more designed for exploration than combat, although the properties it has for some of the more extreme functions of that are certainly helpful.
05 – Pato and Miss Jennifer
When, at the age of 97, the incredibly successful amateur detective Mrs Sycamore passed away, she revealled in her will that over the last ten years she had had a correspondant with whom she shared ideas, and indeed had helped to solve many of her most difficult cases. They were addressed to someone called Pato, and Mrs Sycamore, having amassed a decent little fortune over the years, had left a large chunk of it to Pato “in the hopes he would be able to make good use of it”. So, the executors headed off to the small village of Oldbrook-in-the-Willows to locate, Miss Jennifer Nettles – a woman who apparently managed Pato’s letters.
When they got there, they were in for a surprise – they found Miss Jennifer easily enough, an intelligent young woman a few years out of collage and she agreed to take them to Pato. They were however greatly surprised when she took them down to the village duckpond. Pato it seemed was a little white duck. Although the people were aware that this was preposterous and the duck was infact saying “PatoPatoPatoPato”, they somehow realised they understood him to actually be making astute comments in a sophisticated and good natured way. Miss Jenny, it seemed, would come and do the writing for him, as there are some things to which it is too much of a strain on a duck’s anatomy. With the newfound wealth, Pato hired Miss Jenny to be his personal companion and assistant, and they set off on the 3 o’clock train that afternoon for London, and then preceded to travel far and wide across the continent by train, unravelling crime and solving mysteries as they went as the worlds greatest detective and his best friend.
 Thankyou to Megan for her part in the birth of Pato! While on holiday in Seville, we noticed the word for “duck” in Spanish was “Pato”, which is a great sounding little word. It is perhaps the similarity to “Poirot” that led to Pato developing in this direction.  I image Pato is very much in the Agatha Christie school of crime solving – it would always end with the remaining suspects in a room where Pato reveals how he deduced the murderer, with some help from Jenny of course!
04 – The Sea Wizard
The Sea Wizard is the last surviving Archmage on the planet. His name is long forgotten, and he himself is perhaps the oldest human on the planet. Back in the heyday of magic, many wizards preferred to follow the more spectacular schools of magicand set themselves up as the overlords of men – fire, ice, lightning, rock and the dead themselves were the preferred tools, and they carved mighty Empires for themselves. However, slowly but surely, people found a way to kill them – to get close enough to end them. It took hundreds of years, but eventually all the Mage-Empires were liberated. Unfortunatly, the fervor that lead to the defeat of the magical tyrants wold not stop there, and many innocent magic users were slain to sate the bloodlust.
The Sea Wizard is thus the last – having followed a path of neutrality and lived in isolation, never letting others know of his powers. As an adversary, he would be perhaps the most dangerous man to walk the earth – he can manipulate the tides and currents, water in all its forms and is certainly capable of blasting torrents of ice or searing hot steam.  A blow from his staff hits with the concentrated impact of a tsunami. He is rarely drawn to battle though, and is content to live in peace in his abode – the tip of a pier – long ago left standing in the middle of the sea when the connection to the land burnt down, and shares it only with the gulls and cormorants.Â
This piece was inspired quite a while back during a visit to Kent where I saw just such a pier as I describe here – I thought at the time that that place far out to sea looked like some sort of hermit might live there, and I liked the idea of the sea being a less glamourous but incredibly potent form of magic.
03 – iSlayer
There are, in the upper ends of society, a lot of people who sometime want other very rich people dead. Sometimes they want to steal each other’s information. Sometimes they just want to torment someone. The more “in” gadget for these and more is the iSlayer, a gadget from the (utterly coincidentally named and branded) Ananas Corporation. Now in it’s seventh incarnation and standing at 2ft tall, it features a practically indestructible ceramic body, a retractable titanium blade, a grappling hook arm with a 150ft cable, automatic hacking systems and a large brace of darts which can be modified on the fly for adjusting to any scenario.
 This latest version has a 28% longer battery life and significant upgrades to the dart system. The darts can be loaded with a huge range of payloads from an internal library including EMPs, over kinds of nanite and over 1000 poisons. It can be programmed to use specific “playlists” to blind, paralyse, knock unconcious, cause vomiting in or kill the target. The most popular feature of this model is the new “shuffle” option which will randomize the poison payload of darts so as to make recovery all but impossible due to multiple exposures.
iSlayers can also be used for personal defense against human and robotic opponents, and can connect to a network to co-ordinate with multiple iSlayers you may own. Retailling now for a mere $3,500,00 each!
For my third entry I wanted to produce something inorganic, and decided to produce a robot in the current fashion-technology style. I have to say, getting legs to look right on robots is never easy and this could probably have done with a “floor” to improve it. I would love to see someone produce one of those Apple adverts for this thing with the kind of things the little side panel shows, it would be great fun.
02 – Kesari Singh
Kesari Singh is the latest bearer of the ancient weapon known as the Divine Rod. It is an incredibly potent artifact, created over 1200 years ago by some of the holiest men in the world, distilling a tiny portion of the essence of their Gods into a staff. It’s powers are vast – it grants the bearer superhuman reflexes, and automatically guides the movement of the bearer to the point where a weilder could stroll forward into machine gun fire and the staff would deflect every single bullet. It is also capable of prolonging a bearers life indefinitly, breaking any substance short of something similarly divinely infused, absorbing energy (divine, magical and natural) and banishing monsters and demons from this realm.
It does have one rather specific requirement though – it cannot be used to kill nor be used by a killer – in the hands of such a person it is merely an ordinary staff. While this doesn’t include accidents, it is specific enough to include that a bearer must have never knowingly consumed meat. This tends to be the way through which the staff is passed on – eventually a bearer tends to encounter an evil which no other can defeat, and can only be ended with it’s death, and so they unleash its awesome power once to end this evil, but in doign so become unworthy of the staff.
Kesari is the current bearer of the staff, having bourn it for twenty seven years now – she was raised from birth to be worthy of it. Now she walks the land vanquishing evil and protecting the innocent wherever she goes.
This was an attempt to use a challenging colour palette for a painting and I don’t think it necessarily entirely worked. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though, as you can’t really improve without pushing your boundries. Slightly more irritatingly, focusing on the colours caused me to mess up on the anatomy a bit, but nevermind.
#30Characters Chatter…