#5 Brain Damage
Made super smart by the embedded rock in his head. Brain Damage is a little unhinged though!
#4 Roger The Henchman
With years of henching under his belt, Roger the Henchman can now carry out simple tasks!
#3 Battle Bird
After many false starts, airborn battle was finally working with the Mark I Battle Bird!
#1 Demon (Retired)
Wanting to just be left alone and tend his Hellfire, this demon can’t catch a break with all these new souls and young devils….
Returning Challenger For 2012 – Michael Nimmo
Last year – even with the help of my daughter I only managed 25 of the 30! This year I’m determined to do them all!
I’m getting into this digital art thing that seems to be big, with more of my drawings on the iPad!
Most of my art is on Sketchclub and is cartoony in style.
Me? I’m a safety consultant by day and a digital comics blogger by night.
Good luck to all this year!
#23 Lady
Lady is a pink & red tigress – she lives in the Cimian Jungle. Â She likes to go adventures and hunt for meat in the jungle and she thinks she does PE lessons!
#22 Sky Hedturtle
Sky Hedturtle can fly even with the infection he has on his wings. He can fly really high, seeing all the land looking for lettuce to eat!
Part of Kiara’s takeover!
#21 Humungsor
Humungsor comes from a forest called The Cimian Forest. He eats snakes, lizards and spiders! He looks giant, but he’s really only small.
Part of Kiara’s takeover of my #30character challenge!
#20 Jelly Worm
Over the next few days, my #30character account has been taken over by my daughter Kiara.
This is Jelly Worm – He has the ability to see animals all over the world. He can see them by touching the end of his tail to his head.
#19 Brian The Brain
Not letting being a brain in a glass jar get in his way – Brian wants to be a surgeon!
#14 Lommi of Loch Lomond
Always out of the limelight by the ‘other’ monster in the ‘other’ Loch – Lommi would do anything to be a star!
#13 Bioney-Dog
The Bionic Dogs are a new tech in jobs that humans can’t do – problem being is that tech can’t stop them from licking themselves, sniffing lampposts and chasing after cars……
#11 Dink The Decoy
Dink is a decoy squirrel, who takes all the damage while the others steel the nuts. Don’t get on his bad side though….
#9 Girl & Her Gremlin
Kiara is a cute little girl who always seems to get into trouble!
But it’s not her fault!
She blames it on her Gremlin!
Hand drawn and coloured!Â
#8 Man-Flu
The scourge of MANkind, able to bring any man to his knees. Know to be defeated by cuppasoups and a soft blanket on the sofa though.
He has a weaker version – normal flu, which women can fight off with ease!
#7 Senorita Jessie El Gato
Smooth, refined and always able to land on her feet! Senorita Jessie El Gato was inspired by my daughter who wanted a Spanish feline person! She also named her Jessie!
Note: This was my first go at digital colouring (in GIMP!) and I’m pretty pleased with it!
#6 Ded’s Head
When Ded was decapitated by a gang of crazed lumberjacks, his body refused to give up. Now he stalks the woods, looking for those who wronged him, beating them to death with his disconnected head….
#5 Sparky
I don’t know where I was going with this – an electric-type villain who isn’t the brightest spark. He’s got a lightbulb head, which lights up when he’s got an idea – not the best when he’s hiding in the dark though!
#4 Demon Hobo
He got burnt (literally – look at his hand!) on some a infernal real estate, now jobless and homeless the Demon Hobo spends his time trying to get souls from the homeless!
#3 Ninja Accountant
Who cooks the books for Ninjas?
It must be a tough job sorting out all the death/payment ratios, tax breaks and expenses!
Those ninja stars don’t pay for themselves you know!
#2 Bullseye
Bulseye is a WWII dog with the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Britain. His stories are always told in flashbacks by a group of dogs in a old timers gentlemens club/retirement home for dogs!
Adopted by the squadron. He became part of the crew – distinctive for his ‘bullseye’ fur on his back.
He was dropped behind enemy lines and fought his Nazi counterpart!
Scope for some cheesy ‘Biggles’ style adventures!
#1 Wind-Girl
No, not flatulance issues.
When I told my daughter about the challenge, this was the first one she came up with.
Wind Girl has the power of the elements including wind, rain, fog and lightning!
She also has a wind assisted punching skill.
In Kiara’s words:
“Wind-Girl can fly using the wind and punch the bad guys really hard! She then zaps them with lightning and escapes in the fog!”
#30Characters Chatter…